(Acts 5:26-42)
Oh What Peace we often forfeit, Oh What needless pain we bear, All Because we Do Not Carry EVERYTHING to God In Prayer! amen.
Greetings to you in the name of Our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ. I come because The Great I AM Sent me. Amen.
Oh How Great Jesus IS! Amen!
I am so filled with His Presence.
Let me pour out what You are in need of! Amen.
How Are You doing?
God will not put more on you than you can bear.
You know this right?
Now, have you put more on yourself than you can bear?
The Lord is mighty and more than able to do as He has Promised to us! Yes Lord, Thank You Jesus!
All you have to do is believe Him and trust by faith that in His timing, All that You Need will be given and done. Amen.
God Can Not let you down. If You are trusting in Him, relying on Him, waiting on Him, Praising Him....He Can NOT let you fail! Amen-Praise Be to You Lord!
Listen to me now.
I know you have heard rumors of wars, and that famine is on the way. Health wars, prices wars, gas wars, food wars, bill wars, relationship wars, All rumors.
God hears them also and He told us to be prepared for them. And He also told us what to do about them.
n Matthew 16:19, Jesus gave us the Keys to His Kingdom. You got yours? Have you used them? I have.
Have you bound up all that is against you? Even your own flesh? Your own will, your own motives, your own desires? If they are not in accord with God's, then you need to bind them up right now so that you will be in right standing with Him. Amen.
Are you spending your time trying to reason the ways of God and His directions to you? That will stop you cold where you stand. You will not move in any direction--it is called running in place. Many people are busy with all kind of things....they are not accomplishing nothing! Digging a hole to live in is all.
You cannot reason God or His ways. He is calling all that are on His side to join together, to stand together, to worship and praise Him together.
In Psalms 111:10 His Word says, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have All those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever."
Fear of the Lord means that you fully obey Him, you trust Him, and that you wait on His timing and when He says to do something YOU DO IT! Without hesitation! Amen.
The Harvest is Plenty! Are you on God's side and ready to reap what you have sown in the name of Jesus? You know that no matter Whose side you are on, You Will reap what You have sown. But to be on the side of the Lord is so much better. Amen.
God is pulling in all His people that are willing to allow His Will and Purposes to proceed in full power and accomplishment through their lives. What Ever He tells you To Do--DO IT-WITHOUT HESITATION. And once you start doing what He told you to do--do not fall backwards and stop. This will create issues and situations that He was trying to keep from your life.
If you have put your hands on what He wants you to do, and things are jacked up in your life--go to Jesus and ask Him to forgive you and set you right in the eyes of God. And if your heart is true-You Will See The Lord.
Remember pride kills--amen.
Are you with God or against Him? Jesus said, if you love ME, you will do as I say. Do you love Him? Or do you merely say that you do because it sounds good?
OH yeah, I'm calling you out!
If you are with Him, stop meddling in His business when He tells you what to do and when to do it! Stop questioning His directions.
Some people have head faith and not heart faith. Faith grows if you allow it to. Some people are stuck in beginning faith.
You know in your head and you even agree with your mouth in the company of His people that, you know His Word and Ways to be Truth. You use your head to praise Him, to work for Him.
But you never use your heart faith to actually get up and do for Him. You keep questioning His directions and purposes by your natural eyes and mind. You keep trying to reason with your mind what He has told you to do. All You need to do is DO IT ! By Faith!
You really do not believe Him, nor do you really trust Him. Partial disobedeince is full disobedience. It is what it is.
God knows that His people get tired, He knows that we get worn down and frustrated. We get feed up and angry. But to keep all that in and eat on it -- is death.
Take your frustrations and anger to God in the name of Jesus and leave it at the altar of your heart while you pray and praise God.
Thank Jesus for His intercessing on your behalf to The Mother of us all.
Talk to God and ask for His forgiveness for the messes and mazes that YOU have created. Everything is not satans fault--most things that we go through and deal with have been born by our own hands and minds.
Ok, i'll post more on all that this weekend. I do promise as one of God's messengers I will do so. I have to. Amen.
COME, Let us join our voices in praise and worship--Join our voices in thanksgiving in the Name Of Jesus to our Creator how blessed that we know we are! Amen!
IN Jer. 29:11-13 God tells us what He has planned for each of us. Go read it and learn it. Write it on your heart and speak it out to be His Truth.
A promise from God that if YOU let Him--He will fulfill!!
In Truth of heart, mind, spirit and body, When you call on Him, He will answer! He said so--I believe Him--don't you? You can't fool God, Jesus sees and knows all that we are doing and all of what we are not doing correctly. Surrender your life to Him Fully--and STAY out of the way. Do you have faith like Thomas and Gideon, or do you have faith like Mary, Ruth, Ester, Debra, Joshua, and Caleb?
Whose side are you on, God's or His enemies?
"The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them."
Psalms 145:18-19***Check back throughout the day--I will add a couple more songs. This will get you started***
'I AM' by Dorothy Norwood
'YOU AIN'T SEEN NOTHING YET' by Dorothy Norwood
'OLD SCHOOL BVLD" by Dorothy Norwood
"Amazing Grace" - Wintley Phipps
God said that He has started a Good Work in You and that He Will Finish it!
6 "Being confident of this very thing, that HE which hath begun a good work in you Will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ: "
Made of God so it will not fall apart. That is the truth, if I've ever heard the truth. And, yes, at some point - the pride will definitely falleth.
hey don,
and i am in agreement with you--it is the truth!
hope that you are doing well and full of peace, love, and grace.
thank you for sharing your thoughts. it fills my spirit to see the love that you have for God.
talk soon- have a great weekend!
Greetings my sista!
I haven't commented over here in a while! Thank you for mentioning Dorothy Norwood!
I love that song with her testimony!!
Please pray for our sista over at the other blog because there IS some warfare underway.
Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!
hey lisa,
good to *see* you(grin)
what is going on?--email me the details so i know what i am praying for.
yeah there is a lot of warfare going on--helicopters falling back onto the roof of a hospital in grand rapids mi, another crane 'accident' in ny,,,an earthquake in iceland...yes there is a lot of goings on...but , some of it is not satan...
hollar back when you get the chance...
glad to see you sharing your thoughts here.
so many are in need of encouragement but don't know where to get it..it helps when they see others speak what is on their hearts.
be well
love, grace and peace...
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