Saturday, March 19, 2011


For through Adam's disobedience, many fell into sin, Now through the obedience of Jesus, many more Are made righteous, put back in Right Standing with God.

The Promised Heritage of God's Righteous and the downfall into calamity of the wicked.

In the name of Jesus I speak this truth of my dedication to Him by faith, from my heart.


I Will Not fret because of those that do evil.
Neither Will I be envious of the workers of iniquity.
I know they have been cut down like the grass is,
just like how the green herb withers.

 I Will Continue to Trust in my LORD And Do Good!
I Will continue To Dwell in Your Promises And Feed on Your Faithfulness!
I Will continue To Delight myself in You my LORD, And You
Shall continue To Give to me the desires of my heart, that
Are aligned with Your desires for me.

I Am Committed to Your Way Planned for my life, my LORD GOD,
I Trust in You also, And I Know that You
Will always bring it To pass.

You Shall always bring forth my righteousness As The Light, And
 deliver my Justice As The Noonday.

I Shall Continue To REST in You my LORD, And to wait Patiently
For You To Do as You have Promised You Would do.

I Will Not fret because of those who prosper through Their
 ways, Because of 
those who bring their wicked schemes to pass.

I Will continue to Cease reacting through anger and speaking
through emotions.
I Will Not fret--for I Know it Only causes hurt and brings 

sin to myself.

I Know those who do evil have already been cut off!
And I Know that Those Who WAIT on You LORD Will inherit the earth!

For yet, as You spoke LORD, the Wicked shall Be No More,
surly I will carefully look for where they gather, and that place
Shall Not Be Anymore!

And I KNOW that the Meek Shall inherit this earth, And we Shall
Delight ourselves In the Abundance of Peace You Have supplied.

LORD, the wicked plot and plan their evil against Your Just!
They growl and gnash their teeth at us.
But You LORD laugh at them.
Because You See and Know that their day Is coming!
My LORD, the wicked draw their swords and bend their bows
seeking to attack and cast down the poor
and the needy,
they intend to take out those who Are living in upright conduct,
 and in Right standing with You.
But You LORD Will Not allow this to happen.
They draw their swords to enter them into their own hearts,
and their bows have all been broken.

How Much Better is the little that Your Righteous have, than all the
riches of this world that the wicked have.
The arms of the wicked have been broken,
But You LORD, always uphold Your Righteous!

You LORD know all the days of the Upright,
 and Our inheritance In You, Is Forever!

We shall Not be ashamed in times of evil, And we shall
Always Be satisfied in the days of famine.
I Know that the wicked Will perish, And the enemies
 of My LORD, shall vanish like the beauty of the meadows,
like smoke they Shall Vanish!

LORD, the wicked borrow and they Never pay back rightly.
The way of the Righteous Is Mercy and Giving.
For those You have Blessed Shall Inherit This earth,
But those You have cursed, Have Been Cut Off!

I Know that You LORD Order the steps of Your Righteous,
And that You Delight in the Way of Your Righteous!
Though many might fall and come up short, the Righteous
Will Never be completely cast down!
Because You LORD always uphold the Righteous With Your

My LORD, I have been young, and now I am older,
And I Have Never seen any of us, Your Righteous forsaken,
 Nor have I ever seen the families
of Your Righteous begging for bread!
Our Ways Are To always Be merciful and to help others,
and our families Are Blessed by You!

We will continue To depart from evil ways, not to get
entangled with, or aligned with the ways of those that are serving evil.
We shall continue To Do Good in Your Name LORD as
You direct us To Do!

We Shall Dwell Forevermore, For You LORD LOVE Justice,
and You Will Never forsake Your Saints.
 Your Saints Are preserved Forever!
The descendants of the wicked that follow wickedness,
Are Cut Off!

Your Righteous Shall inherit the Land As You Have Promised!
And Will Dwell in it Forever!

Wisdom is spoken from the mouth of Your Righteous, and
The tongue of Your Righteous talks about Justice!
Your Law-the Law of God Is In the heart of Your Righteous!
No step taken shall ever slide.

The wicked always watche Your Righteous LORD,

seeking a time and way to slay us.
You LORD Will Never Leave Your Righteous in the hand of
the wicked, Nor will we be condemned when we are wrongly judged.

I Shall Continue To WAIT On YOU my LORD!
And I Will Continue To Keep Your Way,
and You LORD Will exalt me to inherit the Land,
And to Live within every Promise that You made.

When the day the wicked is seen to be cut off,

I shall be a witness to this!
LORD, the wicked Now sit in seats of great power.
They have carried out their evil plots, plans and schemes, and
they are spreading themselves around like a native green tree.
Acting like they Belong where they are!

  I Know you have spoken that
the wicked will pass away and I will look and they will be
no more.
Truly, I will look and I will not find them.

You LORD have marked the blameless person and You
Observe the Upright in You,
For the future of Your Righteous Is that Of Peace!

But the transgressors Will be destroyed together!
The future of the wicked Has Been Cut Off!

From You my LORD comes Salvation for Your
Righteous, And YOU my LORD Are our Strength In all
Times And in times of trouble.
You my LORD Will always be our Help, 

and You Shall Always Deliver Us from the wicked,
And You My LORD Will Always Save us,
Because We Trust In YOU My Lord God!


In the name of Jesus, In complete Faith and Obedience to God, Let These Words of Truth from my heart be done as God has spoken it All To Be, Amen!

*Inspired by Psalm 37*

I pray that you will Read this And Speak It Out
Over Your life, Also being dedicated to being aligned with the Will of God IJN for your life!

2 Corinthians 10

On feet of Faith & Peace
Isaiah 50:4/Isaiah 52/Jer 20:9-10,11-13/Joshua 1:9 
Resting In His Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
©2010,2011 WisdomTeachesme

Thursday, March 17, 2011


  "Commit your works unto the LORD,
And your thoughts Shall Be Established
Proverbs  16:3

"Whoever Gives Heed To Instruction Prospers,
And Blessed Is the one who Trusts In The LORD"
Proverbs 16:20

Every thing that you do, do it unto God in the name of Jesus. Not for yourself, not to be seen by and adored by others, not to Prove anything to yourself or any other person,  not for Any earthly gain; but do it All in Love and Unto the Lord God In the name of Jesus.

At the beginning of every day, project, test, challenge, opportunity, etc... Give to Him every Work of your hands and say to Him, "Lord I want to do this unto you in Jesus' name so that You Lord God will have All the Glory through my life." 

I like the way the Amplified Bible has it, " Roll your works upon the Lord [commit And trust them wholly to Him; He Will Cause your thoughts to become agreeable to His will, And] So Shall your plans Be Established And Succeed."
 To Live each day of our lives this way requires us to completely trust Him by obedient faith.  This Is how He desires Us to live. Us His children allowing Him to manage every detail of our daily lives, always guiding us to the Best He has planned for us. When we Are Convinced that God is our Father and Is without doubt trustworthy and faithful,  we Will have the courage to entrust Him with our lives and be able to Rest in the unfolding of His plans, purposes and will for us.

When we do this, God sees that we are teachable, pliable, willing and humble and He is then able to Guide, direct, and correct us in the Ways He knows Best to complete each work as He has already Planned for them to be carried out. We are saying to Him, Yes Father, Order my steps, put Your details in action, correct my thinking and planning so that All these things are aligned with Your Will for my life!

When the pressure comes on you, recognize it for what it is, An opportunity for God to Be God in your life, in the name of Jesus. Speak out to our Lord Jesus and tell Him, "I am not able to get through this because of my weakness in this area Lord, I Need You to step in and through You I Am Able to get through this and come out better than I went in." It is a time in which Jesus defends us against the pressures of this world and from the temptations sent by satan which will always attack us where we are spiritually and naturally weak.  These Are the times where we are to Stand in Faith and speak out His truth concerning the attacks from our enemy and the pressures that come with them. 

Listen for His Spirit to do these things for you so that you will be aligned with His Will, Plans, and Purposes for each work you have to accomplish. This is the way to Stand on a ground of Righteousness, in obedient faith watching and staying aware of the attacks from the enemy.

Many people do and say good things every day because it is the Right thing to do. But, are they doing it all in the name of Jesus, unto God? 

Once you begin to do this speaking God's Will over every work, decision, thought,and action, stay aware and alert to the movement of our enemy. 

He is surly to come and try to insert his desires into your work.  The enemy will Not come after us in our strong places, he is Only going to attack us in the places where we are spiritually and naturally weak. Jesus told us this truth, and That is why He told us to recognize and face our weaknesses, to speak them out and Give them to Him, call on Him to stand in our weaknesses, and in those, He Will Be strong. He knows how the devil works and how he comes after the weakest places in our heart, our flesh, our spirit and our body, which is why He encourages us to stay aligned with His teachings and increase our faith and trust in Him. 

Too many people like to ignore that they have weaknesses, and they do nothing to change and strengthen those places with God's help. They are building on a foundation of failure.  They believe they can change themselves by themselves. Their ego and pride get them every time concerning this truth.  They do not desire the Freedom Of Deliverance enough to do what they need to do, so that He Is Able to bring them through better than they went in. Many times they will realize the truth too late to correct their mistakes, but hopefully in time to be forgiven by God for the sin they have taken hold of. People that ignore their weaknesses also crash under pressure instead of allowing God to be their help, they attempt to manipulate the situation and circumstances themselves, only to end up in a larger mess of sin than they started with.

When we SEEK His Wisdom, Instruction, Directions and Corrections, our Father Will surly provide them to us! And when He does, Heed what He says to do!

 God Will take all our thoughts once we Give them all to Him with a humble heart to do the work unto Him in the name of Jesus.
He Will align them with His thoughts concerning our work. He will alter them just enough to make them proceed in the way He has already planned for them to succeed. And He will remove any thoughts, ways and details that we came up with that will only result in failure for us. God desires for us To Succeed through Him and in His name!  He does not want us to fail, but we Do have to bring to Him each day our work, our thoughts, our words, and actions So That we Are under His authority and will be guided by His eye, Not ours or anyone else!

He Will bring you Out In Order To Bring you In! He will bring us out from the mistakes that we have made, out from under the sin we decided to do, bring us out of bad relationships, spiritual debt, natural debt, oppressive jobs, out from under injustices, what ever it is we are within that is not good for us He Will Bring us Out of these places in order to place us in the places we Need to be.

We have to Watch out for distractions that will give us other ways to go, do, think, & speak, following a different Order and Timing other than the Ways God has set forth for us to follow.  Impatience fuels fears and doubt and these are Weakness that Many Believers struggle with. These are the places satan will attack us through. Whispering his lies in our minds that we should do things or say things this way or that way, Always contrary to the WAYS God has spoken for us to do and say. When God says we should Stop, Wait and be patient, satan comes in with lies to do the opposite of what God told us to do.

 Those ways the enemy lies about Are Not the best for us as many may think they are. Remember we Are clothed in His Love, in obedience to His Voice.  Please Do Not allow yourself to  be clothed in fear and frozen, drowning in shallow waters!

Don't Allow the pressures to alter your Faith and Trust in Him. Use these pressures as the Opportunities they Are,  to Grow deeper in His Love!
Stay the course He Has set for you, no matter What you see and hear in the natural realm, rely upon and trust what He says you Should do, where He says you need to go, And Do That!
Then come back and let us know what God has done for you--so that IJN, We May Praise His Faithfulness!

 He will tear down in our thoughts, heart, words and actions, in our actual lives, what is Not working any more for us. In order to rebuild what Will work for now.
Don't allow Your natural/physical position to Over Ride Your Spiritual Position In Christ Jesus!
Don't be stubborn, rebellious, Short-Sighted and Selfish! Those ego and pride driven ways will surly pull you away from God's Will for your life. Isa 30:1-3

Stay aligned with His Holy Spirit as He brings you Through, Delivering you from One Glory to the Next Glory, Wrapped In His Love!

When you allow your self to be quiet, you are able to watch and discern what He has to say.  You are able to just sit with Him in His Presence and be enriched, corrected, loved, refreshed, and made resilient.
Shut down your mind, your thoughts, your feelings concerning your natural life. Don't take rejection and attacks through others personally, they are just plans from our enemy that will not work against you unless you allow them to.
Do not be tempted to walk through the door of sin the enemy has opened in front of you, see these times of offenses as an opportunity to forgive the person and be moved forward by God's Spirit. Use your self-control and power of spiritual discernment to know when to return Good for evil, and do so, standing on the Righteous ground God has placed you on. Refuse to fall prey to his tricks and lies, he is always going to do whatever he thinks will bring us down to his level.  That is one of his purposes.

Remember if allowed to Rule in your life, fear and anxiety, worry and doubt will always bring forth chaos and mess. Nothing but nonsense thinking will fill your mind.
Putting our complete trust in Jesus Will allow Him to get us through every difficult time seamlessly, Restoring and Establishing Peace in us.
He is able to bring us through by Way to the outcome He has planed for us.    

In the Name of Jesus, Amen! 

I Will Instruct you And Teach you In The Way you Should Go;
   I Will Counsel you With My Loving eye On you.
 Do Not Be like the horse or the mule,
   which have No understanding
but Must Be controlled by bit and bridle
   or they Will Not Come to you.
 Many Are the Woes of the wicked,
   but the LORD’S Unfailing Love
   Surrounds the one who Trusts In Him.
  Rejoice in the LORD And Be Glad, you righteous;
   Sing, All you who Are upright in heart!
Psalm 32:8-11

Psalm 37; Psalm 39:1; I Cor 10:12; 2 Peter 1:5-8
Eph 2:8; Isa 61:10; Daniel 3

On feet of Faith & Peace
Isaiah 50:4/Isaiah 52/Jer 20:9-10,11-13/Joshua 1:9
Resting In His Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
©2010,2011 WisdomTeachesme

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Blessed Are those Whose Strength Is In You, whose heart Is set on pilgrimage."
 Psalm 84:5

My God my All, Do As You Have Said You Will Do for me and my family,I acknowledge openly and joyfully to Your honor in Jesus' Name, Amen!

The promises of God are for His children to believe in, trust in, and expect Him to Do as He said He would do. Too many do not know His promises, and ask for things that He never promised.  Then they get disappointed and perhaps even angry at God because they did not receive what they asked for.  They will say that they did what Jesus said to do, To ask in His name of our Father, but What they asked for may not be God's Will for their life.
 Also, what they ask for could be His Will for them, but His Timing and Order are not the same as theirs.

Many desire the blessings that He has provided to others. They are blind to the knowledge concerning what the person had to do in order to receive these blessings from God, and what the person has to do in order to Keep and Grow these blessings from God.
They keep Ignoring the truth that what God has for them Is His Best for them, just as what they see His other children have Is His Best for those children.

Sadly many are so focused on getting what others have they never reap what He has promised to them.  Which are the Promises that He has spoken for All His children to receive from Him.
They also seem to Not be concerned with What They Need to do, but only with what God's part in this is.  We each have our part to complete, concerning His promises.
What in our heart and character may be hindering, blocking us from receiving what we Ask Him for? Do we lack forgiveness for others, for ourselves, have we spoken aloud to our Lord our sins? Did we obey His directions given to put us on the correct path that the blessings are on? Do they really, truly, honestly Believe whole heartedly that God Will Do what He said He would? Do they speak His truth, but live through their flesh instead of by Faith through His Spirit?
These are just a few of the things that make up "our Part".

 They may be focused on
how God is going to give to them, when and what way will it come by, they may be focused on their lack and because of what they lack, they may not even believe that God Is Able to do everything He said He would in spite of what we each lack.
 If only they would believe, then they would know.
(James 4:1-10 NIV)

Many do not ask God for mature and willing spiritual ears and eyes that are able to Hear and See through their Faith. That is what we all need to make sure to ask for, obedient, willing ears that are able to Hear Him Every Time He speaks to us. Reading His word, studying His word, and Asking His Holy Spirit for revelation of His word is what we all need to do.  The word is printed on the paper, the revelation is not and only comes through the Holy Spirit.
"Abraham Didn't focus on his own impotence and say, "It's hopeless. This hundred-year-old body could never father a child." Nor did he survey Sarah's decades of infertility and give up. He didn't tiptoe around God's Promise asking cautiously skeptical questions. He plunged into the promise and came up strong, ready for God, Sure that God would make good on what he had said. That's why it is said, "Abraham was declared fit before God by trusting God to set him right."
But it's not just Abraham; it's Also us! The Same thing gets said about us When we Embrace And Believe the One Who brought Jesus to life when the conditions were equally hopeless. The sacrificed Jesus made us fit for God, set us right with God."
Romans 4:19-25 (The Message)

"No unbelief or distrust made him waver (doubtingly question) Concerning The Promise of God, but he Grew strong and was empowered By Faith as he Gave Praise And Glory to God,    Fully Satisfied And Assured that God Was Able And Mighty To Keep His Word And To Do What He Had Promised. That is why his Faith Was Credited to him As Righteousness (right standing with God)."
Romans 4:20-22 (Amp)

As we spiritually and emotionally mature and grow in our relationship with Jesus, we begin to learn and know the Everlasting Faithfulness of God. Once we get to know Him as our Faithful Father, we then are able to fully and completely rely and trust in His Everlasting Faithfulness. 
You have to believe He Is, before you will trust and lean upon Him.
Because He Is Ever Faithful, His Promises Are Exceedingly Great And Precious to His children.  God has never broken a promise He made to His children and He never will.

I know that we all have experienced  the human promises made and not kept. Surly we each have made and broken a few ourselves.  Broken promises only add to the heart more brokenness. I have become very cautious about making promises, before making sure that I am able to keep them.  I do not want to look back on my life and see that I only left good intentions and what God desired for me to do incomplete.

He tells us who we are in Him and who He Is in us, through us and that He is for us. He has chosen, called and anointed us to do all that Is In His plan and heart for us and others.  It is our faithfulness that goes before us into the Spiritual realm and establishes and releases His Favor to pave the way we are lead to walk each day.
His light will move every hindrance, stop every lie and accusation spoken against me, turn every trouble into a blessing, Make His way through every block set to stop me.

He does All this And More, because He Promised to do this for those who walk in His Spirit by their faith.  His Spirit leads us to walk by faith, going forth with a heart and character full of integrity and humility in order to accomplish what He needs us to do in His name, for His Glory.

I know that I belong to Him and that He has chosen me, He called me out of the darkness into His Glorious Light!

With this truth I know that every promise that He has spoken to do for me and my family (natural and spiritual), That He Is Exceedingly Able To Do, So that His Name Will Be Magnified through our lives in the name of Jesus, So Be It, Amen!

Matthew 11:25-26.
Abruptly Jesus broke into prayer: "Thank You, Father, Lord of heaven And earth. You've concealed Your Ways from sophisticates and know-it-alls, but spelled them out clearly to ordinary people. Yes, Father, that's the way You like to work." 

Remember, God cannot teach anyone who has stopped listening. No one can teach another who has stopped listening, which means they do not want to learn.

2 Peter 1:3-9

On feet of Faith & Peace
Isaiah 50:4/Isaiah 52/Jer 20:9-10,11-13/Joshua 1:9
Resting In His Faithfulness, 
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
©2010,2011 WisdomTeachesme

Monday, March 7, 2011


 We Have to REST our thoughts on Him in order for us to progress, grow and mature in our gifts, talents and anointing as He has planned for us to daily use. In order to Be Able to See every divine opportunity and possibility He has provided to us, We have to always stay aware of the Firmness and Security of the Foundation that our lives, our character and heart have been built upon. This allows Him to establish us in confidence with boldness to accomplish all that He has given us to do in His name. We must always live through our Faith and Trust in Him.

We (children of His Light), Must get to a point of Spiritual and emotional maturity and growth, where we are able to See beyond every trouble, drama and challenge, Past every plot and plan of the enemy,
past our limitations And actually to see Past ourselves.  One grain of our Faith in our Lord, is more powerful than any earthly power that may be used against us, as we live to fulfill His Will for each day in the name of Jesus, Amen.

We must consistently depend upon His Ways, Plans, Order and Timing concerning Every spiritual and natural area of our lives. To do otherwise is unbelief and little trust which  brings forth sin against our Lord. After All, He Has chosen and called us out of darkness into His Light to be His children of His Light. Then we need to Live every day as His Children of His Light. Remember that we know the truth, even though satan accuses us day and night. Rev 12:10
1 Peter 2:9; Eph 5:8

There are so many times in our lives,
where we are witness to how many others reject the directions of our Lord, in order to carry out the details of their plans. When we decide that what we want, when we want it and how to get it Is best for us, we resemble the non-believers.  As the non-believers are always making plots and plans they have decided are best for them to go after what they desire.
Our fruit truly reveals who we are, doesn't it.
Every Day, We need to Stop moving, Sit Still for a moment and ask His Holy Spirit to Help us examine our motives, our thoughts, our heart and reveal to us where we are Selfish and short-sighted in our character, thinking and ways. That is where we need to be willing and teachable so that He is able to Correct us, Free us and Deliver us from these places of bondage which lead us into rebellion and wrong ways.

Search me, God, and Know my heart;
   test me and Know my anxious thoughts.
See if there Is Any Offensive way In me,
   and Lead me in the Way Everlasting.

Psalm 139:23-24
 Wisdom Stands High and Calls out In Her Truth that Now is the time for us all to Come to see and understand where we lack in spiritual and emotional growth and maturity concerning our relationship with Jesus. All too often though, many ignore Her Call to see these places when God reveals them to us--these truths and places that require more of Him.  Many continue on with the ways they have decided to go. They have not gotten to a point of believing, of spiritual understanding through His Wisdom that they need to surrender more to Him for deliverance from these bondage's.

They seem to Always try to Fill that void they have in their heart and life, Hoping that when they do this or that, they Will have the Joy, Love and Peace that they so desire, that feeling of being Whole. Like a child building a lego world, they attempt to build a perfect world around them to live within. But nothing from this earthly world will Ever be able to fill that Spiritual place in us, That Place Has been set aside for His Presence and Love to live.
So, They continue to go after and gather things and people with the main Purpose of making themselves happy, and secure. 

Many seem to think and believe that they are able to control all the people, circumstances,  and details in their plans.  No matter whether their plans involve deception, manipulation in order to bring hurt and pain to others or to get some material gain they lust after, they are sure that everything will go the way they want it to. 
To create a truth out of a lie they think will do everything they want and give them what they want.

There are two types of people I am talking about. One type is the group that belongs to the Lord, and seems to not want to completely obey God, because of their areas of unbelief and distrust in Him.  This kind of thinking through their lack of faith and lack of trust has them making a decision that they need a back up plan and most times they will follow through with their plans. Even after they have received instructions, directions in a message from God, they Still do not believe His Plans, Timing and Order Are the Best for them.  They are within a non growing place, a mental, emotional and spiritual place of immaturity that holds them captive, a place that they need to be Freed from.  They are not able to see and believe as some others are.

We have been told to exercise patience and compassion to those for times like this. I understand completely, though there is a distance that has to be created between us until they do grow and mature in these areas. They are not able to take instruction and correction, right now. For truly our patience and compassion Will Always Reveal the Truth as to Who they really are. 

They may be saved, they believe in Jesus, but they are walking in flesh. Carnal Christians, speaking His Truths and Promises, but are not believing in them nor living them.  They attempt to fool and trick by their outer appearance, (they go to church all the time, talking about Jesus when they hear others do it, they do all that can be seen that places them in, but they never really follow through with action as their words speak, they live in strife, hindered, they seem to often have harsh and negative things to say about people based on gossip, or appearance, they seem to always have a problem, a fear, some drama, that somebody else has done to them, etc...),
  Proverb 8; Psalms 32:8-11

 The other group are those that have not given their lives to Jesus and continue to live in darkness.  Making their plans, sorting out the manipulation, plotting their back up plans (a), (b) and (c), And following the details of all that they have decided to do. Some times they are seeking revenge, seeking to use or 'have' another person, seeking to obtain material things, and/or wanting to be promoted in their place of work=money, social status, people praise which to them is power and feeds their flesh.

They also, are seeking to feel the Wholeness they lack, seeking to use earthly things to fill the void in their heart and soul. No matter what their plans are, they have decided to help the enemy carry out his plans, to oppose the Will of God In the name of Jesus.

Concerning both groups, it's
Nothing but lies that will never fulfill them, no matter what they do with the tools of the world, what they seek will always escape them. 
When the selfish and short sighted details of their plans, deceptions, and manipulations are revealed to us, we should Not begin to allow for one moment Any concern/worry that their toxic mess will over flow into our life to the point of hurting us. Remember your foundation, remember to Pray, Praise and Speak through your faith and trust in the Lord. You have Faith in our Lord to stand on and Let your Faith speak out His Truth, the promises of our Father--that He Is More than able to do as He said He would.

God does Not need our help in planning, ordering the details, revealing the details, or with the Timing of His Will concerning what we need, or what He has promised us He will provide to us. We do not need to interfere with the order or timing of His plans and purposes.  No matter how many storms pass through our life, we are to always Dwell quietly in His Truth and Promises given to us.  We are to Use our Daily Portion of His Peace and Joy that He has already given to us. Regardless of the dangers, difficulties and challenges that come, we Have a Blessed Assurance that our Foundation built on the blood of Jesus Will hold us safely and securely. If Only they would Believe....

REST your thoughts on Him, and do not be concerned or try to figure out which way His Help Will come.  He decides the channels and vessels that are Right for each time, not us.  When we invest our time, energy and thoughts on how He is going to do what He promised He would, then we are interfering with His plans and leaving ourselves open to the mercy of the wind and weather and ways of this world.  That is the way to sin, and will never give us the place to draw our strength from that we need.

The Only place we can Spiritually draw our Strength, Joy, Peace and Power from Is by Leaning on, relying on and Trusting In our Lord Jesus. His Security engenders our Strength, our Peace and our Joy!
All other foundations are Sinking sand!

On feet of Faith & Peace 
Isaiah 50:4/Isaiah 52/Jer 20:9-10,11-13/Joshua 1:9 
Resting In His Faithfulness, 
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith. 
©2010,2011 WisdomTeachesme

Thursday, March 3, 2011


 Truly leaning on the strength of Jesus, is being able to hold onto Him as He holds it All together the Way God has spoken it to be, as the naysayers and unbelievers, the small in faith people around you are expecting you to fall apart.

Don't LET your worries, fears and doubts Create your Boundaries!
2 Cor 10:3-10; 2 Tim 1:1-7

My dear sisters and brothers, Please Do Not focus on Any situation with your natural eyes! Our natural eyes and ears WILL trick and fool us.  What we see in the natural is Not what the truth of what the matter is!  What we see is Not the end of this thing we face!

In the name of Jesus, God Answers our Faith and Trust in Him=bind up your doubts and fears and give them to Him! When pressures from a situation, a problem, a set of circumstances pushes against us, we are Not to allow the pressure to create our boundaries, to dictate the beginning, the middle or the end of a thing.

Our Faith is what should Always CREATE OUR BOUNDARIES and bring us to the End of each Thing as He has spoken it To Be concerning every area of our life!
 Expecting His outcomes already put into place for every thing, issue, circumstance, situation and problem, every Good thing, Is the best instead of holding on to the outcome that we have decided is going to be the best for us.
 Let go of your expected plans for each outcome, and Hold onto God's outcomes and Expect Them, Praising them forth in the Name of Jesus!

Through your Faith, Speak to the Pressures of evil and everything that opposes God's Will, Promises, and Plans in your life--each thing that is a challenge, a situation a problem in your life!
Fears and pressures from this worlds ways partly are from satan using willing hearts to add his mess in things tries to create our boundaries, and to give us an outcome for everything that opposes Gods outcomes already set to happen.
If evil can use pressure on those with little faith, trust and unbelief to move you away from Gods Will and Plans, then he will have you holding or sitting in the messy, toxic, jacked up outcomes that he made you believe are best for you.
Speak your Faith always using His Promises as your Truth to bind up those pressures that have been sent to make you doubt, and see only failure!
What your natural eyes show you is Not the End of the Thing as He has Spoken To Be!
Examine your Spiritual environment, ask for stronger discernment and wisdom concerning each and every thing you face, for each day you are awakened.  What have you allowed to live and grow in your heart, which is what comes out of your heart.
A heart full of negatives, jealousy, little faith, hurt, will always alter your Spiritual eyes, and you will not be able to hold on to what has been planted in your heart that is Good. Do you hear the Right thing to do, and then do and say the opposite?
Release all the negatives that you hear in a day from outside sources into His hands, and Hold onto, water, and strengthen the Good that you hear and know to be His Truth. Allow the Good to grow and feed your Spiritual self! 
Can you drink from your own Well of life giving Waters? What kind of Water is in your Well?  Are others able to drink from it, or is it toxic, muddy, negative and tainted?

 When God sends correction to us, too many push His Truth back, push it away by cutting Him off and getting defensive to state their case through excuses and nonsense thinking. They are Not teachable and willing to Receive correction, so therefore, they are choosing to remain stupid and stuck! Being unwilling to face what is wrong, because of pride, ego, and fears.

  Not trusting that God has More Than Enough mercy, grace and Love to change them, not willing to let go of what pleases only their flesh, yet is eating away at their heart and Spirit like a cancer. Not seeing and/or accepting the Truth that they are in dire Need of deliverance from all that opposes God's Will in their lives.  Not Believing that there is a Much Better way to Live while we are here on this earth, strangers just passing through. This is what is vile, and toxic, hindering deliverance and growth in so many.  Oh if they would only believe.

The strength and Joy that we need for each day, only comes to us because we spend more and more time alone with our Lord.
And in these times we live in now, I tell you, I spend as much time as I can with Him. The stronger I grow in His Love, the more the forces and pressures of evil get stronger and stronger each day.

So Much is going on, so many people are focused on moving up in their jobs, what is going on in the entertainment world, how they look, adding fake to themselves because they do not like who they were made to be, living 2 or 3 different lives/lies, what they have and don't have, who has done them wrong and how they will get back at them.
They are full of pain, hurt, jealousy, rebellion, full of rejection so they reject, full of hurting so they try to hurt others to get revenge and /or the material things they crave, full of working to avoid their responsibilities and trying to avoid the consequences of their bad decisions..WHEW!

This world has too much mess, too many distractions, too much of the wrong way, And you Have to Pull away from it all, Shut it down, and Sit with Him Alone!
All that mess will enter our hearts, and begin to grow and produce the weed seeds that will choke the Life out of your Spiritual seeds that our Lord has planted in there. Spending more and more time with Him, allows Him to continue His Work of Changing us, into His image, which means changing our character and motives into His character, Having His motives, His Will, His Purpose, His Love as ours.

Who are you?  Who are you trying to become? By whose opinion and justification are you living your life by and for? 

Every body has a cause, a wrong they think should be righted, and they want everyone else to join their cause, join in the fight to right all these injustices! 
But what I see is that, many of these causes, and the ways many are trying to correct these injustices are mostly through the power of human flesh, none of it is done through the power of God's Spirit, which is Truth, Love and Faith.

"...But The Time is coming—It Has, In Fact, Come—when what you're called Will Not Matter And where you go to worship Will Not Matter. It's Who you Are And The Way you Live That Count Before God. Your worship Must engage your Spirit in the Pursuit Of Truth. That's the Kind of People The Father Is Out Looking For: those who Are simply And honestly themselves Before Him in their worship. God Is Spirit. Those who worship Him Must Do It out of their very being, their Spirit, their True self, in Adoration." John 4:23-24

We have to give to Him
Every Work of our hands, asking for His position and planned outcome concerning these Works, situations, challenges, difficulties, problems, etc...
We have to spend Much time with Him, Alone, in quiet, in waiting, so that He is Able to pour more of Himself into us, to Increase Himself and decrease us, so that when He sends us out to cross paths with those in need of Him, we Are Able to do His Work as He needs it done, He is so abundant in us,  He Flows through us, no matter where we go, no matter if we are to speak or stand in quiet, He is There to be the help that we and others need.  His outcome shall be revealed to be The Only outcome that Will fit properly.

When you cut short your times of Prayer, of Quiet sitting with Him, you cut short and hinder your Spiritual growth and maturity.  You cut short and impede your ability to Do His Work Through Him.  And any Work you attempt to do in His name, will not profit Him or His Kingdom.  The values of Heaven are So different than the values of this world, it would be a Good thing for folk to GET This Truth!
Think about this from His point of view, a poor tool rusted, dull and weak from working All the time, is doing More useless work than useful work and is of small to little value when compared to the Sharp, Well Oiled, Perfect, (perfect because of Working through His Spirit),  tool/instrument that Is Used for only a short time--but which does His perfect, useful work and Provides Great Value to the Building up of His Kingdom!

Give What He Asks for, (Not what you decide is easy or convenient to give), And It Shall Be Given unto you in return, Give your time in prayer, in Joyful and Expectant waiting, Give your time, your heart in seeking All that He Is,

If you give from your flesh, that is what will return to you. In the same measure that we give through His Spirit or our flesh, that is what we Will get in return.

Ask for His Holy Spirit to come and purify the tainted, negative circumstances that are sent to defeat and hinder your daily growth and work. Ask His Holy Spirit to cleanse your heart of all that is holding you back from Growing and Being changed into the Next You that He has already Planned And desires to Prepare you for.

There is so much on the path of our journey that we Need to Be prepared to stand against. He knows what lies ahead, we do not.
He knows what we are in need of in our hearts and Spirit, in order to be prepared to Walk right through following Him, we do not.
 It is time to clean out all the weeds that His Spirit says Need to Go!

I Need all of you, You Need me, let us pray and encourage and lift each other up!

I LOVE you Very much and I encourage to believe that God Loves you More and that You need to always Stand STRONG in your Faith, Trusting His Promises Made to us In the Name of Jesus, AMEN!

"Very Early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and Went Off to A Solitary Place, Where He prayed." Mark 1:35

  “For My Thoughts Are Not your thoughts, Neither Are your ways My Ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens Are higher than the earth, So are My Ways higher Than your ways And My Thoughts Than your thoughts.”   selah!
Isaiah 55:8-9

 Luke 6:37-49

On feet of Faith & Peace 
Isaiah 50:4/Isaiah 52/Jer 20:9-10,11-13/Joshua 1:9 
Resting In His Faithfulness, 
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith. 
©2010,2011 WisdomTeachesme