Monday, January 28, 2008



The Power of God's Love and His Faithfulness

My sisters and brothers, I greet you today in the Fullness and Completeness of God's Powerful UnconditionaLove. Praise for Him continually comes forth from my heart. I thank Him for His Perfect Spirit that guides our lives, and I am grateful to Jesus that He left us His peace to live within. To stay within His Love is to seek His Presence for all times. Yea, Amen.

I come today to encourage you to remember what you have asked of our Father and to remember what He asks of us. To remember that He is The Mighty Provider, An Ever Present Help, The Ruler of All the Earth! Yea Amen. (Col.2:3)
I pray and hope that God's work in and through my life will encourage you to keep standing, to keep praying, to keep praising Him.

*Little did I know that I had created an Altar in my heart and spirit, that I was sacrificing all my pain, hurt and fears at this altar. And that at this altar, I will receive all of His Love.

When I re-dedicated my life unto the Lord almost six years ago, little did I know and understand then, what the truth and power of my prayers to Father would bring. Little did I know how pleased He would be to receive me as His vessel and that I would become the apple of His eye. That He would Rise up and walk with me through every moment of my iife.

Little did I know....that I was 'getting out of the boat'--that I was speaking with a radical faith and agreeing to a radical obedience unto His way.

I am still ‘a work in progress’, but let me confess that The Hand of God has separated me from my old life, from old ways of loving, seeing, thinking, speaking and living/walking. From being a selfish, whinny child to being a healed, courageous Servant of The Lord. Little did I know that freedom from my old life – would bring me to prosper in every area of my life and would fill me up as abundantly as has happened. Thank You Jesus!

I know now, that on that first night six years ago, when I was on the floor crying, seeking through tears, calling on God with a shaky voice, the trembling that raced through my body--it was because of my newfound understanding that I have absolutely NO Power of my own and never did; that I created an Altar in my heart-my spirit for God and the Wonderful Counselor to sit on, to live in, and to work on. Little did I know....that circumstances created by mean spirited people would educate me - would break me into pieces that taught me that I am dust and that I need God healing and the freedom that only comes through Him.

I have asked God to show me The Joy that lies beyond my sacrifices, so that I do not ponder on all that I have given up in order to live in radical obedience to His way for my life. That all i have given up was an offering into His storehouse. Thank You Father God. So much more to recieve from Him than I am giving up. So much that He has already done.

The changes that He has taken me through have been trying at times. The relationships/friendships that I have given up, all the fears that I have let go of, the courage that I accepted and that I need to have and that I allow to grow and to walk with. The negative hatefilled comments and judging that I would have to endure from others that just don't understand what I am doing.
Little did I know what sacrifices I would offer unto Jesus, when I gave my life to Father.....that i would 'just walk away' from an 18 year career of teaching in the middle of the day, that I would give away thousands of dollars I recieved from an inheritance (after i quit my job) to who-so-ever He sent in need of money. That i would buy things for people, pay their bills, help their children and even give away the very wallet 'on the spot' that i so loved so much, (i took my stuff out of it first).

As far as I have come, I still hear God’s sweet voice saying to me, teaching me that I have to obey past my point of comfort. I still have a race to run and I purpose myself to run it with a full measure of the radical courage, faith and obedience that was set forth through the life of Jesus. It takes a lot of courage to walk a radical faith. And I am here to say, I am so happy that He has given us all a good measure of every spiritual gift that we will need everyday.

I have His understanding that I have to go beyond my small comfort zone, Further-Deeper into His safety zone! And that by faith it has been accomplished within my spirit and that by trusting God’s faithfulness, I have no worries at all. Yea Amen.

I must confess that the natural sacrifices I have carried out have been challenging and strengthening. To give in a generous way, a generous amount of all that I held dear to my heart. I have given away to those that He said needed it more than I did.

All of this I count as nothing compared to the desire, the passion I have to take in every bit of His Greatness through His Completeness. Oh yes, this is The Spiritual Mark to reach-even if i do not get to the end, i will work everyday trying.
To offer my humble spiritual sacrifices to be Praise and Worship to His ears and eyes. So that each day, my flesh shall behold the glory of God in my life. To want to know Him deeply.....Thank You Jesus!

My faith is strong and I have been put into positions that require me to use nothing else but my faith. As He is changing us and growing us and we are yeilding to His Spirit--I know approaching new experiences will add to my faith, no doubt about that.
The more I see of God, the more I am compelled to give more of myself to His changes and His glory in and through my life.

"...And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together will all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge - that you may be filled up to the measure of all the fullness of God." Ephesians 3:17-19 (NIV)

When I asked God to reveal all of what He wants of me, He said; “Radical Obedience!”

Francis Frangipane wrote about this condition, "Right knowledge is vital, but we want more than just knowledge. We want the Presence of the Almighty to fill the vacuum of our doctrines with substance, the very substance of Himself. "The more we see God as He is, the more compelled we are to give Him our all."

Have you been obedient but only to a certain point? A point that is within your comfort zone, but outside of His safety zone?
Are you good, but not Holy? Do you have faith, but not the desire to be put into positions of practicing this faith?

Ask God in the name of Jesus, to show you His Joy beyond your sacrifices. Ask God to help you know Him in the deepest of His ways and to allow you to taste and see His goodness and that He can be trusted in every way. Ask God to give you more courage to live the life that your soul was designed to live-spoken from His mouth –His words over your life will become flesh and your flesh shall witness the glory of God, The most High God! In the name of Jesus, Yea Amen.

Psalm 36:5, "Your love, O Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies."

Isaiah 59:1 “Behold, the LORD'S hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; nor His ear heavy, that it cannot hear.”

My sisters and brothers, God’s Kingdom is one in which we have to prosper, that is the way it is set up by His Word. You need to prosper in your spiritual life, your natural life, your heart, your mouth, your works. God holds all these in His hands and He will release them as our faith directs Him to.

The amount of faith that you show in God is based on your amount of Love for Him. If you are showing little faith-then you have little love for Him.

The trials, temptations, disappointments -- all these are helps instead of hindrances, if we use them rightly. They not only test the fiber of our character, but strengthen it. Every conquered temptation represents a new deposit of spiritual energy. Every trial endured and weathered in the right spirit makes a soul more like His and stronger than it was before.

Make up your mind who you are going to serve for the rest of the years that you have been given to live in this body on this earth.
Are you going to serve satan or Jesus?

Purpose yourself to go to your altar and ask God what does He require of you-what does He want you to do with this life that He has given you. Sacrifice your pain, your hurt, your disappointments, your all on the altar - offer it all to God for He is the Master Designer of Life for all things that have breath.

Remember a mouth that has praise cannot speak of fears!

I encourage you to seek His presence and to sit with Him and learn all that you are to learn.

“And the Glory of The Lord shall be revealed to our flesh, and we shall see it together!”

In His name Yea, Amen!

Saturday, January 26, 2008


I am going to add a couple of videos about a person that truly has been the talk of mouths for years.

I LOVE Micheal Jackson. He is truly blessed with gifts and talent that a person just cannot learn-they come from within!

Here is a promo video about the return of "Thiller" , which is due to be realeased in Feb. 2008

Enjoy this and think on his many, many talents and the years of him giving us Quality Music!

"The Thriller Returns". This is a video which hypes not only the release of Michaels new deluxe Thriller Anniversary album and his imminent return, but also the incredible legacy by the man...Michael Jackson. He is the one and only, King of Pop and his return is excitedly welcomed by his fans across the world!

Friday, January 25, 2008


Good Morning, Such greatness for us to behold today! I greet you in the Love and Joy of The Lord God and all His Completeness. Yea Amen.
Think on your motives. Who are you going to serve?

Think on your choices. If you are going through a place of being uncomfortable because of the changes that God is doing in your life-know this, Those that are led by His spirit, these are the sons and daughters of God.

Those that obey His directions love Him.

Just as little children have to learn what we are teaching them, we also have to learn what our Father is teaching us!

Who are you going to serve?
"No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will stand by and be devoted to the one and despise and be against the other. You cannot serve God and mammon (deceitful riches, money, possessions, or whatever is trusted in)." Matthew 6:23

Do for another, and God will do for you !

Praise Him no matter what! It is in His hands and it is completed!

Listen to your spirit, your soul...what is your spirit craving? Just as your body craves things, your spirit does also.




Ms. Patti and Edwin Hawkins join each other in singing "My Soul Needs To Pray," and they both tear the stage up, esp. Patti Labelle. [1995]


Patti Labelle - Then My Living Will Not Be In Vain"

Shirley Ceaser "You Gotta Serve Somebody"


Shirley Caesar sings "JESUS, I LOVE CALLING YOUR NAME"

Monday, January 21, 2008


*The Power Of The Word of God*

I greet you this day in the strength and courage of Jesus, who loves God so much that He gave His life for us. I speak of what is yours, given to you to brighten and strengthen your light. I encourage you to stretch your faith into new realms beyond your highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes or dreams. I encourage you to believe by faith that your light will reveal the Glory of God in/through your life for all to witness. I encourage you to obey by faith, His leading and teachings for your life.

God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above and beyond ALL we could dare to hope, ask, or think, according to His great power that is at work in us. It is God's power, but it is done through us.

Agree with Him, cooperate with Him. Be bold in your faith and in your prayers to Him.

There are many that are in need and in want of the life that God has given to us all. In need of the spiritual understanding, knowledge and wisdom that does not come from college degrees, from natural accomplishments, and not from thinking that a person will make you complete and whole.

Are You Living Within God's Completeness?

Many long To grow within His wealth and peace which gives us without doubt, knowledge that by Faith ALL things are possible.

It is because of the Altar that lives in your heart-your spirit that is for God to sit on, that you are made complete and whole. The UnconditionaLove that each of us shares with God. The Altar that belongs to God and not another human. The part that you share with no one but Him.
Have you put someone else or something else on that Altar?
Confess with boldness and faith your full acceptance of His changes for your life. Speak what you are standing for and with whom you are standing. Say it aloud so that your faith is a witness for all to hear.

Father in the name of Jesus I Confess that I know, the day that Jesus Christ was born "Is The Day that You Made.!" And that Your Word became flesh on that day, just as You, The Most High God, was with Mary and Joseph, You are with me rightnow! I know Father, that the Word You have spoken out over my life, Will become flesh, In Jesus' Name I know! Thank You Jesus.

And Father, I know that I will test you, as you have instructed me to do. I Will trust you and use my faith and You will Prove Yourself to my flesh.
Father God In the Name of Jesus, I rise up and separate myself from the issues that are causing me uncertainty, You Will shine Your light of revelation and wisdom and It Will bring to me clarity and Your precise direction. I am not going to stay in the muddle and do nothing but think on the issues – I re-affirm that I have chosen to always be victorious in every situation. Because of Your help.

Thank You Lord, that I am in my right mind by Your Word. No matter what happens, You are in the beginning of it, You are in the middle of it, and You are in the completion of it.

You have said that I have dwelt long enough on this mountain Lord, and I confess Lord, that I do not want to keep walking around the same mountains of disobedience.

I confess that all failures of my past I leave in the past, I am letting them All go! I am not giving up! And I will do whatever it takes to stay in the flow of Your Spirit for progress in my life.

I speak life to the seeds that You have put into me, so that they will grow and produce a harvest that will bring Glory to you through my life. For I know that the crop is worth more than the seed! I am a bundle of credible abilities. I am an amazing creation of You, The Most High God.

As it is said in Eph. 4:7 "Yet grace (God's unmerited favor) was given to each of us individually [not indiscriminately, but in different ways] in proportion to the measure of Christ's [rich and bounteous] gift."

And i Father, speak the truth that I stand with You and You stand with me. In Jesus Name, Yea, Amen.

**Sisters and Brothers, I do not count myself to have apprehended all of what God has created; but one thing I do every day, is to forget those things which are behind me, to wake up each day with a renewed spirit filled with His joy-and not the problems of yesterday on my mind.
I greet the morning as it greets me, with the Glory to God from my mouth and from my breath. I purpose that I will always reach forward to those things which God has spoken to become flesh for my life! In the Name of Jesus, Father God I thank You. Yea, Amen. **

**(Inspired by Philippians 3:13)

God is a Complete God, are you persuaded to live within His Completeness?

The Teacher will come when the student is ready.

In His Name, Yea, Amen.

Friday, January 18, 2008



Everyday, There is so much to face, confront, deal with, to ignore, learn, to remember, to do, to stop, to say, to listen to, to watch- all week long. So much to "Give To God" as each experience comes through. And through it all God hears our Praise! He sees our Faith! It says in Psalms 25:9 "The humble He guides in Justice, And the humble He teaches His Way."

There are many times in which we need the encouragement to make it through the day, make it through class, the meetings, the apppointments and just to make it through...

Take as much time as you need, and listen to some people that know how to Praise and Thank The Lord. Thank You Jesus!
Let your voice start to hum and sing to Him all your concerns, and your thank You's.

We all have a song or two, or three, we all have Praise to offer to Him. Shine your light and let your voice be heard by The Most High God.
Let it be known, that when you got nothing else, you got Your Praise!

Let the devil know that you may have lost some people and some things, but You Have Not Lost Your PRAISE TO GOD!

"Let EveryThing That Have Breath, Praise Ye' The Lord!"

Richard Smallwood - Everything That Has Breath


Praise Break(Part 1 of 2)


I Never Lost My Praise- Tramaine Hawkins

Tuesday, January 15, 2008



"I'll be a witness in the silences when words are not enough. As long as I shall live I will testify to Love-with every breath I take I will speak what His love has done."
Wynonna Judd-"Testify To Love" (Psalm 151)

Encouragement for Tuesday & Wed. & Thu. & Friday & Sat. & Sun. and Monday....& Tue. .&...

Isaiah 41:13
"For I, the Lord your God, Will Hold your right hand, Saying to you, 'Fear Not, I Will Help you."

Exodus 15:6 "Your right hand, O Lord, is glorious in power; Your right hand, O Lord shatters the enemy."

Exodus 15:17 "You will bring them in [to the land] and plant them on Your Own Mountain, the place, O Lord, You have made for Your dwelling, the sanctuary, O Lord, which Your hands have established."

No matter what is going on in your life, keep Speaking the Power of His word out of your mouth. No matter what thoughts satan tries to slip into your mind-Keep speaking the Power of His word over your life.

Say the title of this post outloud-memorize it-

I know it may seem hard, what you are going through in your life; thinking issues, heavy heart issues, death, debt, health issues, family issues, work issues, relationship issues....and so on.

Ask yourself this, is staying where i am easier than changing? Knowing that it is God doing the changing to better your life?

Once the changes have been completed and fully accepted by you-nothing could keep you from moving on. Growth does not happen by being stagnante.
(Deut. 30:19/Pro. 18:21)

God will hold your hand through everything and bring you out better than how you went into the problem. He may not remove the problem, but He will use it to change you-to strengthen you -to test you-to make you better than you are now. Remember there was a fourth man in the fire!

Change can be hard but not impossible.

Change IS happening, and it can be very hard when you fight change. Our body-our flesh, does not like change-it is spiritual warfare. Your flesh is battling your spirit not to accept the changes that God has ordained for your life.

His Word is Made Flesh-and when He speaks over your life what He knows is best for you-these words He has spoken are made flesh-they are the changes.

The changes are neccessary in order to continue your spiritual growth into spiritual maturity.

God delivers Breakthroughs! You have to stay grounded in Him to move into and through the breakthroughs in order to reap what you have sown!

Sometimes Freedom does not look like freedom when at first you see it. I'm sure the people with Moses did not look out into that desert and scream; "oh thank You God for You have taken us from the place of bondage, from water, food, shelter, and put us here in this hot, dry, waterless, foodless land and this is freedom!"

So, remember, to ask Him for His truth-and He will provide that to you. He IS Freedom-I encourage you to keep walking, keep singing, keep helping others (this really gets the devil ticked off), keep praising God, keep talking to Jesus and thanking Him for all He has done for you! keep asking God to teach you so that you will learn.

We are free in Jesus and because of Him.

He is no respecter of men-what He has done for me or another-He Will do for you!

Know that the battle is in your mind-and is spiritual! Not natural.

John 8:31-32
2 Cor. 3:18

Please read these scriptures and know that His word is The Power and that You do have freedom from spiritual warfare against you.

God Will do His part-you have to do your part.

Talk to God and give Him a chance to free you from your worries.
Spend time with Him-increase your relationship with Him. How to do this? Talk to Him every chance that you have. Confess with your mouth-your heart how much you love, trust and have faith in God. Even if you don't feel it right now-keep speaking the truth about God!

We have a Comforter, (John 14:26), Speak this out of your mouth instead of speaking your problems and your worries.

Let God keep you in your right mind.

We have many choices in this life to make, do you choose life or death? Thinking is part of these choices. What are you going to think on today? Your problems-your situations? Or are you going to know that our thoughts become words and it's vitally important that we all choose life-giving thoughts to meditate on throughout every day and every situation.

Deut. 30:2 encourages us to obey God wholeheartedly. To whatever degree we obey God, that's the measure of our love for Him. Our love for Jesus grows as we obey Him.


You have a story of Faith! Whether it is being written from the beginning right now, or you are part way through, or you are at the end of several chapters-You have a story of Faith from your life.

You are not alone-God has sent others to be peacemakers and encouragers to you. Seek God and His Wisdom, and He will lead the helpers to your side to let you know that you are not alone!


Please don't give up on God-For He will never forget you nor will He give up on you!


Friday, January 11, 2008


i just had to come back with this one. 'It Is Well With My Soul'!

Now i LOVE Richard SmallWood! This is an Anointed And Gifted Man. The way He mixes styles of music has to be from God. There is a Healing that comes from his music.

I'm 'old school gospel' and i'm here to tell you that if you want to get a Praise through to The Most High God, you better go way back and get something He will Hear.

Just shout out, Lord, It Is Well With My Soul!

Get Free!

And The Glory Of The Lord Shall Be Revealed To Our Flesh, and We Shall See It Together!

Richard Smallwood ministers with a piano solo of "It Is Well" and "Come Ye Disconsolate," which seques into a church-wide reprise of "It Is Well." This is from his 2001 "Persuaded: Live in DC" DVD...recorded at Jericho City of Praise


Good Day Family,
I greet you with the Love and Grace of God in the Name of Jesus.

I am going to start a "Gospel Rejoicing Friday".

With the purpose of offering Praise to Exault The Most High God for Being with us through the week and to carry us through the weekend.
No matter What has happened in your life or to you this week-know this, that God is in the middle of it and you will reap and glean every bit of Him from it all!

This is To Thank Him for His Faithfullness to us.
So that we All will be able to stay focused on what Is important for the continued growth in our lives.

Enjoy the Gift of Music that He has placed within each of us.

Thank You Jesus for Your UnconditionaLove for All that Believe in-Rely on- and lean on You!
Lord, We confess with our mouths How Great You Are!

*And The Glory of The Lord Shall Be Revealed to our flesh and we Shall See It together.*Yea, Amen

Shirley Ceasar- Rejoice


Lecresia Campbell-Secret Place pt.1
Rare live performace of Secret Place (from S.C.
Generation X CD)featuring Cinque Cullar (S.C.C. Alum) on lead



How Excellent - Lecresia Campbell Soul Children


Lord Keep Me Day by Day


I Can Go To God - Albertina Walker (Patti Labelle at end)


Thursday, January 10, 2008

And the Glory of The Lord Shall Be Revealed...

(This is a prelude to 'confessions of my changed heart pt.2')

Have you called on the Name Of Jesus-Have you Confessed with your heart and mouth that you need 'The Change' ?

'The Change' that Only The Most High God Can do for each of us?

Now, if you have confessed = what you believe in, what you know that you cannot do-if you have called on God, in the Name of Jesus to come and Divinely Deliver to you, 'The Change' - Then Allow What He delivers to saturate your whole being-your whole spirit.
Eph. 2:10, 2: 4-21, 3:13-21 / 2 Cor. 5:17

Now, Will The Real You, Please Stand Up?!
And Please, show us All of what God has done for you! Thank You Jesus!

*And The Glory of The Lord Shall Be Revealed to our flesh and we Shall See It together.*
Yea, Amen

Tramaine Hawkins-Changed!

oh yes, With the acceptance of Change comes the deliverance of Divine Possibilities!
It will allow The Real You To Stand Up!

(Video=The Gospel Finale 2005 (SPONTANEOUS) held on Sunday at Oprahs)

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


subtitle: Continuing to live by Faith-
God's Creative Power, Are you using it?
ALL are Welcome to this sight!

When you accept the life that God has spoken for you, you are getting out of the boat.

Please know, that you have accepted the life that God has spoken for you-you are in search of more spiritual growth and all of His knowledge, wisdom, intellignece, strength= all His gifts of His spirit. you are in search of aligning your life up with what He has pre-destined for your life--one accord is always best!

While you are walking on water, i encourage you to continue to accept His changes for your life --to continue to rec' them with a joyful heart and with unconditionaLove-that He knows best for you. accept them knowing that you have found favor with Him or He would not be directing your life!

i just want to speak a great measure of encouragement concerning all that IS to be as He said it would concerning your life. I speak with faith the end results of what is to be--not to pray on the problems.

And, i for one, am highly pleased to witness the work you have taken from God to do-and in the manner that He says is best to accomplish the desired outcomes. as this would not be so, if you were not daily, and consistantly allowing your pride to die.

Many people confuse constantly being in Motion with Making Progress! They are not the same by any degree! Only one leads to accomplishment.

For you to be given a message and to rec' the message concerning How to do what you want to do, is a great honor that a person allows God to have in their life.

For you to continue to allow Him to move you from One Glory to the next Glory of His Divineness, is such an announcement of your faith and trust in Him for your New life.- not just new year.

For you to know that He sent you confirmation concerning the direction that you should take is knowing that He is in the center of your work.

i speak His encouragement over and in your life to stay on the course He has gone ahead and created for you.

Having everyone in agreememnt, on one accord - with Faith-(not flesh)--is the winning move. And it is what will fuel His strategic thinking that must be adpoted and accepted by all that have been called and chosen to take up His Banner of justice and truth, to accomplish all that He has divinely spoken over your life.

To know and accept with humble gratitiude, that it is better to concentrate on the growth and accomplishments of your spiritual life and that they far outweigh any accomplishments within your natural one--is a sign of spiritual maturity!

Every year we hear All this talk about resolutions for the new year--people are speaking the language of satan and also believing it for their lives...

i call them goals, more so I see them as Confessions of my changed heart!

i have found that when i concentrate on my spiritual life, i see more accomplishments that have been completed and i see positive growth-and places that are still "a work in progress".

by not looking at my outer self for accomplishments, but looking to my inner self-i see the way to accomplish much more in my natural environment. i want "things", of course i do--but i want them to come to me in a way that they are permanent or lead to my upgrading to the next level because of 'it'.

but all those 'things' won't make me a better person-so years ago, i accepted that, who i need to become was much more important than anything else-then i learned that my spiritual growth was leading me to natural growth! And it is All God! Thank You Jesus!

for the past week or more i have been going through my spiritual accomplishments and growth and thinking on all the "work-n-progress-areas from 2007, and i'll say my couple of goals for 2008 are =

to coninue to allow all the beginnings-the changes God says need to be done and all that He has started within my mind/spirit/heart- To allow them to continue right along their merry, large, divine path moving me toward the next level of His Glory.

...continuing to live by faith-walking on water. :)

Know that you have Gods favor.

In Jesus's name Yea,Amen!

Joshua 1:9