Learning the lessons from Yesterday, Enjoying the Blessings of Today, Trusting God for Tomorrow. Praising my way Through!
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
"God, my shepherd!
I don’t need a thing.
You have bedded me down in lush meadows,
you find me quiet pools to drink from.
True to your word,
you let me catch my breath
and send me in the right direction...."Psalm 23
yes, you've been through a lot so far
yes, it's ok to be tired,
yes, it's ok to not feel ok,
yes, it's ok to be weary and need a break form your situations and circumstances,
yes, it's ok to vent,
yes, it's ok to reflect on all that has disappointed you, as you let it all go,
yes, it's ok to be quiet and block yourself off from others for a moment,
yes, it's ok to distance yourself from toxic people and situations,
yes, it's ok to seek healing and love your broken parts until they are healed,
yes, it's ok to say no and mean it,
yes, it's ok to want to be love with unconditionaLove,
yes, it's ok that you have made mistakes, but not be stuck in a cycle of making the same one over and over,
yes it's ok to recognize there is no perfection for us humans,
yes, it's ok to want to do some thing by yourself,
yes, it's ok to be grateful for all God has blessed you with, and still be tired and need a break,
yes, it's ok to feel sad
yes, it's ok to want to do better but don't feel like it,
yes....it's ok to be you, to feel your emotions, to vent to cry, to want things to be different...to hope, to keep faithful to keep trusting and to also laugh...
yes, it's ok to take a nap or watch a movie when you know you need to do house cleaning,
Yes, it's ok to pamper yourself,
yes, it's ok to be you, who ever you are today....
yes, you are strong, and it's ok to not want to be strong for a while...
yes, it's ok to love .yourself, with all your issues, insecurities and strengths...
yes, it's ok...
today is enough for you today...
On feet of Faith & Peace Resting In His Peace & Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
Isaiah 50:4 / Isaiah 52 / Jer 20:9-13 /Joshua 1:9 / Luke 6:38
©2007--2016 WisdomTeachesme
Friday, June 17, 2016
"For if you forgive others their trespasses [their reckless and willful sins], your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others [nurturing your hurt and anger with the result that it interferes with your relationship with God], then your Father will not forgive your trespasses."
Matthew 6:14-15 AMP
The seeds that we carry within us are to be planted, watered, and to produce what is needed. Some of the seeds that we carry are the seeds of weeds.
The seed of the weed unforgiveness is a powerful growth that can and will choke the life out of any other good growth in us. It creates hindrances in our spiritual growth and maturity. It stifles our spiritual gifts and adds a streak of malfunction into the Work we are sent to do. We are not as efficient in our spiritual work as we could be, because of unforgiveness.
The roots of unforgiveness will steal the life sustaining substances that are provided to other areas in us. Depriving those areas of what they need to grow and mature. It grows a cancer in our character. It will have us making bad choices. It prohibits us from being Righteous.
God revealed to me that I had some unforgiveness growing in me that I thought I had killed off. But I had not completely let go of it.
It is now in God's way concerning This Work of Love God is doing in me, and it's now necessary for me to see the complete truth about it and let it completely go.
The roots of unforgiveness will steal the life sustaining substances that are provided to other areas in us. Depriving those areas of what they need to grow and mature. It grows a cancer in our character. It will have us making bad choices. It prohibits us from being Righteous.
God revealed to me that I had some unforgiveness growing in me that I thought I had killed off. But I had not completely let go of it.
It is now in God's way concerning This Work of Love God is doing in me, and it's now necessary for me to see the complete truth about it and let it completely go.
I completely forgive every person who has ever done wrong to me or mine. In the name of Jesus I completely forgive every person. I thank my Lord Jesus for completely forgiving me of every wrong I've ever done and correcting me so that I never do them again.
With some people in my life, the forgiveness I sow does not mean I want a closer relationship with the person again. It does not mean I trust that person again. Some of those relationships have been ruined by their actions, and I'm ok with that. Some people just don't want to change as much as they want to stay the same, and I'm ok with that.
It means I want to be closer to God.
It means I want to be more like Jesus.
It means that I seek a complete healing for myself that I must have.
It means that I seek to be free of the burden of carrying around the anger, hurt and pain from what the person did.
It means that I seek complete forgiveness of all my wrongs, And, I want to be corrected so that I don't do those wrongs again.
It means, Love is more important to me than what that person did to me, or what I did to someone.
It means I want to be better today than I was yesterday.
It means that I want to remove any hindrance that unforgiveness creates that delays my breakthroughs and the Work I have to do each day..
It means I need God's light to reveal the closed off areas of my life so that Love can fix them.
It means I seek to make the best choices possible.
It means I have to and need to live & walk in the Spirit. It means I have to tell myself the truth, no matter what it is.
It means that even though I will probably never hear the person tell me they are sorry for what they did, I've changed and they have not.
It means when I think about that person or talk to or see that person, I will not be angry, or relive the situation, the hurt and pain again.
It means I refuse to live in the past when I am looking forward to where God is leading me.
It means I have become completely released from the person, no ties of any kind bind us.
And with the daily divine changes & corrections that I seek and desire from God, I am better today than I was yesterday.
It means I seek to make the best choices possible.
It means I have to and need to live & walk in the Spirit. It means I have to tell myself the truth, no matter what it is.
It means that even though I will probably never hear the person tell me they are sorry for what they did, I've changed and they have not.
It means when I think about that person or talk to or see that person, I will not be angry, or relive the situation, the hurt and pain again.
It means I refuse to live in the past when I am looking forward to where God is leading me.
It means I have become completely released from the person, no ties of any kind bind us.
And with the daily divine changes & corrections that I seek and desire from God, I am better today than I was yesterday.
By Faith
By Grace
Because, Love....
By Grace
Because, Love....
On feet of Faith & Peace Resting In His Peace & Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
Isaiah 50:4 / Isaiah 52 / Jer 20:9-13 /Joshua 1:9 / Luke 6:38
©2007--2016 WisdomTeachesme
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
There is an urgency for spiritual correction that is alive in this spiritual shifting that is happening Right Now.
Many will ignore the Call of Wisdom to seek correction.
Many will catch the Call, begin the steps, then give up because it's not what they want to do, because it involves Truth.
Many Will hear the Call and obey the Call to Seek Correction in order to be Made Right for the continuation of their Journey in the Right Direction that has Been made for them.
Many Will hear the Call and obey the Call to Seek Correction in order to be Made Right for the continuation of their Journey in the Right Direction that has Been made for them.
I hope throughout this divine day, that you will on purpose, Rest In Peace.
Resting in Peace is for the Living, not the dead.
Jesus Gave His Peace to the living, not the dead.
"Peace I leave with you; My perfect peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid. Let My perfect peace calm you in every circumstance and give you courage and strength for every challenge."
John 14:27
Jesus Gave His Peace to the living, not the dead.
"Peace I leave with you; My perfect peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid. Let My perfect peace calm you in every circumstance and give you courage and strength for every challenge."
John 14:27
No matter what is happening around you or near you & trying to get you,
No matter what you have or need,
No matter what is Not working out by your eyes and ears,
No Matter what mistakes you have made, what bad choices you have made and are now in the consequences of those bad choices,
No matter whose drama is overflowing into your life, that you should have Already cut out of your circle,
No matter what is not yours to have but you keep running after it and trying to Force it to be....
Rest in Peace and allow God's correction to re-order your life, you have a journey to continue to live as was planned by God.
I Hope that you Will stay focused, steady, assured,
Hearing the Call to Seek correction,
And Rest In Peace that the Lord has worked everything out for you concerning This Day,
That the Lord Will redirect you where you are going in the wrong direction,
That the Lord Will provide what ever you Need to accomplish God's plans for you,
That the Lord Will Heal your whole self,
That the Lord Will soften your heart so that You will see the benefit of aligning with God's will for your life.
That the Lord Will...
In Love, I Hope you seek the Blessings of this day and Heed the Call of Wisdom.
It's Holy Week-of course the enemy is going to bother you.
It's Holy Week-Now is the time to cast All your cares, worries, concerns, troubles, problems, etc... to the Lord
It's Holy Week, May the lessons and love be seen through our living every day of the year, In the name of Jesus, so be it.
Matthew 13
On feet of Faith & Peace Resting In His Peace & Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
Isaiah 50:4 / Isaiah 52 / Jer 20:9-13 /Joshua 1:9 / Luke 6:38
©2007--2016 WisdomTeachesme
Monday, March 7, 2016
The Glory that this morning was Holding--Ready to Release to those who are Seeking it!
So Much Beauty and Love was also waiting for me to awake!
So Much Beauty and Love was also waiting for me to awake!
Went to bed with a Right Spirit--Love woke me up in a Right Spirit.
I saw some impossibilities sitting over in the corner waiting for me to wake up.
As they stepped toward me--my Heart and Mouth began to Praise Jesus...they had to follow that Praise!
As they stepped toward me--my Heart and Mouth began to Praise Jesus...they had to follow that Praise!
I saw Patience, Calm, Joy, Wisdom, Love, Clarity & Truth all standing in the Light...also waiting for me to wake up!
They came to Heal me, to Correct me, to Guide me for this day.
How Grateful I am that the Love of God has all I need for each day!
They came to Heal me, to Correct me, to Guide me for this day.
How Grateful I am that the Love of God has all I need for each day!
They began to show me More and More about healthy self love--a healthy love relationship with myself...on accepting all of me, loving my life.Watering the seeds of abilities and gifts I may not have known I had, or those I have ignored and didn't have enough Faith in....Showing me the Greater Works I am to do while I am here......Revealing to me the depth about the things that Jesus said and did.
So many things He said and did are not in the Bible...so Grateful that He gave them to the Holy Spirit for us...Yes Lord! So many things about what others said and did from His time are not recorded in the Bible... Grateful for the Holy Spirit that unveils all we need to know.
Letting go of, is a place we all need to sit in and examine...
Doing what we're directed to do and say, is Another place we all need to sit in and examine, Listen and learn to follow directions better....
My motives...are they Right?
Another place to sit, learn from and listen to...examining each crevice and crack. connected to our motives.
Doing what we're directed to do and say, is Another place we all need to sit in and examine, Listen and learn to follow directions better....
My motives...are they Right?
Another place to sit, learn from and listen to...examining each crevice and crack. connected to our motives.
It's another Beautiful day...Before Love woke me up, It was Already A great day! Resting my soul and spirit as this season of Shifting continues it's way...carrying me to where I am suppose to be...
# Team54 By Faith!
# the Inheritance we are leaving our daughters that has nothing to do with material things...
# the Inheritance we are leaving our daughters that has nothing to do with material things...
"Therefore many other signs Jesus also performed in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book"
John 20
“I still have many things to tell you, but you can’t handle them now. But when the Friend comes, the Spirit of the Truth, He will take you by the hand and guide you into all the truth there is. He won’t draw attention to himself, but will make sense out of what is about to happen and, indeed, out of all that I have done and said. He will honor Me; He will take from Me and deliver it to you. Everything the Father has is also Mine. That is why I’ve said, ‘He takes from Me and delivers to you."
John 20
“I still have many things to tell you, but you can’t handle them now. But when the Friend comes, the Spirit of the Truth, He will take you by the hand and guide you into all the truth there is. He won’t draw attention to himself, but will make sense out of what is about to happen and, indeed, out of all that I have done and said. He will honor Me; He will take from Me and deliver it to you. Everything the Father has is also Mine. That is why I’ve said, ‘He takes from Me and delivers to you."
John 16
On feet of Faith & Peace Resting In His Peace & Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
Isaiah 50:4 / Isaiah 52 / Jer 20:9-13 /Joshua 1:9 / Luke 6:38
©2007--2016 WisdomTeachesme
Sunday, March 6, 2016
shhh... hush, listen so you can gain understanding...
do you feel it? Do you see it and can you know it?
Is there to much outside noise blocking you from hearing it, feeling it, seeing it and knowing it?
do you feel it? Do you see it and can you know it?
Is there to much outside noise blocking you from hearing it, feeling it, seeing it and knowing it?
Changes are put into motion to teach us what we need to know, and to correct us where we need correction.
Changes are happening. changes that can directly or indirectly affect you and your life. some are happening to you, others are happening around you.
Pay attention, seek clarity. be still. and listen.
You're feeling off, out of place, not sure...it's all part of the changes that we have to adjust to as we are moved where we need to be.
Don't listen to the noise from the world.
We're within the shifting from God...are you within it?
We're within the shifting from God...are you within it?
Are you fighting it, or are you staying willing, teachable and completely open to God's correction?
There's nothing for you to physically do or say that can make it move as you think it should go.
Any interference from you will only cause delays in your movements and wrong moves on your part.
Any interference from you will cause delays in things moving into your life & out of your life, delaying you becoming who you are suppose to.
All you can do is be aware of the temptations that will come, are coming to throw you our of sync with the Lord's guidance.
All you can do is keep expecting God's seamless plan to happen each day-all day, each night-all night.
All you can do is allow yourself to grow and mature, to accept the healing, the correction, the joy and praise that will fill your heart and mouth.
All you can do is be aware of the temptations that will come, are coming to throw you our of sync with the Lord's guidance.
All you can do is keep expecting God's seamless plan to happen each day-all day, each night-all night.
All you can do is allow yourself to grow and mature, to accept the healing, the correction, the joy and praise that will fill your heart and mouth.
SSshh...hush, listen so you can gain understanding. You need to leave the Work of God be, the shifting is moving every one and every thing as the Lord has planned. It's all tied into your purpose as well.
Enjoy this part of your journey, it's filled with everything you need and don't need, and all the things you never thought to ask God for.
praise, be opened, and be changed into Love. That is the whole point of the plan you know.
praise, be opened, and be changed into Love. That is the whole point of the plan you know.
There's a shifting happening. Be Well.
There's so Much anger, violence, and hurtful deeds happening...
I encourage you to keep your mind and your mouth focused on Praising God. On
building God's Kingdom, On Things to be Here on Earth, As they Are In
Heaven....On Love, On Correction...Listen for Wisdom to guide you and Comfort You!
Learn the Red Letters so that you have Truth and Love to focus on.
ahh...so Many temptations, and so many places to trip and fall. So many places where we can delay ourselves. Remember, It's Not our Battle, It's not our Fight!
Don't try to force anything. God already knows what you need to let go of, what you need to accept, what you need to be healed from. God is waiting on you to do those things, speak it all out and allow changes to do what they are created to do in your life.
God does not delay anything She has said Will Be, it's Us who create and cause the delays, and then some turn around and put it on God instead of facing the truth that they lack obedience , that they refuse to completely surrender, and allow God to Be God in their lives.
When It's time for you to move, you Will know If you can see, hear or believe...If you have obedience in you to Give, give what powers our faith, obedience.
And know this also, you will look around and some will not be found. Many do not have obedience to Sow, they have caused a delay in this part of their journey. There has been a separation between you and people, things, thinking and actions. That is one thing that Divine Shifting does, it separate us from others and from what we don't need in our lives.
For Right Now, stay out of the way, God is moving Every thing around as it
should be. Moving Everyone around as they should be.
Sit back and Praise Her for Her Faithfulness.
Make sure you have obedience to Sow, so that you do not create delays for
yourself, nor others around you. Stay opened to God's love.
A lack of obedience is caused by a lack of mature self control and self discipline.
It's the season to Sow obedience, but you can't sow what you don't have.
By Faith shall It Be Done!
By Faith shall It Be Done!
It's By Faith that we move,
It's by Love that we have the Power to move,
It's by Trust that Faith grows.
It's by Obedience that saves us from ourselves.
On feet of Faith & Peace Resting In His Peace & Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
Isaiah 50:4 / Isaiah 52 / Jer 20:9-13 /Joshua 1:9 / Luke 6:38
©2007--2016 WisdomTeachesme
Today is a day to Rest my soul and spirit
by the calm waters,
in the valley,
near the bottom of this new mountain....
before it's time to begin the climb....
by the calm waters,
in the valley,
near the bottom of this new mountain....
before it's time to begin the climb....
while this part of the Shifting is happening...
all for me to do is to stay alert,
willing, teachable, and opened to the Guidance of Wisdom....
while Calm and Her Daughter Joy comfort me....
all for me to do is to stay alert,
willing, teachable, and opened to the Guidance of Wisdom....
while Calm and Her Daughter Joy comfort me....
so much outside noise,
i have to shut it down,
distractions are not the same as interruptions...
and there is Much that my soul and spirit need to learn,
as the changes have come to teach me what I need to know before I am led to step further into this new season of my journey.
i have to get prepared to receive
what God has prepared for me.
i have to shut it down,
distractions are not the same as interruptions...
and there is Much that my soul and spirit need to learn,
as the changes have come to teach me what I need to know before I am led to step further into this new season of my journey.
i have to get prepared to receive
what God has prepared for me.
Today is a day with the purpose of Resting my soul and my spirit...I'm pretty sure that today's purpose will last for at least 5 more days..
On feet of Faith & Peace Resting In His Peace & Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
Isaiah 50:4 / Isaiah 52 / Jer 20:9-13 /Joshua 1:9 / Luke 6:38
©2007--2016 WisdomTeachesme
With every mistake and bad choice that I've ever made=I LOVE my Life!
With every sad&bad day and every Joyful&Good day=I LOVE my Life!
With Every challenge, trouble, situation, set of circumstances that I have faced and face now= I LOVE my Life!
With every disappointment that I brought upon myself, and all those that others gave me=I LOVE my Life!
For ever forgiveness I've spoken for myself, and all others=I LOVE my Life!
For Every place&space where I need Sisters Patience&Clarity&Wisdom More than Anything=I LOVE my Life!
For Every lack, gap and need that I have and have had= I LOVE my Life!
I LOVE Who I am-Where I've come from-Where I am Going-and all the Things to see, learn, take in, get rid of, let go off = I Love My Life, I Love Myself, I Love!
For Every Time I have to Shut Down the spirit of fear bringing it's lies to my ears and thoughts,
TrynnaMakeMe compare my life to others,
TrynnaMakeMe Compare myself to others...
TrynnaMakeme focus on failures &mistakes from my past in a Way that I Ignore the Lessons,
Trust that I do Shut It Down Every Time that enemy comes for me= (JESUS)......
I LOVE Who I Am, I Love My Life= Because, All of these things and others, have Been Turned Around for Good in my LIFE, Good in Changing me, And Glory to God IJN!
All I can do in this season of my Journey, during this Divine Shifting we are within, is to Allow myself to learn what I didn't know, to be changed/corrected where I need to be changed & corrected and to continue to be healed....
by Faith& according to my Faith it is already done...
by Faith& according to my Faith it is already done...
It's another Beautiful Day today...It was Already A Great day before I woke up!
Today is a Good day to begin to Love your whole self--to begin a Healthy Love relationship with yourself!
Love yourself -- You Whole self, right as you are Now and all you used to be-
Doing that will open you up so that you can Love who you Will be....Love Your
Love yourself -- You Whole self, right as you are Now and all you used to be-
Doing that will open you up so that you can Love who you Will be....Love Your
Whole Self---healthy love relationships..
# Resting my spirit and soul while the changes teach me their lessons
# so much to be grateful for
# I see God every where I look
# By Faith
# Here we go!
On feet of Faith & Peace Resting In His Peace & Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
Isaiah 50:4 / Isaiah 52 / Jer 20:9-13 /Joshua 1:9 / Luke 6:38
©2007--2016 WisdomTeachesme
Monday, February 8, 2016
I know without doubt, my Lord has straightened every crooked road that we travel and has poured water in our dry places!
See, this is what I Do know.....God knew this would happen Before it happened...being that I know that is the truth, I know God created a plan Then, for us to follow Now....
So, we're sticking with that!
In the Name of Jesus, By FAITH it has already been worked out for our Good! In the name of Jesus, yes it has!
Glory to God IJN...so be it!
# FAITH, It's The Evidence of.....
There are times when in the midst of challenges that are new, never before been through, you can't tell just any person about it.
It is a good thing for us to Witness while in the Middle of something, but you have to be ready if you don't discern who to talk to and who not to talk to.
I can't have folks with shallow, immature, weak faith and trust getting in my way during these times.
Folk like that will slow you up and create unnecessary mess....that's why you can't tell them about the challenges going on in your life, they can't help-- because they worry instead of Praise! They try to figure things out on their own instead of going directly to the Lord looking for God's plans concerning this..
It is a good thing for us to Witness while in the Middle of something, but you have to be ready if you don't discern who to talk to and who not to talk to.
I can't have folks with shallow, immature, weak faith and trust getting in my way during these times.
Folk like that will slow you up and create unnecessary mess....that's why you can't tell them about the challenges going on in your life, they can't help-- because they worry instead of Praise! They try to figure things out on their own instead of going directly to the Lord looking for God's plans concerning this..
I need Praising folks, to Join their faith and trust with mine, to lift their Voices up with mine in Total Praise, letting God know-- We know, You have Already taken care of us-made a way through and have put us on the path of that way made through, And we Expect You God! iJN! So Be It!
I need folk who Know there's No Need to Ask God for anything, because we already Know, it's already Done! I am expecting the Lord's outcome concerning Everything in my daily life! I dont want my outcome, nope! that won't work for me! I need folks around me who desire the Lord's outcome, not some manipulated jacked up shallow thing we humans can do.
I need folk who Know there's No Need to Ask God for anything, because we already Know, it's already Done! I am expecting the Lord's outcome concerning Everything in my daily life! I dont want my outcome, nope! that won't work for me! I need folks around me who desire the Lord's outcome, not some manipulated jacked up shallow thing we humans can do.
So, be careful when you tell others about the natural and/or spiritual challenges you are within = that are being used by God to stretch your spiritual gifts and treasure. If they are shallow, immature and weak in their faith, they will worry instead of Praise. And worrying, getting upset, getting all emotional, will not help anyone in these kinds of challenges!
Go to those you Know who have deep, steady, established faith and trust in the Lord, they are the ones who can help praise you through!
Go to those you Know who have deep, steady, established faith and trust in the Lord, they are the ones who can help praise you through!
after this....we'll be Better coming out of it, than we were going into it....Yes Lord, staying Faithful, Trusting, and Obedient.....Yes Lord..
Those of us who have been Called and answered Yes....we must be prepared when challenging times press us, knowing that Divine Patience is ours. Providing the Help we need to Grow through the challenges we have to face....knowing that God has already placed us within His Plan for the situation to have the Outcome God has prepared for us. We'll be better at the end of a thing, than we were when it began.
Faith is not always about understanding at the moment, sometimes understanding will not be given until the end of the thing
IJN, Stay Faithful and allow this new level of Trust that we must take hold of to carry us where God is leading us to.
heart emoticon
Faith is not always about understanding at the moment, sometimes understanding will not be given until the end of the thing
IJN, Stay Faithful and allow this new level of Trust that we must take hold of to carry us where God is leading us to.
heart emoticon
As many times as it's happened in my life...i am still a little takenaback, at How facing a challenge or two will Always clean house!
You can set your watch to this truth, your circle will get smaller when you face a challenge or two...
Folk won't text, call, email, drop by to check on you..offer No encouragement, prayers, praises, help of any kind....smh...
But, wait till they hit a challenge in their lives...
True character will always be revealed when there is a challenge to face....
Nope, not mad...just more aware because Clarity has shinned on the situation...Grateful that God knew this and sent some who have checked in, texted, emailed, etc...helped how ever we needed it... I see this opportunity to praise the Lord for being their help.
Grateful to know what I cannot expect from those who gave the impression that I could.
You can set your watch to this truth, your circle will get smaller when you face a challenge or two...
Folk won't text, call, email, drop by to check on you..offer No encouragement, prayers, praises, help of any kind....smh...
But, wait till they hit a challenge in their lives...
True character will always be revealed when there is a challenge to face....
Nope, not mad...just more aware because Clarity has shinned on the situation...Grateful that God knew this and sent some who have checked in, texted, emailed, etc...helped how ever we needed it... I see this opportunity to praise the Lord for being their help.
Grateful to know what I cannot expect from those who gave the impression that I could.
# We Good Tho,
# God will use your challenge to clean your House!
# Good to Know who needs to literally Go, or be moved back from the front row to the back.
# Naww, no need to come around After we make it Through, and are Better than we were when we went in
# God will use your challenge to clean your House!
# Good to Know who needs to literally Go, or be moved back from the front row to the back.
# Naww, no need to come around After we make it Through, and are Better than we were when we went in
We can either become bitter or we can become better.
It's not complicated.
No matter what situations, challenges, changes, or troubles that come into our lives, we can either By Faith Expect God to use them for our Good and better us, Or we can sit around in Pity and Blame allowing them to make us bitter. Which will have you drowning in shallow waters.
It's Our choice and the consequences of our choices will either Lift us up, or tear us down, again, drowning us in shallow waters...
It's not complicated.
No matter what situations, challenges, changes, or troubles that come into our lives, we can either By Faith Expect God to use them for our Good and better us, Or we can sit around in Pity and Blame allowing them to make us bitter. Which will have you drowning in shallow waters.
It's Our choice and the consequences of our choices will either Lift us up, or tear us down, again, drowning us in shallow waters...
I know this for Sure, that the bank won't take our Faith as collateral, the tax office won't take it as a payment, neither will the electric, gas or oil companies. The grocery stores, doctors and lawyers offices, Nope, they won't take it either.....
But what I Also know that Trumps all of that, is This, God Will Take our Faith All Day Long-Every Day and And Turn it into The Ways Made Through for us!
I Praise and Give Glory to Her, IJN!
I Praise and Give Glory to Her, IJN!
# Stay Faithful=Keep Trusting!
# Thank You Lord For My Faith!
# See, I can drink from my Own Well & Encourage myself--and any other WhoSoEver's
# Thank You Lord For My Faith!
# See, I can drink from my Own Well & Encourage myself--and any other WhoSoEver's
John 17
On feet of Faith & Peace Resting In His Peace & Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
Isaiah 50:4 / Isaiah 52 / Jer 20:9-13 /Joshua 1:9 / Luke 6:38
©2007--2016 WisdomTeachesme
Sunday, January 10, 2016
by faith.
The foundation of UnconditionaLove that we are growing from, can do nothing But fill us and over flow out from us!
Because our lives are constantly filled with UnconditionaLove, there is Nothing that is impossible for us, according to God's will.
by Faith.
Because of How God loves us, we have traded our ashes for His Glory.
We do not have love, that earthly love, we have UnconditionaLove which is Divine.
We are grateful about Each day the Lord wakes us up, it is Not taken for granted.
We have found in each other a place of being Over Joyed at the unfolding of each layer of This Blessing our Mother God has placed us within.
We do not have love, that earthly love, we have UnconditionaLove which is Divine.
We are grateful about Each day the Lord wakes us up, it is Not taken for granted.
We have found in each other a place of being Over Joyed at the unfolding of each layer of This Blessing our Mother God has placed us within.
by Faith.
We have learned how to number our days, learned to love what the other loves, & how to parent two beautiful daughters, and Mike (Mookie).
We have learned how to allow the UnconditionaLove's necessary changes, to change us.
We have learned to lift each other up in the name of Jesus, allowing God's purpose to direct us.
We have learned to seek beauty in places others ignore or push away...the small places...
We have learned to lift each other up in the name of Jesus, allowing God's purpose to direct us.
We have learned to seek beauty in places others ignore or push away...the small places...
We have learned that it is far Better for our souls to Be, instead of Have, as each day arrives and ends, we've allowed unconditonaLove to change us for that day.
by Faith.
She is not my whole world & I am not her whole world, we are a part of everything that we each need and desire.
We have learned togetherness.
We have learned that no matter what we have or don't have, God's UnconditionaLove is always the loudest sound we hear.
We have learned togetherness.
We have learned that no matter what we have or don't have, God's UnconditionaLove is always the loudest sound we hear.
by Faith.
Because of How God Loves us, our Lives are Filled with UnconditonaLove and we Share that with whosoever.
As we enter into a new calendar year of living and being, We Speak, Divine unconditionaLove, Joy, Peace, Clarity, Togetherness,Understanding, Forgiveness, Grace, Mercy, Support, Wisdom, Comfort, Strength, Compassion, Faith and Trust over all of You!
by Faith.
We continue to learn how to live within God's Heart every day. There is always more to learn. God provides new beginnings Every Day....and we are grateful and thankful to be able to see them and take hold of them each day we are given.
God's Not finished with us yet!
May you enjoy today's blessings, as well as all the blessings this New Calendar Year will bring to us all!
On feet of Faith & Peace Resting In His Peace & Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
Isaiah 50:4 / Isaiah 52 / Jer 20:9-13 /Joshua 1:9 / Luke 6:38
©2007--2016 WisdomTeachesme
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