Thursday, February 23, 2017


No one lights a lamp and then puts it in a cellar nor under a basket ,hiding the light, but instead it is put on the lampstand, so that those who come in may see the light.
Luke 11:33

The blessing of the Lord brings true riches,
And He adds no sorrow to it for it comes as a blessing from God.
Proverb 10:22

I'm saying this covered in Love and Truth..
Many are complaining about the difficulties, frustrations, a Job they now hold. They complain about having to go to work, they complain about how long the day is while they are at work. they complain about their duties at work. They complain. 
Let me help you out a little bit here...I pray you have an entrance that will receive this Love & Truth, so that It will turn you around the way You should be.
Many of these complainers were the very same people who were asking people to pray for them to find a job, when they didn't have one.-- the very same people asking others for help in staying afloat until they found this Job.--the very same People, who were talking about God is Good and Praising God, and Seeking God to help them find and get the job they now have.
What I wanna know is, what happened?
How can you find so much wrong with the blessing God gave you? 
How can you spend so much time complaining about every part of this job--this Blessing - that God gave you?
Where many are off point with this is, when we surrender ourselves to God IJN, and say, Lord Use me How ever You see fit to do.....God Will do Just that!
When we are given job, many times it's a "sick" place. A place that is not always going to have everything in proper order. A place where spiritually, mentally and physically sick and unhealthy people work. And that is also true for the customers and clients who visit where you work.
So, when we get caught up in what is wrong with our job, and we allow ourselves to only focus on what is wrong by joining in with the others who complain, we will become frustrated and look for what is wrong.
We should remember to Join In with the Purpose God sent us there to accomplish. Because, if we are focused on complaining, not healing, not helping to make a way through, not seeking God for the help the people need, we are not Shinning our Light in the Darkness of that Job! We have Joined In with the Darkness and helping it do what it do! 
We end up trying to do our job by our own standards, ways, and thinking. When we do that, there is no where to go, but to the land of complaining and being frustrated.
If you think about it and see that you are frustrated and complaining, I encourage you to turn yourself around and remember Who you asked to give you This Job--then ask to be corrected In your Spiritual duties at this job before You don't have this job and can't find another one, then you will go back to God crying and seeking a new job....
And, Why should you get a new job when you didn't do what You were Sent to do at the old job?

 The Blessing of the Lord, Bring No Sorrow!

But we will and can add sorrow into the blessings we are given! 

We have to remember we are constantly being changed, so we have to move out of dead places and grow out of immaturity in our love, our Spiritual life, and our obedience. 
Ask for wisdom and understanding and clarity
And, I'm not talking about venting...we All need to do that every now and then.
Complaining and Venting are not the same things.
--Complaining because something in you craves the kind of attention that complaining attracts, is what I am talking about. --Not understanding Why God gave you that Job is what I am talking about. -Understanding Why God gave you that job, but ignoring that to feed your will is what I am talking about. --Not realizing that you are not appreciating the Blessing that God gave you, And that you are bringing sorrow Into the blessing, is what I am talking about. --After realizing What is going on, and Wanting to get that Right, is what I am talking about --Getting out of your own way so that maturity and wisdom can do In you what You need. --Understanding that this Kind of Love is an every day Work, Is what I am talking about. --Being willing to mature enough to recognize that You are Very important to God, and that God will use you as a vessel for others As well as for Yourself, is what I am talking about...

On feet of Faith & Peace Resting In His Faithfulness, 
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
 Isaiah 50:4 / Isaiah 52 / Jer 20:9-13 /Joshua 1:9 / Luke 6:38
 ©2007--2017 WisdomTeachesme