I hope that you are greeted with welcomeness and leave with encouragement dancing in your heart, spirit, mind, and body!
The Love of God will live in you if you prepare a place for Him!
Good morning family, I greet you in the completeness of God's Power over and in our lives. Yea, Amen.
This is a short message to encourage you to be still and Know He IS God! To look around yourself and remind yourself, that you are living Within His Rest.
As He was with Joshua (Joshua 1:9), He IS with you, me, us!
Read how God spoke His Word to Joshua, and Joshua believed and moved the people by faith and trust of Gods Way! Amen.
I know that you are going through changes sent by God to better your life and I know how sometimes these changes have places that are very difficult to get through...Please know that you are not alone on this journey!
Praise You Lord for Your gifts and blessings given to us, to comfort us through these difficult and hard to hold times. Amen. Lord we know that You are 'Seeing" who will stay with You not only when the road is smooth and easy going-BUT also, when the road is bumpy, rocky, hard to navigate, is full of frustrations and hard work. Let us daily live the faith that pleases You Father, In Jesus' name Yea, Amen.
I want to encourage you to keep moving forward--even if it appears that your steps are very small, they may even appear to be shuffling...as long as it is forward movement and the impetus is from God...don't worry about how fast you think you should be going or in what direction...God is in charge of all that!
I thank You Father that you ARE!
There is so much that is going on around us-and it's building up strength. I cannot stress enough the importance of praising and worshipping God in these times, in the midst of all that is going on around you in the outside world and right in your own little worlds--things will get worse on the outside of us before they get better. It suprises me none that people seem to have lost their minds with the killlings, the messes....God said it would happen this way..so do not be surprised or put off by any of it...as long as you are grounded deeply into the foundation that God has put you into, you will be fine--your family will be fine.

We, being in the center of storms, but not the cause of them, nor the focus of them, have to know that we are standing on The Rock Called Jesus! We have to know that God is watching everything and that He is not going to allow any negative mess from the world to kill us--Now, He may allow these things to strengthen us, to help burn off dross, and to make us understand that our help comes from the hills.... but none of it will take us out unless you give up!
So I stress to you-I encourage you to stay your ground! To stand with God and stay a living witness to His greatness of Being God!
I encourage you to trust Him even more--to use the faith that He has given to you...the faith that pleases Him! Lord I do love you and I thank You for these people in this congregation! How You Father, take care of us all and make sure that we know what You want us to do. Thank You Lord that You are God and that we are Your children, Your servants and The Apple of Your Eye!
People, take time to rest, not just in the natural, but move yourself, your stuff, your families, INTO THE REST OF GOD! On a daily basis! This is the only way to live and not just survive! This is the path of The Great Life that Only Our Father can afford!!
Amen Thank You Lord--I for one rec' all that You are giving to me and my family--and to the people that you send to us --May we always have by Your hand what they need from You. In Jesus' name Yea Amen.
It is the only safe place to be in these times-as they are going to get worse...God is trying to bring all His people near to Him for full coverage and protection, if you have not a sound, solid relationship with God how will He communicate to you the new directions, the new stragedies, how will He deliver to you the love and healing that you will need, if you are not communicating with Him on a daily basis?
Start thanking Him for sending you people that boldly Speak His Words and do His work-that will walk into a situaion and speak His life into that situation to change it...Thank Him for His courage put into these people, that in the face of natural and spiritual enemies, they are fully determined to deliver what God has sent them with for your benefit!
Thank God that He is with these people--His Messengers and that They trust and have faith in Him to provide full protection, wisdom, understanding, and knowledge in order to help YOUR LIFE!
Keep praising and worshipping God for these people that He has called, ordained, and predestined their paths and their jobs of being His dependable servants for Your Life!
Be glad that God sends you corrections/discipline--just as you correct your children or your close friends and family members - so they will not go wrong, or make things worse for themselves. He sends you the same as He wants you to be on the purposed path in order to bring His word to pass in your life.
Thank Him for correcting you from thinking wrong, from doing wrong, and from speaking wrong. that is Love for you from Him! thank Him that You don't know everything and that you are humbled by this fact. and that in all your ways you acknowledge that only God knows everything and that He will release His ways to us through His multi-Ways of Being!
Get up and shout praises to Him for This Day!
Stay Within His Rest! For This day & everyday-all day long!
I hope that you are greeted with welcomeness and leave with encouragement dancing in your heart, spirit, mind, and body!
The Love of God will live in you if you prepare a place for Him!
In His name~Joshua 1:9