Monday, November 25, 2013


Grateful for Another blessed day, to be led by the Spirit of my Lord, to step into what this day holds for me.
I feel and confidently cover myself in God's expressions of Joy over me!

For All my days, So Shall my Strength Be! 

I will not drown in shallow waters!
That is what I heard the Lord say to me.
"For All Your Days My daughter, So Shall Your Strength Be!  No matter if I say Yes or No, Keep Trusting Me-Keep Close to Me--No matter If I say Go or Wait, Keep your ears and eyes open for Me and My Leading of Your steps, mouth, heart, soul and spirit!"

For God's Glory, In the name of Jesus, May the Lord Jesus rebuke and send back to the pits of hell  All in me and around me and mine that is Not of God. All the evil works the enemy has sent to destroy our relationships and ways of loving, truthful communication! May my Lord Jesus rebuke and send back to the pits of hell  All thoughts, actions, words, dead spirits, bad attitudes, bad character issues, works of iniquity,  etc...!
For God's Glory, May the Lord repair our mistakes, correct us, align us with His Will, clean and remove All that is Not of our Father God out of us and away from us, while Renewing our hearts, healing our minds and making clear the air that we breath and the Opening up His Ways of communication between us!  To God Be the Glory in the name of Jesus!

The enemy loves to ruin relationships, one way he does this is to corrupt     communication between people, between us and the Lord and between ourselves.
 The enemy loves to create chaos and confusion based on miscommunication. It only takes a crack for him to slither through, a false truth, a word taken the wrong way, an action that hit an old unresolved issue, to make us get offended with each other. 
To make us begin to blame and focus on some wrong we perceive done to us.

It's spiritual warfare!

 The enemy seeks to break apart and keep apart people and relationships through misunderstandings, bad communication and lies.
He seeks out our unresolved issues, and there he has a crack to slither into us and launch a full force fight to destroy us from the inside.

Even if the wrong is legitimate, we still should not focus on it and begin to create our own understanding of why it happened and what to do with it.
It's all shallow water and if we are not careful, we will drown in it!

The enemy wants us to ignore the truth, to run and hide from what we need to face and allow the Lord's Love to make Right!  He wants us to stop the flow of Love and Truth in our communications with each other, with ourselves, and with God.
The more we obey the enemy, the further away we are from God's Expressions of Joy Over us! 
 What are you holding in that you have confused, that you have told yourself about another's words, actions,etc... that you need to Face and allow the Lord to Repair?

At some point, (hopefully sooner than later),  we have to cover it all in love, surrendering it all to the Lord, humbly and confidently waiting on the Lord's healing, correction, reply and guidance.
We have to seek a better perspective of the problems and troubles, and God's perspective is best.

I shall not drown in shallow waters...

Living on Common Ground....
My expectation is that the Lord already knows, and has already prepared me and prepared Ways through.
 My expectation speaks Truth that I will be corrected where I am wrong, my mistakes shall be covered and turned around and made Right.
My expectation confidently waits for the Move of Gods Spirit to reveal to me what I have missed, because my view may be too narrow or I may be facing the wrong direction.  I know He will give me His perspective concerning all things I need to know.

 For All my days, So Shall my Strength Be!
I will not drown in shallow waters!
That is what I heard the Lord say to me.
"For All Your Days daughter, So Shall Your Strength Be!  No matter if I say Yes or No, Keep Trusting Me-Keep Close to Me--No matter If I say Go or Wait, Keep your ears and eyes open for Me and My Leading of Your steps, mouth, heart, soul and spirit!"

God is going to be glorified through my Growing through all the challenges that face us now.
Some of These new challenges aren't really new, they are different parts of some of the same challenges.  I know this, I see this and I understand this to be that some challenges have different parts of "getting/growing through",  and once we grow through one part, we still may have other parts of the same challenge to grow through.
 Even though the Spiritual seasons change, some of the same challenges will go with us into each new season.

My Grace Is Sufficient for You my Daughter!

Some of these I have Not gotten completely through yet, but I know I will!  I surrender Every thing to Him, while I stand on common ground!
The tougher the challenges are,  the Stronger the Grace God supplies!
His Love is reducing me to Love as He heals my unresolved issues, any brokenness, pain, hurt and misunderstandings!

I will not drown in shallow waters!

I look forward to and embrace this season with all the Joy and Faith I have, because I know there is Nothing but God's Best for me and mine in the days to come.
I know my Lord speaks encouragement to me (as He does with all with opened and willing ears), so I allow His Expressions of Joy to rest on me like a mantle of anointing, providing all that I need to accomplish His Will in this season and the ones to come.

With confidence, not fear, bitterness, doubt or confusion, I step as directed, no matter what is going on now, The end is God's best for us.  His Grace has gone before us and watches behind us, never missing a step with us, as we remember on purpose that we are Covered in God's Expressions of Joy over us!  He fights all battles, while I sit and praise Him, Worship Him, Expect Him and Love Him!

I do my best to stay open and willing and teachable to His Voice, to His leading. Ever ready to move when His Spirit leads me to move, speak, or sit still. It is not about any vainglory for myself, that I live this life.  I seek to know of any place or time in which I have sought self glory for the Work He has me doing so that He may correct me.

I seek to have the Fire in me Stoked and my Spiritual eyes and ears Opened completely, so I do not become dull, and hard of hearing because I am a blocked vessel of His Righteousness.

When the Lord draws a clear distinction between those who Honor Him and give Him His Glory and those who seek their own glory, I want to be on the Side of Right.
Heal me Lord, Correct me Lord, Make me Right where I am wrong, Use me as Your instrument Lord in building up Your Kingdom here on earth as it is in Heaven!
In the name of Jesus, Father, So Be It!
"When you bear (produce) much fruit, My Father is honored and glorified, and you show and prove yourselves to be true followers of Mine."
John 15

On feet of Faith & Peace Resting In His Peace & Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
Isaiah 50:4 / Isaiah 52 / Jer 20:9-13 /Joshua 1:9 / Luke 6:38
©2007-2013 WisdomTeachesm

Sunday, November 24, 2013


Matthew 5:14-15 (NLT) says,  “You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house."
 Where ever you go, Let people see the Jesus in you!

 Don't compromise the changes for Good that God's Love has done in you.
Don't hide your light, your gifts, abilities, talents, your spiritual gifts and fruit at any time in your new life. Seek to have a strong gift of discernment so that you know how much to give, when to give and to whom to give.

I'm not saying to be deep & mystical (lol), but if everyone else is cussing, lying, going back to what God threw away and saved them from, if others are double-minded and following their own will, when others drink to the point of being drunk, if others live a cheating, stealing, selfish, ego driven, pride feeding life and a life not honoring God in their ways, doesn't mean you have to.  Don't be double-minded, either you live and love God every day or you don't.
We are to Be the Godly example for others to follow. 
Let your no be no, and your yes be yes. Matthew 5:37
If you told the Lord, Yes!,  then allow that Yes to bring you into all He has for you.  When you give your word to another, make sure you keep it.

Discipline is a part of what He has for us.
 It takes discipline to mold us to be who God created us to be, who Jesus saved us from ourselves to be. It takes discipline to change the wrong behaviors in our character to Good and Righteous behaviors. It takes discipline to stop being loyal to our old selves and the world's ways, and begin to be loyal to the Love of God. 

God sends to us mentors, teachers, helpers, and lovers of His heart, seekers of His Righteousness to help us become who He created us to be. The Holy Spirit is the Lead in this work, and God sends other human helpers, to accompany us on our daily journey. He also uses each of us in some form or fashion to help others. When we obey God to be a blessing, we receive blessings also.

We don't always get it right, but Thank Jesus for second chances and the gift of forgiveness, because we are shown where we are wrong in order to be forgiven and corrected. If that is what we seek.
Just as He offered Peter another chance after His resurrection, we receive the same chances now.  

Are you allowing your spiritual light from God to shine, or the light from your ego and pride to shine?  Is there a mix of both shinning from you?  I know sometimes it may be that way with us all, as we are all works of Love in progress.
Knowing this, I have to stay aware of what I am giving off, because when I am funky, snarky, or in a bad way, all that seeps out of me and floats through our home and before I know it, every one in the home is snapping at each other, speaking snarky and acting funky to each other. I've witnessed this happening and had to quickly pray for help in stopping it and changing my attitude.
It takes us using the spiritual gifts of discipline and self control to do our part while God does His part.

Every day, all day, which is seen coming from you?
Or are you compromising Your gifts and fruit of the Spirit, are you hindering and stunting their growth and maturity?

 We have to examine ourselves, in order to see where we are wrong, and not just to see who has wronged us. Facing ourselves allows correction to happen in us, which allows spiritual and emotional growth and maturity to happen.  We are ever connected to the Root by being the branches, and we grow as He says we need to grow or we are cut off from the Root.
John 15

I'm not saying to go around those who have done you wrong and allow them to keep treating you badly, no, I'm saying pray for Help with those, but also remember we do wrong ourselves.  A lot of times we do ourselves wrong before others have a chance.

 If we reject discipline, correction and compromise who God has said we are, then we are not Serving God, we are serving ourselves. 
Don't compromise what God has done for you, learn how to know the difference.

It all comes down to who are we loyal to? 
Are we going to be and stay Loyal to God, and all that Jesus has done for us, Or, are we going to be loyal to our flesh, our mistakes, our insecurities, our ego and pride, our pain and hurt, our old lives?

Refusing discipline is nothing but stepping off the path and walking into a trap, set to grab us when we live through our flesh.  In this way, we do not mature spiritually, but only allow our own will and flesh to grow and have authority over our minds and hearts.

Many times we are led to go around people saved or unsaved, in order to shine our light, to lead those God seeks out of the darkness into His Love and Light. We don't have to wonder and guess who to help, the Holy Spirit will lead us to those God is seeking.  Many times they will not be the poor, disheveled, jobless and homeless persons, many times they are those with jobs, with homes and families, with food to eat every day who are the poor in Spirit that the Lord is seeking.

Don't assume by a person's appearance that they don't have a relationship with the Lord, because in leading yourself, you may be Very wrong.

  I include those already saved because, many have taken the salvation from Jesus, but nothing more. They refuse to learn, grow and mature, so they are still mostly the same old person while their New Life sits waiting for them to Step into It and Live it!
Their mouths may speak out love to God and they may praise Jesus when around others, but they do not live for Him and serve Him with their lives.
We are their example also.

Where do you see yourself in Matthew 13?  Which ground are you?

On feet of Faith & Peace Resting In His Peace & Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
Isaiah 50:4 / Isaiah 52 / Jer 20:9-13 /Joshua 1:9 / Luke 6:38
©2007-- 2013 WisdomTeachesme

Thursday, November 21, 2013


To everything there is a season, and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven:
 A time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to pluck up what is planted,

 A time to kill and a time to heal, a time to break down and a time to build up,

 A time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance,

 A time to cast away stones and a time to gather stones together, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,

 A time to get and a time to lose, a time to keep and a time to cast away,

 A time to rend and a time to sew, a time to keep silence and a time to speak,

 A time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

It feels like I am sitting on a chair or a couch and they are being moved around the room, in and out of different rooms looking for the right fit.
 And I have nothing to say about what room they should go in, nor where they should go in each room, nor how long they should stay there.
When in the middle of a thing, of change(s)....
Being quiet, seeking what I have missed, because, I now there is much I miss every day, I need to know what I have missed. I need to learn what perspective is best for me now...

I keep thinking about the natural seasonal changes that we are within now, and how I feel aligned with the pace of it.  As I think about it, I feel aligned with all of them as they each pass through.
I keep hearing, when the leaves are all on the ground, you should be finished with all things you need to let go of also!
Laid, fell, or thrown, but on the ground. 
I know all this is a part of this season of letting go.  I've been knowing this for some time now, and have clarity as I look through all the baggage that the Lord holds open for me to decide what I am going to do with it all.
He is asking, do you still feel you need this, and why?

Did you know that trees literally cut the leaf free from itself and that is why it falls to the ground? I learned this a few years ago and it has always stayed on my mind and is recalled at certain times of the year.
God's Love continually prepares us for what we are expecting from God.
I am not trying to preserve the temporary that God used/uses to get me from there to here. Just because the thing/person that God used is gone/ is going,  and I am not at the end of this, does not mean God has not already lined up another way to get me to the next destination.

Being quiet and still as I am being moved through the details of the changes..... watching, waiting till they are complete for this season, for this cycle.

Not trying to hold on to any person that has decided to move away, not by God's decision, but by their own. I will let them go.

Accepting the truth that some I used to trust, have shown me I can't trust them now.
Facing the challenges that changes create with Truth, Faith, Boldness, Peace and Joy, because I know,  how the challenges make me feel is not powerful unless I allow them to be powerful.   I have come too far to allow emotions to govern me.
Because I know, that these challenges are temporary and will bring me into the Best God has for me and mine!

I am Not moving outside of God's boundaries around me and mine.

Making sure that every idea that pops into my mind is From God, and not from any places in me that are still in need of healing and deliverance. Not from ego, pride, or any place like that.

I am not trying to pull anything or any person into The boundaries God put around me and mine.

I am not ever on my own, going back to places or people that God cut away from me, or moved to a different place in my life.
 If they have no purpose in God's plans for me, that is the end.

Surrendering to God's re-alignment to happen as He has planned.
To take me out of every place that I stepped wrongly into and place me where I should be.

Remembering that many people love me, call on me, want to be around me, as long as I am helping them through their mess and issues.
 I realize some were only there for that moment, that I was only in their lives for a moment, but some others were to stay, but decided to do other things aligned to their ideas.

Not going to allow what I don't know to hinder me.  I've not allowed the unknowns, the "what's and if's"  to control me up to this point, and I'll not be fooled into allowing them to control me now.

Remembering that I am prepared for what I am expecting from God.

This process.... that I am in the middle of, it's not over--it turns and twists into the next phase of what God has planned...seeking clarity, understanding, connections, and God's Outcome as I am calmed and shown what He's all about....

 Trusting all the way through...Not fighting the changes, that makes no sense anyway, since I can't do anything to stop them, hinder them, etc...

Not holding back from accepting what the changes bring into my life or take away.

God's changes are always the Best for me.
The Peace and Joy Jesus Gave to me, are my foot holds, are my places to sit, are the cool drink of water I need, are the pieces of bread I eat.

Praising my way through, focused on His Love as I am moved through the process of these changes.....

I am receiving from God what I asked Him for, though I have no idea about the details, nor the order, timing or pace of what He is doing, I Trust Him for Providing everything I Need.
To God Be The Glory, In the name of Jesus

On feet of Faith & Peace Resting In His Peace & Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
Isaiah 50:4 / Isaiah 52 / Jer 20:9-13 /Joshua 1:9 / Luke 6:38
©2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 WisdomTeachesme

Sunday, November 17, 2013


“Let Me give you a new command: Love one another. In the Same Way I Loved you, you Love one another. This is how everyone will recognize that you are My disciples—when they see the Love you have for each other.”
John 13

I never have understood why those who believe in God get upset with those who don't, when those who don't voice their opinion.

Why spend any time trying to prove God to someone who insists that God does not exist?

That's not what we are called to do and it wastes so much valuable time and energy, keeping you from helping those who are Seeking to know God better because they do believe, but don't have a relationship with God and want one.

When you argue and debate trying to Prove God to people who don't believe in God/Jesus/The Holy Spirit, you are being tricked, hoodwinked and manipulated by the enemy. 

God Proves His existence EVERY DAY, and those who have decided they don't believe in Him, well, that's what they have decided. Leave them to themselves, and don't try to argue with them, or as many love to call it, debate with them.

God has His ways of reaching peoples hearts, if they reject Him, that is on them not you.

Spend your time wisely,  praising, worshiping and obeying God... Spend your time moving closer to God, gaining in your understanding, wisdom, clarity, and Love.
 This is what we are called to do.

If you feel you need to defend your belief in God, your relationship with God, your following Jesus, then there is something not balanced, mature, and clear with you, not them.  You may feel you have something to prove to others. Having something to prove usually creates spaces for ego, pride and other emotions to have a field day.

It may be your insecurities and doubt that make you feel you need to defend God, or defend your believing in God and your following Jesus.  These are places in your heart that you need healed and to be delivered from.  They are cracks for the enemy to enter through and control you.

Jesus didn't argue or debate with anyone who questioned Him. He simply gave His answers and if they accepted them, Good, if not, He moved on to the next people God led Him to. He spoke Truth and the Truth separated those who believe and those who don't.  Many do not have ears that can Hear Truth.

 We have been told to follow His Example, this is how others will know we belong to Him and that we are His.  Arguing/debating with people who don't believe in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit is not the example that Jesus gave us. He never used force to convince any one to believe and neither does His Spirit use force. 
Another point that I will only mention is, we aren't suppose to argue and debate with each other either.  But, I'll save that for another post at a later time.

John 6
37 "All whom My Father gives (entrusts) to Me will come to Me; and the one who comes to Me I will most certainly not cast out [I will never, no never, reject one of them who comes to Me]."39 "And this is the will of Him Who sent Me, that I should not lose any of all that He has given Me, but that I should give new life and raise [them all] up at the last day."44 "No one is able to come to Me unless the Father Who sent Me Attracts and Draws them and Gives them the desire to come to Me,..."

63--66 "It is the Spirit Who gives life [He is the Life-giver]; the flesh conveys no benefit whatever [there is no profit in it].
The words (truths) that I have been speaking to you are Spirit And Life.
 But [still] some of you fail to believe and trust and have faith."

For Jesus knew from the first who did not believe and had no faith and who would betray Him and be false to Him.

And He said, "This is Why  I Told you that no one can come to Me Unless it is granted them [unless they are Enabled to do so] by The Father."
 After this, many of His disciples drew back (returned to their old associations) and no longer accompanied Him.


On feet of Faith & Peace Resting In His Peace & Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
Isaiah 50:4 / Isaiah 52 / Jer 20:9-13 /Joshua 1:9 / Luke 6:38
©2007== 2013 WisdomTeachesme

Thursday, November 14, 2013


"But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’
For whatever is more than these is from the evil one." 
Matthew 5:37
There is God, then there is every thing else.
There is a Movement of Divine Order that is in progress. Everything is being put in it's Proper Order according to Gods Will. It's a process, and we need to be willing, teachable and surrender all to Him, so that we are re-aligned with His plans for us.  He is healing us so that we are able to withstand temptation to return to old ways that we have already conquered.

I  know it takes just as much courage, faith and trust to Wait with and on God, as it does to Move when God leads to Move.  Being faithful to hear and obey God is the key, no matter what God leads us to do.
How and What we sow will be returned to us.
When I sow mercy, God shows Himself merciful, When I am Faithful, God shows Himself as Faithful. When I sow purity, God shows Himself as Pure, He is Grace, He is mercy, He is innocence, He is Faithful.

I simply cannot live in the land of "IF'S & WHEN I" !
I simply cannot hold my Joy inside being lead by IF & WHEN!

If this, If that, If we ever, If we can....When we get there,
 When this happens, When we pay this off, When, IF, When IF.....
If and When are fuel for insecurities to grow and take over!
They steal your Joy, Peace and Patience, and make you doubt and fear.
They make you think you should Hold your Joy, Praise, and Thankfulness Until You Get where God is leading you! They make you double-minded!
They will make you miss and ignore all the lessons and blessings God placed on each step of this daily journey.
They will keep you focused on all the wrong things.

I don't want to get to where God is leading me, and then realize that All the Tools and Blessings I need to accomplish the Work once I get there, I left behind on the path.
 Nope! There is nothing for us in those ways of thinking.
I Gotta Be Joyful Now!
I Gotta Be within Peace Now!
I Gotta Expect God to do Now!
I Gotta Expect Jesus to do Now
I Gotta Let my Faith and Trust Boldly Speak All The Time Now!
I Gotta Praise My Way Through NOW!
I Gotta Keep my ears and eyes Trained on hearing and seeing His Truth, Love, Grace, Mercy and Power!

Once your ears are re-trained to hear God's voice of Truth, Love, Grace, Mercy and Forgiveness, you can't go back to hearing doubt, fears, what if's, and When!
Standing in your spiritual ground and refusing to be tempted to go back to old ways and places that you have already had victory with is what God expects from us when the enemy troubles the water and attempts to trick us. 

The enemy will try to trick us into standing in pride, ego, competition, try to trick us into breathing life back into insecurities and bad habits that we have already conquered!
The enemy will try to trick us into holding on to what is temporary and rejecting what is permanent from God. 
Stay focused on walking in and living in the Power of the Spirit of God.
Today is Another day to stand on the Promises of God, with what ever Faith you have!
As Many Spiritual Steps Forward that God has moved us Just in this past year, (not to mention years beforehand), There is No way the enemy will move me back Any Steps!
I hear folk say all the time, "God moved me forward 3 steps and the devil moved me back four!"
I am not in agreement with that kind of thinking!

If I think the enemy can move me backward, then I am not trusting God.
The enemy is a master at deception, manipulation, and spreading trouble.
But see, I know God already Knows this about the enemy,
So I know God has Already Made Ways around the enemy's deception,
 manipulation, and troubles.
So when things Appear to not be moving forward, I have to examine myself, to see if I am wanting to move before God. I need to examine myself to see if I have missed moving when God said to move And Where God said to move. If I get pushed backwards, I need to see where I tripped and get that right!

 I'm on God's timing, within Gods Order, and Moving at God's Pace.

Praising our Way Through Now, As God leads us!
Jesus said, to Come unto Him for Everything!
To God be the Glory in the Name of Jesus, So Be It!

"Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him."
Matthew 6

"Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage." 
Galatians 5:1

On feet of Faith & Peace Resting In His Peace & Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
Isaiah 50:4 / Isaiah 52 / Jer 20:9-13 /Joshua 1:9 / Luke 6:38
©2007--2013 WisdomTeachesme

Monday, November 11, 2013


Thinking on these things.....
--Just because a lot of people don't know What God has you doing, does not mean it is Not Very Important. If you are concerned about people knowing, you need to check your motives, And make sure that what you are doing in Jesus' name, IS something that God told you to do!
--I am here to Please God, not people. I never forget that, but I do have to remind others often!

--I can walk with you as God allows, but I can't help you carry your cross.

--I can praise with you, but Your breakthrough and the answers to Your prayers Seek Your Praise.

--I can pray for you, but Your breakthrough and the answers to Your Prayers Seek to Hear Your Faith and Trust!

--Joyful, being Filled with Joy, Peace, Love Faith and Trust, Will help You when You Praise your way through.

---What eve
r your gifts, talents and abilities Are, Start with those, water, feed, weed, love on These! Increase their strength, gain understanding about their Power, Use them to honor God with and they Will make Room For You!

---All the Blessings of the Lord make me Rich and Add No Sorrow to my life!

--If little things can rock your faith, make you act through emotions, and become angry, making you focus your time, energy and attention on being mad, It'll take a while longer before you are given Larger Things to do.

--If the ones closest to you don't know Your Love, then no one else will either.

-- How we treat others is how we treat ourselves. Are you aware of this or are you playing pretend with yourself?

---Let your Yes Be Yes, and your No Be No! Then you will not be frustrated, confused and bent out of shape.

--Boundaries are Very important. It's not a good idea to try and move God's boundaries placed around you.

--You can love people and not allow them and their immaturity to live in your space.

--Forgiveness will give you understanding about Your Freedom

On feet of Faith & Peace Resting In His Peace & Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
Isaiah 50:4 / Isaiah 52 / Jer 20:9-13 /Joshua 1:9 / Luke 6:38
©2007--2013 WisdomTeachesme

Sunday, November 10, 2013


I've come through some things and I've turned away from some things.
I've arrived to some places and I'm still on my way to some places.
I've gotten it right many times, and I've gotten it wrong some times.

I've been given hard things from God to do, but truth be told, I know in doing my part I will only allow the Better God has planned to happen as God desires for me.
I've been given small things to do from God, that I found out After I did them, they were the largest part of the Process.
I've been given large things to do from God that were actually the smallest parts of the process.

I've been given all the seeds of every spiritual thing I need, and I've watered them, weeded them, and allowed God to grow & mature them.
I've learned to stay out of God's way, Patience Will teach you this.

All in All, I've gotten to know me and I'm still getting to know me.
I've gotten to know God, and I'm still getting to know God.

It's been an interesting journey so far..... I think I'll stay on this Path and where ever it goes, there you will find me..... as I keep meeting myself each day.

Yep, the More I Love, the More I can see better with my eyes closed.
Faith, Trust and Love keep me on Common Ground.

IJN, Amen!

On feet of Faith & Peace Resting In His Peace & Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
Isaiah 50:4 / Isaiah 52 / Jer 20:9-13 /Joshua 1:9 / Luke 6:38
©2007-- 2013 WisdomTeachesme


"He must increase, but I must decrease."
  John 3:30

“Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?”
Mark 4:40b


Concerning the followers of Jesus then, they had doubts, of course they did. 
They were not that different from us now.
After all Jesus did and said in their presence, they still doubted Him. He told them not to trust in the temporary after it's purpose was completed. This still holds true today.

It's the same with us now.  I know you can sit and recall many times in which Jesus was the reason you came through a difficulty, a trouble, a challenge, I know I have a never ending list.
Growing and maturing in our trust is a process, and we have a clear definite part in God's plans. There will be days when you wonder, "Lord, you did hear me right?"
 The more we trust Him, the more our faith will prove Him.

Even with all He has already done for so many, they seem stuck, and still hold doubt in their heart and do not trust that He will step in and lead them out of their bad situation. They doubt He will lead them to the Riches and Mysteries of His Kingdom, so they stay busy saying prayers, but not waiting on God to lead them.
They act on what they think they should do.
When we speak empty prayers and don't wait on God, doing what we think is best, we only make our situation worse, and our waiting time longer.

Sometimes God gives us the preparation beforehand, up front like in an outline, And sometimes, God give us the preparation through a trouble.
You have to grow through the temporary trouble in order to be prepared for the next part that is approaching.

  You have not, because you ask not.
 And if you did ask, did you ask in faith and trust, or did you ask through doubt and fear?  If your ears are not trained to hear the truth, to hear love and correction, then it will be hard to hear His voice. You will also ignore and reject the people that God sends with messages for you, since they are speaking truth and love.

We all have to go through a process of retraining our ears to be able to hear God's truth, love, compassion, corrections, every thing He speaks to us.

 We all grow up hearing lies about ourselves, about others, we treat people wrong, and we are treated wrongly, we are given the wrong definitions and examples for love, forgiveness, compassion, strength, value and worth. 
We hold on to what is temporary and throw away or walk by what is valuable and worthy.
 Our ears and eyes are trained to listen for, to hear and obey the voices of the world, not the Love and Truth of God.
Ask the Lord to retrain your ears and eyes so that you are able to know and hear his voice, to see His handiwork.
For us to be able to do this, the gifts of self control and self-discipline will need strengthening.
 This is a daily work for us, it's not a one time thing.
It has a beginning, a middle and another middle, and another one.... It's Gods process of us being Works In Progress, that lasts a lifetime.

Don't worry about what is temporary.
 Don't allow what is a temporary trouble, challenge or issue to hold you down, to keep you stunted and stuck.
Don't put your trust in the temporary help God provides.
 Keep your trust in the Lord, not in who or what God uses to grow you through.

 Don't make permanent decisions based on temporary emotions, people, things, and situations.

Your End Success is Not in the temporary seasonal things.
Some temporary things God uses only to get us from there to here.
Are you looking for and seeing the daily successes that God blesses us with, or are you waiting till you get to the end to Praise Him and be thankful?

Don't count on one temporary thing to take you all the way. God may use many different temporary things and people to get you where He has planned for you to be at each point and place. 
Keep in mind that You may have to let go of things when God sends a storm to take them away.
Also remember, it may not have been the devil who stole from you--But God who took it away. Don't spend your time following a cliche that you hear from others. I hear others say often, "God is going to get back what the devil stole from me." 
As I said, it may not have been the devil who took it.
Last I read, Jesus already went and got back all the devil stole, so maybe you let it go or lost it, or God took it. The devil can't take anything from us unless we give it to him.
Temporary things, seasons, people, etc... when God takes them please know they have served His purpose in your life.

 Don't get attached and try to preserve what is temporary past it's time to leave, what it came to do is completed.
You may hold yourself back from the Next Thing God is doing for you!

The Blessing of the Lord Makes me Rich, and Adds No Sorrow!
My Gifts Will Make Room for me!

When you completely surrender yourself, your life and your whole being to the Lord, you will stop trying to make things happen your way, you will stop worrying, you will stop doubting, stop unbelief and your lack of trust from controlling you and leading you away from God's Will.
When you finally make up your mind about Who you will serve, you will stop investing in all that fear based foolishness and allow the Holy Spirit to be your all in all.
Until then, you will be double-minded and unable to obey what the Lord tells you to do. 

God Promised to be with You, and I hope you are With God. If you have to ask God to be with you, then maybe where you are going, you should not go!
He Promised to be with Us, not the temporary things, not with the things He uses to get us from here to there, but With Us!

He has many ways to get us where He has planned for us to go.
REST in His Peace while You are being prepared to Receive what you are Expecting from God!

When you are on a Life Path that has Love and Truth on it, You will grow, mature and produce Good. You Will see, learn to appreciate and be changed by the small daily successes that God has provided to us! You will grow and mature in your gifts and fruits of the Spirit, you will share all you have been given.  You will also be open to and willing to be changed, to learn and be corrected where you are wrong.
You will call out for God's Healing to take over in your life! You will desire what God desires for you.

You will become content with the timing, order and pace of God's Processes that we all must go through.
You will learn to REST In Peace, while you Praise Your Way Through each day with unshakeable Faith and Trust!
You will go beneath the surface of the powerless boundaries that the mistakes, falseness, lies, brokenness, pain and disappointments have created around you, to Glean the Good in them.
You will Allow the Lord to Heal you and move you from behind the powerless, false boundaries set into place to Hold you Back by the hurt, brokenness, mistakes and pain that you have experienced in your life.

Many people you have known for years, months, weeks and days may not be able to keep up. They may not be on a Path that has Love and Truth on it, and they are Not growing, maturing and Producing Good.
Some of these people you may have Shared your wisdom, knowledge, understanding and Love with in order to Help them grow and mature. They may take your help, but many Will reject the Love, Trust, Wisdom, Understanding, and Clarity, because they don't want to change. Fear has a strong Grip on them.  Their ears cannot hear truth and love.

Many times you Will Out Grow people.
They stay the same, in the same mindset, same drama, same rut, same immature, selfish, envious, negative and lack filled places. Oh, they have learned to fake it, they can speak the part, and even act a little like a Lover of God does, but they are only fooling themselves. They are producing, but not producing positive, maturing Good things.

No need to feel bad that you have nothing in common with them anymore.
No need to feel conflicted by not wanting to be around them, you can't be around them anymore. Do not try to make them Fit into Your Life if God has removed them!

God has separated you from them, because they have no purpose in This Part of Your life. Some were Suppose to stay in your life, but because of their motives and their character, they have been turned into the temporary.
Still others that God has used in your life to help you or you to help them, will come back around.  They will be in your life for your life time and you in theirs.  We are woven in and out of each others lives daily, and each day we are on a different part of the Golden strand of God's Love and Truth, being woven in His Divine Remanent. 
  We are on the path of grace and love, of Praising our Way Through!

Listen to the Love He speaks to us: Beloved, I Your God have set you on a course that will give you a more intimate relationship with Me! I have created ways for you to notice I am your best Friend, and I need you to help Me accomplish what is Good and Right. I have provided greater clarity and wisdom in your walk in My Spirit.  I have provided a deeper understanding of My purposes for you, but you must take this Walk one step at a time, one day at a time in faith and trust. Every thing I have done will be revealed to you in It's perfect order and timing. I want you to realize the wonder of Friendship with Me.  Giving to Me honor, obedience, dedication, but also loving understanding that I am the best Friend you will ever have.  It's not just what I can do for you, but, what you can do With Me.  Your service becomes different when you understand that I count on you in our Friendship just as you count on Me. When I can count on you to share all I have given to you with all others, then the sweetness of our relationship will be greater.

"You are My friends if you keep on doing the things which I command you to do."
 John 15:14

Now it happened as they journeyed on the road, that someone said to Him,

"Lord, I will follow You wherever You go." 

Luke 9:57

On feet of Faith & Peace Resting In His Peace & Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
Isaiah 50:4 / Isaiah 52 / Jer 20:9-13 /Joshua 1:9 / Luke 6:38
©2007-- 2013 WisdomTeachesme

Thursday, November 7, 2013


 Spiritual Clarity and Discernment Are Gifts-Blessings from the Lord, that maketh me Rich and Bring No Sorrow!  My Gifts Will Always Make Room For Me!

What I have learned...
When you say your prayer to God In the name of Jesus, make sure you surrender what ever it is that you are speaking about in the prayer. If you don't surrender the thing, then you are only speaking empty words, and the burden of the thing stays in your heart, heavy. You will find that you will keep saying the same prayer over and over again, because you didn't surrender the thing you are speaking about in the prayer.

God is not hard of hearing, He knows what we need before we speak it. Once we surrender the thing to Him in prayer, then our next part is to praise God for taking care of it, for growing us through it, for delivering us and answering our prayer.
But if you don't surrender the thing, they you will keep saying the same prayer over and over, expecting God to do something different to help, but you didn't Release the thing over to him with your prayer.
Your mouth spoke the prayer but your heart kept hold of the thing you need help with.

Taking care of our mental self, our emotional, intellectual, and our spiritual selves are important if we desire to become the best God has purposed us to become.
We have asked Him to clean our hearts, heal our soul and stir the fire of our heart, and so He has begun this Work in us.

At the beginning of His Work in us, t
here comes a time when you realize that how you think, what you say, and what you do is not working for you. So you begin to allow the Work of Love to have her way. At different places of this Work, God's Spirit will bring to our attention the things that need to be examined, kept, or discarded.
Once you begin to allow Love to have her way, you will realize that some people in your circle will not fit anymore. Some are not on board with you getting healed, because they don't want to get healed.
 In order to be healed, we must face ourselves in truth and with clarity. Face the lies we turn into false truths. Face the names that others call us, that God never intended us to be. Face the hurts, mistakes, the pain, and the truths about our lives.

What we face and push past are the limits that mistakes, pain, hurt, mistakes and answering to false names hem us into. Here is where we begin to move closer to God, to gain a deeper and filling understanding of Him and His Love for us.

So, those that do not want you to be healed will try to persuade you to stay the same. Here is where you will be separated from them if you allow the Lord to do so. Here is where you will have to re-evaluate your boundaries, definitions and purposes of the people you call friends, even family and associates.  If they are not in a place aligned with you being healed, then they are outside of what God wants for you. 

When you hold guilt, unforgiveness and fear in your heart, you open a way for the enemy to step in and be a part of your heart.
He will do nothing but tease you, torment you and guide you to act, speak and react through your fears, lack, emotions and unforgiveness.

Holding these tools of iniquity in your heart allows you to be connected to the enemy, you are tied to him and he will take full advantage of this!
All of this will Show, and others that know his ways will be quite aware of who is controlling you. The enemy always has us reaching for things that don't work, he will have us trusting in ourselves and in broken and dead ways, that will only keep us from God's will. He does not want us to heal.

When you are Expecting God to heal you, then you must forgive yourself and all others so that you can PUSH that enemy out of your heart!

Cooperating with the Holy Spirit, allowing Love to have her way in you and through you will make solid what God is doing in you. He is healing you and providing the Good that is necessary to
Create and Maintain a Healthy Love Relationship With Yourself.  So that you will have one with Him, and then you will begin to have one with the others in your daily life.
We must meet with ourselves as often as possible, taking preventive actions, speaking life and healing over ourselves, always walking in truth and allowing clarity to move us from confusion and chaos to clear understanding.

God is the God of Relationships! Is He the center of all of your relationships?
God desires us to reconcile with ourselves, just as Jesus reconciled us with God.

He will have you questioning what you call love, your definition of love, questioning what you consider to be truth and examining what you fear.

He leads us to go beneath the surface of all that is not right, to find Rightness in them. If  your definitions, thinking and actions do not benefit you anymore, then you need to discard them from your heart and mind.

Allowing God's Love to Stretch You pass the limits of your hurt, pain, misunderstandings, mistakes, lack and troubles, is How Love heals us, changes our character, matures us and prepares us for what we are expecting from God.

This is how you learn to Accept Who you are with all your lack, gifts and abilities.
Once you have clarity about who God made you to be, you will learn to Cherish and Feed these parts of you.

This is how you Stop yourself from comparing yourself, your life, your every thing to Other People's Lives!

This is how you come to learn your abilities, strengths, gifts, talents and God's Purpose for your life, so that You can Begin to Live within His Live and Purpose for your life!

This is how you come to know who you are, love who you are and feed all that is Good in you!

This is how you will learn your limits, know your faults, shortcomings, and weaknesses, That way no one can use them Against you!
And you will be able to strengthen, work on these areas of you to make them better.

This is how you Better Your Character!

This is how you come to know your Value and Worth and create boundaries in your life for yourself and for others!

This is how you know your name so you will not answer to names that others have given you. Those are lies, mistakes, lack, worthless, your old life, etc...

This is how you Learn to Live in Abundance, Sharing all the Goodness that God has given to you!

A Season of Joyfulness is Upon Us!
If you Are Full Of Joy, It should Be Shown!

Regardless of your circumstances, your situations, your troubles and lack, Regardless of your impatience, your needs, your misunderstandings, your mistakes...
You Belong to the Lord!
You should not melt in a crisis, you should not be reacting through emotions and complaining in the midst of troubles, and challenges!
You Belong to the Lord, and Your Expectation Should Be Rooted In the Lord
and, You Should Be Filled With Joyfulness and It Should Be Shown!
In the name of Jesus, So Be It!

 This Journey of Love and Faith, This Path Covered in Grace Praising my Way Through.....On Common Ground...

On feet of Faith & Peace Resting In His Peace & Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
Isaiah 50:4 / Isaiah 52 / Jer 20:9-13 /Joshua 1:9 / Luke 6:38
©2007-2013 WisdomTeachesme

Friday, November 1, 2013


Do you Love?
What do you Love?
Who do you Love?
What is your definition of Love?
What grows in the garden that is your heart?
What are you watering with your Love?
Weeds or Fruit?

What are you withholding your Love from?
Who are you withholding your Love from?
Are you one of the people, that you are withholding your Love from?
What you call Love, your def of Love, what you have to give.... would you want that from another?
Seriously, think about it.

And He asked the man, do you Really Want to be Healed, to Get Well?
Or are you going to keep groaning, mumbling, and complaining about your situation?

Your intellect cannot help you with this...only your heart can.
It is vital to examine what you deem important.
How do you measure success?It's really quite important for you to know how you measure success. Some changes may need to be made concerning how you measure success. You may be holding yourself back from growing and maturing by Not knowing.

We have to revisit our beliefs, understandings, motives, our definitions of Love, fear, lack, misunderstandings, achievements, mistakes, as Often as Possible in order to learn the next part of each of them.
What we know Now about everything is Not the end of it's giving us knowledge and wisdom.
You can't stay on the surface of anything and expect to move higher, deeper and become better concerning Any part of your life.

For Right Now in your Life, What are the objects of your desires? What are your priorities, what are your motives?

Some people have something to prove. Everything they do or say has a root in ego, pride, revenge = trying to prove some things to some people.

 I used to be that way, but I grew up and matured. I became Very comfortable in my own skin. I realized God's greater purpose for my life was so much Better than the purposes I gave myself...than I gave my life over to.

I began the journey into Loving myself, with all my challenges, lack and limitations. Gleaning all I could from my mistakes, gifts, talents, beauty, and careful revealing and accepting all the places in me that needed to change.
I began on purpose to have a healthy love relationship with myself, with God, and then every one else. This can only begin by facing and accepting the truth about what you believe, where you are wrong, forgiving yourself, forgiving others, seeking the Love of God, And allowing yourself to be healed, changed and stretched by His Love. I look at His beauty, Love and vastness, and not at my lack, limitations and mistakes.

If we place value on the wrong things, or consider success to be one thing that we go after, but it brings nothing good to us, then we must think about and examine how we measure success for our life. I mean, to give it serious thought and come to truthful conclusions that feed the necessary changes.

I have learned to number my days, to find successes in each day. Key word here is Learned. I don't have to get to the end of a thing to recognize and enjoy the successes along the way that happen each day.

It helps us know ourselves and allow correction to be made so that we are not spending time, energy and sometimes $ trying to obtain success that is empty and won't float when the waters get rough.

Many put their worth, value into and measure success by things, stuff, people praise and other peoples opinion. Some people measure success by comparing themselves to others.

For me, if I measure success in my life by the worlds ways, then I am not in God's Will.
If I measure success comparing my life to the lives of others, then I am not enjoying and appreciating the Blessings God has given to me. Which means that I am pr
obably not living in the peace, joy and abundance that the Lord has given to me. Which means, I am probably not living in God's purpose for me and not Shining my own light.
If I measure success by any way other than by revealing God's Will and Love to those around me, to those who can see His Will worked out in my life.... then I am probably running in place, lying to myself, and being concerned with what others think and attempting to please them and not God.

I had to learn to measure success by His Love and Will, and not by what I see others doing, saying, or not doing and saying.

Titles, jobs, education, $, cars, houses, electronics, popularity, clothes, nails, hair and stuff is how many people measure success.
Whether they are "with God" or not, none of that will fulfill them, because it is Not how God measures our success.

For me, I look at the life of Jesus and how when He was here for those last 3 yrs. knowing He was going to leave and come back, what ever He needed, God provided. He didn't buy any property, houses, clothes, jewelry, camels, donkeys, sheep, etc.... He measured His success by the Will and Love of our Father God. He tells us all about it in John 17.
Now mind you, I am quite aware that we Need housing, clothes, transportation, food, etc.  I like nice, well made things also, but not to measure my achievements by them, not to brag about all we have.
We have what we have because we chose to spend our money, time and energy on what we have. We choose to buy quality instead of bling, copies and quantity.

To live a comfortable life, and Share all that we have with those who are in need.
Yes, the definition of a comfortable life is different from person to person.
Again, it is based on what one thinks success is, and what they place their value and worth on.

I am more concerned with gaining all the spiritual treasures that I can while here. I measure myself to those, to keep me grounded and balanced.
To stay as open and willing to being used by Lord, how ever He sees fit.
 It's a daily work, remembering on purpose to think about these things. Not allowing the noise and distractions of the world to have too much of my time.
 It does get easier the more I do it.
We all are given much, because Much is expected from us. We have been given a complete measure of faith, trust, and the fruits and gifts of the God's Spirit.
 Many do not understand the amount of wealth they already have and many measure success by the worlds standards.  You can have a stroke tying to live that way, always trying to be on point with the fickleness of the world. Always trying to reach it's shallow and empty heights that change from this to that on a whim.
It's a much smoother, more balanced road following Jesus.

It is Time to put your priorities in their proper order, so that the Kingdom of the Lord is your First priority and your Love for God Is above All else! Not out of tradition, obligation and shallow vainglory, but honestly and through the freedom of aligning your will with God's Will, shall you be moved forward and gain in all that God desires to bless you with.

"Give, and gifts will be given to you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, will they pour into [the pouch formed by] the bosom [of your robe and used as a bag]. For with the measure you deal out [with the measure you use when you confer benefits on others], it will be measured back to you."
Luke 6:38

John 4:23-26

Matthew 6:33

On feet of Faith & Peace Resting In His Peace & Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
Isaiah 50:4 / Isaiah 52 / Jer 20:9-13 /Joshua 1:9 / Luke 6:38
©2007-- 2013 WisdomTeachesme