Grateful for Another blessed day, to be led by the Spirit of my Lord, to step into what this day holds for me.
I feel and confidently cover myself in God's expressions of Joy over me!
For All my days, So Shall my Strength Be!
I will not drown in shallow waters!
That is what I heard the Lord say to me.
"For All Your Days My daughter, So Shall Your Strength Be! No matter if I say Yes or No, Keep Trusting Me-Keep Close to Me--No matter If I say Go or Wait, Keep your ears and eyes open for Me and My Leading of Your steps, mouth, heart, soul and spirit!"
For God's Glory, In the name of Jesus, May the Lord Jesus rebuke and send back to the pits of hell All in me and around me and mine that is Not of God. All the evil works the enemy has sent to destroy our relationships and ways of loving, truthful communication! May my Lord Jesus rebuke and send back to the pits of hell All thoughts, actions, words, dead spirits, bad attitudes, bad character issues, works of iniquity, etc...!
For God's Glory, May the Lord repair our mistakes, correct us, align us with His Will, clean and remove All that is Not of our Father God out of us and away from us, while Renewing our hearts, healing our minds and making clear the air that we breath and the Opening up His Ways of communication between us! To God Be the Glory in the name of Jesus!
The enemy loves to ruin relationships, one way he does this is to corrupt communication between people, between us and the Lord and between ourselves.
The enemy loves to create chaos and confusion based on miscommunication. It only takes a crack for him to slither through, a false truth, a word taken the wrong way, an action that hit an old unresolved issue, to make us get offended with each other.
To make us begin to blame and focus on some wrong we perceive done to us.
It's spiritual warfare!
The enemy seeks to break apart and keep apart people and relationships through misunderstandings, bad communication and lies.
He seeks out our unresolved issues, and there he has a crack to slither into us and launch a full force fight to destroy us from the inside.
Even if the wrong is legitimate, we still should not focus on it and begin to create our own understanding of why it happened and what to do with it.
It's all shallow water and if we are not careful, we will drown in it!
The enemy wants us to ignore the truth, to run and hide from what we need to face and allow the Lord's Love to make Right! He wants us to stop the flow of Love and Truth in our communications with each other, with ourselves, and with God.
The more we obey the enemy, the further away we are from God's Expressions of Joy Over us!
What are you holding in that you have confused, that you have told yourself about another's words, actions,etc... that you need to Face and allow the Lord to Repair?
At some point, (hopefully sooner than later), we have to cover it all in love, surrendering it all to the Lord, humbly and confidently waiting on the Lord's healing, correction, reply and guidance.
We have to seek a better perspective of the problems and troubles, and God's perspective is best.
I shall not drown in shallow waters...
Living on Common Ground....
My expectation is that the Lord already knows, and has already prepared me and prepared Ways through.
My expectation speaks Truth that I will be corrected where I am wrong, my mistakes shall be covered and turned around and made Right.
My expectation confidently waits for the Move of Gods Spirit to reveal to me what I have missed, because my view may be too narrow or I may be facing the wrong direction. I know He will give me His perspective concerning all things I need to know.
For All my days, So Shall my Strength Be!
I will not drown in shallow waters!
That is what I heard the Lord say to me.
"For All Your Days daughter, So Shall Your Strength Be! No matter if I say Yes or No, Keep Trusting Me-Keep Close to Me--No matter If I say Go or Wait, Keep your ears and eyes open for Me and My Leading of Your steps, mouth, heart, soul and spirit!"
God is going to be glorified through my Growing through all the challenges that face us now.
Some of These new challenges aren't really new, they are different parts of some of the same challenges. I know this, I see this and I understand this to be that some challenges have different parts of "getting/growing through", and once we grow through one part, we still may have other parts of the same challenge to grow through.
Even though the Spiritual seasons change, some of the same challenges will go with us into each new season.
My Grace Is Sufficient for You my Daughter!
Some of these I have Not gotten completely through yet, but I know I will! I surrender Every thing to Him, while I stand on common ground!
The tougher the challenges are, the Stronger the Grace God supplies!
His Love is reducing me to Love as He heals my unresolved issues, any brokenness, pain, hurt and misunderstandings!
I will not drown in shallow waters!
I look forward to and embrace this season with all the Joy and Faith I have, because I know there is Nothing but God's Best for me and mine in the days to come.
I know my Lord speaks encouragement to me (as He does with all with opened and willing ears), so I allow His Expressions of Joy to rest on me like a mantle of anointing, providing all that I need to accomplish His Will in this season and the ones to come.
With confidence, not fear, bitterness, doubt or confusion, I step as directed, no matter what is going on now, The end is God's best for us. His Grace has gone before us and watches behind us, never missing a step with us, as we remember on purpose that we are Covered in God's Expressions of Joy over us! He fights all battles, while I sit and praise Him, Worship Him, Expect Him and Love Him!
I do my best to stay open and willing and teachable to His Voice, to His leading. Ever ready to move when His Spirit leads me to move, speak, or sit still. It is not about any vainglory for myself, that I live this life. I seek to know of any place or time in which I have sought self glory for the Work He has me doing so that He may correct me.
I seek to have the Fire in me Stoked and my Spiritual eyes and ears Opened completely, so I do not become dull, and hard of hearing because I am a blocked vessel of His Righteousness.
When the Lord draws a clear distinction between those who Honor Him and give Him His Glory and those who seek their own glory, I want to be on the Side of Right.
Heal me Lord, Correct me Lord, Make me Right where I am wrong, Use me as Your instrument Lord in building up Your Kingdom here on earth as it is in Heaven!
In the name of Jesus, Father, So Be It!
"When you bear (produce) much fruit, My Father is honored and glorified, and you show and prove yourselves to be true followers of Mine."
John 15
On feet of Faith & Peace Resting In His Peace & Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
Isaiah 50:4 / Isaiah 52 / Jer 20:9-13 /Joshua 1:9 / Luke 6:38
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