Tuesday, November 16, 2010


  “Open my eyes that I may see Wonderful Things In Your Law.”- Psalm 119:18

We Live in a Joyous And Peace Filled Season Every day!
The Lord Speaks and Declares His Love, Will, Plan and Purpose for us.

For us, His People, This Is to be Believed, Trusted and Faithfully Expected, that What He has promised, He Shall do!
This concerns us, His People!

Just as we Expect God to Be God every day, Our part Is to be done every day also = We Are to Believe, Obey, Trust, And Faithfully Expect Him to deliver to us, Into our hands what He has said.

 We raise our children up to Seek Him, Know Him, Love Him and Serve Him and He is delighted in us and our children! We teach them to pray, praise, worship and expect Him, because they See us pray, praise, worship, and Expect Him! They see us reading our bibles, they hear us singing the songs of love for Him, that He put in our hearts.  They Learn from us as we Learn from Him. As they get older, they will know how to learn from Him without us.

Without us doing our part in this relationship with Him, we may see it, but will never partake of His Part done for us.

He Has set us apart from others, and placed us on the Paths that Will carry us to accomplish our part in His Plans. Have you decided to Stay on the paths that He has placed you on?

"I Will  Teach All your children, And they Will Enjoy Great Peace.
You Will be Secure under a government that is just and fair.
Your enemies Will stay far away.
You Will Live in peace, and terror Will Not come near.
If any nation comes to fight you, it is not because I sent them.
Whoever attacks you Will go down in defeat.
I Have created the blacksmith who fans the coals beneath the forge And makes the weapons of destruction.
And I Have Created the armies that destroy. But in that coming day No weapon turned against you Will Succeed.
You Will Silence Every Voice Raised Up To Accuse you.
These Benefits Are Enjoyed by The Servants of The Lord; Their Vindication Will Come From Me.
 I, The Lord, Have Spoken!

Isaiah 54:13-17

So, here we have it, The Lord God Has Spoken revealing His Plans, and Purposes for us to us in detail!

So, how could we possibly have any doubt or fear?
The Joy and Peace Filled days of our season, of All our days have been created and set forth by His Word, His Love for us!  They Stand in His Truth!

We the Lord's People do not worry, fret or become concerned in times of crisis, to what end will that help us When we KNOW what God has said He Has Done for us?

We have His Peace--Which dwells Within us--Peace past all human understanding! It makes no sense, nor is it logical to those who do Not believe, and that is true, It is Faith that works for us, not human understanding.

We Have His Wisdom, waiting at the ready to Be our Help all day Every day!
So, If any of us has decided beforehand, Not to consult with our Lord and call upon His Wisdom to direct, correct and help us, that is our problem that we created if we go ahead with our own plans and fail and fall into temptations And their consequences.

  It Is our decision to either Lean on Him or to lean on our own ways.

His Peace, Joy and Wisdom Is our Guardian, watching over us, created and directed to protect us, help us, guide us and supply to us what we are in need of!

Who has a kitchen full of food but yet starves to death because they do not eat any of it?

A Fool!

In every difficulty that arises, our mission is Clear and contained in the Lord's Purpose and Intention for us.
Our training and learning do not come solely by the difficulties and trials that we face, as much as from Us withdrawing into His Presence to be alone With our Lord.

The Spiritual Value that we are in need of, that we seek is Provided to us from consistent contact with Him, not from going through life's challenges. Many people make it through the difficulties of life on their own, but they do Not receive the Blessing of His Presence Being with them. They provide No Glory to God.

Sharing With Him our Joys, our pain, our happiness, our Peace, our sorrows and mistakes, seeking His Will to delight in our hearts His Love and Comfort is what Proves to be Great Spiritual Value, Growth, Maturity and Prosperity for us.

He Wants us To Share Everything with Him!

My friends, just as we put forth effort, time, energy, and resources into our True human friendships and relationships, in order to keep them alive, growing, maturing and prosperous, We Have To do the same with our Friendship with Him.

Mutual Sharing is a Must, so as we share with Him, So does He share His every-increasing measure with us.  He Shares His Love, His Grace, His Joy, His Peace, His Secrets, His POWER!
  When we Share Everything, we Are Able to Receive Everything He Shares with us--This Releases to us His Manifold Blessings, that take root in our hearts His Garden and when Truth is asked for and received It Opens up and Blooms!

 Every time we face challenges in His Truth and Spirit, He Is on the scene With Us--In us--and Works through us--Glory from our Faith and Trust Belongs to God Alone, In the Name of Jesus, Amen!

Isa 54

Jer 29:11-13
Col 1:27

On feet of Faith & Peace
Joshua 1:9/ Isaiah 52
Resting In His Faithfulness, 
One Day At A Time By Faith.
©2010 WisdomTeachesme

Sunday, November 14, 2010


 "And I Will Bring the blind by a Way that they know not; I Will Lead them In paths that they have not known. I Will Make darkness Into light before them And make uneven places into a plain. These things I Have Determined To Do for them; And I Will Not Leave them Forsaken!"  Isaiah 42:16

No matter what I pray to God In the Name of Jesus for, I know He has done what is needed. Before I see it, understand it, or have it in my hand, I know He has done what I need.
 I don't go by how I'm feeling, I go by what I believe! To some that makes no sense-it's not logical-True, by human thinking it's not sensible, it's not logical It's Faith.
Bless God in the Name of Jesus for Faith, Truth, Trust and Belief!

In Mark 11:24  Jesus said,
"Therefore I Say to you, What Ever things you ask When you pray, Believe that you receive them, And you Will Have them."

How many times do we say or hear others say, ''life is not easy!?"
Humans have manipulated what God meant for us to be His Ways of straight paths, not devious & evil, every step filled with obstacles, hindrances and difficulty-Navigating through land mines.

And even with these evil and devious things attempting to stop us, the Lord leads us(His people who live and walk by Faith and Trust In Him),  right on these crooked paths so that We Will Know His Power for us to Get us Through.

  To Know & To Rely on-Depend on & Expect our Lord to Lead us Through each path that has been altered by the evil & devious hearts of some humans, Is a Blessing of Faith! To Not be afraid and to run away from every obstacle saying defeat is mine
We have the choice whether we allow our Lord to handle Every thing, or we try to manipulate things. We have the choice whether we spend our precious time worrying about the details and the outcome, or if we Wait, Trusting by Faith that He has All the details and the outcome Right for us.

We have the choice to Spend our precious time filled with Joy And Peace-praising And worshiping Him in Spirit And Truth, Expecting His Best to be revealed, Or if we decide to spend our precious time sulking, worrying, complaining, with the spirit of impatience and disobedience, fearfully manipulating the situation to fit our fleshy, selfish needs.

Our future is Not our concern, that Is His.

Our past, we Should have handed over to Him, and those that have Done so, have no right to try and dwell within it. It has been burned up, And no one can glue ashes back together.
What we do have is our Present day, Today. 

This Is His Gift to us, one day at a time.
Too many try and fill each day with their past sorrows, lies, hurt, pain, mistakes, failures, resentments, anger, trying to hold onto And putting their trust into their material things.
Dragging these bags of anxieties and fears with them into each New Day, each New Beginning.
Doing this, living this way is Stopping the Flow and Completion of His Will, Plans and Purposes for their lives.

How is our brain and Spirit suppose to bear the strain of all of this?

It can't.
People want change without changing themselves. Going to our Lord asking for His Help to change is what He desires for us.  To perform His Miracles.
Trying to Change one's self With out His Help is Impossible.
 His ability To Provide Is for those that are willing to change, those that have a teachable heart. And often, many have to hit their bottom, before they relent their hold on doing things their way.
Our willingness and desire to have Him change us, opens the Channel for His ability to Help us change.

When you always do what you've always done, you'll Always get what doing that give you.  There will be nothing new or different coming.
It is a form of insanity to keep doing the same thing while expecting a different result.

Read the Words that Jesus spoke to us Carefully my friends, He did Not Promise to leave us His Spirit And Comfort And Help for these things. We cannot hold onto all the things of our past and future, And Take Hold of His Spirit of Comfort, Help, and Love trusting Him by Faith at the same time.
Joy And Peace Are some of our Spiritual tools that provide His Power for us to move us through the Gift of each day, one day at a time!

It Is our choice to either allow Him to stand in our gaps of lack, shortcomings, need and Provide Everything that we are in need of, or to keep ourselves irritated, following fears, complaining and worrying, manipulating each day to feed our fears and flesh instead of our Spirit.

We are to be a Help to each other, that is true, but, we are Not to expect others to Carry our Cross for us!

If you live each day your way, Don't ask others to carry Your Cross for you by praying for you!  Pick up Your own Cross and recognize that Jesus Is helping you carry it,  Just as He does with Each one of His beloved children that Allows Him too.

 He said Every problem that we encounter He will solve for us.
The way some humans see the meaning of His invitation to "Come Unto Me",  is often interpreted that we need to pay something owed to our Father God or a debt owed to our Savior.
That is Far from His True meaning of that invitation.
The Wealth and Depth of meaning in His invitation,
"Come Unto Me", Is over and above anything that our little minds are able to think of.  It is the substance of Faith in Him.
He tells us to Just Trust And Believe And Obey Him, And He Will!

Come Unto Him for the solution to Every problem we encounter and have to grow through.

He Calms every fear that we Give to Him, He pours His Truth on Every Lie and Clears And Clarifies Every confusion.
He Provides Every physical, mental, emotional, and Spiritual Need that we Bring to Him.
The physically, emotionally, mentally, and Spiritually sick come to Him for Good, Restored health.

Those without homes come to Him for a Home, those with no Real True friends, Come to Him and Claim Him as their Friend.  Those with no Hope seek Refuge in His Love and find Hope to keep living. "Come Unto Me"  He has Spoken to us, For Everything He Shall Provide!

  Psalms 23
Proverbs 25

John 4:23-24
John 14:27 
1 Peter 3:18

 On feet of Faith & Peace
Joshua 1:9/ Isaiah 52 
Resting In His Faithfulness, 
One Day At A Time By Faith.
©2010 WisdomTeachesme

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Greetings to you my sisters and brothers, my beloved Friends in Christ Jesus!
The Spirit of our Lord is trying to Get Your Attention! Please don't disappoint Him!  The Windows and Doors of Divine Opportunity are Open for some and for others they are About to Open! Either way, these doors and windows of God's Opportunity Will Not stay Open for long. They have a time limit attached to them.

Stay Alert and Continue to Allow our Lord to Prepare you to not Just receive His blessings and answers to your prayers, but To Also, Keep them And Allow them to Grow as Large as God has intended for them to be!

Stop And defeat the enemy at every point and place that he appears. His confusion and noise try to keep our ears busy, and he tries to feed the seeds of destruction that have been planted in our hearts. But when we Quiet ourselves we Are Able to Hear from our Lord. We are Able to allow God to remove those weeds and kill off those seeds of destruction, Knowing that we have His Truth to Stand on and defend ourselves with. We do Spiritual battle through His Power and Wisdom And He Will bring us through into Victory Every Time!  This is How He gets the Glory through our lives! Amen!

 There Is Risk Involved In Everything, Better to Take on the Risk of Doing The Right Thing Every Time, Esp. when doing the wrong thing is easier. To do the wrong things will always be easier, there is less time, energy and thinking involved.  It is also the most selfish, self-centered and fearful way to do things.

Our hearts Are The Lords Garden. He has planted and Woven everything in them that will be a Help to us And bring Him the Honor and Glory through our lives.

There are two Gardens in the Bible. One is the Garden of Eden the other is The Garden of the Resurrected Christ Jesus. 
Which one does your heart serve? Which seeds are you growing in your heart?

Our hearts = The fertile Ground that supports, nourishes and grows the Spiritual seeds that He has planted in it.  He weaves His Spiritual seeds in our ground in such a way to encourage growth, maturity, and the ability to re-seed itself!

There are the Spiritual seeds that God put there, and then there are the seeds from our natural world which we and others put there.
 These are usually seeds of weeds that cause destruction. That cause us to do the wrong, selfish things, and take us in a cloaked unbalanced path of self-destruction.  They cause tricks in our minds to make us think this way is right for us, Over what is Right And Best for us from God's Will, Plans and Purposes.

These weed seeds, the seeds of destruction, in our hearts fertile soil will grow selfishness, every fear possible, arrogance, self-will, pride and ego, hate, self hate, unforgiveness of self and others, conditional love, substance abuse, lying, cheating, frustration, irritation, iniquity, impatience, stealing, not taking responsibility, and weeds that block up our Spiritual ears, eyes and the channel of our heart that the Lord uses to have us be a Help to others in His Name, for His Will.
*these are some, but not all*

Too many people feed the weed seeds of destruction and allow their Spiritual Seeds to dry up, never to create roots, to grow and give Back to God what Is His.

Weed seeds of destruction Which Hold us Hostage as slaves to them,  are the negative words and things that others have told us and done to us that we believed and nurtured to grow into our truths.
They are the lies and manipulations that we have done, spoken And heard from others,  And believed as truth about ourselves, others and God, Jesus and His Holy Spirit.
They are the places in our hearts from the times of unforgiveness toward others and ourselves.
They are the missed opportunities that we sit thinking that all may be lost concerning that possibility.
They are the mistakes that we have made from bad choices, the lazy, pride and ego driven ways of our thinking, the 'what about me' thinking that we never corrected.
They are the places in our heart that hold the pain and hurt injected into us by others or ourselves, the times of rejection by others based on their fleshy, ignorant, hate filled hearts that we have Never allowed the Lord to heal. These weeds block our ability to realize that we were not suppose to be in those places anyway, And these people need forgiveness from us, so that We can move forward  to Grow and Mature.
They are the fears that we believe and Give more power to which control our thinking, our actions and words to ourselves and to others.
They are the weeds that choke out the Goodness of our Lord that  seeks the nourishment from Him in order to Grow and produce the Fruit that Pleases Him!

Which seeds are you feeding in your heart- the fertile ground-the garden of our Lord.?

God has planted in us at the beginning before the beginning, His Spiritual seeds of Life!
These usually are seeds of =  unconditional love, truth, honesty, integrity, faith, trust, not being fearful, emotional and Spiritual growth And maturity, obedience, self-control, discipline, patience, long suffering, grace, mercy, forgiveness of self And of others, Spiritual And natural  balance, Peace, Joy, Happiness, the Spirit of Giving, beauty, Spiritual ability, His Power, His Wisdom, His Desires for our lives that ARE Aligned with His desires for us, true honest friendship, Spiritual sight and hearing, Self-Love, Love for Him, the Ability to Give Love and Receive it, All the Gifts of the Spirit (Gal 5), His Def. of Unconditional Love (1 Cor 13).  
He has also planted in our hearts= The Gifts, Talents, Abilities And Anointing from heaven which are our Spiritual Calling for our human lives, being an artist, a musician, a writer, a doctor, a plumber, a brick mason, an historian, a teacher, a leader, a mechanic, etc...
*these are but a few of the many*

So now then, God wants you to think about all this, and ask yourself, what am I feeding, which seeds am I watering, tending, and helping to Grow into very large plants and trees and flowers in The Garden of My Heart which Is The Lords Divine Garden? 

Some, Many people spend more time, energy and resources feeding the seeds of destruction in their heart than the Spiritual Seeds that God planted there are dried up and in Desperate Need of His Life giving Power!  Only He can provide Life to what is dead!  He Weaves Himself through out our hearts, wrapping, Himself into every small and large place, making it His.

Also, what ever you grow in your heart is what you Share with the others in your life!
So, are you sharing seeds of destruction Or, the Spiritual Seeds of Life?

I Speak Much Love, Clarity, Peace and Joy To you All, I pray our Lord continues to Keep you, And I pray that You continue to Keep Him First, In the Name of Jesus, Amen!

James 3:13-18  "Who Is Wise And Understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works Are done in the meekness of Wisdom. 
But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking In your Hearts, Do Not boast and lie against The Truth. 
This wisdom does not descend from above, but is earthly, sensual, demonic. For where envy and self-seeking Exist, confusion and every evil thing are there. 
But the Wisdom that Is from above Is First Pure, Then Peaceable, Gentle, Willing to Yield, Full of Mercy and Good Fruits, Without Partiality and Without Hypocrisy. 

And the (Fruit) Harvest of Righteousness (of conformity to God's will in thought and deed) Is the fruit of the Seed Sown In Peace by those who work for and Make Peace in themselves and in others, that Peace which means concord, agreement, and harmony between individuals, with undisturbedness, in a peaceful mind free from fears and agitating passions and moral conflicts."

John 14
John 15
1 John 2:15-16

 On feet of Faith & Peace
Joshua 1:9/ Isaiah 52 
Resting In His Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Faith.
©2010 WisdomTeachesme

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Blessed Is the woman and man who Believes that What the Lord Has Told them He Will Do, that He Will Accomplish Through, In, and For them!  In the Name of Jesus, Amen!

Waiting is most times the hardest part of Believing God. 

When His Spirit pours forth in our heart the Vision, the Promise and the Word, getting to the Finished part is a Waiting time.
Waiting Times are His Divine Opportunities full of His New Beginnings for us.

These are times in which we can decide to be disappointed, or Joyfully Expectant and Grateful.

These are Times in which we can allow Him to reveal to us what needs to be taken out of our heart, our minds, and our ways, And replaced with what we do need, or these are times that we do not cooperate with His Holy Spirit.  We do have the power to make these decisions.

The Lord cannot lie and in the time it takes from the beginning to the end, we have to be Spiritually, emotionally and naturally Prepared, made Right and Taught what we will need as we Keep living for Him  and stepping by Faith each day one day at a time.

Too many do Not allow the Lord to correct them where they are wrong, to prepare their character and heart, to heal them and strengthen them, So that when His promises and blessings arrive, (And they Will Come On Time Every Time), these rebellious people usually mess up the blessings and the promises and end up losing everything.

They may get somewhere concerning some kind of success, but it will Always be Beneath the level that God had planned for them. What they get will Not be His Best planned for them.  And there will be No Glory for our Lord.

We have the choice to be frustrated, disappointed, or full of Joy, Expectation and obedience.

God will show us the End of a thing, that is the Vision, the Promise, then He will back us up and start us at the Beginning of it. The beginning of His Divine Opportunities is upon those that Desire what He Desires, the Way He Desires to do what He Will do. He seeks those that Love and Worship Him in Spirit and in Truth!
He seeks those that have Obedient ears to Hear and obey Him completely!

As Long as we continue to Seek His Face, His Heart and His Will, His Plans and Purposes Shall be revealed as we go from one day at a time to the next day following His lead.

Our timing is Never like God's.  He sees and knows All the details, And how long each one will take to accomplish that brings us closer to the End of a Thing that He has Spoken and Promised to do for, in and through us.

Our part is always to Allow Him to remove all blocks that stop the Flow of His Spirit through us as His channels.  This cannot be done if a person is going to do things their way and ignore God's Way, Timing and Order.  Too many have little faith, they have too much ego, impatience and pride, and self will, they have more unbelief than Trust, and think that God is not able to do what He said He would.

At these times of Waiting on and with our Lord, allowing Him to better us, to prepare us to Receive what He has spoken to our heart,  His Truth separates those that Honestly desire God's Will, and those that really do not, but want others to think they do. 
Which side are you on?
Many have guided themselves into self delusions of a fake life.

If a person is going to try and make the Promise and Vision come to Pass by human thought, power and manipulation, then it Shall fall apart and they will end up in a set of circumstances that Could have and Should have been avoided!  We cannot mix flesh and Spirit together and think we shall receive what the Lord has promised to do in, for and through us.

This Will take a person Off the Path that God placed them on, and then it is revealed what lives in their heart that is Not aligned with God's Will. 

Now, the Wise person will seek God's forgiveness, and ask to be corrected and re-aligned to the places they were suppose to be in the first place. Others will seek to 'fix' the issues on their own, and/or ignore the Truth that they (their fears, their disobedience, pride and ego) caused them to go wrong.

The wise person will Seek God's Wisdom, and God Will send His Wisdom through His Truth Bearers!  Here is another Divine Opportunity to Move through the Window of Opportunity that He has created.  These Windows and Doors of His Opportunity do not stay open for long, and if we are not aligned with His Will we will not be able to make it through them.

I thank Him for Loving us so much to send us Help through His Truth Bearers bringing with them the Wisdom needed to correct us and help us take Hold of His Opportunities in His Timing!

When you are driving and you miss your turn, do you just go to a place that wrong turn takes you, Or do you turn around and find your way To your Intended destination?
The Wise recognize their mistake, and Quickly go to our Father in the name of Jesus and Ask for forgiveness and to be Set Right! They know humility will be a part of them facing the Truth of what they have done wrong.

 At this point, both types of people should remember that God Did send them a Truth Bearer to Be a help to them.  They brought His Truth and Wisdom, His Correction to steer them Back to where they should have been.
They come To confirm what the people should know and to re-order their thinking and steps.
Here is Another of His Divine Opportunities to Spiritually grow and mature. 
Sadly, too many ignore, reject and avoid His Truth Bearers when God sends them at the Beginning of their wrongness.  In order to STOP them from going Wrong any further.  Such Divine Wealth and Joy do they dismiss as nothing they need to know and hear!

"A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold
               In settings of silver.
               Like an earring of gold and an ornament of fine gold
               Is a wise rebuker to an obedient ear.
                                                    Proverbs 25:11, 12, NKJV

So, every day we are given the choice to be grateful, humble, full of Joy and Peace, and Obedient faith, guided by our Lord's Wisdom, or we are choosing to be disappointed and to sulk, moan and groan, not learning and growing.  

Those Not willing to take responsibility for their mistakes and to allow themselves to be healed in the places where Growth and Maturity are necessary, shall keep going in the wrong direction living a fake life--full of self-delusions.  We do have the power to make these choices.

Those that ignore, reject and avoid His Truth Bearers are honestly rejecting the Breakthroughs that they asked God to create for them.  They are rejecting His Gifts, His Blessings, His Love, and Him.

These are the Miracles that He creates to be a blessing to us, so that we Learn Him in His deepness and to the height of His Love for us.

Do Not compromise your visions and blessings by trying to make them come to pass in your timing,  through your little human strength and understanding. 
Compromising them because you will not take responsibility for mistakes made and then to reject the Wisdom that His Truth bearers bring to you In Time to Stop and Correct your ways.

God desires to remove all seeds of destruction from our hearts, minds, and ways of doing so as to allow the Fertile ground of our heart to Grow and Mature the Visions, Dreams and Promises that He placed in us.

The Lord will give us the desires of our heart, If we have allowed Him to put them in there.  They Must be aligned with His desires for us!

God Is Wisdom, He tells us in Proverbs to make Her our best friend, to make Her our Sister!  So that when we need Wisdom, She -Wisdom will correct us, give us direction, make straight all crooked paths, Will Stand in the center of things and Call out Truth from our Lord, She Will confirm to us what we need to know and do. And to rebuke us when we get in the way of His Will, Plans and Purposes in, for and through our lives in the Name of Jesus,.

The Glory And the Honor Belong to HIM, not us!

So the question you need to know is, do you have an Obedient ear to receive God's Wisdom when She arrives through one of His Truth Bearers? 

Always included in the Wisdom of God Is the Wisdom of rebuke.  That discerning hearing hearts desire, and are determined to obey, who Know that this Spiritual Wealth there is Nothing to measure it by!

 Proverbs 25
 John 4:23-24
Luke 1:26-45


On feet of Faith & Peace
Joshua 1:9/ Isaiah 52 
Resting In His Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Faith. 
©2010 WisdomTeachesme

Friday, November 5, 2010


"If My people, who are Called by My name, Shall Humble themselves, Pray, Seek, Crave, And Require of Necessity My Face And Turn From their wicked ways, Then Will I Hear from Heaven, Forgive their sin, And Heal their land!"  2 Chronicles 7:14

 ** Our actions will reveal our reply, What Will Your Answer to Him be?**

Oh my dear Lord,
If Only Your People would sit with you more often And allow you to prepare them for each day, each challenge, each trouble, and trial, Before they appear, How Much stronger they would be for Your Work.

By sitting with you often, to Receive the Wealth from Your Spirit,  they would be able to have the Wisdom, Strength, Courage and Love necessary to make it through each challenge, trouble, trial, And every emergency effortlessly.
 They would also be able to Avoid many of the things that come upon them.
Instead, so many Wait till these things are facing them, then they call upon Your name for help.  If Only my Friend Jesus....

If Only they knew You as Not Just a Help in times of emergency, But as The Complete Giver of All Supply that our Father has given unto You, How Much More Open they would be as Your Channels!

All the Wealth of Your Spirit Is Ours--to be adsorbed into us at all times, quiet times, uncertain times, times of Joy, happiness, frustration, sickness, in times of all needs, And in our times of giving.  If Only Lord Jesus....

If Only more understood the mistakes they make, that To be able to do the Spiritual Work that You have given us to do, we Need to Always Sit with You and be Given Everything that Your Spirit Knows to give to us!

If Only more would see these mistakes of Only calling on You in times of emergency, they would be able to be Used by You so much more often!

If Only more did what we are suppose to do, You Lord would be FREE to use them as Your vessels, Your pathways of Your Power sent and shared to all that are in need.
So many have longing to be healed, comforted, saved, helped, and encouraged in this world.

If Only Your people would understand, that You have many paths for the lost to get to You, , going to church is but one, there is music, there is smiling, there is kindness expressed, there is helping when we could chose to walk away and ignore, there is forgiveness, So many Ways You Father have created--If Only Your people would learn the Depth of You, the Multi-folded Love that You Are, So many would Follow them to You, and willingly give up their lives for you to take care of!  Such Glory for You Father, in the Name of Jesus to be Had!

If Only more of Your people would willingly desire to allow You to use them completely at Your Will, So many More would know you Lord, And those Used by You, would know You in deeper and higher Ways!

You would be able to use more of us through our hearts and lives to touch and express Your Love and comfort to those that suffer.
Use Me Lord!
The Words You long to hear, that are music to Your ears and heart!

Father, Help us, Your People, I pray You, to Bring Your Comfort, into Every Heart and Life that You desire to help In the Name of Jesus!
Place us Jesus, where we Can Best serve You and share Your Influence and  Purposes for this world!
Use Me Jesus!
Thank You for Making me Right to Serve You even More!

If Only, Those that speak of You as their Lord, as The Messiah, would give themselves with no hesitation, no limits, no boundaries, And Be used by You, How Many More of those that suffer would Know you?  The world would be brought sooner to you Jesus, for the Kingdom would be full!

If Only they sought You often, they would understand that You are able to use each human body in the Mighty Divine Ways that our Father used Your human body as His channel for All His Divine Love and Power!

If Only Lord, they would in Truth call out to You and say, "Use me Lord Jesus, Use me!" Ahh, how Peace filled their hearts would stay, full of Joy at all times and seasons in their lives!

If Only, each of Your people would honestly Live the words they speak, Live for You, By Your Will, In Your Will, In and Through Your Spirit, This would allow You to Live in them completely.  To use them to express Your Divineness through their bodies as our Father did so with You when You where here on this earth.

If Only they understood that Your unlimited Spiritual Supply is Your Law! So many blocked channels that claim to Love You, If Only they would admit that they are Not able to help others let alone themselves, then their Learning could continue, their changing would be seen more than heard, and their hearts would would beat to the Sound of Your Will!

If Only they asked of You in order to Serve You and Your Will, instead of themselves and their motives, So Many would know You Lord in more than one way!
You Jesus are the Ultimate Giver! Amen!
So many of Your people limit Your Giving to them because they are not aligned with Your Mission of Purpose!

Oh,  how so many insult You Lord by being content with the poor, the sick, the lost and the evil that exists in this world.
Such things that they ask for will not enable Your Promises to Be fulfilled through them, for them, or for anyone else!
Such small faith and little trust, How Large is their unbelief instead of their faith in You!

If Only they lived the words that they speak, and asked in Obedient and Expecting Faith and Trust from You the Huge Blessings that You sit and wait to Hear spoken through Prayers of Joy, Great Faith and Trust in You!

"[Or] you do ask God for them and yet fail to receive, because you ask with wrong purpose and evil, selfish motives. Your intention is when you get what you desire to spend it in sensual pleasures."
James 4:3
  So I ask You dear Friend of mine, to Give them a Willing, Teachable and Obedient Heart and Spirit so that they Seek You, so that they Live each day Knowing No other desire except to express You and to Share Your Love with at least one person for each day.

Our years may be long, or short, I pray that More of Your People Get this understanding before their days end!

He Must increase, but I Must decrease.  John 3:30
1 Corinthians 1:2

On feet of Faith & Peace
Joshua 1:9/ Isaiah 52 
Resting In His Faithfulness, 
One Day At A Time By Faith.
©2010 WisdomTeachesme

Thursday, November 4, 2010


It Will Be Best to Hear Him say to each of us, Well Done my Good And Faithful servant!
'Well Done' Is  Always Better to Hear Than 'well said'!

“He Has Made us Competent as ministers of A New Covenant—Not of the letter but of The Spirit; for the letter kills, but The Spirit Gives Life.” 
2 Corinthians 3:6

 I Am grateful to God for the people who, Despite the adversities of evil, oppression, racism, sexism, and human frailties, forged Through to Open doors for All others to come through.

I Praise our Lord For Those Other Strong, Courageous People whose Stories Rarely get told, Who REALLY Are the Other ones in the trenches Fighting the Good Fight of Faith!

"Restore To me the Joy of Your Salvation And Uphold me With A Willing Spirit !" Psalm 51:12

The Stories Behind the Stories....

Shiphrah and Puah, had Obedience And Courage. (
Exodus 1:8-17)
And I am humbly grateful to our Lord, for their Strength, Courage and Truth in God that they Leaned on and relied on when faced with either their own deaths, or the murdering of others.
I Am Glad that they chose God!

"Choose This Day Whom You Will Serve!" -Joshua 24:15

"God Is Not unjust; He Will Not Forget your work And the Love you have shown Him As you Have Helped His people And Continue To Help Them!"
Hebrews 6:10

So many, Too Many people, want God to step in and do what They need to be doing!

What We All Need to be doing!
We Are His Body, His Hands and Feet!
We Are To Do what We are Able, Then the Rest Is up to God!

There is Spiritual Inspiration that Enables us to Act in Courageous Ways and deeds Out of a Commitment to God In the Name of Jesus!

This Courage does not call people to try and do the Impossible, But to Faithfully and Selflessly  Do what We can do when we Could chose to otherwise Ignore what/who is in front of us in need of Help!

Set Your Face to go where He sends you to Go!  

Go, Even though you may understand what awaits you there. Seek Courage through Jesus' example and His Courage will Rise up and Stir your strength and Power Through Him. 

Commitment to God to freely chose actions that place others above yourself,  And places God above All,

Knowing that Trust in Him, Shall Open the Door To your Courage!  
"...set His face to go to Jerusalem..."
Luke 9:51

"Lean on, Trust in, And Be Confident In the Lord With all your Heart And Mind And Do Not rely on your Own insight or understanding.  In All your Ways Know, Recognize, And Acknowledge Him, And He Will Direct And Make Straight And Plain your Paths."  Proverbs 3:5-6

When we Walk And Live Within His Will, Plans And Purposes for us, We Will Walk Right Into His Ways Made Through For us!  There is no need to ask Him to 'make a way'!

On feet of Faith & Peace
Joshua 1:9/ Isaiah 52 
Resting In His Faithfulness, 
One Day At A Time By Faith.
©2010 WisdomTeachesme