Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Good Morning,

That Sweet Smell of Morning Glories.....fills me deeply...reminding me of the greatness that will unfold for this days living....

Reminding me to keep expecting Miracles, possibilities, opportunities...breakthroughs...healing, help, supply, Love, Joy, Peace, Calm, .....
Reminding me that God's Love is the Loudest sound I hear, no matter What challenges and troubles face us....

My Lord has already made a Way to carry me through them all!

Reminding me Of All He has Already done for us, how could we fear this day, this challenge, this trouble, this set of circumstances, When we have Faced and Been Brought Through So Much Worse by the Power of His Love!

Reminding me that all I have to do for this day, is to continue to Trust Him, to continue to Lean upon Him, to continue IJN, To Praise my Way Through.....
Every little and big thing is already alright....

No matter how the situation looks today, It's Not Over, until the Lord's outcome has been made visible.
The Proper Perspective feeds Confidence
Reminding me that I am in agreement with myself. A house divided will not stand.

He reminds me that as He shines a light on all things around me and within me that have been cloaked in darkness, I shall be given the wisdom I desire.
Truth be told, the Wisdom He gives, is far beyond anything I could have imaged.
The vital changes that I need to step into have been revealed, as long as I stay willing and teachable, I Shall receive all that He has made available to me. 
Being stretched to accommodate them, Making Room for the unfolding on His blessings to me.

I am reminded that even though I can see at times a path of expansion that He has set before me, I must hold back emotions, especially impatience. I must keep my focus on the Gifts of His Spirit to help keep me from trying to control the outcome, the steps, the details, strengthening my Spirit of self control.

I am reminded by Him, that  I can't obsess about expanding right now, Yes it is a good thing, but I cannot make an idol out of his Blessings.
 I need to allow Him to continue to use His Love and Truth in and through me so that the pathway is established within me to see and follow.

As I watch I know I will be amazed as How He will direct me through this unfolding of His plans for me. I shall stay His instrument of Great Divine Purpose.

I hope that you enjoy the blessings of this day, and I hope that you Rest In Peace, Knowing that Everything Is already Alright, as long as You Keep the Proper perspective!

Love you Much!

"Behold, You desire truth in the inward parts, and in the hidden part You will make me to know wisdom!" 
Psalms 51:6

"Enlarge the place of your tent, and let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings; do not spare; lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes. For you shall expand to the right and to the left, and your descendants will inherit the nations, and make the desolate cities inhabited."
Isaiah 54:2-3

Matthew 12: 19-29

On feet of Faith & Peace
Resting In His Peace & Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
Isaiah 50:4 / Isaiah 52 / Jer 20:9-13 /Joshua 1:9 / Luke 6:38
©2007--2014 WisdomTeachesme

Monday, July 21, 2014


No, I am Not your enemy...
though, because of your insecurities, envy, jealousies, and immaturity, you may have made me one, but, I am Not your enemy.

I did not treat you wrongly, I did not reject you, I do not hate you, but I will correct you when you are wrong.
I will not allow you to treat me as you do yourself, or others.
I was sent to be your help, but you got things twisted, and you only wanted to take from the blessings what you wanted to use how you want.
That is Not how God intended the help He sends to be accepted.

I was sent to help you get your house in order. As a house divided will not stand.
I will offer help as the Lord directs me to, when you exhaust your mind for a solution.
Whether you take it, is up to you.
I'm cool with that.

I will not stand for and deal with your drama, lies, manipulations, passive-aggressive actions, immaturity, nor will I stroke your ego.
 I forgive you, I understand where you are in your spiritual life and relationship with the Lord Jesus, but I will not put up with any of those things when you refuse to grow and mature.
When you refuse to face yourself and begin to love yourself.
You have been distanced by the choices you have made.

I understand, you treat people exactly how you treat yourself. We all do that.
Your def of Love is human, dysfunctional, needy, lacking, etc...
I know, you were taught to manipulate, you were taught to lie and betray those who help you...I get it...You have some things to prove, but see, I don't have anything to prove to any person including myself.
 I am completely comfortable in my own skin.

My job is to help others recognize that All of what I have received from God IJN, Is Also for them to receive.

But, I am not your enemy....

I was sent to help you learn to make better, healthier choices for your life, those aligned with God's choices for you. You keep making bad ones and suffering through the consequences of those bad choices. You are caught in a self created prison of unhealthy choices and their consequences.
Your decisions have already judged you...and sooner than later, the consequences of your bad choices will spin you around causing More trouble for you, again.

I have no float in your parade, and I will not stand by wasting my time watching your parade.
I am not here to make you believe anything you are not capable of believing at this point of your life..
and, I am cool with this.

I tell you the truth and you get mad because it does not fit with what you want to believe.
It challenges your thoughts, the comfortableness of the lies, and beliefs, it comes to cut away what is dead in asked for it, but get mad when it comes.

I will continue to be who God made me to be, and I will continue to do what God has purposed me to do.... but I am not your enemy...

I have already told you, that your enemy lives within you... not outside of you.

# we all reap what we sow
# I am not your enemy...

Matthew 12:19-29  (Amp)Luke 11:11-18       (Amp)
Mark 3:20-28        (Amp)

On feet of Faith & Peace Resting In His Peace & Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
Isaiah 50:4 / Isaiah 52 / Jer 20:9-13 /Joshua 1:9 / Luke 6:38
©2007--2014 WisdomTeachesme

Friday, July 18, 2014


How Sweet it Is to Trust in the Lord....How Blessed one is who Trusts in the Lord....

This soft spoken morning, bringing to us a coolness in the air that does not belong at this time, but has been refreshing and uplifting... I am grateful for this soft spoken morning and all that It brings forth for this day...Providing the opportunity to sit and ponder, meditate on His Love... on the days work ahead.
Giving Thanks with a Joyful Spirit for every opportunity that will be given to reflect His Love...
Releasing Everything that is out of my control, and not part of my work to do. All that impossible stuff, I leave with Him as this opportunity to do so is opened.

I am expecting to have extraordinary experiences and opportunities as I am carried through this new territory of the spiritual as well as the natural realms of life....
Those will secure me in God's balance as unexpected challenges arise for me to face.

 As long as I am confident in His ways made for me, these challenges will not impede my impetus as I am being grown and matured in my relationship with Him. As I am being prepared for what is to come.

Even though these challenges come to throw a wrench in God's plans for me, by attempting to have me frustrated and discouraged.
My response to the circumstances will not please the enemy.
I have already made up my mind what to do, and self pity, anger, moving before my Lord, or  lagging behind Him are not part of my course.

These challenges and circumstances shall be Used to propel me into the Victory that His Grace has prepared for me.
I am covered in the sweet fragrance of His Knowledge and Purpose...His Wisdom Teaches me.
I shall not be a victim minded Witness....I shall continue to stand in His strength, love and truth, being bold, strong and courageous...His Love Is The Loudest sound I hear....

I have no need to ask Him for anything, I am in a place of Knowing that Everything has been supplied and that I only need to Praise Him for it being done, In the name of Jesus.

He will always Lead me To the Victory of His Glory, in the name of Jesus, Yes He Will, So Be It!

Matthew 6 (Amp)

On feet of Faith & Peace Resting In His Peace & Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
Isaiah 50:4 / Isaiah 52 / Jer 20:9-13 /Joshua 1:9 / Luke 6:38
©2007--2014 WisdomTeachesme

Thursday, July 17, 2014


These are a few pieces of Love and Truth that the Lord has given to me over the past few days.  Each day, He sends me clarity, understanding, truth, guidance and strength.
I am not able to do what I do for each day without Him being my strength.

My confidence is, that His help is always waiting on me (us) to speak that we cannot do what needs to be done. To acknowledge that I am insufficient to complete the day's work by my own power and ways, so I am always in need of Him.

It's not by asking/praying for His help that it comes, but because, I acknowledge that I am unable to do anything by my own little human power and thinking, does His Help come to me. His help is always waiting on us to Receive it.

I Hope that you are encouraged and lifted up by what He has taught me that I share with you. In the name of Jesus, so be it!

Thank You Lord, for protecting us from ourselves, and for protecting us from those you send us to help. As we are led into places we've never been before, no harm shall come to us.
No Matter What, Lord, I trust You!
Your Covering is absolute and complete, In the name of Jesus, So Be It!

# season of separation
# season of revealing
# new season ahead...


It's Sad, how some forget Who Helped them get to today.
It's really a shame, that some, whose lives are so Much Better today, live as though no one was sent to help them....That they just got better all by themselves.
They don't say a word... not an action, toward showing appreciation for those that God sent to help them when they needed it.....

And truth be told... some of these, throw those people away, by being twofaced, big headed, childish, etc........ it's sad for them, that they throw away the Blessings they asked God to give them.

Don't forget Those that God sent to be Your Help, Look back over your days and remember all the times when God sent help at that very moment you needed it!
Your Help came through People that He directed, who desire to serve Him and Love Him and reflect His Love. .

Don't forget that when you don't Appreciate those that God sends, you are not appreciating God!

I appreciate Every Person that the Lord sent to be a help to me and my family, when they obeyed the Lord's leading... Every day I thank God for them, no matter when they helped me, I Praise the Lord for their obedience to Him.
IJN, Amen!

The Only reason some people Keep you around, is to Keep You Down!
They are Good at what they do, they have mastered their type of manipulation and con...
... they can See your gifts, talents, abilities and anointing.

They have Already made a Plan to Use you, to Use your gifts, talents, abilities and anointing, to Further Their Ride off Your Coat tails, to get a Piece of Your Blessing!

Be careful, Stay alert and aware, Draw Closer to the Lord Jesus, Grow, Mature and allow Correction to change you....You Will be prepared if You Allow the Lord to do so.
Go beneath the Surface of Your Blessings....there is Way More Under the surface....

And, Another thing....
some people come around you to use you to make themselves better. And this is a good thing, but many are only there to get what they can and then move on to the next person that they can use.

They don't want to become a better person, they just want their situation changed, fixed, made right better... so they can go back to their old life.

You may be called to help them, make sure you use your discernment so that you do not allow them to get but so close, all the while you are helping them as God says to.

# Jesus asked the one, "Weren't There 10 of You?"

Let me help you out...
You may be thinking, "it didn't have to be this way, they could have done it a better way, why is it happening this way, Why have they done things this way?"

Some Times, relationships (no matter what kind), Have to go through a Flare Up of drama, lies, betrayal, messiness, confusion, etc.....In order for that Relationship to Come to An End...

If it had not happen that way, You would Not have left that person alone.
You would Not have separated Yourself From that Person.

Separation is necessary, Because of a few reasons.....
One being, what they are about to reap in their harvest, would take you out, cause you trouble that God does Not want you to go through.
And Two, what God has planned for you, Where God is leading you to, they would mess it up if you stayed attached to them.

Forgiveness is always possible and a necessity for your Well Being....
Love can be given from afar....I can do both, but, I will not Trust you Any More.

# it would take a Barnabas to tell me that you've Been Changed by God's Love
# a new season is approaching, Get ready and Stay Ready...
# for those with ears to hear....
# for those who desire to Grow and Mature...

On feet of Faith & Peace Resting In His Peace & Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
Isaiah 50:4 / Isaiah 52 / Jer 20:9-13 /Joshua 1:9 / Luke 6:38
©2007--2014 WisdomTeachesme

Sunday, July 13, 2014


If I Only knew Him as God the Creator,
and didn't have a Relationship with Him and His Son,
I could understand if I doubted and worried,
if I questioned His love and Purposes for me,
and tried to work things out by my own ideas and plans.

If I Only knew Him as God the Creator, I would worry about my enemies,
If I Only knew Him as God the Creator....He would understand if I doubted and worried and tried to make things work out on my own.....
Since I Know Him as my Mother Father God,
Since I Know Him as my Friend, my Teacher, my Healer, My Savior, my Lord...
Since I Know Him as my Joy, My Peace, My Protector and Supplier, as my Love and Purpose...
Since Jesus is my Everything...
I do not doubt, fret, worry, nor try to make things work out by my own thinking....
For to do so, to doubt His Love, His purpose and His Saving Power would be wrong for me for sure.

"People who don’t know God and the way He works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how He works. Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don’t worry about missing out. You’ll find all your everyday human concerns Will Be Met."
Matthew 6-The Message

On feet of Faith & Peace
Resting In His Peace & Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
Isaiah 50:4 / Isaiah 52 / Jer 20:9-13 /Joshua 1:9 / Luke 6:38
©2007--2014 WisdomTeachesme