“Open my eyes that I may see Wonderful Things In Your Law.”- Psalm 119:18
We Live in a Joyous And Peace Filled Season Every day!
The Lord Speaks and Declares His Love, Will, Plan and Purpose for us.
For us, His People, This Is to be Believed, Trusted and Faithfully Expected, that What He has promised, He Shall do!
This concerns us, His People!
Just as we Expect God to Be God every day, Our part Is to be done every day also = We Are to Believe, Obey, Trust, And Faithfully Expect Him to deliver to us, Into our hands what He has said.
We raise our children up to Seek Him, Know Him, Love Him and Serve Him and He is delighted in us and our children! We teach them to pray, praise, worship and expect Him, because they See us pray, praise, worship, and Expect Him! They see us reading our bibles, they hear us singing the songs of love for Him, that He put in our hearts. They Learn from us as we Learn from Him. As they get older, they will know how to learn from Him without us.
Without us doing our part in this relationship with Him, we may see it, but will never partake of His Part done for us.
He Has set us apart from others, and placed us on the Paths that Will carry us to accomplish our part in His Plans. Have you decided to Stay on the paths that He has placed you on?
"I Will Teach All your children, And they Will Enjoy Great Peace.
You Will be Secure under a government that is just and fair.
Your enemies Will stay far away.
You Will Live in peace, and terror Will Not come near.
If any nation comes to fight you, it is not because I sent them.
Whoever attacks you Will go down in defeat.
I Have created the blacksmith who fans the coals beneath the forge And makes the weapons of destruction.
And I Have Created the armies that destroy. But in that coming day No weapon turned against you Will Succeed.
You Will Silence Every Voice Raised Up To Accuse you.
These Benefits Are Enjoyed by The Servants of The Lord; Their Vindication Will Come From Me.
I, The Lord, Have Spoken!"
Isaiah 54:13-17
So, here we have it, The Lord God Has Spoken revealing His Plans, and Purposes for us to us in detail!
So, how could we possibly have any doubt or fear?
The Joy and Peace Filled days of our season, of All our days have been created and set forth by His Word, His Love for us! They Stand in His Truth!
We the Lord's People do not worry, fret or become concerned in times of crisis, to what end will that help us When we KNOW what God has said He Has Done for us?
We have His Peace--Which dwells Within us--Peace past all human understanding! It makes no sense, nor is it logical to those who do Not believe, and that is true, It is Faith that works for us, not human understanding.
The Lord Speaks and Declares His Love, Will, Plan and Purpose for us.
For us, His People, This Is to be Believed, Trusted and Faithfully Expected, that What He has promised, He Shall do!
This concerns us, His People!
Just as we Expect God to Be God every day, Our part Is to be done every day also = We Are to Believe, Obey, Trust, And Faithfully Expect Him to deliver to us, Into our hands what He has said.
We raise our children up to Seek Him, Know Him, Love Him and Serve Him and He is delighted in us and our children! We teach them to pray, praise, worship and expect Him, because they See us pray, praise, worship, and Expect Him! They see us reading our bibles, they hear us singing the songs of love for Him, that He put in our hearts. They Learn from us as we Learn from Him. As they get older, they will know how to learn from Him without us.
Without us doing our part in this relationship with Him, we may see it, but will never partake of His Part done for us.
He Has set us apart from others, and placed us on the Paths that Will carry us to accomplish our part in His Plans. Have you decided to Stay on the paths that He has placed you on?
"I Will Teach All your children, And they Will Enjoy Great Peace.
You Will be Secure under a government that is just and fair.
Your enemies Will stay far away.
You Will Live in peace, and terror Will Not come near.
If any nation comes to fight you, it is not because I sent them.
Whoever attacks you Will go down in defeat.
I Have created the blacksmith who fans the coals beneath the forge And makes the weapons of destruction.
And I Have Created the armies that destroy. But in that coming day No weapon turned against you Will Succeed.
You Will Silence Every Voice Raised Up To Accuse you.
These Benefits Are Enjoyed by The Servants of The Lord; Their Vindication Will Come From Me.
I, The Lord, Have Spoken!"
Isaiah 54:13-17
So, here we have it, The Lord God Has Spoken revealing His Plans, and Purposes for us to us in detail!
So, how could we possibly have any doubt or fear?
The Joy and Peace Filled days of our season, of All our days have been created and set forth by His Word, His Love for us! They Stand in His Truth!
We the Lord's People do not worry, fret or become concerned in times of crisis, to what end will that help us When we KNOW what God has said He Has Done for us?
We have His Peace--Which dwells Within us--Peace past all human understanding! It makes no sense, nor is it logical to those who do Not believe, and that is true, It is Faith that works for us, not human understanding.
We Have His Wisdom, waiting at the ready to Be our Help all day Every day!
So, If any of us has decided beforehand, Not to consult with our Lord and call upon His Wisdom to direct, correct and help us, that is our problem that we created if we go ahead with our own plans and fail and fall into temptations And their consequences.
It Is our decision to either Lean on Him or to lean on our own ways.
His Peace, Joy and Wisdom Is our Guardian, watching over us, created and directed to protect us, help us, guide us and supply to us what we are in need of!
Who has a kitchen full of food but yet starves to death because they do not eat any of it?
A Fool!
In every difficulty that arises, our mission is Clear and contained in the Lord's Purpose and Intention for us.
Our training and learning do not come solely by the difficulties and trials that we face, as much as from Us withdrawing into His Presence to be alone With our Lord.
The Spiritual Value that we are in need of, that we seek is Provided to us from consistent contact with Him, not from going through life's challenges. Many people make it through the difficulties of life on their own, but they do Not receive the Blessing of His Presence Being with them. They provide No Glory to God.
Sharing With Him our Joys, our pain, our happiness, our Peace, our sorrows and mistakes, seeking His Will to delight in our hearts His Love and Comfort is what Proves to be Great Spiritual Value, Growth, Maturity and Prosperity for us.
He Wants us To Share Everything with Him!
My friends, just as we put forth effort, time, energy, and resources into our True human friendships and relationships, in order to keep them alive, growing, maturing and prosperous, We Have To do the same with our Friendship with Him.
Mutual Sharing is a Must, so as we share with Him, So does He share His every-increasing measure with us. He Shares His Love, His Grace, His Joy, His Peace, His Secrets, His POWER!
When we Share Everything, we Are Able to Receive Everything He Shares with us--This Releases to us His Manifold Blessings, that take root in our hearts His Garden and when Truth is asked for and received It Opens up and Blooms!
Every time we face challenges in His Truth and Spirit, He Is on the scene With Us--In us--and Works through us--Glory from our Faith and Trust Belongs to God Alone, In the Name of Jesus, Amen!
Isa 54
Jer 29:11-13
Col 1:27
On feet of Faith & Peace
Joshua 1:9/ Isaiah 52
Resting In His Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Faith.
©2010 WisdomTeachesme
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