"All whom My Father gives (entrusts) to Me Will Come To Me; and the one who comes to Me I Will Most Certainly Not Cast out!
I Will Never, No Never, Reject one of them who Comes To Me!"
Jesus - John 6:37
Once I see who someone Really is, I know it's not because they have changed...but because I have.
Disappointments lead to clarity, which lead to wisdom, which lead to growth and maturity. All this leads to the truth.
I think to myself...Did I expect too much from the person?
You know, some times we expect folk to be in a certain place on a certain level...they speak like they are, they look like they are...but their actions Always reveal Who they Really are. Our True character Always rises to the top and overflows! Can't hide it nor hold it down for too long.
Then I find out that they don't have to give what they pretended they did....
I stopped getting mad or allowing anger to move in....yes, it may appear that they have done me wrong...but truth be told, they are doing themselves wrong First!
Does it pinch my nerve...yes....but I see it as an opportunity to speak Love over them, as they don't know Real Love.
Do I give them Space...uh-huh, I certainly do...Folks who are drowning in shallow waters will no doubt pull you down with them if you latch on to them.
Then I recognize an opportunity to speak to the Lord about them, seeking Grace to cover them and work in them.
All of these times push me to examine myself.....to make sure I am living what I say, that my words and actions match up.
And when I find a place within me that is not where it should be....I hand it over to the Lord....Every day, I need healing and correction....
In the name of Jesus, I praise our Mother-Father God for the Work of the Holy Spirit, that I am within the presence of the Lord and allowing all that I need to be given to me and done for me, to God Alone Be The Glory!
So be it!
And when I find a place within me that is not where it should be....I hand it over to the Lord....Every day, I need healing and correction....
In the name of Jesus, I praise our Mother-Father God for the Work of the Holy Spirit, that I am within the presence of the Lord and allowing all that I need to be given to me and done for me, to God Alone Be The Glory!
So be it!
Can’t Hide Behind a Religious Mask
By this time the crowd, unwieldy and stepping on each other’s toes, numbered into the thousands. But Jesus’ primary concern was His disciples. He said to them, “Watch yourselves carefully so you don’t get contaminated with Pharisee yeast, Pharisee phoniness. You can’t keep your true self hidden forever; before long you’ll be exposed. You can’t hide behind a religious mask forever; sooner or later the mask will slip and your true face will be known. You can’t whisper one thing in private and preach the opposite in public; the day’s coming when those whispers will be repeated all over town.
Luke 12:2-3
The Message (MSG)
The Message (MSG)
What are you in the middle of-Waiting on God to Bring you through?
What Have you Been Brought Through Already?
What do you Need fixed in your heart?
What do you need to do today, that you Can't Without God's Help?
What Ever you Need, You Need to PRAISE JESUS NOW!
Stop!! It's Time to Praise HIM!!!!
Appreciate the Lord!
Seek the Kingdom to be established Within Your Heart, Soul and Spirit!
# I need people to help me Call JESUS!
# I need people who love Him as Much as I do!
# whole healing,
# healthy relationship with self
# can't gain spiritual discernment if you are immature
# can't grow and mature if you can't be teachable
# ego and pride will Stop Your Blessings!
# Stop being double-minded and stop lying to yourself
# I see you!
------------------------------------------# I need people who love Him as Much as I do!
# whole healing,
# healthy relationship with self
# can't gain spiritual discernment if you are immature
# can't grow and mature if you can't be teachable
# ego and pride will Stop Your Blessings!
# Stop being double-minded and stop lying to yourself
# I see you!
We got Here, based on what we Do have, not based on what we Don't have yet.
What we do have is the grace and mercy and the favor of the Lord.
What we do have is the gift of desire to have what God wants us to have, according to His timing, order and plans.
What we do have is a strong growing and maturing relationship with the Lord.
What we do have is the indwelling Holy Spirit.
What we do have is the Purpose of the Kingdom of God IJN within us.
What we do have from all of this fuels our faith and trust which powers our boldness and confidence.
What we do have is A spiritual storehouse of every thing we need.
We got Here, based on What we Do have, not based on What we Don't have yet.
What we Don't have yet, has not hindered us one bit.
On This Very Cold morning here in our little part of the world, I was awaken to Praise Him!
I was awakened =
To enjoy the blessings of this day.
To learn what I don't know.
To allow the gift of creativity to flow through me manifesting itself into visual delights.
To be the help that I'm called to be for others.
To Love and rec' Love.
To See the beauty of God every where I look.
Good Morning People!
I hope that what ever you do not have yet, and what you can't do yet, does not occupy your time from using what you Do have to do, what you Can do.
In the Name of Jesus, I encourage you that no matter What your situation is, to Keep Seeking and Trusting the Lord to bring you through.
Praise Your Way Through as He shows You The Way You should Go!
Let Him Show You The Way You Should Go!
Stay warm and safe, it's another beautiful day that we have been blessed to experience!
One I have never experienced before, I am excited about what the Lord has done! I was awakened =
To enjoy the blessings of this day.
To learn what I don't know.
To allow the gift of creativity to flow through me manifesting itself into visual delights.
To be the help that I'm called to be for others.
To Love and rec' Love.
To See the beauty of God every where I look.
Good Morning People!
I hope that what ever you do not have yet, and what you can't do yet, does not occupy your time from using what you Do have to do, what you Can do.
In the Name of Jesus, I encourage you that no matter What your situation is, to Keep Seeking and Trusting the Lord to bring you through.
Praise Your Way Through as He shows You The Way You should Go!
Let Him Show You The Way You Should Go!
Stay warm and safe, it's another beautiful day that we have been blessed to experience!
John 17
Matthew 25:35-40
Luke 17:21
Proverbs 20:21
Another day full of what is needed...
I praise Him and I am grateful for the Lord's Healing process... we All are in need of complete Healing and Full Recovery.
Emotional, physical, mental & spiritual Healing and Recovery....is so necessary to maturity and growth. It's a large part of loving oneself, loving others, of accepting oneself completely.
I don't know about anyone else, but I want to fully live the Great Life that was Given to me to Live, for this to happen each day I need Healing!
Many People do not make time and give the energy necessary to allow
Healing, but they do put forth time and energy for shallow things that
bring them no Real life.
Every one is in the midst of some kind of Recovery & Some kind of Healing.
You have to examine yourself, meet with yourself in order for Healing and Recovery to begin and work.
Many come to the end of something that causes great sorrow, hurt, brokenness, but before they allow themselves the Time to Heal and Recover, before they seek the Time to examine and evaluate their Part in the thing, to examine what went wrong in order to Learn, Apply and allow Healing to do it's Work,
they push it all down and run on to the next person or thing with plans to begin again.
Taking all that hurt, pain, sorrow and brokenness to a new thing or person will not give you what you seek.
Today I continue to Praise the Lord for providing the Whole Self Healing and Recovery that I need and my family needs. I praise Him for providing the Whole Self Healing and Recovery that All need for this day.
I pray that All will Allow His Love to Heal them- to make them Whole and to step into the process of Complete Recovery in order to bring Glory to God IJN, And in order to Live the GREAT Life that has been given to them!
Every one is in the midst of some kind of Recovery & Some kind of Healing.
You have to examine yourself, meet with yourself in order for Healing and Recovery to begin and work.
Many come to the end of something that causes great sorrow, hurt, brokenness, but before they allow themselves the Time to Heal and Recover, before they seek the Time to examine and evaluate their Part in the thing, to examine what went wrong in order to Learn, Apply and allow Healing to do it's Work,
they push it all down and run on to the next person or thing with plans to begin again.
Taking all that hurt, pain, sorrow and brokenness to a new thing or person will not give you what you seek.
Today I continue to Praise the Lord for providing the Whole Self Healing and Recovery that I need and my family needs. I praise Him for providing the Whole Self Healing and Recovery that All need for this day.
I pray that All will Allow His Love to Heal them- to make them Whole and to step into the process of Complete Recovery in order to bring Glory to God IJN, And in order to Live the GREAT Life that has been given to them!
Lord Jesus, Your Kingdom Come More and More within Me, More today, Yes Lord, In Abundance, Till It Over flows, Yes Lord, Reveal to Me All the Abilities, Gifts, Talents, Knowledge and Understanding that You have Already Put into Me, and Stir Them Up, Yes Lord, Your Kingdom Come Within Me, More and More, According to My Faith It Shall Be Done, for the Glory be to You, My God,
In Jesus' Name, So Be It!
# He Is My Portion!
# I Can't do Anything Today Without Him!
He said to him, "Get up and go on your way. Your faith (your trust and
confidence that spring from your belief in God) has restored you to
by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He replied to them
by saying, "The kingdom of God does not come with signs to be observed or with visible display,
Nor will people say, Look! Here [it is]! or, See, [it is] there! For behold, the kingdom of God is within you [in your hearts] and among you [surrounding you]."
He said to the disciples, "The time is coming when you will long to see
[even] one of the days of the Son of Man, and you will not see [it].
And they will say to you, Look! [He is] there! or, Look! [He is] here! But do not go out or follow [them]."
John 3:1-4
John 18:34-37
Matthew 4:15-19
Matthew 13
Matthew 19:13-16
Luke 13:16-24
*The Land is Always worth More than the house.
*The Soul is Always worth More than the body.
*Integrity is Always revealed through our character.
*Our motives always direct us.
*If not checked, faced and corrected, our insecurities will always lead us in the wrong direction.
*Be careful that you don't fall in love with a personality, then end up long term with the character of a person. The two may Not be the same in some people.
*Your talents and gifts may take you places, but it's your character that keeps you there.
*Some times you were suppose to burn that bridge.
*Some times those that cut their connection with you are doing you a Big Solid--What they are about to reap will cause you unnecessary problems--things God does not want you to go through.
*Those that get the big head and act brand new, usually only change their appearance, job, vehicle, living space, but their True character stays the same. They don't spend time improving that.
*When the Spirit of God leads you to Give and Give, always do so no matter what you Think you will have left, You will never go without, nor will you be empty for very long..
*If you have an unhealthy relationship with yourself, that is exactly what you will have with all others.
*Those with something to prove never do, and if you are standing to close to them, when they fall, you will go down with them.
*Sometimes the only closure you will get from certain situations is the closure that God created, be content with that!
*Jealousy and Envy are when you count other people's blessings instead of your own.
*Jealousy, envy and emotional immaturity make you compare yourself with others.
*Church is Who we are, Not Where we go.
*Every Good idea is not always a God idea.
*You are either living to please people or to please God, you can't have it both ways.
Don't grieve the Holy Spirit.
Don't be lured out of the Covering of the Lord by the enemy.
Don't walk around with a dross covered sword.
Don't find others to pick at (make fun of), and compare yourself to, falsely blaming others for what you have done, because you are running from His correction and healing. Because you don't want to face yourself and be healed.
Don't go back once God has separated you, Set you Apart for Himself.
Don't ignore that you may have missed His Place of spiritual/natural Balance, because you are running from the thing that causes the hurt, pain and brokenness and you ran Way to the other wrong side.
Don't grieve the Holy Spirit.
We are within a place of transition between Seasons.
The ending of one is not quite finished, and the beginning of the next one has not quite begun.
Stop, Be Patient, Don't Force Anything, Rest, and Be Quiet.
Listen to Understand, not to always Respond!
Stop struggling with the Changes that the Holy Spirit is bringing you into!
Stop struggling with the Holy Spirit as He delivers you Out Of the places that are Dead and Useless!
I encourage you to Stay under His covering All the time, Not just visit His covering when things go wrong.
Allow the Holy Spirit to reconcile you with yourself.
In the name of Jesus, the Blood is Still Working, So Be It!
John 6:63
Eph 4:29-32
Psalm 91:1
Another day, another opportunity, another chance
to be healed,
to be made whole,
to help, to be helped,
to grow and mature,
to forgive, to be forgiven,
to be delivered,
to be corrected,
to learn,
to let go of,
to Harvest,
to Sow,
to be loved,
to love,
to be understanding, to understand,
to bless, to be blessed,
to serve, to be served,
to obey,
to be changed,
to touch, to taste,
to witness,
to deny self,
to praise, to worship,
to be humble,
to expect Him,
to trust Him,
to speak with Faith,
to partake in,
to give out, to take in,
to seek The Kingdom of The Lord....
Thank You my FatherMother God IJN, for another day that is Full of Every Thing we shall need.
Your Eye guides me in the Ways You have planned.
You My Lord, Are my Strength,
You Lord Are my Shepherd; I Shall Not Want!
IN the Name of Jesus, My Lord Father/Mother, I surrender completely to You on This day my Life!
Whew.... Lord, (sigh of relief),
Thank You for Being my Strength for this day!
Thank You for Supplying Every Need (spiritual & natural) that I and my family and my friends Need for This Day!
Lord, There is No Way I could have Made it To Today without You carrying me, I Know I can't make it through this day and the days ahead Without YOU Continuing to Carry Me!
Thank YOU! I am so Grateful!
Thank YOU for Covering our daughters, our nieces and nephews .our god children in This Family and Those of my friends!
Thank You for Covering and guiding us parents in Hearing You when You direct us on How To raise Your children in Your Ways of Love, Truth and Life.
Thank YOU for Covering our coming and going,
Thank YOU for This Peace, Joy. Calm, and Love,
Thank You for the Correction, the Clarity, the Wisdom, the Understanding, the Knowledge, the Healing, the Growth, the Maturity that We Need!
Thank You for Occupying my mind, my hands, my feet, my heart, my soul and my spirit for this day.
I Praise You my Lord, I Need You My Lord, I Desire to have More of You My Lord!
In the Name of Jesus, Thank You For the Gift of This Day,
I Love You!
John 17
Lord, How grateful I am that Your Grace is always working in me, for me and through me...
I thank You that Peace, Her Sister Calm and Her Daughter Joy, are Always accompanying Your Grace!
Praise is flowing from my heart for You!
I am not sufficiently able to help myself, I acknowledge this every morning and remind myself of this truth through out each day...
This allows Your Help to move in Swiftly to be my Help for each need that I and my family have.
I am Confident in this truth, that Your Help waits until we acknowledge that we are humanly unable to help ourselves....
It's already done, no need to ask You!
In the name of Jesus I Praise You!
“HE restores my soul!”
Be careful.... disappointment is an emotion that can turn into a demon, if not contained, controlled and Turned Around by giving it to God, it will grow like a cancer in us. If allowed to do that with too many disappointments, we hinder ourselves and stunt our emotional and spiritual selves.
If you have never Learned How to Handle Disappointment, it will create all kinds of unhealthy dysfunctions until you learn How to Handle it when it happens.
And Happen it will.
If we are breathing, then there is always the chance for a disappointment to occur.
For me... I have learned that when I am faced with disappointment, at my age Now ... I go to my Lord and ask, "Ok Lord, that didn't work, they did this, they didn't do that, I was not chosen, they bought it before you gave me the funds, ETC" ...
.and then I say...
"Well Lord, since that was not in Your Plans For me... Lead me to What You have planned for me. And while I am being led, tell me the lessons I need to learn from what just happened! IJN, So Be It!"
It takes a Spirit of self conquering to get out from under the Weight of disappointments....
# help for all the other WhoSoEver's
# grateful, the Lord is Still working in me, on me and through me....
# self discipline has to be Used, so that it grows and matures to Work.
Psalm 23 -------
MY PRAYER-PRAISE-CLARITY FOR TODAYBe careful today.... concerning All the things that are Out of Our Control, In the name of Jesus, Please Don't Waste These Opportunities Provided to Praise Him, to Grow your faith and trust in Him, to Serve Him, To Mature and Grow your relationship with Him, To Expect Him, To Bring Him Glory!
Don't Waste Your Praise, Your Expectation, Your Time, Giving God Glory,
Because you whined and grumbled Through the issues, problems and challenges!
Because you complained louder than You Praised Him!
Because You placed your expectation in people who don't even Serve Him instead of joining in with Those Who Do!
Lord in the name of Jesus, Thank You for guiding me A Different Way through this same problem, through this same illness, through this same situation that has come back up!
Thank You Holy Spirit for Helping me to accomplish what is Important to God for today!
Thank You Lord for using me to Sow the seeds I did yesterday, last week, last month, last year as
I begin to Reap the Harvest of them Today!
Thank You Lord My Christ for Taking care of us!
"There’s more to come: We continue to shout our praise even when we’re hemmed in with troubles, because we know how troubles can develop passionate patience in us, and how that patience in turn forges the tempered steel of virtue, keeping us alert for whatever God will do next. In alert expectancy such as this, we’re never left feeling shortchanged. Quite the contrary—we can’t round up enough containers to hold everything God generously pours into our lives through the Holy Spirit!"
Romans 5:3-4
When you ask the Lord to reveal to you, who are your enemies and adversaries....Remember, He will start with the ones that Live within your heart and mind First!
All fears, doubt, selfishness, rebellion, ego, pride, unforgiveness, lack, jealousy, envy, hurt, lies, pain, brokenness, ways of manipulation, immaturity, etc......are our enemies and tools of our adversary.
Then He will move to reveal your adversaries that live around you....but we can't conquer them without first conquering the ones that live within us.
Don't get it twisted, It's Not Complicated!
The day will come and you will discover Your Voice!
You will discover you have always been Powerful and always had a Voice.
Now, when that day arrives and you run to hug and hold Your Voice and Your Power like a long lost lover, Then you will need to realize that with both of these, comes responsibility.
Now that you have taken back Your Voice and Power, what are you going to do with them?
With this gift of clarity, you must also know that there will be many who will be offended when you responsibly use Your Voice and Your Power.
Don't allow these types of people to stop you from Using Both as Guided to use them! These are those who love the darkness and hate the work necessary to Remove themselves and others from the darkness that is killing them.
--- > for such a time as this.....
-- > the Refiners Fire will not consume you, only the dross
--- > God looks for those who will Worship Him in Spirit and Truth.
" I am praying for them. I am not praying (requesting) for the world, but for those You have given Me, for they belong to You."John 17
In the Name of Jesus, Holy Spirit Help me to Make Room for what Needs to be within me...
Within my life, Within my hands and heart, soul and spirit= All that Has been spoken to Be!
Releasing, with the Help of the Spirit of Truth all that is dead, useless and not going to help me...
Releasing it all, surrendering it all as I stand on Common Ground... into the hands of my Lord!
Thank You for correcting me where I am wrong, for using me as You know Best! Where I end You begin!
My Beloved, You who is Radical, Who Is the One I follow.....with a Radical Faith and Trust!
Ready to Receive the Harvest of what I have sown years ago, months ago, days ago....Ready to sow the seeds for the Next Harvest!
Separate what is Not of YOU from me!
Connect me with Those who You want me to be connected to!
If YOU are Not in It Lord God, Then I don't want anything to do with it!
My God, My Mother, My Father, The Only Living God....My Everything.....
Knowing that I won't stay empty for long....
So glad that I am able to drink from my own Well!
No matter What, No matter How Long, No matter what I know and don't know, No matter which ways You Lead me, No matter Who stays and who goes, No matter what I have and don't have, I Trust You my Beloved!
You Jesus are the Only One Who holds my hand as we Walk together, doing the Work that has been Spoken to Do.
Doing what You did and More!
Grateful that You make Every thing to Work for the Good of Your Love!
It's Another day Full of Divine Possibilities, Divine Opportunities, allowing the Preparation I need to be done.
The roots are growing deeper, and stronger as the above ground growth soars strong and tall!
Thank You my Beloved Jesus, My Friend, for being in the middle of all my relationships, turning them into what they are to be!
What Ever You say Lord, You will be my Help to get it done!
Glory to God IJN, for this Wonderful Day!
The Blessing of My Lord God, Brings No Sorrow, and there is Nothing I can do to take away nor add to it!
# It's Not Complicated!
# Mature Faith and Trust
# Correction
Connect me with Those who You want me to be connected to!
If YOU are Not in It Lord God, Then I don't want anything to do with it!
My God, My Mother, My Father, The Only Living God....My Everything.....
Knowing that I won't stay empty for long....
So glad that I am able to drink from my own Well!
No matter What, No matter How Long, No matter what I know and don't know, No matter which ways You Lead me, No matter Who stays and who goes, No matter what I have and don't have, I Trust You my Beloved!
You Jesus are the Only One Who holds my hand as we Walk together, doing the Work that has been Spoken to Do.
Doing what You did and More!
Grateful that You make Every thing to Work for the Good of Your Love!
It's Another day Full of Divine Possibilities, Divine Opportunities, allowing the Preparation I need to be done.
The roots are growing deeper, and stronger as the above ground growth soars strong and tall!
Thank You my Beloved Jesus, My Friend, for being in the middle of all my relationships, turning them into what they are to be!
What Ever You say Lord, You will be my Help to get it done!
Glory to God IJN, for this Wonderful Day!
The Blessing of My Lord God, Brings No Sorrow, and there is Nothing I can do to take away nor add to it!
# It's Not Complicated!
# Mature Faith and Trust
# Correction
It's Not Complicated!
Lord God, in the name of Jesus, we submit ourselves to You completely!
Cut us free from everything and every person Not in agreement and alignment with Your purpose for us!
We surrender every thing and Yield to the Moving or Your Spirit In and Around us!
We desire to walk Fully in Your Purposes for us.
We offer our desires to You so that You may sanctify them and set apart for Your Will to be fulfilled in our lives!
We allow Your Spirit to Purify our pathway.
We will re-examine our decisions when we feel hindered and things become too difficult, so that You will show us the Way to Clarity and Victory!
We are faithfully expecting Your Best for us and our families, for this day and all days that You have given to us here.
Our Faith is hungry for Your Voice and directions and Your outcomes.
Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus we command You to pour forth all we need for this day!
We do not want what we can do, so we are Not listening to our feelings, but we seek Your Voice, because, we want What You have spoken to be in our lives.
In the name of Jesus, So Be It!
"I Will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I Will guide you with My eye!" Psalms 32:8
“If God gives such attention to the appearance of wildflowers—most of which are never even seen—don’t you think He’ll attend to you, take pride in you, do His best for you?
What I’m trying to do here is to get you to relax, to not be so preoccupied with getting, so you can respond to God’s giving!
People who don’t know God and the way He works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how He works.
Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions.
Don’t worry about missing out.
You’ll find all your everyday human concerns will be met.
Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow.
God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes!"
Matthew 6:30-34
It's Not Complicated!
God already Knew that trouble would come into your life.
God already Knew that situation would be brought into your life.
God already Knew that difficulty would be a part of this day.
God already Knew that illness, that challenge, that bill, that car break down, that loss of your job, would come into your life.
God is waiting to see what you are going to do in these times.
Here He has allowed Opportunities to Grow and Mature in your relationships with Him.
Are you going to try to 'fix' things yourself (again), Or are you going to allow the Lord to lead you through, This Time?
If you have been giving/investing your time to the Lord so that He can Prepare you, then none of this should shake your faith.
If you know to Call on Him in Praise when Nothing is wrong, then you know that when something bigger than you arises, God has Already Made a Way Through it!
Too many only call on God when things go wrong, that is not how He wants us to be. That is an immature way to be.
You know how you feel with some people Only call on you when they have a problem, right?
They never call you to share the Good in their lives, they never call you to check in on you.
That is how people do God, they only call on Him when a crisis is facing them, when troubles and bad situations arise in their lives.
That is a one sided, immature relationship.
He wants us to Be mature in our spiritual life.
It's about Relationship!
He wants to train your ears to Hear His Voice, so when He speaks directions to you, you will obey them because you can Hear them!
To many people hear the voice of their emotions, their pain, their ego and pride speaking to them, and those are Not God speaking to you.
Folk can repeat word for word of scriptures, but they can't recognize the Voice of our Shepard!
That is a Problem!
What are you investing in your Relationship with the Lord? Because He is investing Everything in you!
What kind of return are you giving to the Lord for His investment into your life? Will it give Him Glory?
If you believe that God already Knows Everything, then you know that He has already Made a Way through. Go back to Him, humble yourself and let His Spirit lead you Through!
If you are going to Pray to Him for Help, then you Must Endure!
Too many Pray, but don't endure, so they do not rec' their answers, because they ran off to try to 'fix' things themselves.
Be Still, Humble Yourself, and Endure with Joy, Love, Expectation, and Be Moved Through!
6 “Here’s what I want you to do: Find a quiet, secluded place so you won’t be tempted to role-play before God. Just be there as simply and honestly as you can manage. The focus will shift from you to God, and you will begin to sense His grace.
7-13 “The world is full of so-called prayer warriors who are prayer-ignorant. They’re full of formulas and programs and advice, peddling techniques for getting what you want from God.
Don’t fall for that nonsense. This is your Father you are dealing with, and He knows better than you what you need. With a God like this loving you, you can pray very simply."
Matthew 6
Today is Another day, Full of the possibilities and opportunities we Need to Accomplish God's Will for our lives.
The Lord's Grace is with us!
His Love Is with us.
God has filled the days with all that we need. You may be looking for what you want, and not what you Need, and that may be why you don't have what you need.
The pages in this chapter of your life have been filled with the Way you sshould go.
We don't have to write Anything on them, actually there isn't Room for us to write anything on These Pages!
Truth be told, we Can't write on these pages.
You can write what you want and how you want things to go, but it won't be on These Pages!
You can also ignore what God has written on the pages in this chapter of Your life, but that will not change what God wrote.
Just because we don't believe the truth, that does not make it an untruth.
God has Already Written our directions on These pages.
All we need to do is cooperate with His Holy Spirit who will Lead us into All Truth and Ways that God has already spoken and written for us.
Do you know His Voice? if not, then you should invest your time and energy allowing Him to re-train your ears to Know His Voice!
It's Not Complicated!
Don't Force things to be that are not to be!
Too many know only what the Word says, but they don't know the Voice of the Lord. So when the Lord gives them directions, they don't hear Him, because they don't know His Voice!
Too many fill their days with useless works.
Too many allow fear to move them before the Lord answers their Prayers. They pray but do not endure to hear the Answer, to rec the directions they need.
It's not complicated, either you want what God has planned for you, or you want what you have planned.
Jesus is not going to lead you where He Is Not going!
If you know to Call on Him in Praise when Nothing is wrong, then you know that when something bigger than you arises, God has Already Made a Way Through it!
Too many only call on God when things go wrong, that is not how He wants us to be. That is an immature way to be.
You know how you feel with some people Only call on you when they have a problem, right?
They never call you to share the Good in their lives, they never call you to check in on you.
That is how people do God, they only call on Him when a crisis is facing them, when troubles and bad situations arise in their lives.
That is a one sided, immature relationship.
He wants us to Be mature in our spiritual life.
It's about Relationship!
He wants to train your ears to Hear His Voice, so when He speaks directions to you, you will obey them because you can Hear them!
To many people hear the voice of their emotions, their pain, their ego and pride speaking to them, and those are Not God speaking to you.
Folk can repeat word for word of scriptures, but they can't recognize the Voice of our Shepard!
That is a Problem!
What are you investing in your Relationship with the Lord? Because He is investing Everything in you!
What kind of return are you giving to the Lord for His investment into your life? Will it give Him Glory?
If you believe that God already Knows Everything, then you know that He has already Made a Way through. Go back to Him, humble yourself and let His Spirit lead you Through!
If you are going to Pray to Him for Help, then you Must Endure!
Too many Pray, but don't endure, so they do not rec' their answers, because they ran off to try to 'fix' things themselves.
Be Still, Humble Yourself, and Endure with Joy, Love, Expectation, and Be Moved Through!
6 “Here’s what I want you to do: Find a quiet, secluded place so you won’t be tempted to role-play before God. Just be there as simply and honestly as you can manage. The focus will shift from you to God, and you will begin to sense His grace.
7-13 “The world is full of so-called prayer warriors who are prayer-ignorant. They’re full of formulas and programs and advice, peddling techniques for getting what you want from God.
Don’t fall for that nonsense. This is your Father you are dealing with, and He knows better than you what you need. With a God like this loving you, you can pray very simply."
Matthew 6
Today is Another day, Full of the possibilities and opportunities we Need to Accomplish God's Will for our lives.
The Lord's Grace is with us!
His Love Is with us.
God has filled the days with all that we need. You may be looking for what you want, and not what you Need, and that may be why you don't have what you need.
The pages in this chapter of your life have been filled with the Way you sshould go.
We don't have to write Anything on them, actually there isn't Room for us to write anything on These Pages!
Truth be told, we Can't write on these pages.
You can write what you want and how you want things to go, but it won't be on These Pages!
You can also ignore what God has written on the pages in this chapter of Your life, but that will not change what God wrote.
Just because we don't believe the truth, that does not make it an untruth.
God has Already Written our directions on These pages.
All we need to do is cooperate with His Holy Spirit who will Lead us into All Truth and Ways that God has already spoken and written for us.
Do you know His Voice? if not, then you should invest your time and energy allowing Him to re-train your ears to Know His Voice!
It's Not Complicated!
Don't Force things to be that are not to be!
Too many know only what the Word says, but they don't know the Voice of the Lord. So when the Lord gives them directions, they don't hear Him, because they don't know His Voice!
Too many fill their days with useless works.
Too many allow fear to move them before the Lord answers their Prayers. They pray but do not endure to hear the Answer, to rec the directions they need.
It's not complicated, either you want what God has planned for you, or you want what you have planned.
Jesus is not going to lead you where He Is Not going!
As the Lord God changes us into who we should be by taking out the iniquity in our character, shifting how we think, increasing how we trust Him, adding to what we know, showing us how we act and react; we will go through the different parts of this process, some call them seasons.
In each season we will be challenged to grow and mature. We have a choice to make for each part, if we are going to stay separated and learn what we need to learn, or get offended by the truth.
We need to learn what we need to know from these experiences, lessons for growth and maturity, so that we know, and can help others. some fight growth and maturity to the point of stepping out of the process.
God separates us immediately once our heart, soul, spirit and mouth agree to live for Him. We have to work with His Holy Spirit, agreeing to be changed as God knows best, if we intend to grow through and become mature from the challenges we face daily. Surrendering all to Him every day. Seeking His face and Love every day.
Allowing our trust, faith and love to be heard by Him every day, we are encouraging them to grow and mature. This creates the Way open to be blessed by Calm, her daughter Joy as they Usher in His Peace which will cover us completely.
Calling on His Holy Spirit for guidance, wisdom, calling on Him for every thing, And doing what He says to do, every day.
These are our privileges that come with this Journey of Love and Faith. Sometimes in Waiting for the Lord to bring to pass what You are expecting from the Lord, some people will get complacent and their fire dwindles.
They have stopped Praising in Joy. They are ignoring their hunger and thirst, their attitude is becoming aligned with their feelings and not their spirit and the Lord's love.
They have allowed their situations to make them "blah" and have developed a tone of, "yeah, I'm waiting on the Lord, what else can I do".
They have allowed themselves to focus on their flesh and emotions, rather than their Spirit.
They are low on Oil, they are low on many Spiritual things.
At some point they have stopped the changes, the healing, the deliverance and the correction that God's Spirit was doing in them. Some times they stop expecting God and their focus on what material things they need became more important than the Spiritual things they need.
God will prepare us for what He has prepared for us, He will provide all Spiritual needs, if we allow Him to do so.
Some get tired of waiting.
Be careful if you get like this, because God Will Bring to Pass what He said, and When He does, you may not take the steps you need to take in order to Be Moved by the Blessings that you asked for, And the Blessings that you didn't ask for, but God desires to give you.
There is the Work of His Love to be Done in us, for us and through us In the Time we are Waiting. It's Daily Work to be done.
I encourage you do not let your fire and oil get low, don't allow your situations to stop you from Praising and Expecting Him.
Be careful not to stop your Joy and Peace from covering you. Don't allow the Voice of your faith and trust to be shut down.
The situations will make you complacent and alter your focus, if you allow them to do so.
The Blessings Will come, but will you be ready For the Blessings?
It's Not Complicated-Either you Will trust the Lord Jesus or you won't."You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you and I have appointed you [I have planted you], that you might go and bear fruit and keep on bearing, and that your fruit may be lasting [that it may remain, abide], so that whatever you ask the Father in My Name [as [a]presenting all that I Am], He may give it to you."
John 15:16
Immaturity and selfishness make us get offended at the Truth.
SMH... too many give up many of their Blessings in order to Get what they want, they want it out of order.
They are feeding selfishness, immaturity, lack of patience...
Like a child.
What they want, they believe will make them happy, they have told themselves that they can't be happy without it.
So they manipulate to get that thing!
Which causes all kinds of trouble to break out in their lives, all
based on them manipulating, adding in their Wants to God's plans and
then setting out to Get what they Want.
They are not aligned with God's timing, order and process.
One day they want God's Planed outcome, the next day they can't wait any longer and they want their outcomes.
And once they get "IT", they realize in order to keep it, they must give up actual Blessings that they are suppose to keep.
<I'll wait for that to sink in>
If you can't be happy without that thing, then you are Not ready for it!
You are not mature enough for it.
When God gives you what you Need, you will not have to give up Other blessings in order to keep it!
And here is what they say...."Well, God will give me the desires of my heart!"
Yep, He sure will. But, if your desires are Not His desires then you have missed a step, you have cut class, you have allowed yourself to be present in class but, not connected to the Truth!
If you are still saying you will not be happy "until you have_____", then you have Not allowed the Lord to Put His desires for you, in your heart!
His desires are not rooted in selfishness, pride, ego, and immaturity.
Are yours?
In the name of Jesus, I pray that you go back to where you tripped and Get connected to the Spirit of our Lord.
I pray that you allow the Lord to put His desires in your heart so you are aligned with Him.
I Pray that you allow yourself to be matured by His Spirit and then you will allow Patience to prepare you for what you expect from God.
I pray that you ask for forgiveness and repent from rebelling against the Lord's timing, order and process so that His Glory Will be seen through your life!
In the name of Jesus, so be it!They are not aligned with God's timing, order and process.
One day they want God's Planed outcome, the next day they can't wait any longer and they want their outcomes.
And once they get "IT", they realize in order to keep it, they must give up actual Blessings that they are suppose to keep.
<I'll wait for that to sink in>
If you can't be happy without that thing, then you are Not ready for it!
You are not mature enough for it.
When God gives you what you Need, you will not have to give up Other blessings in order to keep it!
And here is what they say...."Well, God will give me the desires of my heart!"
Yep, He sure will. But, if your desires are Not His desires then you have missed a step, you have cut class, you have allowed yourself to be present in class but, not connected to the Truth!
If you are still saying you will not be happy "until you have_____", then you have Not allowed the Lord to Put His desires for you, in your heart!
His desires are not rooted in selfishness, pride, ego, and immaturity.
Are yours?
In the name of Jesus, I pray that you go back to where you tripped and Get connected to the Spirit of our Lord.
I pray that you allow the Lord to put His desires in your heart so you are aligned with Him.
I Pray that you allow yourself to be matured by His Spirit and then you will allow Patience to prepare you for what you expect from God.
I pray that you ask for forgiveness and repent from rebelling against the Lord's timing, order and process so that His Glory Will be seen through your life!
Are you a closed door?
When we are sent to help people, we have to remember the patience and compassion that the Lord has used to get us where we are today and continues using as He moves us along the plan He made for us.
At some point of our lives before being saved from ourselves, and committing our lives to the Lord to lead, we have been a closed door. There are many closed doors in us to the Lord. He continues to open them one by one, especially after we dedicate our lives unto Him.
Then He really gets to work on us. (smile)
A closed door to the Lord's voice, love, guidance, healing, deliverance, and salvation.
We are all works in progress, but we are not expected to do the work that others need to do for themselves. We are also not expected to put up with anyone's foolishness, there are too many other things to do and people to help who are ready.
When people begin to allow themselves to be drawn to wrong, fleshy actions and thinking, it's not about you. Don't get offended by the truth.
There are times when people will simply refuse to grow and mature. They will refuse to face the truth and will allow themselves to get offended and shut out what they asked God to give them.
And that is ok. It's not about us. They are not rejecting us. It's about their relationship with God.
When people start doing what they want to do instead of what God wants them to do, it's not about us.
As Jesus said, Leave them to themselves.
Many rejected All that Jesus offered and only wanted Him to "fix their situations". That is all they wanted. People are like that today.
When things get hard, and challenging you will find that many will walk away, some may blame you-though it's not anything you did wrong, they just don't want to change in the ways the Lord says they need to.
My point to speaking about these things is so that I can remind myself and any others on this way, to recognize what is what, who is who, and to be conscious of God's purpose for me in people's lives at all times.
Staying Aware that I do not allow myself to be offended by the truth that God knows I need to know. When others take off their masks, their fake self they presented to me, I will not be offended by the truth.
Thank You Lord for keeping me humble.
Thank You Holy Spirit for Strengthening my spiritual discernment.
I know I can't teach someone who is unwilling to learn. Someone who only wants to hear what will give them "feel good", will be stuck in immaturity for a long time.
Their doors are closed to learning and correction. They've decided to reject words of warning, growth and wisdom for what ever reasons and insecurities, leaving themselves to go through some hard lessons. Which many keep repeating.
Staying in and allowing our feelings to control us will keep us unteachable and unwilling to change for the better.
Healing and deliverance Must have a door to enter into the heart, spirit and soul, in order to make the way for growth and maturity so that the Space they need to Work in us is made ready.
I can't help someone who does not want help.
A lot of people simple want their situation fixed. The rest of "them" they don't want to change and make better. They are closed off to becoming the better person we all are to grow into for each day. They really only want to feed their flesh, and not their spirit.
Many don't want to put in the work it takes to change, to become the better person, that the Lord presents to them.
Many try to copy what they see and know is good, but faking only lasts for a moment, it's too hard to keep up the fake. You can't hide the truth, but many keep trying. When they could use that energy to change, but they don't want to give up pleasing their feelings.
They are loyal to their feelings and tend to blame others as an excuse, to justify to themselves, for not putting in the work, time and energy it takes to Change.
In time I will come to see who these really are, when the work gets hard, they will fall away and scatter. They will most likely go back to a group or community that will not feed their spirit, but will feed their flesh. They will go around those who will not correct them, who will not hold them accountable.
It's not about me nor you, remember this.
I will waste my time and create complications if I try to force something to be that is not meant to be.
I can wait for God's timing, order and pace to Bring to me what He has for me. I don't want any blessing before I'm ready for it.
I thank God IJN, for Not giving me More than I can Handle, With Him as my Help.
Whether it be troubles, issues, challenges, Or Blessings.
I want things, but I do not lust after them.
I am happy with or without them. I am content where I am, with what I have and content with what I don't have Yet.
His Love continues to open all my doors that allow His Spirit to freely dwell within me.
I understand that many of the Spiritual Truths the Lord teaches me (us) will not always make me(us) feel happy right away. He has to correct us, because we have places, words, thoughts and actions that are wrong.
Daily we make mistakes in this Walk of Faith and Love with Him. We should be joyful to have His love correct us, but many are not.
So for those Who Seek His Truths and are ready for the truth, here we are.
We are each anointed to carry out different works that are a part of His plan. All we have to do is obey, and expect His best no matter what!
We have to know when to leave people alone because all we've done, is all God wanted us to do. When people give up and go their own ways, because what God wants them to do, they feel is too hard for them, or it's not what they want, they are impatient, etc... you have to leave them be.
If we don't have the maturity to discern this, then we may fall into sinning ourselves.
He is maturing and strengthening and making Right our Spiritual self, not our natural self. It's a daily work. We have to allow the Spirit to train us to make time and give God our time.
And truth be told, it really comes down to what is important to you? What do you really want?
Those are the things we will make time for.
If we want more of the Lord then we'll make time for Him. If we want to be around the group, or out and about, then we'll make time for that.
When our Spiritual self is Right, then out natural self will follow. I pray In the Name of Jesus that the Lord provide "an entrance and an utterance”, to open the doors, I pray that the Lord make ready the ground so that His Love will be able to Enter And take root to be established.
Do this in us Your children, workers, daughters and sons my Lord, do this for those You send us out to be a blessing to, In the name of Jesus, Amen.
"Poverty and shame come to him who refuses instruction and correction, but he who heeds reproof is honored."
Proverbs 13
" He who walks [as a companion] with wise men is wise, but he who associates with [self-confident] fools is [a fool himself and] shall smart for it."
Proverbs 13
Proverbs 13
" He who walks [as a companion] with wise men is wise, but he who associates with [self-confident] fools is [a fool himself and] shall smart for it."
Proverbs 13
"Brothers and sisters, if a person is caught doing something wrong, you who are spiritual should restore someone like this with a spirit of gentleness. Watch out for yourselves so you won’t be tempted too."
Gal 6:1
Today offers To us=
In the Name of Jesus our Christ, our Father-Mother God Has Provided to us, Another morning with Many opportunities To Surrender Every thing to God In the Name of Jesus our Christ!
Another opportunity To Ask God to forgive us.
Another opportunity To Walk and Live Through God's Holy Spirit and not our Flesh.
Another opportunity To Allow God's Holy Spirit to GUIDE us for Every Minute of Each day.
Another opportunity To Be God's Will here on earth as It Is In Heaven.
Another opportunity To Stop being double minded and rebellious toward God.
Another opportunity To Strengthen our Relationship with Jesus.
another opportunity To Move Closer to God through our Relationship with Jesus.
Another opportunity To Refuse to Allow discouragement to undermine our Spiritual balance.
Another opportunity To Remember that we are here to Please God, not people!
Another opportunity To Remember it is not about our feelings, but our Soul.
Another opportunity To Ask the Lord to Fix our mistakes and to Repair all breaches we caused in our relationships.
Another opportunity To Ask the Lord to reconcile us to ourselves.
Another opportunity To Let Go Of Every Thing That God says Is In His Way!
Another opportunity To Not fall into despair because of what challenges us this day.
Another opportunity To be led by the doors God has closed, because we are on the Path He is leading our Steps by.
Another opportunity To Be Grateful and Thankful for all the challenges that God allows to enter into our lives.
Another opportunity To Learn and Apply the lessons past challenges have provided.
Another opportunity To repent and Touch the Grace of God's Heart so He Will Stop The Bad that will take us out!
Another opportunity To control our emotions and feelings, because they seek to trouble our spirit, And take all our attention away from what God wants us focused on.
Another opportunity To examine our faith and trust, to do all we can do, and to Trust God with all the rest that is out of our control=what we can't do.
Another opportunity To forgive ourselves and all others.
Another opportunity To remove all Limits we have put on ourselves.
Another opportunity To Sow what we Want to Reap.
Another opportunity To Wait for God, To Listen to His reply to our Prayers and Praise.
Another opportunity To Praise Our Way Through.
Another opportunity To Stop Blaming others and Making excuses to Justify doing what we want to do.
Another opportunity To Allow God to Be God in our lives!
Another opportunity To Allow God to clean our hearts and Stir the Fire in our Spirit for His Will Be Done Completely.
Another opportunity To Spiritually and Emotionally Grow and Mature.
Another opportunity To Face all the lies we have turned into false truths.
Another opportunity To Allow God to Deliver us from any unbelief and lack.
Another opportunity To Stop moaning, complaining, worrying, manipulating, About All the things that have gone wrong, that we don't have, that has been done wrong to us.
Another opportunity To Expect God.
Another opportunity To Keep Trusting God Even though we don't Have what we need Yet!
Another opportunity To Remember that Jesus has Given to us All that Is His, That we already have the Gifts and Fruit of His Spirit, and we Need to Allow them all to Grow and Mature so we are able to Use them.
Another opportunity To Obey God's directions and leading.
Another opportunity To Share our Faith, Truth, Trust, and Love.
Another opportunity To allow God to Heal us and Deliver us out of and into.
Another opportunity To Allow Our Faith to Speak out, For our Trust to Grow, and for our Whole being to Be aligned on One Accord with God's Love, Will, Plans, and Purpose.
In the Name of Jesus my Christ, I pray We all Seek God's Righteousness, that we all Seek to Work on Kingdom Building and that we all Follow Jesus deliberately! Which means, we must learn What Jesus Said, not just what He did.
But He said, "The things which are impossible with men Are Possible With God."
Luke 18:27**************
What He has prepared for me, is Done. Now, is the part where I am again being prepared to Get to what He has prepared for me.
Spiritual promotion requires Spiritual preparations.
Quietly, content in my trusting, bold and confident in my faith, remembering all the truth He has taught me, this is Another day that I surrender it all....
I asked for this, and He is providing what I asked for.
As I Wait... I praise Him. I encourage myself. (and any others going this way)
My Father, in the name of Jesus, if You are not in it, if it is Not of You, I don't want Any thing do to with it! If you are Not in it, I am not in it!
I am not willing to be involved in lifeless empty works that do not have Your anointing.
I do not want to feed any desires that are not from you.
Thank you for removing any desires I have that are not Your desires for me.
Thank You for aligning me to adhere closer to You.
I am confident that How you lead me is the best for me.
I require Your details, Your plans, Your Ways made through, Your outcome to every issue, trouble, situation, and problem.
I require Your blessing and approval.
I require You my Mother-Father God!
I am fully convinced that You are More than Able to do And Will do, what You Promised me, I am expecting You completely!
May I represent Your Will here on earth.
In the name of my Lord Jesus, So Be It!
Letting my Lord have His Way.... and Staying in the flow of His Spirit....God in the Details... His Process..... Regenerating and Rearranging certain aspects of my life and in my actual existence, all for His desire to make sure that I am as effective in the natural and in the spiritual to accomplish His will.
It's growing and maturing time for the Fruit.
Be careful, be watchful, stay alert...
there are those who do Not want you to Call on Jesus to be Healed.....
They will do all they can to persuade you not to Believe and Seek Him
Some of these are With you in your little group, and some are not.
Either way, I encourage you to Call On Him Any Way! He will Answer you!
Mark 10:46-52
Each week, choose something that has a hold on you from your past. It can be a small, medium or large something.
And Make up your mind to Stop Tripping Over What Is Behind You!
After you do that, then choose something else and make up your mind about that.
And it may be each month, each of us is different.
Each week, each month, which ever is best for you, go there.
But do your part in freeing yourself,
and Stop Tripping Over What Is Behind YOU!
Love you!
".....Here at the end of one cycle, season, and calender year, Let It All End that is not aligned with God's plans and promises for you. Let God change your character, heal your heart, deliver you out of places you need to leave and into the places He desires you to be. Become committed in growing and maturing your relationship with the Lord.
Take into this approaching new year All the lessons learned, your praises, your expectation in God, your maturity, growth and love that you have received this year.
Take a humble heart, actively listening ears, a heart for God, the growing and maturing Love and all the other Blessings that God has provided to you. (the Fruit and Gifts of His Spirit)
Take the desire to please God, to honor and glorify God with you. Take with you integrity, commitment, Joy and Peace!
Take your Faith and Trust with you and let His Love be the loudest sound you hear!
In the name of Jesus, so be it!
Happy New Year!"
**To READ All of the message this Prayer/Praise belongs too, Please Scroll Up to the Top of This Page and Click the "HOME" Tab. The First Post ="Let It End!"
My Forgiving someone, is not about how I feel about them, it's about how I choose to treat them.
It's about how I chose to treat myself also.
How I treat others is how I treat myself.
How I treat myself, is how I treat others.
Even though I may not trust a person any more, even If I don't really want to be around a person any more or I need to limit my time around the person; I can still forgive them, because it's my heart, soul and spirit that suffer If I don't.
I have to live with myself All the Time, why would I want to inflict that kind of pain, lies and toxicity on myself?
After surrendering to the Lord, the wrong they have done to me I will be able to receive His healing.
If others will not grow and will not mature, that is them.
If others give in to their feelings, emotions and flesh and cannot Wait on and With the Lord in obedience, that is on them.
They have made their decision to honor and be loyal to their feelings, emotions, and their past mistakes, I cannot do that. I have too much to lose!
I certainly plan to keep allowing the Lord to mature and grow me in my relationship with Him!
The enemy is a master manipulator concerning communication, I refuse to allow him to jack up the communication I have with myself.
It's Another Day to Enjoy the Blessings God has supplied, Another Day full of Divine Opportunities to Praise my Lord!
I Pray in the name of Jesus that you allow the Lord to Heal you by forgiving those who have done you wrong. It is after all Your soul and heart and spirit that will suffer if you don't.
Search Me Lord
While I'm down here livin',
Lord, search my heart
While I'm down here livin'
Lord, search my heart,
You know, Lord, whether I'm right.
You know, Lord, whether I'm wrong.
You know, Lord, whether I'm right or wrong.
While I'm down here prayin'
Lord, search my heart,
While I'm down here prayin'
Lord, search my heart
You know, Lord, whether I'm right.
You know, Lord, whether I'm wrong.
You know, Lord, whether I'm right or wrong.
While I'm testifyin',
Lord, search my heart,
While I'm testifyin'
Lord, search my heart,
You know, Lord, whether I'm right.
You know, Lord, whether I'm wrong.
You know, Lord, whether I'm right or wrong.
While I'm singing, "I'm holy",
Lord, search my heart,
While I'm singing, "I'm holy",
Lord, search my heart,
You know, Lord, whether I'm right.
You know, Lord, whether I'm wrong.
You know, Lord, whether I'm right or wrong.
While I'm singin' Your praises,
Lord, search my heart,
While I'm singin' Your Praises,
Lord, search my heart,
You know, Lord, whether I'm right.
You know, Lord, whether I'm wrong.
You know, Lord, whether I'm right or wrong.
While I tell the sinner man to pray,
Lord, search my heart,
While I tell the sinner man to pray,
Lord, search my heart,
You know, Lord, whether I'm right.
You know, Lord, whether I'm wrong.
You know, Lord, whether I'm right or wrong.
Lord Search My Heart!
In the name of Jesus Father, So Be it!
I am completely full of Joy and Love for the Lord Jesus the Christ keeping me focused on staying the course!
When darkness comes, He Shines Light brightly to lead me.
When confusion comes, He is my Clarity!
When I am weary,He is my Strength and Calls me to come and sit with Him and REST!
I do and I am renewed, refreshed, and made Right!
I am Resilient!
We have to live one day at a time. That is all we are made to do.
God works on us, one day at a time. Today is enough, for me today!
I refuse to be drawn away from what is vitally important to my spiritual well being.
Distractions are my enemy, and are tools of the enemy to throw us off our spiritual path, and change our perspective to one that is earthly.
These weapons that the enemy uses are to separate us from what is important to our Calling!
We have been separated from the group and it is not wise to go back for fleshy reasons.
Continually Guarding our hearts is what we must do when all the noise, shallowness and surface skimming of life attacks us. Maintaining our integrity is so important when we push the darkness away by shinning our Light!
Having the spiritual discernment to know when to separate ourselves from the pull of temptations and others that seek to undermine our Work is what we have to do. We belong to the Lord Jesus and have to stay true to ourselves no matter who gives up or comes against us.
I am grateful for the Lord delivering me from what needed to be taken out of me and more of Him put in. More of His love and ways is always what we need for each day.
Knowing that we have to release to Him the issues of this life and trust Him more, so that we are freed from all spiritual bondage that holds us from becoming Who God has said we are to be.
He is preparing me for what I am expecting from Him!
If we know this, we must do this. Taking hold of the grace He has supplied to trust Him more is what we have to do. Let your faith speak out His truths and promises. Ask to have Him open your spiritual ears and eyes so that You will not miss Him when He speaks to you, leading you where you need to go.
I encourage you to Step completely into the Spiritual freedoms that He has prepared for us all, things and places we never thought possible. It's the Lords desire that we be absolutely free from the pull of this worlds ways, so that we are able to become who He created us to become! And so we are able to do what He desires us to do, in the name of Jesus the Christ, So Be It!
Mark 9:23
"But as for me, I will walk in my integrity; redeem me and be merciful to me."
Psalms 26:11
"Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life."
Proverbs 4:23
Right heart and the Healing that I need.
This season of Healing is Abundant and Nourishing.....Clarity is a Gift that I Rejoice about....
Thankful to the Spirit of God for Comforting me, guiding and correcting me...for Spiritually Increasing me in all my places..... for helping me to stay focused on what I need to stay focused on.
I am thankful for this time of Rest and Renewal that I have been within....
Thankful and Grateful for the Holy Spirit Preparing me for what I am Expecting from God.
Thankful that I know to Surrender the thing when I pray about it, so that my prayers are not empty words and they will be answered in the name of Jesus.
God is Not hard of hearing, when you speak your prayer, Release-Surrender the thing you are praying about with your words, Then Praise Him because you Know He is going to answer!
# praising my way through
Recognizing Love......
You know, There are certain people that increase you, that fill you, that give you a charge and an uplift....They help the Good in you, they Help the Healing and Growth in you continue.
They correct what is wrong, and bridge the gaps that exists in you and your life.
God has poured Complete Divine Abundance into the heart, soul and spirit of these types of people!
They are obedient, willing, teachable, they are humble and loving.
Their desire to allow God's love to change them, to make them more like Jesus every day. They Also Grow Through their challenges and places of need, hurt, pain and rejection, but they never allow what they Gave to God to interfere with the Work God has called them to do.
IJN, May you be Blessed by God to have at least One of these people to grace your life at some point.
May you always remember them and what they have done for you.
May you grow from their love and kindness shown to you when you were in need.
May you develop into the Love that they shared with you.
May you be blessed to Recognize these people when God sends them into your life to provide you with Love, Truth, Changes, Direction, Clarity, Wisdom, Correction, Kindness, Compassion, Selflessness, Growth and Maturity, and what ever Else the Lord God knows you need.
No doubt, that When God sends these people into your life, you are More than READY for what they Bring to you.
Even if you reject them, run from them, ignore them, etc... Truth Be Told, You are More Than READY for what They will bring into your life, so you may be running from, and rejecting what You Asked God to Give you!
His Best!
In the name of Jesus, So Be It!
Lord Jesus, if You don't change my situations, Change Me to grow Through the situations for Your Glory.
Lord Jesus, If You don't change my position, Change Me to fit my position, to bring Glory to You!
Holy Spirit, In the name of Jesus, Am I Prepared for What I am Expecting From God?
If I am not, Thank YOU Holy Spirit, for Preparing me for What I am Expecting From God!
Lord God, In the name of Jesus, Thank You for Providing Everything that You have Spoken for me and my family and my friends and those I have not met yet,
Thank You for opening our eyes and ears, for opening and changing our hearts, souls, and spirits to Be Changed, Healed, and Prepared for Everything You have Spoken for us to Receive from You and to Do for You,
Thank You for the Grace to Trust You More by our Growing Faith and to
Accomplish Your Will for Today! Thank You for being in the Midst of All
the details concerning our lives!
Thank YOU for taking out of our Opened hands what we Release to You and for providing into our hands what we Need to Receive from You!
No Matter What God, I Trust You in the name of Jesus!
to You Father-Mother God, be the Glory from our lives, in the name of Jesus! So Be It!
John 17
Thank YOU for taking out of our Opened hands what we Release to You and for providing into our hands what we Need to Receive from You!
No Matter What God, I Trust You in the name of Jesus!
to You Father-Mother God, be the Glory from our lives, in the name of Jesus! So Be It!
John 17
When others succeed that does not mean you have failed.
You will get to where you need to be when the Timing is right.
They have gotten where they were going, because the Timing was Right.
Also, you don't know How they got there.
For example, what they chose to do, had to do, decided to do, all on their own--you may not Ever do. They may have compromised their value, worth, integrity, etc.... to get what they wanted. Some people will do anything to obtain what they want.
They were guided by God's Spirit to do what they have done. If this is the case, then you truly may not be able/equipped to do what they are doing.
You may not have been given the gifts, abilities, and talent they were given by God.
You may not be able to Go/Grow Through what God led them through to get to where they are. You have your Own divine gifts, talents and abilities from God that specifically will Work as You begin to do what God purposed Your Life to be and do while here.
In other words, what ever you are here to do, you need to know that and
do that, and not be concerned with what others are doing, or not
The question for you is, Are YOU doing what God has directed you to do?
Are you doing what God has blessed you to do?
Have You allowed God to change you, better you, work on your character issues, strengthen your trust and faith in Him? Have you allowed the Lord to fill you with Love, to heal you, to teach and correct you? Have you taken the time to learn who Jesus is, who God is to you, and who you are to God?
Have you allowed the Gifts and the Fruit of His Spirit to mature and grow in you? When God separates you from others and things, did you stay separated, or Did you go back to your old ways and old people?
We each are given Purpose for our lives, but Too Many compare themselves with others in an attempt to do what others are doing, they are envious, jealous, immature and lack faith. And copying others is seemingly easier than doing the Work they need to do for themselves. Too many are seeking people praise and public acceptance. That will always keep you focused on the wrong things.
Either we will serve God IJN with the gifts, abilities and talents that He blessed us with, or we will serve the world.
The choice is yours to make, But you can't have what God has for you by the worlds ways.
Some people try to mix what God says and gives with their ego, pride, and other worldly ways. They may Think that they have achieved what God wanted for them and through them, but if they mix in self and worldly ways that puts them off the path He put them on, And they have accomplished Much Less Than what God had Planned for them to accomplish.
They have Only accomplished what they set out to do, Not what God planned for them to do. God gets No Glory from that.
Too many people want the skills, gifts and abilities that Others have been given, and NEVER seek to find out what their gifts, talents and abilities are.
So they spend their time and energy focused completely on what others seemingly accomplish.
Check your motives, if you are trying to prove some things to others, if you are trying to fit in with others, if you are trying to be popular and important to the public, if you are trying to people please..... then you are Not living for God, you are not following Jesus, you are not using your gifts, talents, and abilities to Serve the Lord God in the name of Jesus. Your motives are not any where close to God's motives for you.
I Pray in the name of Jesus, that you examine your faith, your motives and seek the correction needed to get you on the Path that the Lord has placed you on to accomplish His will, plans and purpose for building up His Kingdom here on earth as Jesus told/taught us to do!
I Pray in the name of Jesus that you seek to find out your God given gifts, talents and abilities,your God given Purpose, and are content with God's Timing and Order, that You request the Holy Spirit to mature and grow your Spiritual gifts and fruit and that you desire to Serve God In Jesus' name with all that God has provided to you!
In the name of Jesus, so be it!
# you are Already important-- perhaps you just don't know your value, worth, gifts, abilities, and talent. And/Or you do, but they are stunted and immature.
The question for you is, Are YOU doing what God has directed you to do?
Are you doing what God has blessed you to do?
Have You allowed God to change you, better you, work on your character issues, strengthen your trust and faith in Him? Have you allowed the Lord to fill you with Love, to heal you, to teach and correct you? Have you taken the time to learn who Jesus is, who God is to you, and who you are to God?
Have you allowed the Gifts and the Fruit of His Spirit to mature and grow in you? When God separates you from others and things, did you stay separated, or Did you go back to your old ways and old people?
We each are given Purpose for our lives, but Too Many compare themselves with others in an attempt to do what others are doing, they are envious, jealous, immature and lack faith. And copying others is seemingly easier than doing the Work they need to do for themselves. Too many are seeking people praise and public acceptance. That will always keep you focused on the wrong things.
Either we will serve God IJN with the gifts, abilities and talents that He blessed us with, or we will serve the world.
The choice is yours to make, But you can't have what God has for you by the worlds ways.
Some people try to mix what God says and gives with their ego, pride, and other worldly ways. They may Think that they have achieved what God wanted for them and through them, but if they mix in self and worldly ways that puts them off the path He put them on, And they have accomplished Much Less Than what God had Planned for them to accomplish.
They have Only accomplished what they set out to do, Not what God planned for them to do. God gets No Glory from that.
Too many people want the skills, gifts and abilities that Others have been given, and NEVER seek to find out what their gifts, talents and abilities are.
So they spend their time and energy focused completely on what others seemingly accomplish.
Check your motives, if you are trying to prove some things to others, if you are trying to fit in with others, if you are trying to be popular and important to the public, if you are trying to people please..... then you are Not living for God, you are not following Jesus, you are not using your gifts, talents, and abilities to Serve the Lord God in the name of Jesus. Your motives are not any where close to God's motives for you.
I Pray in the name of Jesus, that you examine your faith, your motives and seek the correction needed to get you on the Path that the Lord has placed you on to accomplish His will, plans and purpose for building up His Kingdom here on earth as Jesus told/taught us to do!
I Pray in the name of Jesus that you seek to find out your God given gifts, talents and abilities,your God given Purpose, and are content with God's Timing and Order, that You request the Holy Spirit to mature and grow your Spiritual gifts and fruit and that you desire to Serve God In Jesus' name with all that God has provided to you!
In the name of Jesus, so be it!
# you are Already important-- perhaps you just don't know your value, worth, gifts, abilities, and talent. And/Or you do, but they are stunted and immature.
So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts into wisdom.
Psalm 90:12
I can of Mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and My judgment is just; because I seek not Mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent Me. John 5:30
These things have I spoken unto you... that your joy might be full.
John 15:11
When God connects His People together to be More Powerful by Joining our Love, Faith, Trust and Obedience Together in Desiring the Building up Of His Kingdom, for Doing the Work Jesus started... It is sad when someone does not have the Spiritual Maturity, Courage, Faith and Trust in God to obey His leading....
It is sad when they refuse to Abide by His Call to Come Up Higher..there is some stronghold that is fear based being fed instead of their Faith.
Truth Be Told, I am thankful that when those who don't won't, That I am not hindered in my Journey, Growth, Work, Blessings, Faith, Trust and Obedience to God's leading.
I understand this to be a time to pray for them.
When you ask God to provide what you need, Remember that what you need
Will be sent, but it may not look like or sound like What/Who You
thought it would.
God always gives us what we didn't Know to ask for, but He knows we need it.
Be careful what you reject and ignore, more than likely It is Exactly what you need!
I Pray in the name of Jesus that You will heed God's Call to Come Up Higher in Your Spiritual life, In Your Relationship with Him, that you will be untangled from Fears and dead traditions and fake leaders, so that You Will Know and Understand what You Need to. So that You will Not miss out on any opportunities from God to be a blessing to others and to accomplish the Work He leads you to do for each day.
I Pray in the name of Jesus, that you will seek a stronger Spirit of Discernment so that when God connects you with Those He blessed to bless you, that You will Not ignore them, You will not run from them, You will not reject them. I pray that You seek the Lord and ask Him, Lord, did you send these to me?
In the name of Jesus, So Be It!
" For where your treasure is, there Will your heart Be also."
Jesus- Matt 6:21
God always gives us what we didn't Know to ask for, but He knows we need it.
Be careful what you reject and ignore, more than likely It is Exactly what you need!
I Pray in the name of Jesus that You will heed God's Call to Come Up Higher in Your Spiritual life, In Your Relationship with Him, that you will be untangled from Fears and dead traditions and fake leaders, so that You Will Know and Understand what You Need to. So that You will Not miss out on any opportunities from God to be a blessing to others and to accomplish the Work He leads you to do for each day.
I Pray in the name of Jesus, that you will seek a stronger Spirit of Discernment so that when God connects you with Those He blessed to bless you, that You will Not ignore them, You will not run from them, You will not reject them. I pray that You seek the Lord and ask Him, Lord, did you send these to me?
In the name of Jesus, So Be It!
" For where your treasure is, there Will your heart Be also."
Jesus- Matt 6:21
Create in me a clean heart, O God, And Renew a steadfast Spirit within me.
Psalm 51:10
In the name of Jesus, my Mother-Father God, I am
Counting up the costs, and I am Grateful for my Abundant Wealth!
My Wealth is Never Ending! It simply Keeps growing and growing, always revealing New layers of itself!
The Vastness of Love,
the Multi Layers of Healing within Love,
the Joy in Celebrating differences,
the Opportunities to Share what I have been given, and to Receive what I need.
The Yet to be experienced depth of abilities, gifts and talents in my children, my sweetbaby and myself.
The Happiness to meet the people I have not met yet.
The Joy that is to come from creating the works of Art I have not created yet..
Exploring the Depths of the Blessings I have...
Enjoying the Wealth of all I have been given.
Making Room for New Blessings.
Not allowing anyone to box us into their unresolved issues.
Facing And allowing You Lord to Heal/Correct my own unresolved issues.
# I wear no mask
# for Those Who are Ready for the Truth
Thank You my Lord for leading me through this day accomplishing all that You have spoken for me to do in Your Name!
In the name of Jesus, Amen!
At sunrise this morning I repeated what I heard The Holy Spirit say to me...
My Mother-Father God, IJN, Thank You for this beautifully made day Full and Complete with Everything we need to make whole our lives for this one day!
Thank You for the reminders, the forget me nots, the forgiveness, the courage, compassion, correction, the miracles, the Love that is so badly needed by so many....
You have filled us up so that we are prepared to live in Your Spirit of Truth and Love helping all we cross paths with for this day!
Thank You for giving our lives Your Purpose, for teaching us our usefulness, for the Work we do daily in Your Name.
Lord, May we remember to seek and expect Your outcomes concerning Everything that we Leave in your hands--
Which Means we don't worry about, nor try to manipulate the details, the timing and the order in which You have Spoken things to Be--
Which Means we Don't entertain fears and doubts, nor our own ways to make things happen with the limited outcomes we THINK we want.
With Complete Praise and Expectation, I am grateful to be one of Your Vessels, May my life continue to bring You the Glory that Only You Deserve!
In Jesus' Name, So Be It!
Lord, I thank You for the Reminders that You send to me, to Let me know that You do not forget us, that You do not reject us, that You will Not leave us without help, direction, protection, supply, etc!
I thank You Jesus, My Friend, for helping my Friends, Those that Know You and Those that Don't!
You answer my Prayers and Praises spoken in complete Faith on their behalf Every Time!
Just as You always do for the ones I speak in complete Faith for myself and my family!
I Remember that You Told me, "Lynda, No Matter What, I Expect you to Trust Me!"
And I Remember my response to You, "Father In the Name of Jesus The Christ, No Matter What, I Will Trust YOU!"
Yes LORD, and Every time I take hold of that GRACE that You supply for the Day, I See what You have Already Done!
I Thank You Father In the name of Jesus the Christ, I am grateful, thankful and I appreciate You! So Be It!
When we get to a point where we begin to despise the Process that God has us within we Need to Stop ourselves from aligning with temptation. It's Time To Praise Him!
There are still many things that He wants to bring forth from our lives that have not yet matured. He wants to Water the Seeds that He has planted in us, to tend the gardens of our hearts and soul so that our spirit is all powerful In Him.
We have to be diligent in discerning and refusing all temptation that seeks to make us impatient and intolerant of the changes that the process is making in us. We are being Changed by His Love, Into Love.
Even if you don't see progress you have to know in your heart that Change is being made and will take time to develop. We have to settle ourselves down, in order to be advanced forward into His plans for us.
Don't rush yourself and try to manipulate the order, timing and plans of God, that will only create more chaos, and confusion, pushing you backwards in your journey.
Let us Have Faith and enjoy each moment of this process, allowing the cycles to come Full Circle, so that the complete Glory Honors our Lord!
He will provide revelation, and spiritual growth and maturity concerning our Spiritual Gifts and Fruit of His Holy Spirit. Our Harvest will be abundant and undeniable!
It's Time To Praise Him!
Let's go back to the beginning, where the fire of passion to accomplish His will burns Strong and Hot, where we know we heard the Lord direct us to do what He needs us to do. We have done exactly what He said to do, now we Wait on and with the Lord till He directs us to do the next thing.
Let us go back to where our focus is balanced and stable, where Faith answers when Wisdom Calls to us! Back to where we are sitting with the Lord with obedient ears and a heart with desire to please Him, full of courage and love, completely dependent on His All. Back to the teachings and lessons provided by Him to grow and mature our Spiritual Gifts and Fruit of His Holy Spirit.
In the Name of Jesus, Let us Praise Him, Praise Our Way Through this season, cycle and process!
Father God, In the Name of Jesus, I thank You for Helping Your children,
Thank You for keeping us from falling by the side of the road,
And for teaching us To Love one another,
Thank You for opening our hearts so Heaven might find a place in us,
We Know that Jesus Is Love
And He Won't Let us down
And Father, I Know Jesus is Mine Forever in my heart
Thank You for guiding us Through temptation,
Your Love and Your Wisdom Are our Helping hands,
I know the Truth and Your Words Are our salvation,
They lift up our hearts And we Are thankful and glad
That You, Jesus Are Love And You won't let us down,
I know You are Mine deep down in my soul,
In my heart You Are Forever
I Know Your Love Is Power, Your Love Is Glory Forever and Ever,
I'm Gonna Follow You Jesus, where ever You Lead me, and I don't mind because I know that You Love me,
Nobody Loves me Like You do Jesus,
You Are Love, And I Know if You Ask, I'll show Love Is the Word forever and ever and ever,
Who Can bring you Love? Jesus!
Who Can Bring you Joy? Jesus!
Who Can Turn your life around? Jesus!
Yes He Can and Yes He Will!
Who Can Restore you? Jesus!
Who Can Heal you? Jesus!
Who Can Redeem you ? Jesus!
Who'll Deliver you? Nobody But Jesus Can, Yes He Can!
There's No Greater Love Than His, He laid down His Life for us His friends,
for a friend like me and you,
Jesus laid down His life for our wretched souls..... He Saved us from ourselves, and that is on a repeat cycle daily!
Remember, to daily stay in constant contact with the Lord, don't assume anything. We don't have to do that, all we have to do is Ask in the name of Jesus, and keep our hearts open, willing and teachable, with obedient ears, and we Will hear His leading, His directions, clarity, wisdom and encouragement.
In the name of Jesus, so be it!
Mark 4:26-29
John 14
I Cor 12
Gal 5:19-26
Proverbs 8
It's Ok, I don't need anyone to co-sign with what I am doing in order for me to get it done. I know I have HUGE visions, Ideas, faith and trust that sometimes scare people, because they lack in so many areas of their being.
If God sent folk to be the Help I need and they are too fearful to Be that Help.... That is OK, God is working on them and He Will send others who are not full of fear, but are full of Faith in Him. I am Leaning on my Lord Jesus, not people.
Don't get it twisted.... It's not about whether you have faith in me and in what He has me doing, It's about us having Faith in God to trust Him with what He has us all doing. It's not separate, but Is all Spiritually connected together, we just may not see those connections in the natural right away.
I recognize that what You need to accomplish is connected to what I need to accomplish.
When you realize that what I need to accomplish is connected to what you need to accomplish, Then you will gain wisdom, and your faith and trust in God will push fear back.
In the Name of Jesus, I Pray that you allow your faith and trust in our Lord to Grow and Mature, I Pray that you seek God's Wisdom and take Hold of the Grace He supplies Every day to us to Trust Him More.
I Pray You allow the Love of God to heal you, to stretch you, to make you a Blessing to others by obeying God's leading. I Pray that you seek and gain understanding that we are all connected and are More powerful when we support and encourage each other.
I Pray that you realize and discern who is for you and who is against you. I Pray that you recognize when you are unevenly yoked and call on the Lord to cut you free from those those who are not for you, but were sent to defeat you and stop you from your Journey with the Lord.
In the name of Jesus, so be it!
# Following my Lord Jesus....
# Fearless and Confident that God knows what God is doing
# Taking Hold of the Grace He supplied
When you realize that what I need to accomplish is connected to what you need to accomplish, Then you will gain wisdom, and your faith and trust in God will push fear back.
In the Name of Jesus, I Pray that you allow your faith and trust in our Lord to Grow and Mature, I Pray that you seek God's Wisdom and take Hold of the Grace He supplies Every day to us to Trust Him More.
I Pray You allow the Love of God to heal you, to stretch you, to make you a Blessing to others by obeying God's leading. I Pray that you seek and gain understanding that we are all connected and are More powerful when we support and encourage each other.
I Pray that you realize and discern who is for you and who is against you. I Pray that you recognize when you are unevenly yoked and call on the Lord to cut you free from those those who are not for you, but were sent to defeat you and stop you from your Journey with the Lord.
In the name of Jesus, so be it!
# Following my Lord Jesus....
# Fearless and Confident that God knows what God is doing
# Taking Hold of the Grace He supplied
John 14
11 Believe
Me that I am in the Father and the Father in Me; or else believe Me for
the sake of the [very] works themselves. [If you cannot trust Me, at
least let these works that I do in My Father’s name convince you.]
12 I
assure you, most solemnly I tell you, if anyone steadfastly believes in
Me, s/he will also be able to do the things that I do; and s/he will Do Even Greater Things than these, because I go to the Father.
13 And I Will Do [I Myself will grant] whatever you ask in My Name [as presenting all that I Am], so that the Father may be glorified and extolled in (through) the Son.
14 [Yes] I Will grant [I Myself will do for you] whatever you shall ask in My Name [as presenting all that I Am].
15 If you [really] Love Me, you Will keep (obey) My commands.
16 And
I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter
(Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby),
that He may remain with you forever—
17 The Spirit of Truth, Whom the world cannot receive (welcome, take to its heart), because it does not see Him or know and recognize Him. But you know and recognize Him, for He lives with you [constantly] and will be in you.
18 I will not leave you as orphans [comfortless, desolate, bereaved, forlorn, helpless]; I will come [back] to you****************
Truth Be Told...
When we remove the masks that we have created and wear to protect ourselves,
When we start to strip off the layers of who others say we are that we believed and took on,
When we begin to step out of the Many things we are Not,
Then, we will be able to look at ourselves as if for the first time, and See Who we Really are and who we Will become in the days ahead.
Then we are ready and wiling to allow the Lord's refiner's fire to burn off the dross of All the things that FEAR grows in us = lies, self hatred, hurt, pain, selfishness, wrong motives, etc... and Then, we can begin to Heal!
Then, we will be able to become a reflection of Him!
Then we will See and Know the Greatness that the Divine's Love created in us- for us -and through us.
Start Right Now and Unpack the Real You and Begin to Love on your True self.... watch how Fast you grow, mature and then Bloom...
Too many spend Too much time seeking the approval of others to validate them, accept them and give them power.....All that does is give them power to hinder you, to block you to speak death over you instead of life.
No One has power over you unless you give it to them.
If you keep leaning on the Worlds ways, seeking people praise, if you keep seeking approval and acceptance from others before you do anything or along the way of doing what you need to do, then you will be waiting for a very long time, because the worlds ways are fickle, uneven, double-minded, back stabbing, and manipulative.
The worlds ways ALWAYS seek to stop us form Believing, Trusting, and Leaning on God's Ways.
The world's ways will have you out of alignment with Gods Love and Favor!
The cost to belong to the worlds ways is your soul!
No one needs to validate you because Jesus already did that.
No one needs to cheer you on so that you feel good about yourself because,
Only You can Love you and accept you, and encourage yourself through the places of darkness that you allowed to live and grow in your heart.
Only You can seek to hear the Lord's encouragement and If you make Him Your Strength, You will come to know that you are prepared and anointed to accomplish what ever He has said for you to do.
They will not approve of nor accept you ever, they will not do this for themselves- They want to hold you back because they don't have faith, trust and a Growing relationship with our Lord--so they don't Want you to have any of that either!
If they do approve of you and what you do, be watchful, what are their motives, are they attempting to steal what you are doing? Remember, Everybody that shows interest is not Sent by God to Help you!
Some are sent by the enemy to stop you and pervert what God has you doing.
I Pray you daily seek Spiritual discernment so that you Know The Difference!
You need to gain understanding of the POWER of God's Love for you, for us all and Live within That!
I Pray in the name of Jesus that you make time to spend time with the Lord who seeks to pull you closer to Him, who seeks to reveal to you Who He is to you and who You Are to Him.
I Pray that you stay patient while in His refiners' fire, so that you will have the dross burned off, so that He will be able to create a Clean Heart in You, so that You will be Brought into All His Truth and Love for you.
How else will you be able to be used by Him to build His Kingdom here, if you are not trained and transformed into one of His Workers, Lovers, Helpers, and Vessels?
I Pray that you gain understanding that our relationship with the Lord Must grow and mature, as we are in Need to be ever changing, so that we become who He spoke us to be!
Count Up the Cost, who are you going to serve today and every day of your life?
Will it be baal, or will it be God?
#because of Love .
“The God who made the world and everything in it, this Master of sky and land, doesn’t live in custom-made shrines or need the human race to run errands for him, as if he couldn’t take care of himself. He makes the creatures; the creatures don’t make him. Starting from scratch, he made the entire human race and made the earth hospitable, with plenty of time and space for living so we could seek after God, and not just grope around in the dark but actually find him. He doesn’t play hide-and-seek with us. He’s not remote; he’s near. We live and move in him, can’t get away from him! One of your poets said it well: ‘We’re the God-created.’
(Acts 17:24-28 - The Message)
I Pray that you Grow and Mature enough to Be Comfortable In Your Own Skin!
So Many are Blind even though their eyes see.... They are blind because their Hearts cannot see.
There is a cataract covering their hearts and that keeps them from Growing and Maturing, from being Used Properly and Completely by God for Good.
They feed on toxic selfishness, pain and hurt, revenge, gossip, jealousy, self-pity and envy... they drink water from a stagnant source that does not Promote Goodness and Love.
They are not Free, because they don't want the Responsibilities that Go with Freedom.
They do not Enjoy Liberty, Happiness Nor Love because they cannot see any of these, because their hearts are blinded.
In the name of Jesus I pray that you don't run from hurt, pain, issues, etc... when the Lord brings them up from where you hid them.
When God does this, it is time to face them in His grace and mercy and see them for what they are, small shallow toxic things that are in your way, keeping you from growing and moving forward.
I pray that you allow His spirit to bring you into all His truth, healing, understanding, and love that He Is!
So Be It!
# if you are looking for me, I'll be Down DEEP where the Water Is Sweetest....
Good day my friends, I share with you a prayer the Spirit led me to speak over us this morning. I hope and Pray that you speak this out over your life and your family's life.
May we continue to See the Glory of our Lord each and Every day, IJN, Amen.
My prayer for us today is =
In the name of Jesus Father, I come to you to Thank you for Your Process of removing every branch in Jesus that does Not bear Fruit, and of Pruning every branch In Jesus that bears Fruit, so that these branches Will Bear More Fruit in the name of Jesus for Your Glory, according to your plans and purposes regarding your Kingdom.
Thank You Father for Removing All unnecessary burdens from us. For Stripping Away All the things that have been an inordinate requirements of our time and saps our energy and resources. If it's Dead Father, Please remove it from our life!
We can Expect Your results to Provide to us a more complete focus on our purposes.
We Are Willing to Let Go of Every Thing that has become unproductive in our whole life, In the name of Jesus thank You Father, So Be It!
"Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit." John 15:2
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My friends, If you don't do anything else today,
Give yourself the Gift of forgiveness....
If you are seeking to be continually changed by the Love of Jesus, because You want the Best God has planned for you, because you want to allow God's Love to turn you into who He made you to be. If you are seeking to stand with both feet in the Purpose God placed on your life for His Glory, If you truly want to be healed and able to be the Help that others need; I encourage you to Step into Courage and Forgive yourself For = the bad choices, mistakes, angry words, tit for tat thinking, immature selfish thinking and actions, for saying no when you should have said yes, for saying yes when you should have said no, for not using your faith, for not loving, for hiding from the truth, for allowing fear to guide you instead of faith, etc....
In the name of Jesus, Accept God's Forgiveness and Forgive yourself, so that you are fully in the impetus of God's New Beginnings...Humbled, Learning, Growing, Maturing, and you Will Be Able to Set Love Free within, so that it flows out from you... Then, you can forgive others, because you will now Have Forgiveness to give to others.
My Prayer in the name of Jesus, is that you step out of hiding, out of the lies, out of the darkness and Into the Light and Freedom of His Love and allow Forgiveness to Cover you and allow you to be made over into a Useful vessel for our Lord's Love to Life within.
Forgiveness of self Has to be Done every day, keep it on Repeat cycle! #Are you Sure you want to be Healed?*******************
In the Name of Jesus, I Appreciate You Lord, and I am Grateful to You God for giving me The Gift of another blessed day.
Lord, Thank You for giving me another chance,
Thank You for for giving me more Grace in Helping my unbelief So I Will step into all that You have Called me to do in Your Name, according to Your Purpose for my life.
Thank You for Answering my prayers and accepting my Praise and Worship.
Thank You for Helping my friends and family.
Thank You for giving me Your Divinely Inspired Creativity, Ability, Talent, and Vision.
Thank You for giving me the Divine Ideas you have placed as passion into my heart.
Thank You for Keeping me in my right mind.
Thank You for delivering me from all my fears.
Thank You for continuously supplying Clarity and Wisdom to me.
Thank You Lord for giving me this Radical Faith, Trust and Confidence.
Thank You for giving me the Gifts and Fruit of Your Spirit
Thank You for taking all the broken pieces, half done projects, mistakes, and rejection
and Turning It All into something that will bring You the Glory You deserve through my life.
Thank You for drawing me to YOU.
Thank You for giving me all these Blessings that I cannot finish counting.Thank You for giving me all these Blessings that I cannot finish counting.
In the Name of Jesus, Thank You God!
LOL! Whew!
I cannot agree with those who say their best is yet to come in 2013.
I honestly cannot say that my Best to Come will be in the new year of 2013.
I have Already Been living in the Best that God has for me.
I view this coming year as, Gaining More of God's Best for me and my family and friends.
For me to say that the coming year Will bring me the Best to come, is to deny and reject that God has Always been giving me His Best!
Chile, I am looking Forward to stepping into all the places and spaces that God leads me to step! He has delivered me from my fears!
It's Time to change our perspective and thinking, so that we are more aligned with God's purpose, timing, order and love for our lives!
#creative & inspiring thinking
I am Expecting Him to dismantle what is not built right,
to help me alter my perspective where and when needed, so it is aligned with His,
to re-build what He tore down so that it has a Good foundation and will be sustainable,
to give me another chance where I didn't obey,
to lead me to be a Blessing to those in need,
expecting myself to begin what He already Told Me To BEGIN!
And Of course, all of this is for His Glory, in the name of Jesus!
"Give, and [gifts] will be given to you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, will they pour into
[the pouch formed by] the bosom [of your robe and used as a bag]. For
with the measure you deal out [with the measure you use when you confer
benefits on others], it will be measured back to you."
Jesus- Luke 6:38 Amp"Roll your works upon the Lord [commit and trust them wholly to Him; He will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to His will, and] so shall your plans be established and succeed."
Proverbs 16:3 - AMP
"I know What I’m Doing. I have it All Planned Out—Plans to take Care of you, not abandon you, Plans to Give you the future you hope for."
Jeremiah 29:11 - The Message
My sisters and brothers, I come to you on this Beautifully made day in the name of Love,
to Encourage you to not just go through, but to Grow Through what ever you face on this day.
To encourage you to Remember that God has Promised and Jesus backed it up, He will Never leave us and He is Always With us! Do Not Fear! But stand in His Truth and Boldly say and do what ever His Spirit leads you to do!
Turn, so that you have the proper perspective, so that you will be Able to Witness His Glory, and His Love.
I encourage you to Sit with Him Often, so that You are Given what you need for this day.
I encourage you to secure your emotions under the control and power of the Spirit of Jesus, Who dwells within those that Believe, trust and live through their Faith.
I encourage you to not get caught up in the troubles, and bumps that are on the winding road/path that He leads us on day to day.
I encourage you to remember that the End of the thing is already Prepared for God's Glory and our victory--so it matters none to God what we have to encounter along the way.
He has provided these encounters for us to bless us so that we are a blessing to others.
I encourage you to GO back to Him and ask, seek, wait for the Answers that you need, the guidance that you need, the renewing and restoration that you need to complete the Work He has given to you to do for this day.
Many of us are within places we have never been before because God put us here, we don't know what to do, and anything that we may think to do, is going to be wrong, unless it is based on God's will, purpose, timing and order.
Let us Not dwell and waste time talking to the enemy, Let Us spend our time speaking Truth, Faith and Trust about who we depend on, On who we love and loves us back, Let us use our energy and our Faith to Speak confidence in our Lord, this is how we will mature and grow in our spiritual lives.
I encourage you to allow the Lord to clean what needs to be cleaned. To face what needs to be faced. To correct what needs to be corrected- All to being us into Alignment with His purposes and Love.
Some of us have made decisions that are Not aligned with God's plans and purposes for us.
Seek His correction, I would really hate to see all the work done --to be done in vain=God does not get the Glory.
Check in with Him concerning your ideas--EVERY idea and let the Spirit of God speak to you and move you to be in alignment with God's plans and purposes.
Let the Lord Jesus Heal you so that when we get to the end of this thing, what is broken in you, will not make you lose what you have gained. We are all connected in His love, and purpose, stay focused so that you do Not miss any opportunity to be a blessing to who ever God sends your way.
For God Requires the Complete Glory and we shall Receive the Fullness of His Love, His Blessings, and His Purpose in the name of Jesus, So Be It!
I love you all very much and I Boldly pray over you and praise your way Through in the name of Jesus!
John 14:27
MY PRAYER FOR TODAYRegardless of how a person reacts to your obedience to God's leading in the name of Jesus, You do what God told you Anyway!
How a person reacts is not about you! So do not take anything personally.
You know, some people are Too quick to reject what they do not understand at the moment of hearing/reading it. If what they hear or read does not make sense to them, if it does not hit directly on what they are going through, if it's not what they wanted to hear, they reject it as not for them. Doing that Instead Being Thankful that God cares about them to send them a Good word is not going to help them.
When you get a Word and you can not make sense of it, Going to God in prayer and asking for understanding concerning what was heard or read, will keep move you forward instead of keeping you where you are.
Their lack of understanding hits a nerve in their ego and pride and they sit on that, they choose to get offended, saying that the message is wrong, not clear, that it was said to make them feel stupid or to put them down. When that is the farthest thing from the truth.
Too many have limited themselves, so they cannot hear nor see what they need to learn with it comes. They are focused on some natural need and miss the Help when it comes.
God is Always seeking to grow and mature us. His love grows and matures everything it falls on. God will tell us things that when first heard or read doesn't make sense to us, but it is what needs to be known, it is what needs to be said, it is what needs to be done.
Accept it, be thankful, ask God's Spirit for revelation, what God sends, You Do Need. Even if you don't understand it at first.
When we first get into a class that we have never taken before, all of the information is new to us, it makes no sense. Do you get up and drop the class, or do you open up, do you make yourself willing to learn, to you accept Growth and Maturity in places where you need it?
Too many block that growth and maturity, because what they hear or read is Not what they think they need to know, say or do. They are Too focused on their plans and how they want to go about getting them done.
Or, they Are focused on God's plan and purpose for them, But, they have decided to achieve those by their ideas, ways, timing and order, Not God's.
Either way, God is doing a correction in their lives, He is adding in what is lacking, He is growing and strengthening your knowledge, your faith and trust.
IN the name of Jesus, I pray that you move past your ego, pride, and issues to accept and be thankful when God sends you a Good word that YOU Need to hear, know and begin to Apply in your daily life.
I Pray that You are willing, open, teachable and humble in knowing that it's not about the person who God chose to use, it's not about them at all, but it's about YOU!
I pray that you continue to grow and mature through the Love of God in the name of Jesus! So Be It!
My God, In the name of my Beloved Jesus, I thank You for Keeping us within Your Boundaries during these hard times in this world. For Holding us Lovingly in the Multi-folds of Your Grace and Mercy. As we go about living in a world with so much sickness, poverty, hypocrisy, division, hatred, violence, craziness, lack, greed, manipulations, and senseless willful disregard for human life, I Thank You for Your Keeping Power!
I thank You for Keeping us Focused on Your Will, Plans, and Purposes.
I thank You For the solid foundation of our Lord, for the Promises that You have spoken, for the healing and re-building that You do, for Your Holy Spirit Who Is our comforter and guide, I thank You for this Day!
Another day Full of Your Love, Truth, Grace, Mercy, Forgiveness, for opportunities to Share all of what You have given to us. Another day to Speak Life and Power through Your Word beloved Jesus!
May those that Love You my Lord, be used by You today in accomplishing Your Will,
In Jesus' name, Amen!
In the name of Jesus, I Prayerfully declare:
I declare Matthew 5:16, that my light Has Been Set on a Hill —Above!
According to Psalm 96:6, my light Shines, Reflecting the Lord for those who pass by!
I discern the hate, controversy and attacks from the prideful attempting to stop me from Obeying the Lord's directions; I stand clear of what is not understood, or cannot be controlled, and I refuse to align with accusation and the spirit of the strength-breaker.
The more they come against me, the More God is my Strength and Help to Accomplish His Will In and Through my life.
Jesus' Spirit of Joy Strengthens me.
The Goodness of the Lord Delivers me!
His Wisdom is my heart-condition!
I Shall continue to be Used by Him as He sees fit.
I Shall continue to Build and Repair what He desires to Build and Repair.
Nothing is impossible as Long as I stay aligned with God's Will!
I Am Who so Ever and I Will continue to Testify His Love.
In the name of Jesus, so be it!
Matthew 13
The Book Of Nehemiah
Not moving until He says so.
IN Jesus' name, Staying put within His Peace, Allowing Him to be God.
Thankful that I Can do this, because what is going on I have No control over, But Jesus does.
We are Not at the end yet, and I will be restored, refreshed, rejuvenated as I stay Resting In His Peace.
To You First do I come to in the Morning, all through the day and in the evening hours.
Surrendered With Complete Trust and Radical Faith Knowing that You my God Lift me Up when I am down.
I believe that You are deeply interested and concerned about the things You see going on in my life.
You my Lord already Knew (Know) what was (is) coming into my life before I did(do),
I Thank You for Leading me on Your Ways Made Through.
My faith speaks that You Are Always my Help!
You Are my Joy!
Your Will has established me in Your Peace and Your Strength.
I cannot count the many times You have lifted me up into a New level of confidence and faith, as I Trust and Believe
Your Promise that You Will Never leave me nor forsake me
I am Precious to You my God, I am established in this Truth!
In the name of Jesus, my Father, I Thank You!
"And the LORD, He Is The One Who Goes before you. He Will Be with you, He Will Not Leave you Nor forsake you; Do Not Fear Nor Be Dismayed!" Deuteronomy 31:8
John 12:24-25
I Pray IN the Name of Jesus For All Those Who Are Care Takers of others with health, mobility, mental, emotional, issues. Whether it is a long standing illness, or a short term illness, Being a Care Taker can sometimes be a Very tough, isolating Work.
Lord, You Know, that I have taken care of my grandparents and now help out with my parents, along with raising a special needs child.Thank You for Your Joy-Peace, Strength & Anointing that Sustains me!I Know, How difficult & Challenging Being a Care Taker can be sometimes. Without Your Love Lord, I could have Never Accomplished what I did and do!
I ask in the name of Jesus that You Love on and Keep All those that read this who Are Care Takers of another, Or, who Know of a person who is a Care taker and I Hope and Pray they Pass this Prayer of Gratitude, Expectation and Thankfulness on to them.
I Pray they are Blessed and that these Words be More than Words for Your Glory Father, In the name of Jesus, So Be It!
I Pray the Lord God Continue to pour forth His strength, encouragement, miracles, healing and Love, May His Keeping Power and His Presence surround all those who selflessly and lovingly Give of their time, energy, love, care, compassion, and resources for the Well Being of those who are not able to do for themselves anymore.
May my Lord use these Care Takers as His Channels and Vessels to Work Through to bring a Complete Whole Healing and Restoration to those being care for.
I Pray that you Care Takers realize what a Great and Mighty Work you are doing.May you Know you are Appreciated whether anyone says so or not--You ARE!
May you understand and recognize How much Like our Lord you Are when you are giving of yourself to help another.
Matthew 5
Gal 5:13-26
I Cor 13
MY PRAYER FOR TODAYWhat a Wonderful morning this Is! The Gift Of Another Blessed Day!
I hope and Pray that You Are Anticipating God's Love And His Goodness that He Has Planned for your life Today!
Remember that What Ever You Are Expecting, Is What You Will Receive!
Whatever you Sow today, Is what you Will Reap in the days to come.
What ever you Invest into today, Is the Return that you Will receive back.
I Hope and Pray that You Will Share Your Faith and Love throughout This Day.
I Hope and Pray that You Will Sow love, Joy, freedom, peace, compassion, forgiveness, clarity, integrity, understanding, Truth, Faith and Trust to all those you pass by, work with, live with, and meet today.
I Hope and Pray that you Will Invest time, sitting still and listening for His voice, time merely sitting with Him saying nothing, love, obedience, being willing and teachable, allowing His correction to re-position you, and patience in your Relationship with our Lord today.
I Hope and Pray that you Invest God's Truth, love, patience, wisdom, integrity, compassion, correction, obedience, faith, trust, hope in your children today, building on the foundation of Jesus that they stand on. Helping them strengthen and grow their faith and trust in their relationship with our Lord and Father God.
I Hope and Pray that you Invest all of these parts of God with every one you live with, work with, pass by, and meet today.
No matter what faces you today, It Will Not change the Truth that This Is A Blessed Day, And A Good day, For Our Lord God Has Already Made A Way Through Anything that happens and challenges you!
Gal 6:1-10 *verse 7-8* (Amp)
Proverbs 4:23-24 (Amp)
Let us Give Praise for the Gift of Another day Full of His Presence, His Glory, His Help, His Joy and Peace And His Work that He plans to Do In us, through us and for us in the name of Jesus!Yes Lord, I hear Your Call to Come to You and Rest in Your Presence!
Thank You God IN the name of Jesus for Knowing and Providing a Refreshing Rain for our weary, and parched Spirits That we Can Soak Up And Be Restored, for Keeping us from getting dried out.
I Give Everything To You that is A new challenge, an old challenge, that is a heavy burden, a difficulty, a hindrance, an irritation, all that is bothersome and is creating conflict to my Spirit and Soul.
I Release to You Everything that Is impossible for us to handle alone!
THANK YOU Father In the name of Jesus!
Thank You Jesus!
Thank You Holy Spirit of God.
Thank You Angels of God!
You know, I remember when this time of year came around when I was teaching, and most of us were happy about the long break from school, and excited about it being Christmas, But there were Always a small of group of students (I knew of) who DREADED being home for such a long time, DREADED their family and family friends being around so much.
This is on my mind this time of year- every year, There are children who Are Not protected at home, the children who FEAR the family molesters that they Think No one KNOWS About, because If Others KNOW About these Molesters, then WHY has someone Not spoken up to PROTECT them!?
The children whose homes lack enough food, or heat, or running clean water--The children who ARE SCARED to death of the mom or dad who is an alcoholic or druggie, they are terrified they will be beaten, yelled at, screamed at.
These evil things can happen to our children in our homes if we bring the wrong people to our homes, in our relative's home, because of the hidden secrets about some of our relatives and the people they allow in their homes, in our children's friends homes,Make sure you know who the parents are and who will be there, at school, and Truly in many Churches!
Don't take for granted that just because it is a Church, a relative's home or some where you think is safe, that satan does not have his minions roaming around looking for a willing heart to do his biding, because he does and he Never stops trying to take our children!
In Jesus' name, I PRAY for these children Every year, and I will Speak up about it.
Be Careful who you leave your children with, And who you bring around your children!
If someone in your family makes You uncomfortable, Then do not leave them alone with your children!
The parents or other adults Need to Speak up for the Children instead of worrying about how others will see and treat them If they Speak up!
Mess will have to be faced when We Speak the Truth!
That is what TRUTH does, It cuts through the crap and reveals what has been hidden!
And think about How your Children will look at you, and treat you if you Don't Speak up for them and Protect them--Like We as Parents Are Supposed to!
Jesus Will hold us as parents accountable for what we allow to happen to the children He gave us!
Satan Is Always after the children, he is always stalking through schools, families, anywhere children are, looking for the people who Will allow him to work through them to being harm to the children!
It Is Imperative that we Protect our families especially the children from the evil that satan creates to take them away from the Plans of God for them. He is always attacking the children because he knows many of them have be touched by God to grow up to be Leaders for God. All through history satan (the anti-christ) has created situations in which the children are killed, hurt, stolen, and used in perverted ways.
Our enemy uses parents to pimp their children in all kinds of ways that 'seem' good, but are not. Pushing our children to dress, speak, and act in adult ways under the guise of entertainment. Some parents see the child has a talent of singing or playing a sport, etc... and they PUSH them too hard to succeed, PUSH them into the ways of the world to succeed by the worlds standards not God's standards. In the midst of the parents worldly motives, the devil steals their childhood, the child is placed around molesters, alcoholics and druggies or others who are pimping them for material gain.
If your child has talents and gifts, the devil did Not give them to the children, God did, and it makes Perfect sense to Go To God and ask Him what are the best ways to grow, mature, and guide the children in their gifts and talents. They are to be used for God's glory not to glorify satan.
Too many parents run right to the ways of the world to do this, and thus lose their children to the depths of evil.
These parents are blinded by money, fame, selfishness, and social popularity status and the child is lost, having no spiritual foundation to Stand on or fall back on.
I PRAY in the Name of Jesus, that parents will pay attention and Protect their children from family members, family friends and strangers who make them feel uncomfortable, Protect them from those in their family they KNOW are molesters but no one speaks about it.
I PRAY that parents pray for their children in the name of Jesus and Cover them in the Blood of Jesus to be His and keep a watchful eye on them. Protect them from the drunks and druggies in the family, that they do all they can to feed their children, to clothe them, to put them first as a priority. To make sure that their children to not hurt other children.
I PRAY that parents Turn to God In the name of Jesus and ask Him for the Help they need to raise and take care of the children He has blessed us all with! To ask God what His Plans for each child are and to Help with raising them to achieve what God has for them. Protect them from the motives and false ways of this world. To explain the differences in following the world or the Lord.
I PRAY that parents daily COVER their children in PRAYER and ask God to help guide them in the Ways best to raise them, what to expose them to that will better the children and strengthen their relationship with Jesus so they also have a Spiritual foundation with God.
I PRAY parents pull themselves and their children Away from pagan alters and Establish an altar in their hearts that belongs to God In the name of Jesus. Guarding them in PRAYER, Instructing them and disciplining them, DECLARING that the children belong to God and Are Taught about God and His Son Jesus and to serve and worship Him Only is the Best for their lives.
In the name of Jesus, Amen. So Be It!
Isaiah 54:13
Isaiah 61:7-9
**This prayer has a few more observations than usual--I allow His Spirit to use me as He sees Fit and Knows Best! May you Give to God the Time You need to learn, to be corrected, to grow and mature in His Love and Ways!**
"Be Joyful Always, Pray at All times, Be Thankful in All Circumstances. This Is what God Wants from you in your life In Union With Christ Jesus. Do Not Restrain the Holy Spirit; Do Not despise Inspired messages. Put All things to the test: Keep what is Good And Avoid every kind of evil!"
1 Thessalonians 5:16-22 (GNT)
As each day comes and goes we are given So Many Opportunities by God to grow closer to Him, and so many of His people do not take hold of these opportunities for various reasons/excuses. They feed their lack of obedience to His ways, instead of feeding their Love for Him. For those that Love Him Obey Him!
I hear more people that claim they are God's People, speaking in Fear more than Faith.
Why is a challenge so large and impossible to those who Live by Faith Trusting in Him? Too many are Saved, but also are stuck--not growing, not moving through the Spiritual transitions God set forth!
Too Much time spent (wasted) complaining, in confusion, babbling on and on about what is not working out right-- trying to 'figure out' on their own how something should.
Do you have His Word in your heart, in your mouth, in your hands? Then Speak them out and Use Your Time in this day to Pray for Yourself and seek what He wants you to do!
If you don't Know His Word, then there you go---Start There! Get the Book and Learn some!
And what ever He tells you to do--Do That!
Stay In The Flow of His Spirit=Who Leads by His Love, Power and Truth--Provided by His Blood!
It is best that we do Not follow our emotions, they are temporarily felt and following them Will lead to a making a decision that will Permanently alter your life for the worse.
Following His Spirit lead Is Always Best.
We Are All suppose to be An open and willing vessel that is Used by Him to provide what All is Needed. Matthew 10:30-39
I Pray that you Take the time to Listen, Hear And Then Do what He wants you to do!
Those of us who Have Gone through--and Grown through ARE suppose to Turn back and Give a Helping Hand to those others Who Are Now coming through.... Help to get through The Middle of things!
Hummm, some folk are trying to make the challenge or impossibility go the way they want it to, instead of leaving All Things in God's hands to correct, fix, make right, make possible, etc....
Folk frustrate themselves by doing this.
If you asked God IJN, to handle something--then let Him handle these things--Keep WAITING, and go do what things you Are able to control, your thinking, speaking, actions, helping others, etc...
He Is with us--Let us Be With Him!
His desires for us are small and simple, large and detailed, and they are all for us.
He is directing us through out each day based on His plans, not ours.
This is why so many of His people miss and/or reject His opportunities-they do not Know Him as they should. They may be saved , but they are stuck --They are not putting forth the time, energy and desire to Get to know themselves better through getting to know Him on a higher and deeper plane.
They miss/reject His opportunities, His timing And His order to be cleaned out, to learn to love themselves as He does, to face their fears, to stand against the lies they have believed, they miss/reject when He says it is time to grow and mature--to be changed into new wine skins and to be filled with New Wine (revelation), to be Prepared to do and go what He has planned for you.
They Miss/Reject His opportunities to be a blessing to others, to give in His name, to take in His name, to get closer to Him--to strengthen their relationship with Him. They miss/reject His opportunities to Speak His truth, to Live within the Calling He has placed on them, to Be used by Him.
There is too much darkness in our hearts that must be moved out by the Presence of His Truth and Light!
He gives us a main idea, and so many of us take off running--putting together His plan by our ways. There is No way to accomplish His plans our way instead of His Ways- and think you will gain what He planned for the outcome. His Plan, His steps, His order, His outcome!
I know that Anything any of us (His People) attempt to do without Him being in the center directing us -- it is doomed to fail. What ever we do accomplish will be so small, so broken, so full of lack and jacked up, that it will never stand, let alone grow. It will bring No Glory to God In the name of Jesus.
Too many are 'ok' with what they can accomplish in the ways they want too--instead of accomplishing what God has set forth for us to do as Glory to Him.
His people too often ignore and grieve His Holy Spirit! It takes Work, obedience, time, and Love to get to His outcome for each assignment and plan. Too many do not want to do the work He says we each have to do to Get to the results and outcomes that He has planned. They think they can do things their way and get the outcome and results that God has planned--that is a lie!
I know my best is never going to be good enough without being aligned with His best for me!
Folk need to learn to say 'No' to themselves and to others that are attempting to rush them through God's plans, re-arranging His order, moving all out of His timing! They spend too much time asking folk to pray for them, but they do not pray for themselves! They do not have enough of His truth in them to be powerful and successful in their Calling!
Relax, Really, Stop, don't be concerned with what and how 'other people' are doing or trying to do what they are trying to do.... It's Better to focus on Him being the center of Your everything--So that You Can Hear His Voice--directing you to stop, go this way, go that way, do this, do that, Stop! Praise, Sing, Encourage, Focus on your Faith Expressing His LOVE!
It Does Not matter what is Going on in the world around us! Don't get caught up in all that mess--Loosing/investing Precious time Being distracted. If He has you pray for the messes of this world, then Pray--but do Only what He tells you to do--Leave the REST of it in His hands!
Stay focused on Your purpose, your assignments, Your Calling, Being And Staying Aligned with His Will and His Promises!
Invest your Faith in His Love!
I Pray that God's People will Stop, Give to Him what Is His and obey His directions instead of getting grumpy, anxious, and irritated at His Order, I Pray that Obedience is sought after and held close to the heart, soul, and spirit in order to become a Vessel of Good and not a vessel of evil! I Pray that God's People STOP trying to do things via a short cut and realize His Truth and Correction Is needed to Grow, Mature, and Be used by Him!
In the name of Jesus, I pray you are blessed by This message! Glory to God, Amen!
Psalm 143-take Note of verses 8-10; Gal 1:9-10; Psalm 138:3
With all the changes taking place in our world, the entire world, and our little parts of it where we live, work, play, etc... it is Wise to stay connected with our Lord to make Sure that we do not fall into sin, that we do not leave the path He is leading us by, to make sure that His Love is the loudest sound that we hear and obey, and to make sure that we continue to serve Him by being a blessing to those we meet .
These changes bring forth the Blessings of Correction, Good, Lessons, and Love if you are able to See them clearly. If you are able to let go of what is dead and not working in your life and Take Hold of what the changes bring to you.
If you are able to accept (trusting by growing faith) that God has His best for you planned out for you then you are doing fine.
Remember that You asked Him for His best when You asked Him to Order your steps, Remember that?
Psalms 51:12
That is what these changes are doing, giving you His Best! Taking note of the details of Every area of our lives, discarding what is not working and is dead, correcting us, and then pouring into us what we need. He is Giving His Best to All of us that have Asked Him to Teach us How to Live to Please Him, In the name of Jesus.
Psalm 143:8 The Message
There are so many ways that our enemy attempts to trick us and have us do his work, that many get caught up in the daily steps of what they have planned for their day. By doing so, many do not invest the time and energy necessary to stand before God --not Just in times of trouble and trials, but, also on the days when we do not have trouble that we see.
Every day Is a Day to Stand before our God in the name of Jesus.
Many do not understand that on those days when we see no trouble, that is a Time to Praise our Lord for He has held back trouble from entering into our lives. Amen!
In the name of Jesus
I Pray that you remember to Spiritually Invest into your relationship with our Lord Every day, and with every opportunity that He provides you will take hold of it, so as to strengthen your trust and faith in Him.
I Pray that you do not seek support from those who offer self-help words that sound good, but will not FREE you from the spiritual strongholds that bind you to this earth and it's ways, and simply feed your flesh and emotions. They speak in words that leave out our Lord Jesus as our Help and Way.
I Pray
--that you begin, and/or continue to Seek the Spirit of our Lord so that You Will exchange the chaos and confusion in your life for His Peace and Joy.
--that you ask for His answers to your questions and not rely on what you think is best,
--that You allow His Love to make you Complete where neglect and rejection enslaved you
--that His Hope will remove all doubt and that You allow Him to comfort you where pain and hurt weigh you down.
--And that In all the dark places of your life , I PRAY that you Allow our Lord And His Light to Love You and be seen through you!
In the name of Jesus, Glory be to God, Amen!
Luke 12:25-40
Gal 1:10
This is what I hear the Lord
speak, we all have unfulfilled desires, fantasies, the lusts and
seductions of this world all working together as an operative force in
our lives. Attempting to Pull us off the path that God has placed us on.
Our enemy will have us 'feeling' that to put a high value on
entertainment, material things and shallow things all of which are
governed by people praise and the short lived gains that come from
living for earthly gain, Is better than what Jesus has for us. Our enemy
will have us to believe That to follow the way of the world is better
than to follow God and His ways.
All These earthly things, if we listen to them and follow them, allowing them to take root in our hearts will occupy our mind and keep us thinking about doing what ever we are able to do to accomplish them. Impatience fuels these earthly things in us.
Following our flesh instead of His Spirit is always going to take us to meet our enemy and not our Lord.
When we keep our focus on what we do not have, but want, what we have lost, and are trying to get back, we will not be able to hear Him when He leads us and speaks to us.
When we recognize our true motives, facing the truth and killing off the lies that we have believed, we are then Beginning to Change our thinking to be balanced with God's plans for us. His Motives become our motives, His desires for us become our desires and that is what we begin to live each day to accomplish--His Will and not ours.
Cleansing the foundation of our motives and desires, changing our mind and focusing on Making and Keeping our Lord as our Center--our single focus will then allow us to be Led by Him to a Higher spiritual place. We are partakers with Jesus, He freely Gives to us all that we need and need to do in His name.
All These earthly things, if we listen to them and follow them, allowing them to take root in our hearts will occupy our mind and keep us thinking about doing what ever we are able to do to accomplish them. Impatience fuels these earthly things in us.
Following our flesh instead of His Spirit is always going to take us to meet our enemy and not our Lord.
When we keep our focus on what we do not have, but want, what we have lost, and are trying to get back, we will not be able to hear Him when He leads us and speaks to us.
When we recognize our true motives, facing the truth and killing off the lies that we have believed, we are then Beginning to Change our thinking to be balanced with God's plans for us. His Motives become our motives, His desires for us become our desires and that is what we begin to live each day to accomplish--His Will and not ours.
Cleansing the foundation of our motives and desires, changing our mind and focusing on Making and Keeping our Lord as our Center--our single focus will then allow us to be Led by Him to a Higher spiritual place. We are partakers with Jesus, He freely Gives to us all that we need and need to do in His name.
I PRAY in the name of Jesus, that we are able to put our focus and keep our focus on our Lord, I PRAY that we allow His Spiritual cleansing to do a complete work in every area of our lives, I PRAY that we remember that we belong to Him and that we asked Him to order our steps and to guide our steps on the path that He put us on. I PRAY that we remember the world and it's ways will lie to us every time and fool us into listening to our flesh instead of His Spirit.
"From the end of the earth I will cry to You, When my heart is overwhelmed; Lead me to The Rock that Is Higher than I!"
Psalms 61:2
Jesus Prays for His Disciples
“I have revealed You to those whom You Gave Me out of the world. They were Yours; You Gave them to Me And they have obeyed Your word. Now they know that everything You have Given Me Comes from You. For I gave them The Words You Gave Me And they Accepted them. They knew with certainty that I came from You, And they Believed that You Sent Me. I PRAY FOR THEM! I Am Not Praying for the world, but For Those You Have Given Me, for they Are Yours. All I have Is Yours, And All You Have Is Mine. And Glory Has Come To Me Through them. I Will remain in the world no longer, but they Are still in the world, And I Am Coming to You. Holy Father, Protect them By The Power of YOUR NAME, The Name YOU Gave Me, So That they May Be One As We Are One!" John 17:6-11"Now there have been many of those priests, since death prevented them from continuing in office; but because Jesus Lives Forever, He Has A Permanent Priesthood. Therefore He Is Able to Save Completely those who Come to God Through Him, Because He Always Lives To Intercede For Them." Heb 7:23-25
John 6:40-67; John 21; I John 2; Matthew 6:5-16; Psalm 23
"And I Give unto them Eternal Life; And they Shall Never Perish." John 10:28
I am Grateful that I have been born again in my Lords Spirit, that the Seed of God, Jesus Lives and grows in me. His Word abides in me and guides my footsteps, And I abide in His Word. It is hard to ignore and dismiss His Word and directions, not that I would do that, because I remember what it is like to live apart from Him, making my own decisions and jacking up my life! Not going back there again! Amen!
I see and hear others do this. They do not have His Spirit living in them, they live in sin but try to hide from Him, covering themselves in our midst. Not knowing that His Spirit Who lives in us reveals them to us.
I wonder at times how so many who claim to live for Him. claim to be Saved, Filled with His Spirit, can rebel against Him. How they choose options that God did not give to them. They think they can follow His Ways and live good and reap His Benefits, but not Live for Him, Not offer Any honor or glory unto Him in the name of Jesus.
I have been enlightened to the truth that many of those I encounter are not saved and only dress, gather with and speak the part. Hypocrites. I pray for them, for they are playing with fire and will get burned.
I received His Blessing when I Accepted His Free Gift, His Invitation to belong to His Family--Now, every day I expect and receive the Results of His Blessing that was Freely Given to me!
We Are to treasure His words in our heart and They Will meet our needs in every area of our life today and every day!
Jesus spoke them so many years ago, but the Life and Power of His Words Still Work today for us Just as they did when He first spoke them!
He spoke them for Eternity!
His gift to us Is Eternal Life, And His inspirational Words are also Eternal Life.
But remember, that His Words and His Guidance are Not for all people, they are For those who ACCEPT His Great Gift of Eternal Life and have been re-born in His Spirit!
He Is the Resurrection, The Life and the Way!
Where His blood fell Love GREW!
"And This Is Life Eternal, that they Might Know Thee, the Only True God, And Jesus Christ, Whom Thou Hast Sent."
His Words mark our steps in our Spiritual Progress concerning our relationship with Him. There Is never a limit to His Spirit's Power unless we keep 'self' in the way and do not follow His directions and guidance.
Unless His Will Is welcomed, sought after and obeyed, the unlimited Power of His Holy Spirit Is hindered by us. We have to Yield ourselves to Him Wholly and Completely so that our human limitations are empowered by Him in us and through us.
It's not us, but the Lord in us that Wills us! Thank You Jesus, Amen!
There is for me, No confusion, no doubt, no fear, no double-mindedness as to Who I have decided to Live for, Live Through, and to Work for!
He supplies Every Need concerning our Spiritual growth and maturity. He Will manifest for us everything needed to accomplish His Will for each day. This is what I expect of Him, because He said He would!
I PRAY in the Name of Jesus, that we remember to uncover ourselves in His Presence, speaking out every sin we have done that we remember and those we do not know of or have forgotten, And that His Holy Spirit will reveal to us any sins that we need to have uncovered in the Presence of OUR GOD so that we will be forgiven for them. I PRAY that in this New Season of Sowing and Reaping and Harvesting that we stay in UNITY with His Spirit, that we understand that we are the branch Not the Vine and that the Vine controls the Fruit that grows on the branch!
I PRAY that we remember to Pray for all our enemies, especially those that stand in opposition of HIS Will for us--whether these enemies are within us (our flesh, lack, doubt, fears, rebellion, double mindedness, etc...), and those out side of us, that Any disharmony concerning our Complete obedience is Prayed over so that our Lord Jesus handles it And corrects us, And we Will Desire And Accept His Divine outcome, His Divine timing, And His Divine order. That we Pray His Blessings on them to do whatever He needs to do for them.
I PRAY that All who belong to Him in Truth And in Spirit Witness Him at All Times as we Are called to do.
That we Remember to Sow Love and Not hate, Truth and not lies, Life and not death, and that we always Keep Him First in Every area, situation, challenge and moment so that we Will Be Able to Follow Him as He Leads us on the path God our Father has spoken for us! In the name of Jesus I PRAY, thank You God, Amen!
He supplies Every Need concerning our Spiritual growth and maturity. He Will manifest for us everything needed to accomplish His Will for each day. This is what I expect of Him, because He said He would!
I PRAY in the Name of Jesus, that we remember to uncover ourselves in His Presence, speaking out every sin we have done that we remember and those we do not know of or have forgotten, And that His Holy Spirit will reveal to us any sins that we need to have uncovered in the Presence of OUR GOD so that we will be forgiven for them. I PRAY that in this New Season of Sowing and Reaping and Harvesting that we stay in UNITY with His Spirit, that we understand that we are the branch Not the Vine and that the Vine controls the Fruit that grows on the branch!
I PRAY that we remember to Pray for all our enemies, especially those that stand in opposition of HIS Will for us--whether these enemies are within us (our flesh, lack, doubt, fears, rebellion, double mindedness, etc...), and those out side of us, that Any disharmony concerning our Complete obedience is Prayed over so that our Lord Jesus handles it And corrects us, And we Will Desire And Accept His Divine outcome, His Divine timing, And His Divine order. That we Pray His Blessings on them to do whatever He needs to do for them.
I PRAY that All who belong to Him in Truth And in Spirit Witness Him at All Times as we Are called to do.
That we Remember to Sow Love and Not hate, Truth and not lies, Life and not death, and that we always Keep Him First in Every area, situation, challenge and moment so that we Will Be Able to Follow Him as He Leads us on the path God our Father has spoken for us! In the name of Jesus I PRAY, thank You God, Amen!
“Come! Let us Go Up!” Isaiah 2
“To whom God was Pleased To Make Known How Great for the Gentiles Are The Riches of The Glory of this mystery, which Is Christ Within And Among you, the Hope of Glory. Him we Preach And Proclaim, warning and admonishing everyone And instructing Everyone In All Wisdom (comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of God), that we May Present Every person Mature (full-grown, fully initiated, complete, and perfect) in Christ (the Anointed One).” (Colossians 1:27-28)
"If you say, “The LORD Is my Refuge,”
And you Make The Most High your Dwelling,
No harm Will overtake you,
No disaster Will come near your tent.
For He Will Command His angels Concerning you
To Guard you In All your Ways;
They Will Lift you Up in their hands,
So that you Will Not strike your foot against a stone.
You Will tread on the lion And the cobra;
you Will Trample the great lion And the serpent.
And you Make The Most High your Dwelling,
No harm Will overtake you,
No disaster Will come near your tent.
For He Will Command His angels Concerning you
To Guard you In All your Ways;
They Will Lift you Up in their hands,
So that you Will Not strike your foot against a stone.
You Will tread on the lion And the cobra;
you Will Trample the great lion And the serpent.
“Because they Love me,” says the LORD, “I Will Rescue them;
I Will Protect them, for they Acknowledges My Name.
They Will Call On Me, And I Will Answer them;
I Will Be With them In trouble,
I will Deliver them And Honor them.
With Long Life I Will Satisfy them
And Show them My Salvation.”
I Will Protect them, for they Acknowledges My Name.
They Will Call On Me, And I Will Answer them;
I Will Be With them In trouble,
I will Deliver them And Honor them.
With Long Life I Will Satisfy them
And Show them My Salvation.”
Psalm 91:9-16
I Am So Glad that I have a relationship with Jesus, that God's Holy Spirit dwells within me, guiding me, and supplying Everything Spiritual and natural that I need. I am So glad that I allow this relationship to grow, mature and be the center of my life and that of my family.
I pray for my family members, whether they belong to Jesus or not, I pray the Lord Keep them and to keep after those who have not given their lives completely over to Him--that He keeps Knocking at the door of their hearts so that they Will be touched in their hearts and will turn around and realize how Much they Do NEED Him!
You know, stuff happens, out of the Blue, stuff happens, And I have come to learn that God does not allow things to happen for just one reason. There are always Many varied reasons for His plans and purposes. I am glad that we are under the Cover of the Blood and Covenant of Jesus--protecting us when stuff happens out of the blue.
My mother and father were out a few days ago shopping at Tarjay (Target), as we call it, and they spent a long time walking around looking at things, and got tired. Both my parents have health issues that they live around, which also keeps them from doing certain things that they used to be able to do.
This getting older stuff is to be taken seriously in the way that we must respect ourselves and take care of ourselves as we get older. Being foolish in thinking that we can do the things that our younger bodies used to be able to do, will only set us up to be harmed or even killed, or to harm or kill others. I Am glad that my parents understand and respect their getting older.
Well, as they loaded up the car and my father drove off, he began to get dizzy, felt nauseous, had a pain in his stomach, he said that he was going to black out, but fought it because he had already turned onto the main road--which is a four lane road. He said, that he knew they either would get hit or hit other vehicles if he blacked out.
Because of my mother's health issues, she does not drive, actually she really can't drive properly anymore, so she could not take the wheel and get the car to a safe place.
He made it across four lanes of traffic, and managed to pull into a closed down car dealership and put their car in park. My mother tried to call my brother, but he works nights and probably did not hear the phone. My father told my mom to call 911 and get help! When I heard my mother and father tell us what happened, I KNEW God Had been all up in the mix of their day! I Knew it was His Angels that helped my father Not pass out, that helped him drive that car and park it safely!
She then called me, we live about 30some miles away from them.
This was last Sunday morning, and we had finished our Daily family prayer, praise, worship, fellowship time, were finishing up our brunch on a wonderfully made day, enjoying the beautiful weather. We were about to read the Sunday paper when the phone rang and it was my mother.
She was not frantic but there was an urgency in her voice that I know. Immediately we got up, called our neighbor (a sisterFriend) of ours to watch the girls, and jumped into the Jeep and made our way to where they were parked.
On our way there, she called to tell us they were on their way to the emergency room.
Long story short, he was suffering from anemia, and had started a new med and all of that was causing his symptoms. He is doing much better now, and his stay in the hospital was only Sunday through Monday early evening when they discharged him.
I KNOW God had His Angels all around my parents, especially during this situation which could have been a very deadly one. Thank YOU God in the Name of Jesus, for Your Angels!
A few reasons that I am glad this happened are that the Doctors at the hospital took my father off the new med, got his anemia under control and told his doctors at the VA not to put him on that med and To Treat his anemia, which the VA doctors knew about but had not treated, so it got worse and almost killed him and harmed my mother.
The devil is always trying to alter God's plans. Prayer, Truth, Faith, Trust, and Obedience Keep him at bay. It was Not my fathers time to go, nor my mothers time to get hurt or killed either. Thank You Jesus!
In the Name of Jesus, I thank You Father God for Your Angels that You sent to watch over us and protect us because we Have Made YOU our Refuge, because we Love and Obey You! I am Grateful to You Lord that You have taught us to respect, take care of and honor our elderly whether they are our parents, other relatives or strangers. That You Lord have given us Your Wisdom as our bodies get older, our minds stay sharp and our hearts and minds stay focused on You, in Love with You. I PRAY for all who read this that they will honor their elderly and pray for them, whether they belong to You, or not, You are using us to be Your Light to shine the Way to You.
Thank You MY dear beloved Lord for hiding us under Your Wings, In Your Shadow, protected from the fiery darts of our enemy! In the Name of Jesus, Amen!
I have been giving much thought to the Questions that Jesus Asked us, There is so much to learn from them concerning Jesus, myself and all other people. Taking them one at a time and seriously thinking about them and how they apply to my life as a True Believer of our Lord Jesus is opening up a wealth of knowledge, wisdom and understanding for me.
I Love this one.
34And Jesus asked them,"How many loaves do you have?" Matt 15:34; Matt 15:29-38
I have also begun to search out in the Red Letters and write down the Things Jesus Told people to do. Holding on to the Power of His Words spoken in complete radical faith that God the Father would do through Him.
I hear often in my mind, Mary, mother of Jesus telling the servants at the wedding in Cana, To Do what Ever He tells you to do! This type of Radical faith in Him is not to be ignored nor should we think it does Not exist for us Today! I KNOW it does, as I truly have a deep radical Faith and trust in our Lord Jesus, I KNOW God Will Do what He has Promised to Us! Amen!
In studying His Questions asked, And the Things He told others To Do, we are learning about What WE NEED To Do for Him, instead of always focusing on what we need Him to do for us. We are learning How God wants us to be Balanced in our Spiritual life and Relationship for Him. He Is Still Teaching all those that Are Teachable And Willing! Yes Lord--Here I Am--Use me, Teach me, Help me, change me, guide me, Fill me with more of You!
Here we have Jesus and the disciples and over 4000 people in need of food and they were so far away from where that much food could be acquired--what to do?
Just imagine if you can, Jesus turning around to you and asking you and the others how much you got on you? We can use that!
So many times we are like the disciples, looking only at what we have and what we don't have, and then looking at the problem like it's bigger than our Father's love for us. God has already Made us a Promise that overrides Each and Every Problem that we will encounter in our daily lives. Have you read the Red Letters? Have you search out the Promises of God so that You know them and therefore are able to connect to their Power?
Just like the disciples did, at times, we tend to focus on the natural instead of the Supernatural when we are faced with challenging situations. We, like the disciples need to Continue daily to Grow and Mature in our Spiritual and emotional lives, and in our relationship with Jesus. He Is Still speaking, questioning, and directing us Right Now, just as He did over 2000 yrs ago. He knew that they Needed to continue to grow and mature, to learn and be changed, and He knows this about us Right Now. (don't skip class!)
In John, concerning the same account, After the people completed their meal, Jesus Told His disciples to do something,
"After everyone was full, Jesus told His disciples, "Now gather the leftovers, so that Nothing Is Wasted." John 6:12
Then the account goes on to say, "So Accordingly they gathered them up, And they filled twelve [[a]small hand] baskets with fragments Left Over By Those who had eaten from the five barley loaves!" John 6:13
Now look at this as it concerns your life right now. How many times have you looked into your wallet, into your heart, at your physical abilities, to see what you do not have? Then looked at the Thing that you need to do and you sigh because there is No way you Will Be Able To take care of that issue, problem or change the situation by yourself?
How many times have you thought about the blessings you let slip away, the blessings you allowed to be stolen, the blessings that you perverted by trying to manipulate them into something other than what God sent them for?
How many times have you allowed the enemy to taunt you with your broken, sinful past and made you feel useless and worthless?
How many times have you looked back on and valued yourself by your mistakes, your wrong deeds done to others, the wasted years you lived at the wrong job, wasted time in a relationship with the wrong person, and the times you were out living by this worlds standards doing Only what the Lord knows about?
How many times have you spent counting what you have wasted in your life up until today?
Well, Let me tell you Some Truth And Wisdom that Will Help you Right now!
Do What Jesus said To Do! Gather Up All the pieces of your life, All that you believe to be wasted and put them in a hand basket and Take them to HIM! You Will find such an abundance -- More than what You started with after you hand all those broken pieces over to Him and He Will show you that you Almost wasted the things that could teach you so much!
Hear this Truth and never forget it my dear friends, With God Nothing Is Ever Going To Be wasted, If you hand it All over to Him! Another slice of Wisdom to be learned from this lesson is, From Now On, In The Beginning of Every thing, Include God First!
Before you begin any work, project, before you spend any $, before you say one word, before you do Anything, Go To God our Father in the Name of Jesus, And ask His Holy Spirit to tell you, What does God want you to do concerning this Work you have to do. Ask Him what has He Already Planned for this work, how to start it, what to do in the middle, how It should end=Get the Details From our Father!
Then Begin by Doing What Ever He Tells You To Do! God Takes All our experiences, good and bad And adds in His Love to sift every single piece, Turning it All into Good, and Restoring back to you all you thought you wasted and lost!
Why, does He do this? Because He Loves us, He made promises to us and He does Not lie! It is all for His Glory through our lives that He seeks!
Now, as you begin immediately to do what ever He tells you to do, and you come to the Outcome that He has planned for each and every problem, situation and mess corrected, Don't Forget To Thank Him! God Will make us stronger, wiser, than we were before in order to Continue to Lead you by His Loving Eye on the path, taking the steps that He is guiding you (each of us) To Take!
Remember, you must be humble, willing, and teachable, and by being this way, Nothing Is impossible for God to do in the name of Jesus for your life! Nothing Will Ever Be wasted if you continue to take it all to Him and leave it, Asking Him to correct what is wrong! He Desires to lead us, to help us Fulfill His Will, His Plans And His Purposes for our lives for each day, so that the Purpose for our life that He has Chosen us and Called us to do--We Will Complete! Thank You Jesus, Amen!
In the Name of Jesus, I PRAY that you Will bring to our Father in the name of Jesus, All the broken parts and pieces of your life, Leaving them All with Him, Asking Him to make sure that nothing Is Wasted. Asking Him to forgive you and to help you forgive others, And to turn every wrong and bad thing into Glory for Him concerning your life!
I PRAY the Lord Will guide you and lead you to fulfill His Will for each day,
I PRAY that you Will humble yourself, be willing and teachable so that You will grow and mature in your Spiritual and emotional lives, And that You will strengthen your relationship with our Lord Jesus so that for each day you shall Learn More of Him. I PRAY that You will begin to allow Him to change you in all the ways He knows you Need to be changed, And that when you Hear Him Tell you what to do, that You Will NOT question Him, you Will Not allow doubt and fear to over ride Him, that You Will Not ignore or reject what He has told you to do.
I PRAY that You Will Immediately get up and Do what Ever He tells you to do. That you Will Release your faith and trust in Him and Glorify our Father God in the Name of Jesus, Amen!
2 Cor 6:14-18 the message
14-18Don't Become partners with those who reject God. How can you make a partnership out of right and wrong? That's not partnership; that's war. Is light best friends with dark? Does Christ go strolling with the Devil? Do trust and mistrust hold hands? Who would think of setting up pagan idols in God's holy Temple? But that is exactly what we are, each of us a temple in whom God lives. God himself put it this way:
"I'll live in them, move into them;
I'll Be their God and they'll Be My people.
So leave the corruption and compromise;
leave it for good," says God.
"Don't link up with those who will pollute you.
I want you All for Myself.
I'll Be A Father to you;
you'll Be sons and daughters to Me."
The Word of the Master, God.
I PRAY that You Will Immediately get up and Do what Ever He tells you to do. That you Will Release your faith and trust in Him and Glorify our Father God in the Name of Jesus, Amen!
2 Cor 6:14-18 the message
14-18Don't Become partners with those who reject God. How can you make a partnership out of right and wrong? That's not partnership; that's war. Is light best friends with dark? Does Christ go strolling with the Devil? Do trust and mistrust hold hands? Who would think of setting up pagan idols in God's holy Temple? But that is exactly what we are, each of us a temple in whom God lives. God himself put it this way:
"I'll live in them, move into them;
I'll Be their God and they'll Be My people.
So leave the corruption and compromise;
leave it for good," says God.
"Don't link up with those who will pollute you.
I want you All for Myself.
I'll Be A Father to you;
you'll Be sons and daughters to Me."
The Word of the Master, God.
"Unless the LORD Builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD Watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain."
Psalm 127:1
"I Will Instruct you And Teach you In The Way you Should go;
I Will counsel you With My Loving Eye On you."
Psalm 32:8
What are we using to build our home with? How about our relationships, our character, our work ethics, our community work or our relationship with ourselves?
What ever we have in our 'baggage' is what we are using to build our hearts, our character, our thinking, speaking, our actions, our relationships, our outlook on our life, our value, our worth, and our love with. We can decide to keep trying to build our lives, every area of it with the materials, tools and ways of our own thinking based on this world, or we can allow God to provide every thing we need to build with a life that will never fall or fail.
We carry around so many hidden bags full of 'things' from our past, our present and some even have bags of future worries.
Baggage is the slang for this, and every person has Baggage. No way around this.
I hear the Lord asking,
"but What Is In your bags that you carry around with you every day?"
Here we are Dragging them from one place to another, living through them, holding on to the things that we put in our baggage, things that are dead, toxic and are taking our life away from us.
These bags hold old and new rejections, things we have done to others and things others have done to us, pain, hurt, misunderstandings, jealousy, toxic thinking, speaking and actions, darkness, lies, manipulation, anger, revenge, failed relationships, lost blessings, missed blessings, missed opportunities, impossibilities, greed, lust, stunted Spiritual and emotional maturity and growth, imbalance, ego, pride, fears, selfishness, unforgiveness, wrong motives; all of this And More mixed together in so many peoples bags.
These are toxic weeds that live in the heart and people allow it all to direct/guide them through their days.
Deliverance from all of these is so badly needed, but one has to admit the truth to themselves about what they have in their bags before deliverance And freedom can completely be theirs.
So much dead stuff that some folk drag from one day to the next, holding tightly to all the things that are holding them back from Truth, Freedom, Love, Trust, Forgiveness, Joy, Growth and Maturity, holding them back from becoming Who God created them to be. And in turn they spread all these toxic seeds from their weeds to any body near to them. All of this can so easily be changed, dug out of their hearts, lifted off their backs, and from their hands, cut off and out of their lives with a Simple desire to Be Changed by our Lord.
Many people go from one intimate relationship to the next trying to build what they think is what they need, before asking Jesus to heal and make them Right!
They do the same with their jobs, actually they do the same with every area of their life. Too many think the other person should change not them.
They carry their skewed human love with all it's conditions from one person to the next and they keep making a choice to give themselves to the wrong person!
Different name, different outer appearance, but it's still the same type of person as the last one from that last failed relationship.
They fail to see the truth that They Need To Change themselves
It's Their character that is lacking so much.
In our baggage we All Have Lessons Learned that Hold Deep amounts of Wisdom that only can come from the Truth! How many just keep pushing down this valuable Knowledge, stacking other useless and dead stuff on top of it, making their bags heavier and heavier; instead of taking out All the Lessons Learned from their bags and adding all that to their hearts and character? Feeding what Gives Life and Love, instead of feeding the weeds that they end up complaining about day after day.
When a person truly and honestly gets tired of dragging those bags of toxic weeds and seeds around, when a person is tired of being sad, frustrated, irritated and lost, Jesus Will Come when Called and Bring with Him the Seeds to Sow from our Father=Love, Joy, Light, Caring, Happiness, Peace, Compassion, Forgiveness, Healing,Truth, Helpfulness, selflessness, Giving, Sharing, Understanding, Wisdom, Knowledge, etc...
And He Will water these Spiritual seeds so that they become Rooted in the ground of our heart and grow to produce Life Giving fruit that Is To Be shared with all we cross paths with.
Unless the Lord is consulted and included in the building of our hearts, our actual homes, our relationships, our families, our friendships, our education, our Spiritual work, our businesses, our jobs, etc...the workers build in vain.
No matter what we think is best for us to do, we need to Always take everything to God to see and find out what He Says about our plans. We need to ask Him to make Right our thinking, to ensure they are constructed correctly, based on His Will, Plans and Purposes for our lives. It Is All about His Glory, not ours.
It's about us being obedient to His Love.
It is not about us working on a plan and then asking God to bless it, No!
At the Beginning we have to ask Him What Are His Plans, then ask to be directed and instructed by His Eye in accomplishing His Plans and Will, that my sisters and brothers is a building that Will always Stand on the Foundation of Jesus!
We are Not to lean upon our own strength, have not the masses gotten this Truth yet? Leaning on and depending on our own anything is always a way to failure.
We are To Trust In, And Lean upon the Strength of Jesus to do Everything, Every Day!
I PRAY in the name of Jesus, Father God, that You reveal to me all the plans that I have that Are Not in line with Your Plans for me. I ask Your forgiveness for when I have not consulted You at any point of my doing, speaking and thinking, and for not allowing Your Eye to Guide me on the Path that You have created for me to walk each day.
I Need You to continue to lead me, bless me, correct me, clean me out, and deliver me from all toxic, life taking things in my bags, And to Replace all that toxic mess by pouring into me Your Life Giving Seeds. I need You to Water them and Take care of them so they Grow and Mature to produce the Fruit that Is Pleasing to You!
I PRAY that all who read this Prayer For Today Will stop and give serious thought to what exactly Are they carrying in their bags, so they will allow You to clean out their heart, and improve their character and be Used by You Lord to be A Help in Building Your Kingdom Here On earth as It is in Heaven. Glory be to You Father God in the Name of My dear Lord Jesus!
Isaiah 58:9-12
"Then you Shall Call, And the Lord Will Answer; you Shall Cry, And He Will Say, Here I Am. If you take away from your midst yokes of oppression [wherever you find them], the finger pointed in scorn [toward the oppressed or the godly], and every form of false, harsh, unjust, and wicked speaking,
10And if you Pour Out That With Which you Sustain your own life For the hungry and satisfy the need of the afflicted, Then Shall your Light Rise in darkness, And your obscurity and gloom Become Like the noonday.
11And the Lord Shall Guide you Continually And Satisfy you in drought And in dry places And Make strong your bones. And you Shall Be Like a watered garden And like a spring of water whose waters fail Not.
12And your ancient ruins Shall Be Rebuilt; you Shall Raise Up the Foundations of [buildings that have laid waste for] many generations; And you Shall Be Called Repairer of the Breach, Restorer of Streets to Dwell In."
In the Name of Jesus, Amen!
Many times when I read about the lives of the people in the bible, I am drawn to ask the Lord to grant into me As He has done for the others before me. I ask God to Give to me Every Thing--Every Promise that He Has Spoken To Be For me By His Love, Will, Plans, and Purposes For my Life.
I ask Him to Be With me as He was with them. And I Know that because He chose me, called me, and has anointed me, that Everything He leads me to do and say, He Will be the strength, wisdom, power, Love etc...that I Need to Accomplish His Will In the Name of Jesus, for each And every day.
That is Who He Is, The SAME God Now that He Was Then! Yes Lord, Thank YOU Jesus for this Life giving Gift that You Have Given to us!
I Encourage you to Also go to our Father, And Ask Him in the name of our Brother Jesus, for what you need, And I know if what You ask for is according to His Will For you--He Will Grant to you
Mark 9:23
And Jesus said, "You say to Me, If You can do anything? Why, All Things Can Be Are Possible to All who Believes!"
Mark 9:22-24 (in Context) Mark 9 (Whole Chapter)
John 14:13
"And I Will Do [I Myself Will Grant] whatever you Ask In My Name [as presenting all that I AM], so that the Father May Be Glorified And Extolled In (through) the Son.
John 14:12-14 (in Context) John 14 (Whole Chapter)
John 14:14
"YES I Will Grant, I Myself Will Do For you, Whatever you shall Ask In My Name, as presenting All That I AM!".
John 14:13-15 (in Context) John 14 (Whole Chapter)
John 15:16
"You Have Not chosen Me, but I Have Chosen you And I Have appointed you, I Have planted you, that you might Go And Bear fruit And Keep on bearing, And that your fruit May Be lasting, that it may remain, Abide, so that whatever you Ask the Father In My Name As presenting All that I AM, He May give it to you."
John 15:15-17 (in Context) John 15 (Whole Chapter)
John 16:24
"Up to this time you Have Not Asked a single thing In My Name, as presenting All that I AM; but Now Ask And Keep On Asking And you Will Receive, so that your Joy, gladness, delight May Be Full And Complete.!"
John 16:23-25 (in Context) John 16 (Whole Chapter)
**A former student of mine, sent me part of what is below, and I added to it to make it what you will read below.**
May my Lord God=
Give me the Spirit of Jesus,
Help me to do all the things Jesus did and greater things,
Remember me like Noah,
Give me Courage like Vashti,
Favor me like Moses,
Fight for me like Joshua,
Prosper me like Isaac,
Promote me like Joseph,
Intervene for me like Esther,
Protect me like Daniel,
Find me Highly Favorable Like Mary,
Give me His Wisdom and Truth Like Deborah,
Use me like Mary M to be His Messenger,
Find me Faithful Like Abraham & Lydia,
Forgive me and Speak through me like Peter,
Work His Miracles through me like Paul,
Heal me like Naaman And the Woman with the issue of blood,
Raise me from all death like Tabitha (Dorcus), Talitha cumi and Lazarus
Answer me like Elijah, Elisha,Elisabeth, Ruth,
Anoint me like David,
Keep me safe like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego-
And Continue To Love me Like Jesus!
Lord this Is my Prayer to You God In the Name of Jesus Amen, Thank You!
Give me the Spirit of Jesus,
Help me to do all the things Jesus did and greater things,
Remember me like Noah,
Give me Courage like Vashti,
Favor me like Moses,
Fight for me like Joshua,
Prosper me like Isaac,
Promote me like Joseph,
Intervene for me like Esther,
Protect me like Daniel,
Find me Highly Favorable Like Mary,
Give me His Wisdom and Truth Like Deborah,
Use me like Mary M to be His Messenger,
Find me Faithful Like Abraham & Lydia,
Forgive me and Speak through me like Peter,
Work His Miracles through me like Paul,
Heal me like Naaman And the Woman with the issue of blood,
Raise me from all death like Tabitha (Dorcus), Talitha cumi and Lazarus
Answer me like Elijah, Elisha,Elisabeth, Ruth,
Anoint me like David,
Keep me safe like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego-
And Continue To Love me Like Jesus!
*to name a Few examples of His love in action*
Lord this Is my Prayer to You God In the Name of Jesus Amen, Thank You!
"Oh Yes, people of Zion, citizens of Jerusalem, your time of tears Is Over. Cry for help And you'll find it's Grace And More Grace. The moment He hears, He'll answer. Just as the Master Kept you alive during the hard times, He'll Keep your Teacher alive And present among you. Your Teacher Will Be right there, local And on the job, urging you on whenever you wander left or right: "This is the right road. Walk down this road." You'll scrap your expensive and fashionable god-images. You'll throw them in the trash as so much garbage, saying, "Good riddance!" Isaiah 30:21
Jesus said to her, "Did I Not Tell you And Promise you That If you Would Believe And Rely On Me, you Would See The Glory Of God?"
Jesus-John 11:40I So Love the Way that God has Ordered our help and our steps for each day.
He has provided to us Intercessors, Prophets and Teachers to Bring us guidance, wisdom, understanding, correction, encouragement, And what Ever else we may Need, Right When we Need it! This world can be rough and tiring many times in a day, in a week, and in a month. We need The Refuge that is our Lord. He is always sending His Intercessors, Prophets and Teachers out to be the Help, to Give the Guidance, and To Lead the Way that We Should Be going.
I am also glad that I have asked for and received ears that are obedient and are always Listening out for His voice to guide me. If you do not have obedient ears and eyes, I Hope that you Will ask our Father in Jesus' name for them.
Along with these obedient ears and eyes, we need to have a strong Spiritual discernment to tell us who is who at every moment.
Intercessors are caring, compassionate, and full of His Life people. They are messengers of His Hope, and always Believe the Best from God no matter what is going on. With the type of Faith and understanding they possess, they confidently use God's wisdom in the proper ways it should be used and in the proper time it Is To Be used.
The intercessor knows how to speak God's Truth with the authority of God, at every obstacle and enemy, removing them that oppose God's Will, Making a Place for what God has promised should be there.
The intercessor laughs at trouble, and bad deeds, Always Seeing the Light, knowing exactly when to Pour forth the strength of Love, knowing when to slow down or speed up, Always pulling those that Will Come forward with godly Kindness, Wisdom, and Love. At every point the intercessor Knows when and how to Lead others into building the Kingdom of God.
We are chosen and called to be His Wise disciples, and should ask for the anointing of a true intercessor to be poured into us. If it is Not God's Will for you to be a true intercessor, then I Hope you ask in the name of Jesus for God to Open your ears and eyes and to create obedience in them So That you always Know Who they are, And you will obey the messages Sent to you by His Intercessors.
In the name of Jesus, I PRAY that all who are in need, ASK God for open and obedient ears and eyes to Always hear and obey His guidance, and directions when sent.
EPHPHATHA! (Mark 7:32-37; Mark 7)
I PRAY that you allow the Lord to Move You UP And OUT of All the Spiritual and natural places you should Not be in, And Placed Into All the places He has planned for you to be in.
I PRAY that God's Divine Spirit Visits you and move you forward into His Divine Plans, which Will Always Be Better than any human plans. I PRAY the Holy Spirit Pours forth His Power on your mind and heart so that You Will be in your Right Mind, Focused on our Lord Leading you on the Path spoken for you in order to Accomplish God's Will for today And ever day to come. I PRAY that You allow Him to Move you away from all self-destructive thinking, speaking and actions And away from Every Destructive influence that is sent to stop you.
I PRAY that God's Holy Inspiration is For you, in you and works through you as you Walk by Faith through out each day--That there are No shackles holding you earth bound, And that the slave chains of pettiness, childishness, double-mindedness and indecision are Removed Permanently! I PRAY that maturity and truth concerning Who you ARE in Christ and How you Represent our LORD is Always reflecting our Father God. I PRAY against corrupt and evil family ties in your family blood line And I Declare that You are Established Completely in the Family of our Father God with Jesus Who Is The Head!
I PRAY that You Allow God To Separate you Unto HIM Because He Has Called you For The Purpose He Has Called You For!
I Pray that you Speak the Blood of the Lamb over Every Door that is in your life so that You Are Passed Over. I PRAY that All who Do Hear the Holy Spirit's Call Will Invite the Holy Spirit's Presence into Your Life.
In the Name of Jesus our LORD, Amen!
Acts 13:2
"Train up a child In The Way they Should Go [and in keeping with their individual gift or bent], and when they are older they Will Not depart from it." Proverb 22:6
"But when the chief priests and the scribes saw the wonderful things that He did and the boys and the girls and the youths and the maidens crying out in the porches and courts of the temple, Hosanna (O be propitious, graciously inclined) To The Son of David! they were indignant. And they said to Him, Do You hear what these are saying?
And Jesus replied to them, "Yes; Have you never read, Out of the mouths of babes and unweaned infants You Have Made (Provided) Perfect Praise?" Matthew 21:15-16
A Home divided Will Not Stand! Jesus spoke this Truth to the people when they attempted to say that He was working for satan, because He rebuked the demons that were living in an individual that He healed.
Matthew 12:24-26; Mark 3:24-26; Luke 12:51-53
This is A Very important piece of Wisdom that When used, Will keep a family tightly woven, balanced and Righteous in the midst of good times and difficult times.
As God grows and stretches our Love for each other in this home, I am reminded of this scripture often. I know that my partner and I are equally yoked--Spiritually and naturally balanced and Rightly put together by the Plans and Will of our Father God. We have the same kind of heart--A Heart full of Love for our Father/Mother God In the Name of our Sweet and Beloved Brother, Savior, Shepherd and Friend Jesus. There is No room for satan to try and put a wedge in between us. We are bound together in the Love and Will of God.
If the adults in the home are not Spiritually Balanced and Spiritually Evenly Yoked in Faith, Love, Trusting In And Serving God In the name of Jesus, then the children will be split between them, and the home will be split and all will fall apart. Nothing will work as God has planned for it to be. The children will go their own way and Will also be lead in the ways of others who do Not have their best interest at heart.
We began reading the Promises of God to our girls before they could read. We have been training their ears and heart to Hear the Word of our Lord God in the Name of Jesus, and now that they are older and Can read they have been Given a Good foundation in our Lord and Seek Him on their own.
We have family prayer times, and Scripture discussion times so that we are able to Help them have understanding about Who God Is to them and Who they Are to God.
Our girls are Witnesses to our Relationship with Jesus, God and His Holy Spirit--And they also Have a Relationship with Him.
It is Very important for the children to be witnesses to their parents Living by Faith trusting Jesus every day for every thing. Children Learn Everything Through example.
And in this home, we make sure they have us to be their Main examples as we are learning from our Lord How to Be Good and godly examples.
They see and hear us sing to Him, Praise Him, Thank Him, Call upon His name, Worship Him, and Live our lives to serve Him.
They have learned to pray because they hear and see us Pray to God in the Name of Jesus. They have Learned to Sing to Him, because they Hear and see us Sing to Him. They have Learned to Praise Him and Expect Him because they see and hear us Praise and Expect Him.
They have Learned to Go To God First in the Name of Jesus regarding All things, Because they have seen and heard Us Go To God First in the Name of Jesus, regarding All Things.
If the parents do not Show/Teach that they Love, Live for and Serve God, how can any parent expect their children to do so?
In All Truth and Spirit, We have been given the Charge to raise these Blessings that God Has entrusted to us To raise--These Blessings Are His Little Children! Each person has a Plan and Purpose from God to Live-to Accomplish for each day while here on earth; we as the Parents of these children Must Go To God and Ask to be given the Ways He Knows Are Best for our children, So they Become the Adults that He has planned for them to Be, According to His Will in Jesus' Name, Amen.
My PRAYER For Today Is=
In the Name of Jesus, I Pray that the Parents who Need to, Will Get Right with God And Establish a Relationship with Jesus Not Just for their own souls But also for their Children's souls. I Pray the children will be witness to this and Will also have a relationship with Jesus, God and His Holy Spirit.
I PRAY that the parents who do have a relationship with our Lord Will Continue to Teach their children Who they are in Him And Who He Is in them, So That the children are Taught the Promises of our Father, So that the Kingdom of God here on earth, Will Grow and Grow, and Is Greatly Established as God has Planned for It To Be.
Let the Light in our Children's Heart from God be given The Spiritual Oil they Need In Order To Be Seen and Known As the Children of the Most High God This I PRAY in the Name of Jesus, Amen!
** Here are some scriptures to help us to continue to learn and guide us And our children In deepening and strengthening our Relationship with God in the name of Jesus--Plant the Word of God in their hearts so that the Seeds of our Lord Take Root and Grows and Produces the Fruit that will Please Him**
Isaiah 54:13-14
Matthew 21:15-16
Mark 10:14
Joel 1:3
Psalm 12:5-7
Psalm 37:23-26
Psalm 115:14
Psalm 144:11-15
Psalm 147:12-15
Proverb 22:6; Eph 6:4; 2 Tim 3:15
Proverb 24:3
"Give your Entire Attention To What God Is Doing Right Now, And Don't Get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God Will Help you deal With whatever hard things come up when the time comes."
Jesus, Matthew 6:34
My Lord, Today Is Enough For me Today!
One of our daughters lives through ASD, (Autism Spectrum Disorders), and one thing that ASD does is make her worry and have anxiety about many things. She Has To have a routine structure in her daily life that is comfortable for her to be able to relax and stay focused on one activity at a time, And one day at a time. She is Calm and secure in this routine structure we have created for her, mostly because we Are always here To reassure her that everything will be fine, and that she does not need to let herself become worried about Today or any other day. These worries Are distractions that try to carry her mind to places that Are Not part of what she need to do today.
We have learned How to comfort her and explain in simple terms that Today Is Today, pay attention to what you are doing right now, And reminding her that we have not gotten to the day or event that she is questioning and becoming anxious about. Calming her down and helping her to Stay Focused on Today's activities, events and going's on, is what we have to do for her. She expects us to do this for her.
Often, as I hear myself or my partner speaking to her in a calm voice, explaining in simple terms what we have planned for today, I hear the Spirit of our Lord say to me,
"See, that is what I have to do with you, Remind you Not To Allow distractions to take over your thinking and take you off the course set for you to walk and live for today"
And I immediately smile and say, "Yes Lord, Thank You, I hear You And I Understand!"
Today Is Enough For me Today, Is what I remind myself about when too many things try to occupy my mind and guide me into worrying, fretting, and wasting my precious daily time on wondering about the outcomes and deadlines of things for this day and for the coming days.
We need to Stay Focused on what God Is Doing Today!
God knows what we will need for today and a year from today, And He has Already provided Everything we will need for today And for a year from today.
Let us continue to Trust In that His Details of His Will, Plans, and Purposes for our life, and stay focused on What He wants us to Do Today and Today Only! He provides to us for Each day our Daily Portion of His Spiritual Supply. He will surly tell us What we need to know, When we need to know it. Let us Not Allow distractions and nonsense thinking to occupy our minds and take us off the path that He has put us on for each day.
Remember, One Day At A Time is how we Are To Live.
Faith Is Not about knowing the details of every outcome to every problem, circumstance, and Vision. Nor Is it about us trying to make a specific outcome happen that we think is best for us. Faith Does Not need to know the when, how and where.
Faith Is, Us Walking And Living Every day In and Through His Spirit. Faith Is the Trusting In God's Divine Order and Timing, Trusting In His Planned outcomes for every situation, every set of circumstances, and every Vision and Promise that He has made to us.
Faith Is Expecting God in the name of Jesus, To Make Sure that Everything Will Always work out According to His Will for us, And that Is The Best For Us.
Our part in this Is To Stay Focused on Today and what He is guiding us To Do Today, so that we Accomplish His Will, Plans and Purposes for our life For Today.
In the Name of Jesus, Father God, I ask Your Holy Spirit to Help me Stay Focused on the work You guide me to do For today. Today Is Enough For me Today. I ask that Your Holy Spirit occupy my mind, and remind me that You Are In charge and In control of Every Detail and Every Outcome concerning my life and that of my family and friends. Thank You Father In the Name of Jesus, for I Know that You Will Provide All that I Spiritually and naturally Need. Amen!
"I've Told you these things For a Purpose: That My Joy might be your Joy, And your Joy wholly mature. This Is My command: Love one another the Way I loved you. This Is The Very Best Way To Love. Put your life on the line for your friends. You Are My friends When you Do The Things I command you. I'm No longer calling you servants Because servants Don't understand What their master Is thinking And planning. No, I've Named you Friends Because I've Let you In On Everything I've Heard From The Father." Jesus, John 15: 11-15
“When I am afraid, I Put my Trust In You.” Psalm 56:3 NLT
When situations take an unexpected turn for the worse, or when we have to make a tough decision we know is necessary, we can always do what Jesus did in His times of difficult challenges.
When He was Praying in the Garden of Gethsemane He went to The Father and released everything to God, And God poured forth into Him More Courage, Strength and Grace To Do what Jesus needed To do.
God Already Knew What Jesus Needed.
As we Are Following Jesus, we Need to do what Jesus did, and go to God our Father and In Jesus' name, Release our fears, cares, and worries to Him.
Today, Don't try and avoid the hard decisions, Don't try to ignore His directions and run from the moments that you Need to Stand on His Truth, on the ground of Righteousness. Put your Trust In Him Knowing that you Need to Do what He is directing you To Do. God Planned it all and He Is With you to Help you accomplish His Will concerning the difficult challenges.
Times of difficult challenges and troubles are opportunities to put our Trust In Him by doing or saying what He has said to, and He Will Grow us in His Love even more.
My PRAYER For Today Is:
I Pray in the name of Jesus that You Put Your Complete Trust in God Because He Already Knows what we need. I pray that you See every trouble and difficult challenge as An Opportunity for God to Be God In and Through Your life.
On feet of Faith & Peace
Resting In His Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
©2007-2013 WisdomTeachesme
"It is not about us working on a plan and then asking God to bless it, No!
At the Beginning we have to ask Him What Are His Plans, then ask to be directed and instructed by His Eye in accomplishing His Plans and Will, that my sisters and brothers is a building that Will always Stand on the Foundation of Jesus!"
Good Stuff!! From yo' sis in the ATL!!
Hello my sister in the ATL!! It is so good to hear your voice here at the Place of truth, encouragement, Joy and REST!
I am Glad that You have been blessed by the Love of God IJN that He pours through me! Thank you for taking the time to add in your voice and love!
Thank you, sister, for reminding us/me that growth, maturation, and healing in our lives can only come when we commit to growth, maturation, and healing in our relationship with God, IJN!
Thank you for the Truth that God's Love, when we hold fast to it, draws us into a perfectly-crafted and victorious journey for His glory, in Jesus' Name! No need for fear. No need for people pleasing. These are all distractions from His perfect plan of unstoppable Love!
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