Wednesday, April 30, 2008



I Greet you in the name of Love and Forgiveness.

It is such a great day to Praise The Lord. To give thanksgiving to Him for All that He has already done for us. Let me tell you that God knows about and feels your pain, your hurt, your anger-your fears....He sees where you are--where you have gotten yourself to.

He IS your witness to the injustices that have been done to you and to others that we love-whether we know them personally or not-we love them. amen.

God is calling for a Cleansing of our hearts-There is an ALL CALL TO THE ALTAR OF YOUR HEARTS-In the Tent of Truth Where Jesus sits--It is time to be cleansed...many of you have been running from God our Father for a moment now--many moments for some others of you. You are not Adam, trying to hide from God thinking He can't see you. Because of this running, or other forms of disobedience, you have fallen, sunk into the deepness of shallow lies, fears, unforgiveness, and just plain not productive environments.

You have created for yourself Hostile Living Environments.

In which are many mazes and messes. Some of you are emotionally within these environments - in your mind and or physically. You cannot alter His plans for you--when you try to change what God has planned and started you on--you end up in mazes and messes. Following confusion, anger, hurt, and revenge by your hand to name a few of the signs in the mazes of messes.

Speaking seeds of negativity and watering them by always talking about your problems, who has done you wrong, blaming yourself for things you have done wrong in the past that you will not let go of. Walking on Emotions instead of Faith. Giving up on your walk and going back to doing things your way--when the way gets uncomfortable for a few moments.

You end up in a far away place from the warmth and love of God. It is cold there and you feel lonely. And instead of Now coming to Him -- some of you still begin to plot and try to figure out what you can do--moving deeper into the mazes and messes.

You cannot do any changes by yourself. In order to live within the positive changes of your choices, you have got to first choose to change your thinking about yourself and God.

Many of you are within Hostile Living Environments not by your own hand. God sees all-He knows this also. And there Is a way made for your escape. It starts by having the strength and courage to change your thinking. By being tired of being tired. Are you there yet?

Watering a garden of weeds and telling everyone that you have roses.

Let us come humbly, in the name of Jesus before the Lord to thank Him for His Holy Spirit that guides us and comforts us as we walk "through" all the challenges, issues, problems, situations, hindrences, and circumstances that are sitting and waiting on our paths as we continue to, by faith Walk On day at a time. Enjoying life in abundance everyday!

I really want you to get there.

'There', being the seat of inner Peace because He is Love and you dwell with Him. 'There' being, Joy no matter what comes your way--or who says what, who does what, or doesn't do what. 'There' being, a fullness and overflow of self love and self acceptance and a wholeness from receiving the Love of God, that you understand and hold tightly too- the place of no worry, no concerns over what pops up, what lies ahead, how it is going to get done and who is going to help.

I really want you to get "THERE". I need you, and there are others that are in need of what God has planted in your garden. We are all connected and dependent upon one another. amen.

Let us enter His gates with thanksgiving to be cleansed of everything that does not please Him and is a hinderance to our forward movement.

Father, in the name of Jesus I come to You with a grateful heart for I cannot serve myself and You at the same time. I want to thank You for revealing to me in my own heart the places where I am motivated by selfish ambition--this type of motivation is a hinderance to my freedom in Your Spirit.

I do not want to be full of the idolatry that is rampant in many Christian circles as I know You will bring that tower down and remove it from existance.
I want to be moved forward in Your purposes set in place for my life, any double-mindedness is a position of rebellion and will prevent me from receiving the fullness of Your blessings for my life. To You, Father God Be The Glory, in the name of Jesus-the name of Love. amen.

Philippians 2:3-4

"Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others."
In the Amplified Bible it reads this way:

"Do nothing from factional motives [through contentiousness, strife, selfishness, or for unworthy ends], or prompted by conceit and empty arrogance. Instead, in the true spirit of humility(lowliness of mind) let each regard the others as better than and superior to himself [thinking more highly of one another than you do of yourselves]. Let each of you esteem and look upon and be concerned for not [merely] his own interests, but also each for the interests of others."

The Word of God is filled with inherent power.

When He speaks things change and never return to Him empty or void.

God has spoken everything that He is going to speak. He has already done everything He is going to do for us. It is up to us to believe what He has said. The promises of God are for anyone who will believe them and act accordingly. Many of us now have or have had, in our life unpleasant facts that have occurred. Many people are emotionally wounded, hurt, bitter, in pain, angry, full of strife and just mad at the world and at God.

Gods Truth is over any facts. We may experience negative facts in our lives But God's Word is truth, and truth is more powerful than facts.

Jesus is Truth and if you have accepted Him as your savior and you call to Him, He will walk right up to the brokeness of your life-in your heart-where ever there is brokenness in your life--He will call forth Love and Truth and Life, just as He did with Lazarus in the tomb. (Isa 55:11; Jer 33:3)

Various personality disorders will develop from the result of years of abuse-of living in a dysfunctional environment.

While in these environments, people are filled with the sour attitudes, the bitterness and the unforgiveness that others speak over them and into them. Other people's thoughts and words spoken from pain and self hatred can shatter a life that is so precious and in need of love.

You can't get what someone does not have to give--you can't give what you don't have.

God compares His Word to Seed. We all plant the seeds by speaking it, praying it, believing it and acting upon it. What grows--what we think and say is what is produced.

If you are speaking words of faith, confessing His truths concerning who you are to Him and His love for your life, sharing your testimony and trust in God, you will produce a postive abundant harvest that will feed many. We will be given what we sow - the fruits of our words are our harvest.

This is the power of His Word over our lives that He has spoken--the outcomes are positive and the struggles, we realize have been the greatest of help for our forward movement.

Things change, The Word of God will water our lives and the results will bloom.

Then there are situations that cannot be changed because of the thoughts and words that have been planted into our hearts by others or ourselves. These negative seeds will also be watered and will grow and produce blooms that re-seed the ground of our hearts. This creates a cycle of stunted growth and what does grow is rotten, spoiled and dead. It helps no one.

At times we may choose to not see what is right in front of us. The dynamics of our personal choices, our conveniences and the way that our pride had taken us by. When our hearts are hardened, things become set in our lives. When our minds are locked into the belief that there is not other way, the belief that you are not good enough, the seed is taking root and producing offshoots that spread. Killing everything that is good and meant to give you growth and maturity for your life.

All of this affects the movement of positive change that comes through the Love of Jesus--and the situations will not, cannot be changed. All of this takes work by you. You have to want to change--you have to work at it everyday. This process is not impossible-but it may be uncomfortable at times, but this too shall pass.

Whose voice are you listening to?
In the many mazes and messes of this world, there are many voices, yet the Lord's voice is distinctive and clear. For me, He is the author and finisher of my life. I had to learn by wanting to see and hear His truths that revealed the boundries that I had set Him in. Which creates limits on the work He needed to do in me and wanted to do for me. I was stopping my own growth and maturity. It is a process that is fueled by my desire to want to be changed and to know Him intimately.

He calls and many claim Him also, but the strength of the communication that they allow is limited by their lack of understanding and knowledge of God and His ways. They will not give up what they hold for fear that He will not be there. They will not let go of the past to grab the present and the future. They will not stop relying on material gain and outer looks to justify them. It is about their power and their glory.

He will communicate with you but not according to your goodness--that has too many limits and mazes. It will be by His goodness that as the new sun rises each day so does His mercy begin to rain down on the earth. It is also in that morning hour when His judgements on our wrong steps and the other voices that have led us there will begin to uncover the lies and dark goings on.

When you gain spiritually maturity you know about both His judgement and His mercy. His tender mercy new every morning that keeps us from being consumed. His sure judgements free us from the Hostile Living Environments which are part of the self-made wildernesses, where we wander around without any moisture or substance-further and further away from the plan that He set into place. Further away from hearing His voice.

When the time of God's choosing comes, His Spirit will cease to contend--which will leave many a man to himself as the Lord sends judgement upon situations, choices, conveniences, pride, hard hearts, stubborn rebellious minds, and wrong seed grown.

Whose voices are you listening to? The voices of people from your past? Voices from people that used love to trap you? The voices of your own heart that tell you how you messed up? the voices of taunts, and oppresion at the hands of others? The voices of your enemy-our enemy? The voices of people in your life who should have loved you and encouraged you -but instead spoke hate and falsely blamed you for being?

Call on God to speak His love into you and to restore your brokeness. Make up your mind to change your mind. Choose to step forth with what ever amount of courage and faith you have and start walking on the water and see how quickly the doors of heaven will open and Jesus will rain down His passion over you.

He said, Come as you are-I will take you and love you!

God Is Good!


Isaiah 41:13, 56, 57, 58; Jeremiah 29:11; Lamentations 3:22-28; John 10: 25-30, 21:15-17;


Friday, April 25, 2008


Greetings to you family of God.
I pray that you are well and are within His peace and strength. I pray that His love will always go before you which will allow you to walk in His love. I pray that you will allow Him to change you into His love. amen.

Let us think about the people all over the world that are faced with the same problems, issues, and situations as we face daily. Let us move our lives to the side and allow the anointing of The Lord God Almighty to use us as His righteous vessels so that We will stand in His truth and pray for those that are in need of prayer.

We do not know these people by name, but the love and compassion of God that has been given to us will enlarge our hearts to include the lives of so many others in need of Jesus and His healing.
There are so many that are Standing In The Need Of Prayer-Let us remember that we have the Spirit of God dwelling within us so let us open our hearts and mouths to speak a blessing from God in the Name of Jesus over these lives that God has touched.

As we allow the Lord to use His Spirit through us to minister to all the people that feel alone, and without hope--Let us with faith put aside our personal grief, pain, hurt, and needs so that we may cover them in prayer and rest that God will bring their tears at night to become the dew and the light of the new morning. We are divinely positioned to stand in the gaps and with faith, we know how to pray for them.

The Spirit of God assures us that there are more with us than against us.
The power of His love is stunning and the length of the situations are no match for His Power and His divinely designed outcome.

Strength to strength, faith to faith, love to love and glory to glory.
Let us lift our voices to praise and worship the One Who changed us all, The One Who watches over us all.
We thank You Father God in the name of Jesus as we give you our shortcomings and our weaknesses to witness Your strength and power in spite of ourselves.

Even when you are weak in your faith, I will remain faithful to you.
2 TIMOTHY 2:13
"If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself.

Philippians 1:6 " being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ."

If You Wait patiently for me I Will hear your cry and I Will answer you.
PSALM 40:1
" I waited patiently for the LORD; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry."

Titus 3:14
"Our people must learn to devote themselves to doing what is good, in order that they may provide for daily necessities and not live unproductive lives."
Believer's Bible Commentary:
Titus was to teach the other Christians (our people) to show hospitality, to care for the sick and afflicted, and to be generous toward those who were in need. Instead of working merely to meet their own needs and wants, they should have the distinctly Christian vision of earning money in order to share with the less privileged (see Eph. 4:28b). This would save them from the misery of selfishness and the tragedy of a wasted, unfruitful life.

"It Is Well With My Soul" - Richard Smallwood


"Bless The Lord" - Richard Smallwood

"Don't Count Me Out" - Tramine Hawkins


"Just A Prayer Away" - Walter Hawkins

Remember, God has given us all the seeds we need --Allow Him to Water your seeds so that your fruit will mature and grow to feed all the hungry people in need. He has given us More Than Enough! amen.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


GREETINGS to you on this beautiful day that we have been given.

The reason that I asked you to please try to make it back today is so you can help me celebrate my birthday!

ll ll ll ll

I am 46 years old today
I am very grateful for my time here. Now you know I'm gonna give God the Glory for this day! Thank You Father for my life I am humbly grateful unto You. in the name of Jesus, I thank You for creating me.He supplied all my needs. amen

I love birthdays! Another year gone by-and so much to be thankful for as I look back on my 45th year. I see the Hand of God all up in it!
To be enlarged so within my heart is purely amazing to me. He has opened up windows into who He made me to be--and I saw His beauty in me.
He has supplied all my needs.
Right now I want to leave you with some 'shake yo' groove thang' - 'boogie down ' jams!
I absolutely LOVE MUSIC !! I know there is something in my spirit from God that is direstly connected to music.
This first song is an awesome Praise to God by Stevie Wonder.
Thank You for making my birthday even more enjoyable!

"AS" - Stevie Wonder



Monday, April 21, 2008


Greetings to you today.

my goodness, isn't it just a wonderful day to be alive!

i just want to invite you to return here-to this spot -
on wed. april 23 for a wonderful event that i would like to share with you!

see you then!

~In Her name, Amen
Joshua 1:9

Sunday, April 20, 2008


God Is In The Details.

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord, I hope that you have not lost Hope and Faith in His power and plans for your life.
I pray that you rise every morning and greet the Father as He greets us. I pray that every evening you Thank Him goodnight knowing you will be given a restful sleep because He will sing over you and your family through the night. amen.

I pray that before you step out of your home in the mornings you pray to God and thank Him for keeping all your shortcomings and weaknesses in His view so that He will equip you with all that you will need to accomplish for the day.

God Is In The Details.

When you give God your day-EVERY DAY-, what you are doing is saying to Him; " I know to humble myself that I am not fully capable to do anything without your guidance and blessing upon me.' You are saying, 'Lord I know-I confess that my weaknesses and areas of shortness in knowledge, short money, short good health, shortness in wisdom, understanding, strength, love, forgiveness, patience, etc... is plenty, so I am trusting in You--I am believing in You--I am walking with all the faith I have on the path that You, The Lord God Almighty in the name of Jesus has given me to do--I will do as You say. I give You Father God my day as I am fully covered by the blood of Jesus, in His name, amen. ( 2 Cor 12:9 Amp.)

Pray over your children--they are much weaker than you are, think about it a mintue. With all that God is working on you about................................Ok, now think on how much life your children have not lived yet-the mistakes they have not made yet--the opportunities they have not had to be tempted and to have to decide what is the Right thing to do. You must equip your children with the Word and Love of God so that they grow up into the adults that God created them to be.

If you are teaching them the Ways and Love of God and they make some wrong decisions and choices along their path -(which is a part of living and growing)- that is not on you. In fact, praise God that you did equip them with the Word, with a firm foundation full of knowledge so they know how to pray and talk to God, Thank You Jesus if you are teaching them to Be His love toward Him, themselves, the family members, their friends, etc...because when life does rear it's ugly head up in their faces, they will be able to stare into the eye of it and speak the truth that they know about God. They will learn that If God was there for my grandmother, my father, my mother my auntie, then i know He will be there for me also-they will know that they saw you talking to God-praying to Jesus and how The Love of God was there for you.

This is what God means when He says to raise your children up in Him. So that when you are not around and there is not another adult with Your child's best interests at heart to help them--YOUR child will know what to do--Go To God!

It is very simple--it is the Way that Jesus taught it. Easy to learn, to comprehend. All we have to do is study What He said to do & Do It!

Too many People put more time and money into keeping their vehicles tuned up, registered, in proper legal status and looking good, than they do for their children.

The shortnesses in them are even greater than in you. Make sure you say prayer over your children While they are sitting down listening to YOU say it. Children learn from example FIRST!! Then from outside the home sources. If they see you praying to God in the name of Jesus, everyday--going to God with the issues of the family, your job their school lives, their protection while at school & choices in friends--Going to God to thank Him for all that He has already done for you.....they will do the same.
Teach them simple prayers.

God Is In The Details.
hile on your next trip to WallyWorld or, go by a Family Christian Book Store and buy a childrens Bible. Ask the clerk for help finding one appropiate for your child's age. Look through it and take notice of how the sentences are put together. Make sure your child will be able to understand. It's not that much to spend on your child, considering all the 'other things' that we buy them.

Yes I know, that in order to teach your children about God and Jesus and His Holy Spirit, you first must know about Him from reading, studying and from first hand experience. No matter where you are in your journey with God, no matter how many mistakes you have made, no matter how little you know about Jesus...Open up your mouth and your heart and Ask God In the name of Jesus to help you learn about Him, Jesus and The Holy Spirit--And to help you teach your children--And He Will do as You ask. Don't worry about anything, if you have not started to--do so now, start trusting Him more, leaning on Him, talking to Him, waiting on Him to answer you --to show you the way to do and go.

LOL- With Joy-See, this is not the order of what I thought I was going to write about-LOL! God is so Good to us all! amen. It is what He says you need to know. I am tickled....

What I started out writing is this=
I know that I did not put a "Gospel Praise Friday!" up on last Friday (4.18.08) as I usually do. Let me tell you why.

One of our daughters had a field trip to Raleigh to the Museum of Natural Sciences with her class. This daughter has special needs and is in an ECP class. Many of you may know what that means, and many of you reading this may not. I will give some details a little later. This daughter is very intelligent, but has learning delays and ability delays....delays, and despite all her 'issues', she is every bit a natural 10 year old.

So, I knew she really wanted to go on this trip, and she has 'sensory issues' (sounds and light), and the bus ride would have been abit much for her, So I thought. But she got on the bus to come back to school instead of riding with me. Yeeaahhh!

God Is In The Small Things! amen.

So I drove her and we followed behind the bus to the museum.

She was so excited as were the other students. Let me clue you in on a few things; we live in a rural area and these kids are exposed to material 'things' more than 'things' that will enrich their existance. They know all the evils and negatives of the world, but not enough about the beauty that God has created in the world for our lives. Too many do not have a balance of His beauty and mans ways as they should. Many of their parents do not know or understand that 'Parenting is a Heart Job!' amen.

Many of these special needs children also do not know the unconditionaLove from family and people as they should know it. The kind of love that is security and full of encouragement in order to grow into the adults that they were created to be. The kind of love that forgives unconditionally, that teaches, and learns also, the kind of love that allows for mistakes...more than once. The kind of love that is Selfless and giving instead of always taking and beating down-never spite of.

Having taught art in public school for 18 years prepared me for the arrival of my daughter. When you teach art you get all the students whether they are seen as "normal" or special needs.

I must confess that I have always felt privileged to be given Not just a child from God, but that He thought me worthy to raise a special needs child. How my heart sings praises to Him. I have had people try to give me some of their pity because of my daughter...I'm sorry-I don't need your pity or help--she is the 2nd Best thing that God has done for me - the Best thing that He did was to Save My Life--as i should have been dead many times over-i truly would not be here writing about Him and His Love for Us All--giving His encouragement in the name of Jesus-had He not come and got me when I cried out to Him! Amen.

I have been in close contact with children & special needs children for many years before my daughter was born. As I look back on it now, I see I was being prepared to receive the life of my daugther. I also fought hard for the rights of these children-whether they were special needs or not. Or should I say, whether they were labeled special needs or not; as I feel Every body is born 'special needs' and is in need of help as they grow and develop physically in the natural. And without doubt, We Are All Special Needs when it comes to Our Spiritual Lives. Thank You, Father God and Jesus for Your Holy Spirit.

But the 'labeled children' have always held a special place in my heart as I learned more about their home life, that space grew larger and required more strength and courage to work with them. So they Could also see that God made them special , In Spite of...that God put abilities and gifts within them also that no one else can do. To be able to teach any and all children to see this within themselves, so that they are able to let it out, is such a reward.

I am going to end now. I will complete the 'field trip & teaching story part' of this later. I'll end with these scriptures and the 2 videos I know will speak to your spirits with encouragement and a continued faith in our Lord Jesus.

In Matthew 19:13-15 It is written; "Then little children were brought to Jesus, that He might put His hands on them and pray; but the disciples rebuked those who brought them. But Jesus said, Leave the children alone! Allow the little ones to come to Me, and do not forbid or restain or hinder them, for of such [as these] is the kingdom of heaven composed. And He put His hands upon them, and then went on His way."

In the Book of Mark it is written this way; vs.14-15; "But when Jesus saw it, He was indignant and pained and said to them, Allow the children to come to Me--do not forbid or prevent or hinder them--for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive and accept and welcome the kingdom of God like a little child does positively shall not enter it at all. And He took them [the children up one by one] in His arms and [fervently invoked a] blessing, placing His hands upon them."

"Past Time Paradise" - Stevie Wonder

"Love Is Need Of Love Today"- Stevie Wonder


Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Whose Table Are You Seated At and Eating From?

"Then in mercy and loving-kindness shall a throne be established, and One shall sit upon it in truth and faithfulness in the tent of David, judging and seeking justice and being swift to do righteousness." Isa 16:5 [Psa 96:13; Jer 48:47

I must confess that every time the road became crooked, every time situations became rough, when issues became confusing, every time people get jealous and began to act on the ways of their mean-selfish hearts, every time someone made my rode uneven and unsure....God stepped in and brought stability and balance to my life so that I could continue to seamlessly move along my journey. He will send His love ahead of you.

Everytime I got in my own way, God stepped in. One thing about doing that--I don't do it much anymore. How I stopped -- I made up my mind that no matter what, I would trust God. And thus, I left the tent of rebellion.

Isaiah spoke to this mistake with strong warnings for God’s people: “Woe to the rebellious children, saith the LORD, that take counsel, but not of me; and that cover with a covering [devise plans, weave a web], but not of my spirit, that they may add sin to sin: That walk to go down into Egypt, and have not asked at my mouth; to strengthen themselves in the strength of Pharaoh, and to trust in the shadow of Egypt! Therefore shall the strength of Pharaoh be your shame, and the trust in the shadow of Egypt your confusion.” Isaiah 30:1-3 KJV

I have to thank God for the people that were planted on the rode before me, for they give me shade and a long drink of water on a hot day.

I have to thank God that His Holy Spirit gives me all that I need as long as I yield to Him. Which, without hesitation or apology, I Do.

I have got to praise the name of The Lord, for within His tent do I rest and dwell.

He is the Only tent of Truth that will bring justice to the injustices done, He is the Only tent of Truth that will bring conviction and correction to my enemies as He blocks all the weapons they form to kill me with.

I gladly go into His tent to speak to Him about my weaknesses, as it says in 2 Cor 12:9, My weaknesses and shortcomings are like magnets for Your power Lord. Thank You Jesus that I am not ashamed of Your Gospel. I dwell in Your Tent of Truth and talk to You about the concerns of my heart. I also dwell in Your Tent of Truth to be corrected by You. amen.

Whose Tent Do You Dwell In?

In John 1:14 it says, "And the Word (Christ) became flesh (human, incarnate) and tabernacled (fixed His tent of flesh, lived awhile) among us; and we [actually] saw His glory (His honor, His majesty), such glory as an only begotten sone receives from His Father, full of grace (favor, loving-kindness) and truth. [Isa 40:5]

Isn't that just awesome? He "Tabernacled among us" I like the way that sounds. He is covering those that seek Him and lay at the altar their ashes for His beauty. To dwell in the tent of Beauty.

Let us look at our lives thinking about what tents have you dwelled in as you have been on your journey? And what tents are you dwelling in now? Whose tent? Whose covering are you under?

There are times in many of our lives where we begin to dwell in the wrong tents. These tents may belong to people that are not in line with God's ways. These tents may belong to people that are actually working against God and His purposes. A rebellious tent.

Sometimes, people may set up their own tents in order to draw a crowd around them, trying to buy the gifts of God from those that have them. Trying to sell their wares in the name of Jesus. (Acts 8:9-24) A tent of trickery.

Sometimes we dwell in the tents of our own making, by weaving our sorrows, our hurts, our pain, and confusion. We use thread spun from our fears and pent up anger to sew ourselves up in these tents. Which we at times retreat to when the concerns and responsibilitlies are seemingly overwhelming. Sometimes we may see ourselves as grasshoppers up against giants.

These tents that many people have created to hide in and take cover in; end up being traps, prisons and spaces that only echo the negative aspects of their lives. Listening to the mistakes that you have made in the past--listening to the details of 'who did what to you', over and over and over is a slow painful, torture filled death. When a person thinks on the wrongs of their lives too much, the death I mentioned is what they are living.

When you dwell in any tent that is Not the tent of Jesus-there is no permanent healing taking place. You may feel better when you return to the world, but that is not going to last for long. When you run from the truth, walking on fears and not faith, nothing is ever healed. So it will always come back up, over and over through out your life and it will always be heavier than the last time it re-surfaced. Only this time when these lies, and negatives re-surface that live in your heart, you have the opportunity to do something different that will alter the outcome of this repeating sickness in your life.

You can turn and run back into one of your handemade tents like always -or- you can call on Jesus, He that is a compass when you don't know where you are-let alone in which direction to move in.

Running and hiding behind lies and wrong thinking will only get you turned around and worn out. Facing the truth is a healing, that will bring growth and strength. Sitting at the table with the Lord, In His tent, suping with Him is facing the truths that keep us out of the rebellious tent.

Go to His tent-Sit down at His Table and sup with Him. Your chair is waiting for you-you have a standing invitation! Go and Listen to Him speak to your spirit and heart. He already knows what concerns your heart, so just go and sit and listen, rest in Him, learn from Him. He will heal what pains you-what troubles you-what you fear, if only you will believe.

And remember, you are not alone God is Always with each and every one of us. And He will send you people that are obedient to Him- to help. If you ask for what you need-He Will do it. He will send to you those that see as He sees, not discouraged by obstacles as they can see what others are not able to see. He sends them to individuals and to gatherings. (Ezra 5:1-2)

But I will save that for the next time.

1 Corinthians 2:9 But as it is written: "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him."

Richard Smallwood & Vision - "Faith"

Richard Smallwood & Vision - "All The Glory"

Richard Smallwood & Vision - "Feast of the Lord/At The Table"

Friday, April 11, 2008


Matthew 5:14- 16 "You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."

Greetings family of God, I declare, that today is a great day to serve the Lord . Amen.

With our voices raised high and our hearts living in truth, let us give praise to the Love that created everything. Let us forget what is past and press forward toward the mark set by Jesus to live righteously and with faith. Let us expect, wait on and listen to His Holy Spirit Who directs us by His wisdom and His purpose. Let us bless the name of Jesus for His blood is our bloodline to the Father.

Let us continue in this day and everyday to live by faith, trust, and unconditionaLove, and not by emotions.

Are you glad that you allow Jesus to work on you? To work in you? To work through you? Have you decided Who you will follow? Choose Ye this day.

Well then, let us stand, unified and raise our voices high and strong and thank Him for what He has already done. For if you confess that "you are already blessed", then you should be living like it, you should be expecting the results from Already being Blessed. You should see these results everyday. Are you searching to see them?
This "already blessed" living, that I speak of is thinking on all good things, speaking with joy, love and happiness. Doing what He says to do without hesitation. We are all at different levels of being able to do this--what is keeping you from fully obeying Him and living like this? Check out your heart, is it full of pride, fears, and taking directions from your emotions?

Let me see if you will get this...
When you say all the time that "i am already blessed", and you never spend time with Jesus, talking to Him, praising Him, learning from Him, seeking Him and obeying Him, allowing Him to live in your heart--changing you; if you never spend time serving Him and witnessing to the truth of God---this is like buying a car--bringing it home and never making a payment on the car. And we all know what happens lose the car and you do not benefit from having a car.
Same thing, if you never invest in your relationship with Jesus--You will not benefit from having one with Him.

Let us speak the Love that He Is creating us To Be by offering Him our humble prayer and praise. Let us tell the Lord that if we can't be fed--let us be bread!

Father God, we come in the name of Jesus to speak the truth that will cancel out all noise and evil. Lord we thank You that You send your love to go before us to prepare the way we are to walk. We thank You that Your love is over us, so that we are able to give to others by serving You. I hear Your sound, and I declare Your Word according to Jeremiah 25:30-31 and Joel 3:16 and according to Your controversy with us, I choose You for my house—for You give salvation, shelter and strength rather than destruction and crushing. Father, I invite Your presence—Immanuel who is God with us—to set up Your tent and display Your glory through my life. I stand as a witness--as a servant of The Most High God, against the teasing of anything being “impossible”. I declare that the procession of the Lord is passing through our home and family and we have become one with it! Hallelujah! In Your name Jesus, I rebuke everything that is a hinderance to my complete obedience to God, Amen.

Remember, you are not trying to be a better slave-but a better friend of Jesus.
As He says in John 15:14-15
"You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you."
Just as Abraham was called the "friend of God" (2 Chr. 20:7; James 2:23) because he enjoyed extraordinary access to the mind of God through God's revelation to him which he believed, so also those who follow Christ are privileged with extraordinary revelation through the Messiah and Son of God and, believing, become "friends" of God also. It was for His "friends" that the Lord laid down His life (v. 13; 10:11, 15, 17).

"Jesus You're the Center of my Joy" - Richard Smallwood


Richard Smallwood & Vision - "Bless The Lord"


"Trust In His Name" Shirley Ceasar

Saturday, April 5, 2008


God's Sweet Children, I confess that this is a Great day to serve the Lord! Amen

God wants to know will you testify to His Love for all your days here?
Will you be a witness when words are not enough?
(Psalm 151)


God wants to tell you that you have come far-look and see where He has brought you from. Through the fire, through the mud, and water. Through the storms....and all you had to do was trust in Him, stand and walk on your faith in Him and hold onto that Rock that is higher than any other- Praise God. This is Him loving us when we can look back and see places where no doubt, It Was God that Did what you needed.
(2 Cor. 5:18-21)

You have made progress-but the journey is not over-your present position is not your end. You have a ways to go - we have to keep pressing on! Rest in Him, and allow His love to cover you-live in you-come from you and you will be made whole and complete by His love.

Don't be concerned about what you have not done correctly up to this day, trust God to do as He said He would. Rest in Him.

Remember, that Courage is not the lack of fears popping up, it is the ability to keep going even in the face of fear. In this race, it is those that persevere that succeed and bring glory to God. Ask Him to help you with your courage and your abilities--He says He will supply all our needs.

Tell yourself today and every morning-who you are. Remind yourself who you are--remind your heart who it loves and belongs to. If you don't, your heart will be led by emotions and run after every person and thing that it sees.

Every Morning tell yourself that you are not a grasshopper thinking that you see giants every where you look. (Num 13:26-33; 14:6-10)

Do you know this story?
10 saw and lived one way - and 2 saw and lived by the way of God.

Two had to split - break away from the group, even though they were suppose to be on the same side. God's side.

Two wanted to stay connected to the spirit of the Lord--just as we are to do. Staying with the people who see from the prespective of the Lord, those that are not intimidated by obstacles that are designed to jackup God's plans.

We have been given our commandments-to do the work of Jesus and after that, to do greater things. Well, if you keep siding with the wrong group, the group that lives by their power & emotions, fears, and material status-you will not be representing Jesus as we were told to. (John 14:12) And in our own names, we can do nothing.

We speak, do, and live In His Name. We are to project a mind, a spirit, of confidence and assurance, a steady hand with the ability to recieve God's fresh anointing for strategy--in order that forward movements in His Kingdom here on earth are accomplished. (Heb 11:6) We are joint-heirs with Jesus.

Without hesitation no matter the circumstances that surround us--we are we to go to God, to serve God, to accept what God allows. Without hesitation, we are to trust in what He says and to do what He tells us to do--at the moment that He tells us to do it. No other way is there.

We are to be humbled by the privilege to do all of these things He has commanded. To put others before ourselves, to pray for others, even when we are in need and within trials and trouble. (Phil 1, 2)

Who do you need to split from? What kind of thinking do you need to split from? Are you around people that will allow space for doubts, divisions, fears and emotions to move in and control all of the plans that God has given to you? Some of the ways they create these cracks are by murmmuring, whinning, doubting and walking in fear and jealousy.

Let us continue to stand on the Rock--On a Solid Foundation that Jesus constructed for us.

Let us confess with our hearts what we know to be the truth about our Father God and ourselves.

In the Name of Jesus Father we come to You, and we confess from our hearts that because You delight in me the land that You have appointed for me with all it's borders, blessings and strength is an exceedingly good land- Amen. I declare strength for my life to see that Your Kingdom Comes and Your Will be done-for Yours Lord is the Power and the Glory through my life.

I declare this truth that You will continue the good work in me that You have started, right up to the day that Jesus returns; developing and perfecting my heart and life that I am presentable to Him.

I declare Father God that Your plan is to fully bring me into my inheritance in You - Your plan for me is complete and contains every detail that I need, for daily do I serve You Lord.

I speak the truth from my heart to refuse other ideas, concerns and plans no matter what the source satan uses - Because You Lord are a shield around me--surrounding me all around, above me and beneath me-- you are protecting me and keeping me--So I confess right now, that I refuse to take up the fears and doubt of man as my trust.

I know this truth from You Lord, that because You have found no fault with me that every accusation against me has lost it's power. Accusations have failed in the planned attack to destroy me by evil ways. And the words of every accusation lies barren and full of the lack of ability to condemn me for ever more!

For my faith and integrity haves promoted me and You Father are pleased with me.

I speak in the name of Jesus, that I am Not living daily with the consequences of my bad decisions made--that You Jesus have restored what I gave away and let be taken away. I am healed from my wrongs, in Your name Lord. Thank You Jesus!

You Lord, do not count our sins.
(Rom 5:15, 17)
I press forward, forgetting what lies behind me--thank You Lord for renewing my mind. I am in my right mind because of You Lord-by the blood of Jesus, I am delivered out of false lands and false people and delivered into the divine placement you Father God have chosen for me to bring You glory through my life.

I am living to be a better servant, a better child, a better witness for You Father God, not a better slave for this world.

Thank You Lord, for I know You have recieved my praise, my testimony, my worship of You.....the Confessions of my heart..

thank You Jesus, Amen.



'TESTIFY TO GOD'S LOVE' - Psalm 151- Wynonna Judd



May you continue to walk and grow in His love and His completeness-For Glory Be Unto God in the Name of Jesus.

Friday, April 4, 2008


**NOTE** this is a longer than usual 'gospel praise friday. if you do not desire to read the message/teaching for what ever your reasons-please scroll on down and let the anointing given to this music lift your heart and spirit up to Jesus in praise and thanksgiving. When you have more time-come back and water your garden by reading the message/teaching that has been provided as you have asked for. Amen**

All other ground is sinking sand.....

I Cor 14:33 "For God is not a God of disorder, but for Peace."

**Please know this, i know i give a lot of word for thought at one time-if you were to print them out they would be little booklets to eat on as you move through your day. You cannot drink all the water given at one time. keep your container full of His word that i give in service to Him that sends me. Sip on the water as you are able to take it in-when you thirst; allowing it to flow throughout your being and refresh your mind, body, soul and spirit for Glory be to God through your life and service unto Him that made All. Amen**

Proverbs 27:17
NIV - "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."
KJV- "Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend."
NASB - "Iron sharpens iron, So one man sharpens another."
A famous proverb, this verse may also be translated as applying to the will: "Let iron sharpen iron, and so let a person sharpen his friend." The idea is that people grow from interaction with one another.
It takes iron to sharpen iron. Sharpening a knife requires iron at least as hard as the knife. Once sharpened, a knife is bright, sharp, and ready for much more productive service.

Greetings to you-people that God loves and favors.
I declare that It Is a great day to serve the Lord-Amen.

Before we get to the music to assist our praise, worship and thanksgiving unto God, let me Share a few things with you today to help you as you move along this way. Thank You Jesus. For as you move along your way you may meet another that is in need of encouragement and compassion. Yes Lord.
(Titus 2:1, 8, 15)

No matter the storms that come by your way-nothing can stop you from standing, sitting, or holding onto The Rock--Standing on a Solid Foundation, nothing can stop you except you!

I strongly Encourage you-Advise you to be strong and stay connected to the people that God Has Put you with. Accept the separations that His Sword of Truth has cut you free from other people.

After you have been told a good word--Many of you may run when God sends His messengers to speak His word to your spirit. You run because the truth is hurting to your flesh and your ego-your pride. Think of it like cleaning a cut, when the anti-bacterial is put on the cut, it burns and stings. We shake the area in pain-we want to wipe it off. Truth is, if we just bear the pain, the uncomfortablness created by cleaning out the cut....this hurt lasts but for a moment, and then healing begins to take place and then we can bandage it up--Just as Jesus covers us-Just as God heals brokenness.
Why would God start to close up a wound- start to heal something and not clean the dirt and bacteria out that could fester if sown into the area? Right He wouldn't!

When you allow Truth to move in and set up Home in your heart-you will understand how the lies were killing you and killing the plans God made for you to accomplish.
We All Must Face the Truths to kill the lies! Amen.
Only then, can a change be made or continue to grow.

You prayed-God heard you-He sent a messenger with your answers-you listen at first-fully excited and praising Jesus for this Word He has sent to comfort you--then, These Words sent, touch nerves which convict your flesh of wrongs-you start to listen to your emotions and fight the changes God needs to make in you--then once again, you run....blaming the messenger with convincing lies you tell yourself about the messenge and about God. Finding false fault and desiring to rec' the Healing of Jesus is like bandageing a cut, but not taking the time to clean the dirt and bacteria out first-all because you don't want to go through a little pain.

This is not 'Standing on the Rock' living-this is 'telling yourself that you see giants and thinking that you are a grasshopper' living! This is wanting to be a 'better slave' and not a better servant!

Face the truths about yourself-Kill the lies that you have believed for far too long!
If you cut the ropes that connect you with those that serve God -- those people that God uses as 'your life-line'....then what happens to you when storms arise, when foolishness comes your way-what happens when you need someone to go into prayer with you to add to the strength to battle spiritual warfare?
Where is your wisdom? Ok, so use it!

You must stay around Wise people in order to become wiser.
(Pro. 13:20)
Make Wisdom your sister and listen to Her. (Pro. 3-9)

If you do not have friends and or family menbers, that are supportive, caring, non-judgemental, uplifting, encouraging- people that you can lean on - at least one is dependable, they are forgiving, loving people that are growing in God and God is growing in them.

Go quickly into to prayer and ask God to please send you some people He has washed and blessed to be a blessing to you. You in turn will be a blessing to them.

Ask with all the faith that you have-no matter how small nor how large your faith is- ASK in Faith- it will be given unto you.

Family members can be the blood line of our fathers and mothers and our other family is through the bloodline of Jesus.

Let us offer to God the confessions of our hearts through our mouths. Let us declare in the name of Jesus, the truths that we know about God. Amen.

Connectivity is the ability to make a connection and the state of being connected. Challenging and hindering our ability to make and maintain our spiritual connections with God through Jesus is what the enemy tries to do to us.

He intends to separate us from God by attacking--trying to create divisions between God's people. he knows that is we stay connected and unified his plans will be defeated.

One of our purposes is to stay connected to defeat the devils work.
(Eph 4:1-6)
God honors and favors relationships that grow in Him!

Isn't this a great day to serve the Lord! Yes, I do know so.

"3 Little Pigs/Solid Rock" - Dorothy Norwood

"Get Thee Behind Me" -Dorothy Norwood & The Miss Mass Choir


"I Never Lost My Praise" - Tramaine Hawkins

**Psalms 18 & 19**