Sometimes, the Shadow you see falling over yourself or on the Path you walk, is not that of the enemy, It's the Shadow cast by the Lord Standing in between you And the enemy!
Unshakeable Faith and Trust!
The pitter-patter of rain drops woke me this morning, as the sound of Love sang in my ears....
A restful sleep was had and now the day has begun.
My body has been healed and rejuvenated so that I can do what I need to do today!
He Is my Strength!
Direction and Guidance seek to have my attention so I Know What to do today, When to do it and How to do it. All my prayers end on a Note of Praise and Gratefulness in the name of Jesus!
*Help me Spirit of My Lord to forgive others as quickly as I desire You to forgive me!*
On a Note of gratefulness and thankfulness for what we have is how I started my praises to the Lord.
Cradled in the fulness of All He Is and has given to us, the gifts that only He can provide.
I rise up higher into the fulness of the Calling He placed on me and completing the Work for this day.
Here, in this position of getting to know More of His Love and keeping myself within the confines of His Love, I can say with confidence that Every thing is already set Right.
This truth that my Faith speaks shall permeate all that I am involved with.
In this Due Season the Power of His Love and Spirit lift me up into the unfolding of The Gifts He has supplied to me.
There is no room for grumbling, and complaining, self pity has no seat where I am. Every challenge of this Season has been turned around for our Good.
Gratitude flows outward, grace and mercy accompany It, and my soul can Rest in Peace knowing that we have everything we need for this day.
I Hope you enjoy the blessings of this Day and that you Share All you have been given, and that you use Words if necessary!
On feet of Faith & Peace Resting In His Peace & Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
Isaiah 50:4 / Isaiah 52 / Jer 20:9-13 /Joshua 1:9 / Luke 6:38
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