Radical Faith and Trust fueled by His Grace, Mercy and Love!
To Allow Every Day In the Name of Jesus, The EVIDENCE of His Love that Lives In me and Through me to Be Seen and Witnessed as Proof that I Am A True Believer in God's Son! That is The Fruit of His Spirit that We All Are To Bear! (Gal 5).
COME! Enter into a Place of Life, not a place of death-COME And claim the Promises, the Life, the Love and the Obedience that this Season of Resurrection offers to those that have made the Lord God their God.
Do you know that by Jesus taking your place on the cross that His resurrection Will resuscitate what is slowed, hindered, blocked, threatened, hidden, and dead in your heart back to Life?
That this will bring the visions, the dreams, the promises, the gifts of His Purpose that God has supplied to you into manifestation.
As long as you continue to trust in Him, by Faith that He Will; you Will be witness to His Glory through your life.
Have you come this far by Faith? Then you can continue On by that Faith, and as you continue on your Faith Will grow.
One Day At A Time!
No matter what you have faced this past week-no matter what you faced when His Love woke you up this morning—keeping you safe from all that was sent to kill you in your sleep—(that you knew nothing about)—Reach up past what is facing you and reach for the Hem of His Garment and be resuscitated back to life!
Be thankful for All that He has already Done for you! Laugh filled with His Joy because of how the Lord has blessed you so wonderfully! You know satan has tried over and over again to take you out—but the Presence of God in the name of Jesus has brought you through!
Jesus took your place on the Cross—He substituted Himself for you—so that you could be saved. my Lord, thank YOU Jesus!
The Lord has divinely purposed the hearts of His people, His Children, that His Will And Glory be seen-not our own.
My Lord, My God- I am on my feet Right Now! I applaud You Father! I bring my gifts of laughter and song as I enter into Your presence!
I know that You Are God all by Yourself And that you made me- I did not make myself, nor have I made You.
We are Your people-we are Your well-tended sheep Jesus! My Lord I enter into Your presence with my Thank YOU Jesus—the words that allow me to pass through Your Gates.
In Your presence, I make myself right at Home speaking my first language of Praise, Thank You and Total Worship from my heart to You my Lord!
For You Father are Sheer Beauty—All Generous In Your Love to me-You Are always Loyal, always And Forever!
I Will always make a Joy Filled Praise to You Lord, I will always Live to serve You my Lord with Gladness—I will Always Come into Your presence With Singing and not murmuring!
No matter what past I have left, or what the days ahead will hand me, I will Always enter into Your Gates with a Praise Offering of ThanksGiving And of Gratitude!
I will be thankful and I will speak to Bless, Praise with Love Your Name Jesus!
For my Lord--My God Is Always Good, and His mercy and Loving-kindness Are Everlasting, as Is His Faithfulness And His Truth endures to all generations who make Him their God!
My friends, no matter when the darkness of fear and dismay comes—Endure through it to the end until the Fire of Love re-kindles your heart—spreading through your body and soul—Then you Shall know that out of it, comes all that is yours because by faith you follow, trust in and lean upon Jesus—Who Is our unspeakable Joy!
HALLELUJAH THANK YOU JESUS for taking my place! Amen!

We are to witness (to live in such a Way) so that It is proven to all who are not—that He Is Risen-And, that we have Risen with Him. So many speak of a buried Christ-they share not in the Gladness of the Resurrection Season.
The Gladness of Easter is His Breath of Life! Amen!
Remember that His followers are to be a peculiar people, separated from among others. We have different Ways, a different standard of living, different customs, set into motions our different motives—we Pray for His Spirit of Love to cover ourselves—that His Spirit of Love that lives in us be poured out on--showered on all we meet.
His Spirit of Love corrects us, to deal with ourselves first then to help others.
Have you called on and claimed the Freedom, the Power and the Love provided by this Season of His Resurrection and broken free? To revive your Spiritual Live--To Loose your own body from all bonds—remember “the beam and the mote.”
He teaches us that we are to learn until we understand that we have to ask-Are to Ask More of Him. If we do not, then others’ bonds are will become out responsibility.
For example, Jesus sent no disciple of His to carry His Healing Power to the Syrophenician woman’s sick daughter (Mark 7:26)-nor to the centurion’s deathly ill servant-(Matt. 8:5-11)-or to the ruler’s son.
Jesus sent His Word as It is All sufficient. All that He needed was the petitioner’s faith to come forth.
We really have to realize this-which is, we need to ask more of Him by Faith.
Freeing yourself from all Spiritual and physical bondage—removing the beam from our own eyes first-which will give us the power to remove the mote from our brother’s eye.
So, when we bring our body into subjection and discipline it wholly—we will be enabled to Free others from the bonds that bind them in ill-health Spiritually and physically.
We honestly cannot learn of His conquest over death by the arguments of theologians—(they do have their place) -but we will learn the depth of His conquest truly by the lives of His Followers—His Risen Followers Whose place He took on the Cross.
How many people are still wearing the clothes of the grave—of gloom and depression, of poverty and fear? We are not tomb bound anymore. The Stone has been Rolled Away and we are walking-talking Life unto Him.
And know, that the Power, the Love and the Depth of His resurrection is not just for this weekend-this month--It Is For every day of your life! This Is Another Day to allow Him to Help you Kill off your flesh just as Jesus did on That Friday! To release His Spirit and Fulfill our Father's Will for His life---We Should be doing the same thing!
Killing off our flesh every day in order to Allow our Spirit to completely live in FREEDOM!
Killing off our flesh every day in order to Allow our Spirit to completely live in FREEDOM!
Come, Live in the Spirit of the Garden just as It was in that first bright early morning—and for you also He will roll away the stone from the door of the grave.
As Life is given back to you, walk unbound in the Garden with Jesus, in the Garden of Love, Joy, and with a child-like boundless trust and faith—Come! He beckons us to the Garden of His Delights!
HALLELUJAH! Yes Lord, I Thank You Jesus for taking my place so that I may live FREE from sin!
Mahalia Jackson - "Come On Children Let`s Sing"
[1967 live in Berlin, Germany, at the "International Broadcasting-Show" . Sadly she performanced only two songs ]
Twinkie Clark & Karen Clark Sheard- "Christ Is Coming Back"
Twinkie Clark & Karen Clark Sheard- "Christ Is Coming Back"
[Twinkie Clark Terrell sings "Christ Is Coming Back," This is from Twinkie's concert LIVE in Charlotte, NC.]
Twinkie Clark/FAMU choir-"Feed my Sheep"
~on feet of Faith And Peace
Resting In His Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Faith.
Joshua 1:9
Resting In His Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Faith.
Joshua 1:9