Friday, June 27, 2008


Greetings to you family of Christ Our Lord!
OH this has been such a wonderful and awesome week.

I see the hand of God every where I look!
I have to Praise Him in the Name of Jesus for All that His Love has done for us! Amen.

Let me tell you this=

"For this reason WE also, from the day WE heard of it, have not ceased to pray and make [special] request for you, [asking] that you may be filled with the full (deep and clear) knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom [ in comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of God] and in understanding and discernment of spiritual things--

That you may walk (live and conduct yourselves) in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him in all things, bearing fruit in every good work and steadily growing and increasing in and by the knowledge of God [with fuller, deeper, and clearer insight, aquaintance, and recognition].

We pray that you may be invigorated and strengthened with all power according to the might of His glory. [to exercise] ever kind of endurance and patience (perserverance and forbearance) with joy,

Giving thanks to the Father, Who has qualified and made US fit to share the portion which is the inheritance of the saints (God's holy people) in the Light.

The Father has delivered and drawn US to Himself out of the control and the dominion of darkness and has transferred US into the Kingdom of the Son Of His Love,..."
Colossians 1:9-13

In the name of Jesus I speak the Love of God over and in your life. amen.

With Joy I pray that you enjoy this day and that you seek to know Jesus and to know God as He already know everything about you. He knows Everything about US all.

Do you see the Hand of God everywhere you look? Are you looking for Him?

'Lord Keep Me Day By Day'-Dorothy Norwood, albertina Walker-the caravans




Mahalia Jackson - 'Lord Don't Move The Mountain'


Mahalia Jackson--'How I got over '-LIVE
**the picture quality is not great**

Now, after you have shared your praise and thanksgiving to God in the name of Jesus.....Please scroll on down to the next Post below this one and keep right on with your Praise and Thanksgiving to God for all that He has already done for you!

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Greetings to you sisters and brothers in Christ.
Aren't you glad that God has already preordained and planned our lives for us? That is a lot of work to maintain living. Trusting that He knows what He IS doing, takes so much unnecessary weight off of us and frees us up to do what we were created to do.

All we have to do is learn who He says we are--believe who He says that we are--and live the life that He planned for who He says we are. This is done by learning, accepting and believing Who God IS first. Then the rest just falls into place. Be it revelation from His Holy Spirit or, from people He will send into your life to help you get through AND TO GROW forth.

It is a very simple plan and way of living. Unfortuntely the thinking of man and the evil of satan step in and begin to mess things up. So God has to cut through all the mess and set us back on His straightened path once again.

There are people---People of God that He sends ahead of all the others that are to come.

They know who they are in Christ--they know what they are purposed to do in the name of Christ, and really nothing short of God will stop them from faithfully fulfilling the plans that God has told them to carry out.

They know God's value of them and in them and nothing people say to them will change what they believe of God. They are not living a life that other people created for them to live. They do not care about what other people think of them, say about them or do to try and stop them. They do not seek affirmation from man nor do they put their trust in man.

They have accepted God's Will as their own. Amen.

Have you ever stopped to gratefully pray to God thanking Him for These People that He sends out to go ahead to clear the way for all the others to come through? The Way For you to go through?

Have you taken the time every day, to thank God that Those He sends
'To Pray Others Through' -- have His presence and authority as They travel uncertain paths? They do so for your life because God loves you and will not give up on you.

Those that are sent ahead with Their sure stepping continue to find the Way--always testing each step with prayer to increase Their understanding of where They are and what to do.

Those that fully obey God-without hesitation, each time They answer Him with a "Yes Father, I Will", They speak from a proven place of integrity and a cleaned character as They begin their quest to create a Way for those that are to come.

They only respond to God's Word-Vision and always they know there is an abundance from Him they obtain it and without fail, They share portions with all who are coming. Amen
I ask you to think about the Faithful Servants of God and humbly give God praise and thanksgiving for the Way that Jesus made--and to thank God for His Divine guidance of Those that He sends ahead of the rest in order 'To Pray The Others Through' to the other side of thier trials and tribulations that many of God's people fall prey to.

To Pray all the others Through to the other side of sadness, self-hatred, confusion, jealousy, rebellion, fears, lack, and all the other fleshy traps that live in this world. This They do for you-- lighting the Way so that the many who arrive do so on time and complete to their divine places.

God feeds the Spirits of Those who go before the rest with a quickening from His Holy Spirit--pouring all the encouragement and strength They will require to complete the journey.
For you They do this--because They love God and God loves you.

All the works from the evil that lives in many mens hearts and the works of satan may try to contain Them - but it can't. The concerns of this world may create reason for Them to go around and through--instead of straight through--but it is only a delay that God is Watching.

These People that carry the vision of God in their hearts safely protected from evil, do not see or hear the plans, plots or weapons that evil creates the way the others do. Those that go before see the smoke and mirrors--the tricks and hear the lies that are used all the while trying.
These lives are empowered and full of faith that The Possible is in their hands--placed their by Father God Himself. This is what They see and the promises God made to them is all they hear.
The Glory to God for all They do is why they do it all.

The light that sparkles in Their eyes, gives Them That Pray many others Through; the knowledge that the things seen today by the many was yesterday's unseen--The vision they have been given is held by them in a way to allow it to guide Them as a Light. They may not be able to explain How they know what they know--They have no physical proof to show others that need to follow them, and yet, They walk with a steady faith cutting the way through unknown places on the path that is uncertain....all for your life.
Glory Be To God The Most High! amen!

Do you know who These few Are that God has sent into your life? I suggest, sisters and brothers that you find out and by faith step in line to follow the path of living that God has Divinely created for you.

These People of God know what you do not know--so before you cut them off to tell them that "you already know that"--or that--"you already did that" -- you might want to give a listen to what God speaks through them about you and your life. If God sends one Who knows what God knows, I doubt that you have done that or know that already and it works. If it is working why would God send you someone to tell you again and again and again....?

I guarantee, you Don't Know what These Who Are Sent Before you know.

God Will send you someone Who has Enough Faith to share with you so that when the winds come, you will not be blown away with them.
They are serious as your life is not a game to them. Be serious also.

These people have and use their Full Measure of Faith in the Name of Jesus and the same Faith in the Power of God.

God will never give up on you--find the amount of faith that does live within you and use it to call on the name of Jesus to take you to God's side and ask Him to help you that you need forgiveness and to be re-made whole by His loving Hands. Jesus Will do it and God will do it also.
He has sent people to pray for you --over your whole life--you may know some of them--many you may not know or ever meet. He has sent a league of angels to watch and protect you day by day. Trust Him, speak your faith out to Him by confessing your love for Father God.

Aren't you glad that you are NOT who people say that you are?
Aren't you glad that you know you are a Child of The Most High God?!

He would not have sent you people that go ahead of the rest if He was giving up on would He?

Phil. 2:13 " For it is God who works in you to Will and to Act according to His good purpose."

Philippians 2
Numbers 13:26-33; 14:6-11; 20:3-12
Joshua 1:9-18

Friday, June 20, 2008


Greetings to you my sisters and brothers in Christ.
Let me ask you this, are you willing?
Are you teachable?

I have had people ask me how I picked the name 'WisdomTeachesMe', so I thought I would write it out.
I chose the name 'WisdomTeachesMe' -(or rather it Chose me)- because of a prayer I spoke to God. I asked God to teach me How to learn everything He says I should know. I was led to read Proverbs after that prayer and totally fell in love with The Wisdom Of God! I quickly made Her my Sister. (Proverbs chapters 1-9)

I humbled myself and said to Jesus, Lord, Please allow Your Wisdom to teach me.

And since then, the knowledge, wisdom and understanding of God has been pouring into me ever since. Thank You Jesus-For as I am willing--God is Able! Amen.

If you are a child of God--His servant, say outloud in the name of Jesus, God's Wisdom Teaches me. This is a confession of the truth that you know. If you recieve into your heart and Do what God's Wisdom Teaches you--then you are willing and teachable.
(The Book Of James)

"A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks." Luke 6:45

I know that at times from a natural view it seems as if everything you do or touch just turns and falls as dust. The seed of fear has a strong root ball and produces many offshoots of growth. Fear is a choking weed that kills in order to survive. Many have taken their spiritual eyes off of God and have stopped yielding to the leading of His Holy Spirit.

You must remember daily Whom you have chosen to Follow and Serve.
Continue to make it your purpose to allow others to See the Value of Jesus in you. Amen.

The root of fear will undermine your faith to believe for God's direction and provision. Aren't you ready for a change?

You must determine to change your mindset and to stop having faith in failure. This thinking works against your ability to possess the Promises of God that Jesus died to give us. Remember that He died to give us Total Freedom in every area of our lives.

We are not slaves nor are we sharecroppers in this life.

Jesus said that we are His friends and that when we do Everything that He has done, then He knows that we love Him.

In your heart you must believe that God IS for you and that He IS working on your behalf concerning all issues and situations in your life. This will allow what you speak to be Powered and Controlled by your faith. (Luke 6:46)

The use of our faith is what strengthens It and because of this strengthening, we are prepared and enabled to NOT be surprised when we encounter opposition and adversity. Attacks against us from the enemy should be an indicator that we must be doing the Will of God. amen.
Why would the devil come after his own people? He does not bother anybody that is not a threat to him. So if you are under attack then you must be doing the good works of God with the right motive in your heart! Also, if you are under attack you know right where you NEED to go--To the Covering of His Shadow! To the Secret Place of The Most High God.
Call on Jesus to step into the gap that this attack came through! amen.
**NOTE= I am not speaking about the disobedient and rebellious children of God. The attacks that you are under may be from your own hand. Again, satan is not going to bother anyone that is not WithIN the Will of God. If you are rebellious and disobedient to God--satan is not bothering you--YOU are bothering you! **

Faith in God allows us to refuse to take these attacks as personal rejection. Faith stops the seeds of fear from being planted in our heart. Or, it stops the seeds that are already within us from being watered and fertilized by all the relatives of fear. If you know that you still have fears living within you--call on the Spirit of God to Weed Your Garden! Face your fears with God's Truth! They will die. God's Truth is a Great weed killer! amen.

Faith stops the enemy from his evil plan of establishing a root ball of bitterness within your soul.

The devil does his utmost to cause us to sin through anger and retaliation. We MUST SEE these attacks for what they really are and forgive those who have made themselves pawns of the enemy's plan against the Will of God for our lives.

God wants us to make His Wisdom our Sister. To stay with Her, call on Her and do as She instructs us to do.

We are to remain Righteous and wait Patiently for God's vindication concerning these planned and launched attacks against us.

Don't allow satan to trick you and have you respond through your emotions and 'how you feel'. Forgive the people that are against you and know that these people have a root ball of fear living in them. That is what directs them and guides them through their flesh. They do not trust God nor do they trust IN God.

All of this is a test. A test for you and a test for the people that are allowing satan to manipulate them. Knowing the value of God in you will help you pass all tests with flying colors and with abundant glory for God through your life.

Opportunities created by the Hand of God for your life will be revealed when you continue to trust in, rely on, adhere to, abide in and wait on the Lord.

And when you get a "Hook-Up by God" nothing can stop you!
amen. Praise God In The Name Of Jesus!

Romans 2 / Matthew 7:21

Matthew 5:10 "Blessed ARE those who ARE persecuted for Righteousness' sake, for Theirs IS the Kingdom of Heaven."

When I read His Word, I see over and over again where He makes it very clear, that God made a promise To Always Be With Us. And all we have to do is Trust in His Love and Leave our cares to Him. Thank You Jesus. amen.

I Encourage you to Continue to Let God's Light shine in you and through you to bless those that He sends to be feed from your garden.
If you can't be fed--then BE Bread!

I have the desire to see God's handiwork in you come to completion for the building of His Kingdom here on earth as It Is In Heaven.
Yea, Amen!


'TESTIFY TO GOD'S LOVE' - Psalm 151 - Wynonna Judd


Thursday, June 19, 2008



My Sisters and Brothers Start to Say this over and over until you believe it!! amen. I know It Works!

Greetings to you children of the Most High God, I come in the name of Jesus!

Jesus said about Himself that, He Is The Way, He Is The Truth and He Is The Life. So these are some of His names. The Way, The Truth and The Life.

Are you using His name to Praise Your Way Through Every situation and circumstance?

Praise is a way to confess with your mouth the truths about God. That YOU KNOW that God is going to take care of all parts of your life. That you KNOW He Will show you the way. You are letting God know that you trust in Him, that you are relying on Him, that you are abiding in Him and that you are waiting on Him to show you what His Will is for your life.

When you are trusting in God and showing you have faith in Him--you are showing God how much you Love Him.

Glory To God! Lord We bless Your Name! Hallelujah!

You are confessing with your mouth what your heart knows to be the truth about God = That when we come to God, to draw near to Him, He will make known to us what His will for us is. That once we know this, we will be true to His vision for us. With our mouths we praise Him with His truths that we believe.

We should KNOW this = That God will put the desires in our hearts that we should want-then He will give us the desires of our hearts.

We should KNOW this = Therefore Father God, our hearts are Glad and our Glory Rejoices and that our flesh also SHALL Rest In Hope that Comes From You in the name of Jesus, amen!

(Psalms 16:9)

Teach yourself this = Father God, In the name of Jesus, I Will With my heart treasure Your Promises! amen.

Psalms 119:10-12 says; " With my whole heart have I sought You, inquiring for and of You and yearning for You; Oh, let me not wander or step aside [either in ignorance or willfully] from Your commandments. Your word have I laid up in my heart, that I might not sin against You. Blessed are You, O Lord; teach me Your statutes." .[IIChron. 15:15.]

When you have made up your mind to follow Jesus Everyday, you have stepped out of the boat. And you are walking on water. This also means that you are not within your comfort zone anymore. Your emotions and feelings are going to start screaming that you go back to what you know, which of course, is not working for you.

Be a person of responsibility and a person of action. Put your faith to Work for you. That is what it was created to do. To float you through all situations just like a life preserver was created to do. Lift your head above the deep waters when there is no land under your feet.

When you step out of the boat--and start to confess your faith--putting it into Action, you begin to see the opportunities that God has created for you to partake of.

A more aggressive attitude to do RIGHT AWAY--what God has said to do. God is truth, He does not compromise. His anointing is not in the past. If you are going into your past thinking on past 'things', I pray that you are remembering the times that God was right there bringing you through that past. His anointing is on today! RightNow! Use the memories of your past to Give God praise and thanks giving for bringing you Through to today! amen.

OH Lord in the name of Jesus, We speak the truth of Your Power in and through our lives-we know that all the works through the past days, weeks, months and years that was done with our hands was Powered by You. Not by us, as we are within clay jars to remember that we have no power and that only You do. Thank You Jesus, amen. 2 Cor. 4:7

What is God calling you to do?

Even when you are willing and teachable, It is not always easy to do the thing that God asks each of us to do for Him. Perhaps you are the one that has been brought forth for just such a time as this. Sooner or later everyone "IS THE ONE" --they just have to come forward and tell God- Yes-I will-Yes God I will! (Esther 4:12-14)


Let me speak this truth of God from my heart over you right now = "I Pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of Every Good Thing we have in Christ." in the name of Jesus I know this to be the truth! amen.

Philemon 1:6

Isaiah 43:1b-2 & 3a

"Fear Not, for I have redeemed you [ransomed you by paying a price instead of leaving you captives]; I have called you by your name; you Are MINE! When you pass through the waters, I Will Be With You, and through the rivers, they Will Not overwhelm you. When you walk through the fire, you Will Not be burned or scorched, nor Will the flame kindle upon you! FOR I AM THE LORD YOUR GOD!"

Ok, now let me tell you a little about the title to this message.

Some of you that visit here know that in September of 2006 God told me to leave my career of teaching. And I did - right on the spot I resigned from teaching art in public school after 18 years.

I cashed in all my accounts and paid off some bills, lived on some of the money and gave the rest away to the people God told me to give it to.

Since then, my partner and I have been living off her salary and The Favor of God over our lives--and we have not lost anything, gone hungry, or gone without clothes or food for our children.

Thank You Jesus.

Because of my daily spiritual growth in Jesus and the daily growth of my relationship with God-- I know I am going through a fair amount of tests that have been allowed by the Will of God for my life.

Tests that include situations and circumstances in which We can't go or depend on anyone but God to have our backs. Tests that offer lessons of truth about the people you thought were your good friends and family and how you know they remember ALL the times you were right there for them-never missing a beat as a friend of theirs. You still love them and depending on what happens--you may be there for them again.

See, if the tests are completed correctly- by yielding to the Power and Will of God-you will also learn Truth about yourself.

Tests that give you the wisdom from experiencing people you thought you heard them say they were your brotherfriend and /or sisterfriend and they would be with you through thick and thin--but when you called on them for help, they offered none throughout the conversation and avoided your next call. And you are thinking, I did hold up my part of the relationship didn't I?

But if you glean the situation you will find knowledge about yourself you never knew was there...within you.

The Tests that build-tear us down and build us back up, are allowed by the Hand of God. The Love of God re-creating us into what His original design purposed! Glory to God. Thank You Jesus for Your Love of God SAVED my life! Glory be to God!

And there are times as it was the other day, where I start praising My Father God for taking care of all our 'issues' and all the concerns of my heart.

You know that you have to Praise and Thank God for what you cannot see yet.

The other day I was thanking Him in the name of Jesus for paying-(giving us His financial resources as our natural sight sees none)- a few bills that have come due before we get what 'man' has to give us. You see, man is always late lol, compared to God. Amen.

I was singing all the songs from my heart praising Jesus for all that He has given to this family and With Joy--enjoying my day. Keeping all negative thoughts and satans evil suggestions at bay and literally killing them off.......when i hear the girls say, 'someone is at the door.'

????? I am quite unaware about this, as most people do not just drop by our home...I do like to get a call first. So I go to the door and open it and see it is one of the young men that lives with his father from next door. (i had to call the fire dept to put out a kitchen fire there last month). A man-a father rents there and I know he has his 2 grown sons living with him. Now I would say they are about 19 and 20-some. I also know the fathers girlfriend (Ms P.) from long ago.

So this young man-who is the younger son-is asking me do I know Ms. P? I answer yes, for many years I've known her. He says she wants to talk to you-will you come to the fence? (yes it is our fence).

So I put on my shoes and go outside to the fence to hear what she wants to say--she is asking me how many girls do I have because, one of this man's sons has a young daughter (5 years old)- who is staying with him part of the summer--and Ms. P wants to know if she can come and play with our girls for a little while on some days................

OK, let me stick a pin in this right here! lolo--Now, in my head I am saying Lord, is this You? What is this? I am thanking you for taking care of these bills -- we need some cash Please-Thank You--and You have sent me another little person that I will be responsible for...??? LOLO--God knows what He IS doing! amen.

Now, you know with the little girl standing right there listening to Ms. P and I talk, I could not say NO!!

I quickly said in prayer to God--as I am telling them to change her clothes so she can get into the pool--God, Lord, no matter 'who' is sending me this child, I am giving YOU this situation and asking You= what am I to do? In Jesus's name Amen.

See, you have to be very aware of the evil of satan. I was not sure if he sent this little girl to me to add to my work-to distract me, or if God sent the little girl so we could give her the overflow of The Love Of God that this family has living in our hearts. I gave the situation to God as He is All Knowing and He directs my steps. Amen. No matter 'who' sent her -- I put her in His hands.

So now I had 4 little girls to watch and tend to on that day. Now Don't get me wrong--I love children--but for this child to 'pop up outta the blu!' As I am praising and thanking God for providing in abundance for His Family here--was nothing but God saying to me... My Child, don't think on your circumstances--take care of this little one, think on her for Me and I Will go and take care of the concerns of your heart.

So that is the gist of how I got the title for this message. I am still tickled by all of it happening. My point is--if you have not gotten revelation yet-- is, give your concerns and situations to God in Jesus' name and do what He is calling you to do for Him. He will take care of your problems as He is Greater than Any problem any of us could possbily have! Amen.

We are in need of--and God sent us to help another as there is nothing we can do to help ourselves = but to help others!

Has it hit you yet? ! I know it has...It is good isn't it!? Glory to God-Amen.




Thank You Lord, We Bless Your Name--We Bless Your Name!


'I NEVER LOST MY PRAISE' by Tramaine Hawkins


Friday, June 13, 2008



Greetings to you Children of the Most High God!

BECAUSE YOU ARE FREE In the name of Jesus, I come to you to say- Don't you give up! Don't you give in!
You better PRAISE YOUR WAY THROUGH WHATEVER YOU ARE FACING! Amen. Come on you can do it!

We have to face the darkness in our own hearts first before we can change the darkness of this world!
Ask Him--to change your heart so that you will be able to shine His light on your darkness and the darkness of this world!!!
BE WILLING! and you will live in His love!

The color of racism, sexism, all ism's and hate is FEAR!

No matter what is going on, if you trust in, rely on, lean on, and and obey the Lord God Almighty-then IT All is in His hands.

Trust Him not just with your words, but also with your actions!

Lean not unto your own understanding-but with the Wisdom of God. My sisters and brothers, Please Stop asking God When and Why!! Be Still and Wait on Him. Learn what He is teaching you.

He sees you and knows what to do and He Is Doing What You need! Be Patient! Hold ON!

I heard Jesus say that Nothing will be impossible for those who have even a little faith!

Matthew 17:19-20

Know that He is God and if you have Him in your heart and are sacrificing offerings of praise and obedience-then He Will Do What He said He Will Do!

Speak the love for Him that lives in your heart--Live the love that He has given to you.

Psalms 91:1

"He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty."

Now, that you have given God every concern of your heart in the name of Jesus-Ask Father what can you do for Him? Ask what is on His 'to-do list' for you for this day!

And He will direct your steps and pour out of you what others are in need of! amen.

"Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy.
O, Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love; for it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life."
PEACE PRAYER by St. Francis


Richard Smallwood w/ Vision - 'Come Before His Presence'


& Shirley Ceasar

God said for us to = Store His Words in our heart. And to Use them as we use a lamp to guide our footsteps.

Learn His promises - keep them in your heart and feed your spirit off the Sweet Bread that is the Lords. amen

Please take a few mintues Right Now to meditate and give God praise for all that He Is In us and Through us. Take just a few minutes to offer Him your sacrifice of thanksgivining for all that Jesus did for us.

We are able to read this and able to open our mouths and actually speak what our heart loves. I come to ask you to offer to God a small amount of your time right now-as He always gives us His All. If you are led to share this prayer with others, by All means do so-for Glory be to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. amen.

Let Us Pray Together:

Lord, In Jesus name we come to you--for you have trained us for exploits. For days and months and years we have done great things by your hand. Thank You Jesus.
And Lord, Just as David brought to you his mistakes, and selfish thoughts, his confusion and doubts, And all things that were not lined up in accordance to Your Word over his life- Lord, we bring all of ours and sit them in front of You and ask, In Jesus name, what do You say about these things?

We shall obediently wait for what You have to say concerning these matters. Thank You Jesus.Today Father, based upon Your excellence at our core, and upon Your character as Lord over us, we reach into eternity-future and release our faith...for a miracle.

In Jesus' name Father Faithful we know to expect You to send all we are in Need of for Glory be unto You, Amen.

Luke 21:15

I love all of you In the name of Jesus and i have the desire to see the Glory of God work in your life and through your life for the building of His Kingdom. In Jesus name I thank our Faithful Father God, for His unconditional Love for us all. Yea, Amen.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008



Greetings to you family of God in the Name of Jesus.

I hope this finds you in good health and spirit. And Still Standing On Your Rock! Amen.

I am writing another message to be posted, but to be honest...right now, I am just tired.

Pooped is a better word.
Why, you may ask...?

Well, for various reasons, in part because of the OPPRESSIVE HEAT!! Here in NC!

Another reason is that I have been on 'mommy duty' by myself since June 4th until the 14th of June.

And our girls are !excited!, they are still in "doing something every minute mode", and EXCITED!! that school is out.
I am also tired of having to be in contact with people that are set on being negative, disobedient, callous, selfish, and unmoving in their little power and thoughts.

Did I mention the HEAT!! lol

Also, the way the heat affects my body and strength...i am drained.
OK, so, since last friday the girls have gotten out of school at noon. Today is the absolute last day of school for them.

I called a former student of mine who helps me out around here with yard and repair stuff. He is truely a gift from God. And the funny things is - is that his grandfather worked for my grandfather for many years at the school my grandfather founded nearby.

So he came over last friday and we put up the above ground 18' by 4' deep pool. It took many hours to pump 6000 gals of water into it. It was over 100 degrees outside. As I am sure you know, It was worth every dime that I paid him to do the work.

At times like this I am reminded that I am not in my 20's anymore. lol

This post is to pay tribute to God for natural water, and His Living Water. To tell anyone that will listen, how He has supplied everything that we need in this family, so that we are able to have this pool for our girls. To have all the natural things that we do- But foremost for the spiritual gifts that must come first and have come first! amen.

This post is to allow my spirit to rest for a few, to allow restoration to fully be received and to let my body, mind and spirit totally live in the flow of Mother God's Holy Spirit.

To thank God that His Spirit reminds me to stop any negative thoughts and feelings that try and move in longer than a few mintues.

To thank God that I have a wonderful family (godchild included) and that even though they can drain me at times--i would not let go of them for a second!
This post is to remind me that I am grateful to God in the name of Jesus that He is teaching me how to serve Him first, and how to serve my family.
Learning How to serve others is important when you are a Child of The Most High God.

I also have sleepless nights as I am having my
"own personal summers" that awaken me so that I can get up to sweat and feel totally uncomfortable at all hours of the night and morning. (Lord Jesus, You know I did not eat that apple! And You know that You already forgave Everyone...Eve included)

Did I mention that it is over 100 degrees outside!? It is so HOT sometimes i have to go check to see if the AC is still on! Whew!

But I must thank God because with all these little nips and paper cuts, i am greatly humbled at God's peace within me and around me.

We have nothing really to complain about here in this home.

We have bills that will be due soon and right now, we have no idea how God is going to do it....But We do know this ...HE IS GOING TO DO IT!
He Always Does! Amen

I am reminded daily by the conditions of other peoples lives that =
Because = I BELIEVE!

I love all of you that visit here to this place of comfort and encouragement...God is good and He is Good All The Time!

I am being given rest and a stronger peace even as I type this now.
Thank You Lord, for I am willing.

Enjoy this wonderful day, no matter what your circumstances are--no matter whether you are in a state caught up in the HEAT WAVES, or if you are in a state caught up in the FLOOD WAVES, or if you are in a state caught up in the JUNE SNOW STORM, or if you are in a state caught up in the TORNADOS THAT STORM THROUGH,

NO matter What state you are living in right now.....continue to say to yourself that You believe , and you may not know what and how God is going to do what you need in your life right now--JUST KNOW, THAT HE IS GOING TO DO WHAT YOU NEED - RIGHT WHEN YOU NEED IT!
Praise God in the name of Jesus!
Eph 1:13-23

I am going to enjoy the laughter and joy that water gives to children. I am going to allow them to remind me of the joy I experienced when summer came and school was closed and all there was to do was ride my bike, go swimming, look at tv (no cable back then-but it was still good), read, draw, paint, and just do nothing........but be young and filled with wonder.
I don't want to miss out on these little ones lives. They are growing up so fast.

I will post the newest message in a few the mean time please
re-read any previous messages that you are led to and PLEASE Do Enjoy=En-Joy=IN JOY, this day- for it will never come back around again.

Continue to hold on! Your Help is on the way!
Be willing so that you will not miss it!
1 Peter 5:6


Friday, June 6, 2008


I came across this newspaper article that led me to a website that houses famous speeches.
I read this years ago, and it all still rings so true.
It's as if Robert Kennedy spoke about today-2008.

What do you see that still touches on the issues we are challenged with today?
The main thing I see, is a larger lack of love.
And more people with no real faith. Just words and show.
May we all come to know One Love before our time is come.

Please, take a little time and read through this, and I hope that the love that lived in Robert and JF Kennedy flows freely through the person God has Raised up to be in charge down here. For, NOW is always a good time! And God's Love NEVER FAILS!


Edward M. Kennedy
Address at the Public Memorial Service for Robert F. Kennedy
delivered 8 June 1968 at St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York

[AUTHENTICITY CERTIFIED: Text version below transcribed directly from audio.]

Your Eminences, Your Excellencies, Mr. President:
On behalf of Mrs. Kennedy, her children, the parents and sisters of Robert Kennedy, I want to express what we feel to those who mourn with us today in this Cathedral and around the world.
We loved him as a brother, and as a father, and as a son. From his parents, and from his older brothers and sisters -- Joe and Kathleen and Jack -- he received an inspiration which he passed on to all of us. He gave us strength in time of trouble, wisdom in time of uncertainty, and sharing in time of happiness. He will always be by our side.

Love is not an easy feeling to put into words. Nor is loyalty, or trust, or joy. But he was all of these. He loved life completely and he lived it intensely.
A few years back, Robert Kennedy wrote some words about his own father which expresses [sic] the way we in his family felt about him. He said of what his father meant to him, and I quote:

"What it really all adds up to is love -- not love as it is described with such facility in popular magazines, but the kind of love that is affection and respect, order and encouragement, and support. Our awareness of this was an incalculable source of strength, and because real love is something unselfish and involves sacrifice and giving, we could not help but profit from it."
And he continued, "Beneath it all, he has tried to engender a social conscience. There were wrongs which needed attention. There were people who were poor and needed help. And we have a responsibility to them and to this country. Through no virtues and accomplishments of our own, we have been fortunate enough to be born in the United States under the most comfortable conditions. We, therefore, have a responsibility to others who are less well off."

That is what Robert Kennedy was given. What he leaves to us is what he said, what he did, and what he stood for. A speech he made to the young people of South Africa on their Day of Affirmation in 1966 sums it up the best, and I would like to read it now:

"There is discrimination in this world and slavery and slaughter and starvation. Governments repress their people; millions are trapped in poverty while the nation grows rich and wealth is lavished on armaments everywhere. These are differing evils, but they are the common works of man. They reflect the imperfection of human justice, the inadequacy of human compassion, our lack of sensibility towards the suffering of our fellows. But we can perhaps remember -- even if only for a time -- that those who live with us are our brothers; that they share with us the same short moment of life; that they seek -- as we do -- nothing but the chance to live out their lives in purpose and happiness, winning what satisfaction and fulfillment they can.

Surely, this bond of common faith, this bond of common goal, can begin to teach us something. Surely, we can learn, at least, to look at those around us as fellow men. And surely we can begin to work a little harder to bind up the wounds among us and to become in our own hearts brothers and countrymen once again. The answer is to rely on youth -- not a time of life but a state of mind, a temper of the will, a quality of imagination, a predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. The cruelties and obstacles of this swiftly changing planet will not yield to the obsolete dogmas and outworn slogans. They cannot be moved by those who cling to a present that is already dying, who prefer the illusion of security to the excitement and danger that come with even the most peaceful progress.

It is a revolutionary world we live in, and this generation at home and around the world has had thrust upon it a greater burden of responsibility than any generation that has ever lived. Some believe there is nothing one man or one woman can do against the enormous array of the world's ills. Yet many of the world's great movements, of thought and action, have flowed from the work of a single man.
A young monk began the Protestant reformation; a young general extended an empire from Macedonia to the borders of the earth; a young woman reclaimed the territory of France; and it was a young Italian explorer who discovered the New World, and the 32 year-old Thomas Jefferson who [pro]claimed that "all men are created equal."

These men moved the world, and so can we all. Few will have the greatness to bend history itself, but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total of all those acts will be written the history of this generation. *It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped.* Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.

Few are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change a world that yields most painfully to change. And I believe that in this generation those with the courage to enter the moral conflict will find themselves with companions in every corner of the globe.

For the fortunate among us, there is the temptation to follow the easy and familiar paths of personal ambition and financial success so grandly spread before those who enjoy the privilege of education. But that is not the road history has marked out for us. Like it or not, we live in times of danger and uncertainty. But they are also more open to the creative energy of men than any other time in history. All of us will ultimately be judged, and as the years pass we will surely judge ourselves on the effort we have contributed to building a
new world society and the extent to which our ideals and goals have shaped that event.

*The future does not belong to those who are content with today, apathetic toward common problems and their fellow man alike, timid and fearful in the face of new ideas and bold projects. Rather it will belong to those who can blend vision, reason and courage in a personal commitment to the ideals and great enterprises of American Society.* Our future may lie beyond our vision, but it is not completely beyond our control. It is the shaping impulse of America that neither fate nor nature nor the irresistible tides of history, but the work of our own hands, matched to reason and principle, that will determine our destiny. There is pride in that, even arrogance, but there is also experience and truth. In any event, it is the only way we can live."

That is the way he lived. That is what he leaves us.
My brother need not be idealized, or enlarged in death beyond what he was in life; to be remembered simply as a good and decent man, who saw wrong and tried to right it, saw suffering and tried to heal it, saw war and tried to stop it.

Those of us who loved him and who take him to his rest today, pray that what he was to us and what he wished for others will some day come to pass for all the world.

As he said many times, in many parts of this nation, to those he touched and who sought to touch him:

"Some men see things as they are and say why.
I dream things that never were and say why not."

SOURCE for all =

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Greetings to you brothers and sisters - Let us go about our days rejoicing to God The Almighty. For He is Worthy to be praised and who are we that He accepts our humble praise offering! Thank You Jesus. amen.

When things get rough, when the details of this world cloud your view and you cannot see clearly it will make your heart heavy.
Just because there is Nothing more you can possibly do about your situations doesn't mean you are totally jacked up. Don't give up and pull up a chair at satans table. Confusion is his weapon, destruction is his goal.

satan will offer you everything that you want--but none of what You Need! Pay attention to his trickery-Call on Jesus.

(Psalm 115:17)

Be careful, for he roams around the land looking for those to devour and kill. You can't beat the devil at his own game.
Don't gamble with satan, you Will loose! The devil does not want to help anyone. he lies and destroys life.

"On those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has Dawned!" Isa 9:2

Words have meaning and power--When we say them we give them life because our heart and soul belong to God in the name of Jesus. Jesus said all we have to do is speak to the mountian and it will be thrown into the sea. Speak the Word of God--not negative, defeating thoughts-but think on the Good that God Is! amen. (Phil 4:6-13)

Have you learned the promises of God? Jesus came and spoke them out to us also. Some of them are in The Beatitudes Matt. 5.

God does not gamble-He gives promises and free will.

If you don't understand what your soul IS--you won't understand how strongly you need to hold on to it and give it all the watering that it needs through a relationship with Jesus! amen.

"Trust in The Lord with All your heart and lean Not on your own understanding; in All your ways acknowledge Him, and He Will make your paths straight." Pro 3:5-6

Stand on Your Faith in Jesus and start singing OH HAPPY DAY!
Good God Almighty! I Praise YOU with All my heart, all my soul and all my life in Jesus' name, Amen Father, amen!

Ask God for forgiveness for what you have done-confess to God that you have no power, but that You Know He Does and that you Need Him to show you the truth!

Remember what Jesus has done for our salvation-to redeem us unto Father God.
God had to buy back what He already owned! And I for one without hesitation sing OH Happy Day! Thank You Jesus! Who am i that You should be concerned with my life?

Sometimes the hardest thing God will ask us to do is to wait and trust on Him. You can do it-it's not impossible.
But You have to stop trying to use reason to understand God's ways. (Phil 2:14)

You can't be pitiful and powerful at the same time. You can't be double-minded in your life with God. You can't have both.

Make up your mind TODAY-to take responsibility of your life.
No more excuses, no more moaning, no more talking about your problems with yourself or others, no more trying to reason what God has told you to do....Just Do It!
No More Pity!

We have been called according to God's Purpose's- not our own or satans. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit knows all about you--you may not know Him well-but He knows EVERYTHING about you, me, them, her, him, those, us! EVERYTHING.

We have been called to fight the good fight of faith! To live rejoicing everyday! Not to run and hide everytime the wind blows hard-or a storm crosses our paths.
The Good Fight of Faith is to stand your ground and speak the Truth of God over your situations. No matter what you see or hear-no matter what is happening that is out of your control and power--Nothing is EVER too much for God!

Do not give in!
Do not give up!

God provides breakthroughs every minute of every day--you need to claim yours with your mouth and with your heart - don't let it pass you by today. Speak His Words over every part of your life.

When you do, you are in the very best hands avaliable-Gods!

And when you start to speak out the promises of God so that your situations will hear them--Do what the Word says to do.
(James 1:22-25)
Hear and Do the Word of God.

You Mother God have opened Your hand and satisfied the desire of every living thing." (Psalm 145:16)

NOW is Always a Good Time !

Walk in the fruit of His Spirit rejoicing All that the Love of God has done.
I praise God for your life for your faith and your love of Him.
If you did not do it this morning--Do So Now-start praising Him-rejoicing in this day that God has made.
Take your eyes off of worldly things so that you can focus on Jesus and your journey with Him. Leave it All in His hands and be patient! God is NEVER late! But we can jack things up worse than they are if we interfer with His plans. Sing to Him the love you have in your heart for Him.
Thank You Jesus, amen.

'OH HAPPY DAY' by Tramaine Hawkins and Friends

YOU GET THE GLORY by Tramaine Hawkins

" I will lift mine eyes unto the hills from which cometh my help!"
Psalm 121:1

"If i can just go and touch His garment......" Mark 5:28

Monday, June 2, 2008


"Through Him, therefore, let us constantly and at all times offer up to God a sacrifice of praise, which is the fruit of lips that thankfully acknowledge and confess and glorify His name."
Hebrews 13:15

Greetings to you my sisters and brothers on this fine day that we have been given.
Let Everything that has breath Give Praise unto The Lord God Almighty!

I come To Encourage those that are following Jesus. (Gal 6:10)
To tell you that Jesus knows it gets hard sometimes, it gets rough. But you have got to hold on. That is why we should go to Him, ask Him for His truth about the situations that He has already gone through here as a Spirit in a human body.

My friend let me tell you this=

The Power of Praise and Worship to God in the Name of Jesus Will do What It has been divinely purposed to do, Glorify God in The Highest. amen.

A Sacrifice of Praise to God in the name of Jesus is an awesome weapon against All strongholds that may have you bound right now in your life. By doing so, you speak growth to your faith and strength. God hears your Praises unto Him and He steps foward into the concerns of your heart--right into the heart of your situations. amen!

It is an awesome way to show our love and gratitude to Him and Jesus for All they have already done for us. amen.
Allowing Him to comfort and guide us, to heal us, to provide for us All that His Spirit has to give to us. OPEN UP your hands and give and receive, amen!

A constant (daily-in all things), sacrifice of praise unto God is a way to let Him know how much we appreciate Him for All that He Has Already Done for us. amen.

Not to ask Him for anything-but to let Him know we are grateful, we are humble, we are yielding to His Holy Spirit, that we are willing to be led by Him. amen.

A constant sacrifice of praise to God with our mouths from our hearts is inhabited by God! (Psalm 23).

A constant sacrifice of praise to God will bring down walls! (Joshua 6:13)

A constant sacrifice of praise to God will destroy prisons and free those that are captive! (Acts 16:25)

A constant sacrifice of Praise will scatter the enemies of God! (2 Chron 20).

"Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty Hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time."
1 Peter 5:6

Trust In God's Timing for your life. You did not create yourself, nor do you know what you were put here for unless you spend time with God by way of the narrow gate, amen.
God wants all of us to be conquerors and to never be a victim. Don't ever let go.
We are called to rise up to a new level of understanding in His love and purpose for us. To grow forth from little faith to a great radical faith in trusting Him without doubt and hesitiation.
He has spoken to us through the life and teachings of Jesus,
(John 15:22-27) and from this we know the things we are to do and of things to come. From His truth.
There was Much knowledge and understanding that Jesus did not tell the disciples before He left, He made sure to let them know in John 16:12-15 that because of their growing faith and growing maturity, there was so much more He wanted to tell them-but He said I will leave it All with The Holy Spirit to tell you.
They were not ready to hear more of His Truth-they lacked spiritual maturity and a deeper love in their hearts that would create a willingness in them to Want to be changed.
If you are not willing to be changed by His love you will have what is called beginning faith in Jesus. Beginning faith does not grow much over time. People with beginning faith always speak of great faith and trust in Jesus, but they do not show action of the same to match what is spoken. People that live their entire saved lives in Christ do so only listening to the voice of fear and never accomplish even a small portion of what God called them to do. Beginning faith keeps you from learning the many truths of God and keeps a harvest that you will never reap for Him and from Him.
At this time the power of what God spoke forth for us in this age and day has revealed itself for us to use. God has called us all to ARISE to our divinely appointed positions--A new place for many-a level of Radical faith. God asks that we come to His place of srength-A place where you will know absolutely Who you are in Him and Who He Is in you. The Great I AM.
That we should be within His realm of knowledge will replace all fear with faith and a place where you will never be timid again.
For the tired and weary, let us go to Isaiah chapter 28 and look closely at verses 9-13. It speaks of the Word of The Lord being a refreshing, yet the people will not drink of this water. They refuse it and dismiss it. So they fall by the wayside grieving and full of a thrist that is killing them.
A thirst for Jesus cannot be quenched with anything (any liquid) that man has created. Only The Living Waters can quench a thirst and hunger for God. amen.
Here is an insight into His refreshing that will wash over us like a golden rain. Here is the place of opportunities for possibilities for us when we make our main purpose to hear our Lord's Voice in any and all matters.
Purpose yourself to Expect Him!

And while you wait, let us offer to Mother God our humble sacrifice of praise for all She has done for us. amen.

'A SACRIFICE OF PRAISE' by Dorothy Norwood

'DON'T YOU GIVE UP!' by Dorothy Norwood

Don't underestimate or dismiss the little cloud the size of a man's hand, for with it God sends forth a healing and giving rain in your life. amen. I Kings 18:44

Ask God to please give you an understanding mind and heart that hears His voice so that you an discern between good and evil.
II Kings 3:9