Sunday, September 22, 2013


Deep Calls To Deep...
When Wisdom Speaks, the Wise and Bold Listen....

"Listen to Me says the Lord, ...
Even in your old age I Am He, And Even with hair white with age Will I carry you!
I Have made, And I Will bear; Yes, I Will carry And Will save you!"

Isa 46

"Do Not Be like them, for your Father Knows what you need Before you ask Him!"
Matt 6

The place of my expectation...because I give over to my Beloved Father all that is needed, He expects me to do so, because I seek His Love, Will, Ways, Plans, Details, and Outcomes.....Glory!

Shut down & called into a Renewing, being renewed, rejuvenated, restored, called into the place to be Loved.... Called to come to the place of my Beloveds Anointing...which is the place of preparation... the place where I am shown and reminded of how resilient I always have been and still I am.....

the place where my success is guaranteed and measured by His Love... the place where my worth and value are irreplaceable...
the place where the dross is burned off and the burdens that cling to the dross are released from my grip and my concern... the place where I am shown Who and What I reflect....the Place where a sigh of relief is a song to my Beloved ears...

the place where I am shown that I am still able to bend when the strong winds pass through, that I am still able to be balanced when the ground shakes, that I am still able to hold on to my life line while the waves go through their rough to calm cycles..... even when I see no land....calmly I hold tight to my life line.... my faith sings to my Beloved....

Called to Come up Higher and Down deeper,  where the water is sweetest and my Beloveds Love seeps into every crevice of my whole being.... where clarity reveals what is needed, where understanding and wisdom have no sounds to fight against, where I am celebrated and changed, vastness has the Arms to hold me as Love guides me....correcting me in all the places needed...

Where the embers of the fire in my heart, soul and spirit are Breathed Upon and Stoked into Flames of Life, because dead embers cannot encourage any one, and the Spirit is not able to Move through a heart with dead embers.

Where I let go of every thing, thought, action, word, and every one that is not attached to my purpose. The Place where I am Called further into the Vastness of Freedom that my Beloved established for me....

Where I see doors that no one else sees, I hear love where no one else can hear, where I see beauty where no one can....

the place where I am surrendered completely into the Arms of my Beloveds Love, where I am healed throughout my whole self....the place where my lack, shortcomings and needs are stepped into and taken over by my Beloveds Presence and Purpose...

Called to come Down deeper where the Water is sweetest....Surrendered to a Healthy Relationship with myself....

Since...."the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing".
 Isaiah 10:27

So, when we don't have the ANOINTING in our songs, preaching, encouraging, helping, prayers, praising, worship, and Everything Else the Lord guides us to to,  the people will stay in bondage.  Selah

On feet of Faith & Peace Resting In His Peace & Faithfulness,

One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
Isaiah 50:4 / Isaiah 52 / Jer 20:9-13 /Joshua 1:9 / Luke 6:38
©2007-- 2013 WisdomTeachesme

Monday, September 9, 2013


When you realize that you are in the midst of a transformation,
which happens when the changes that new beginnings create to help get us to the completion of this part of our growing are taking us through the shaking that God is doing.  When you realize you are there, I encourage you to relax, rest, enjoy, learn to number your days, count your blessings, be willing and teachable,  be loving to yourself and others, and allow Patience to have Her Perfect work in you.

God will interrupt our plans, goals, motives, details, desires, etc... With His plans, goals, motives, details, desires, etc....He is calling to us to Seek His Kingdom, not the things of this world.  All that we Are to have, we will have when we Seek His Kingdom.
First we will receive the Spiritual Gifts and Work that God has planned for us to do, all material things that are connected to our Spiritual Work, will also be provided. So if you desire material things that have nothing to do with the Calling and Work God has given to us, we probably will not get those things.

I encourage you to face and accept what ever God has you examining about yourself. He is simply cleaning and making your character better.  He is getting our emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical lives aligned with His Love, Will and Purposes.
We have to be on one accord with ourselves or we will Never be aligned with the Lord's Will.
You did ask God to Prepare You, For What He has Prepared For you...Right?
Well, that is where you are, in the midst of a transformation=preparation.

God is watering the seeds of a Healthy Love in you so that you have a healthy relationship with yourself.  Without this none of us will be able to have a healthy love relationship with God, nor with any other human.

God is healing us and mending us, He is teaching us how to forgive ourselves so that we are able to forgive others. He is teaching us how to be graceful and merciful with ourselves so that we are able to be graceful and merciful with others. He is delivering us out of the many places we are dying within, that live in us. He is cleaning our heart and spirit and creating a loving healthy bond.
He is revealing to us when He was graceful, merciful, helpful, loving and there for us when we needed all that, so that we will remember where He brought us from (to keep us humble), and so we are not harsh to those He sends us to be a blessing to.

"For unto the Least of them....when you did for them, you did for Me!"

God is teaching us what our name is so that we will then be able to obtain our Purpose from Him.
Our name is not what our parents gave us, our name from God is what He will call when He desires us to listen to Him.
Do You know Your name?
Child of the Most High God! The apple of His eye! God's Righteous vessel....etc...

Those who do not know their name will certainly try to make things go the way they want to.  They will not be able to be touched by God's Spirit as He seeks to lead them. They will not Turn when God calls them by name.
 Those with ears to Hear, Let Them Hear!
Those that do not know their Name, will not know their God given Purpose for their lives.

When we try to Force work, try to force time to go faster, try to force ourselves to do what we think needs to be done, running around trying to put the pieces together that we think need to be together, using pieces that we think are the Right ones = we are simply in our own way.
We are in God's way.
And we are saying, "I got this God, I know where you are taking me and how you are going to do it."
No, we don't know those things, because God does not provide all the details to us at one time. We are led step by step when we allow our faith and trust to be powerful.

We try to carry our own burdens, we try to figure them out and fix them. Jesus is our burden bearer, we are to leave them all with Him. We can't do anything about them anyway, so why load yourself down with things you can't fix?

All that God requires of us is to simply Wait for what He has already planned to Happen, it Will Happen as He has spoken things to be. Praise Him, Remember Him on Purpose, Love who God has made you to be. Seek the Righteousness of God and His Love will pour over you!

When in the midst of these transformation seasons,  What we need to remember is that, there will be darkness, seemingly more than usual.
There will be quiet, as God is separating us closer to Him, removing all sounds but His Voice.
There will be isolation as this is for us and no one else can grow through this with us.
It's for our growth not theirs, they will have their own to grow through.

There will be no one but you and God, He is your Help and strength. He wants us to be completely dependent on Him in the name of Jesus.
Just as Jesus was completely dependent on God. We are to do and say what Jesus did and said, sadly many can quote Peter, Mark, John, etc.... but they cannot or will not Speak what Jesus said.

Now there is where our Power and Love are, in the Words that Jesus spoke.
When we speak them with love, faith and trust, we are within the Power of God's presence, of His will, of His purpose for our lives!

Stop struggling, stop feeding stress, stop feeding what is dead and useless and let it go so that the changes will accomplish what they were sent to do in your life!

think caterpillar, cocoon, butterfly
think seed, buried, roots, water, body, bud then bloom.

"Now at last they know and understand that all You have given Me belongs to You, is really and truly Yours.
 For the uttered words that You gave Me I have given them; and they have received and accepted them and have come to know positively and in reality, to believe with absolute assurance that I came forth from Your presence, and they have believed and are convinced that You did send Me.

I am praying for them. I am not praying, requesting for the world, but for those You have given Me, for they belong to You."
John 17:7-9

On feet of Faith & Peace Resting In His Peace & Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
Isaiah 50:4 / Isaiah 52 / Jer 20:9-13 /Joshua 1:9 / Luke 6:38
©2007-2013 WisdomTeachesme


I like the quiet times, when I can feel the Lord pulling me to slow down, to come and sit with Him. To be filled with His wisdom, understanding, to be refreshed and renewed, to allow Healing to complete Her work...

This depth of Faith and Peace that I have entered, provides soothing, strengthening, loving, powerful contentment...where I am able to breath a Sigh of Relief. 

  As I sit with Him, His Spirit speaks to me, untangling thoughts and situations by adding understanding and clarity to me. Giving me connections for the pieces He already gave me and adding new pieces to hold onto.

God is a God concerned with Healthy relationships, connections, communication and Love.  Having a healthy love relationship with ourselves enables us to have one with God and with every one else throughout our lives.

Love is all about communication. Healthy communication waters and feeds healthy love. There are physical attractions, and then there are mental attractions, and then there are heart and spirit attractions.....

Communication between two people is a Must!
Not just the fact that we talk--but it's about, What we talk about... the content.

When you find that you are more than physically attracted to another, then you have reached a mark of emotional maturity and growth and of Love that many never reach, because they are stuck at the lower level of only being physically attracted to a person. There is no real love in that.

I love what we (my life partner and I) have together--the life we are sharing, building and growing.

It's more than loving each other, its loving the life we are sharing.
That is really why many couples break up, not because they stop loving each other, but because they stop loving the life they are sharing together.

Or, one person stops loving the life they are sharing together and that pulls them apart. And If the one does not communicate this change to the other, and attempts to pretend, it will only get worse for both. Then the relationship is based on a lie and not love. The one stops investing into a shared love and focuses on building a new life for themselves without the other.

They stop investing into that and the relationship begins a different course that pulls them apart.  They are not on one accord anymore concerning a shared love for the life they have together.
This also happens with all types of relationships. If the love for a shared life together is not fed Goodness and invested into, then it will die.
No matter what the relationship, Keep truthful, open, grace filled and loving communication flowing and love will stay in the middle of it, growing and maturing a healthy love relationship.

  "And the glory and honor which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one."  John 17:22

On feet of Faith & Peace Resting In His Peace & Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
Isaiah 50:4 / Isaiah 52 / Jer 20:9-13 /Joshua 1:9 / Luke 6:38
©2007- 2013 WisdomTeachesme