Tuesday, August 23, 2011


"Blessed And fortunate And happy And spiritually prosperous (in that state in which the born-again Child of God Enjoys His favor And salvation) Are Those who hunger And thirst for righteousness (uprightness and right standing with God), for they Shall Be Completely Satisfied!"
Matt 5:6 (Amp)

Here we are, At the Lord's Table, Hungry and Thirsty for His Righteousness, for His Glory through our lives for this day. Every thing spiritual and natural that we are in need of Is Here At His Table! Please Pass that bowl of obedience, of Grace, Mercy, Love, Forgiveness, Ways Made Through, Giving, Generosity, Favor, Anointing, etc....Everything any of us needs, Is At the Table of the Lord of Feast! Tell Him that His Love woke you this morning And that You woke Up Hungry And Thirsty--And He Will Feed you!

For those who live to be led by His Love, His Will, His Plans, Purposes and His Holy Spirit,
Concerning our Power to Be what we Say.In order to have God's Spiritual results for our natural situations we have to Be His Word.
We need to remember that for us, to Be His Words are just as important as to hear and speak His words.
That when The Power that He gave us is seen by our Actions we are strengthened and are Able to Do what He did concerning small and large things.
Those that watch us, hear about Faith in Him more times than you know, but to See our Faith released Speaks louder of Him in the deepest places of them that need Him the most. For He has said, that where we are He Is, and we allow Him to flow from our hearts and spirit by our Actions before our words.
People will not be moved by just hearing about His Peace, but to See that His Peace keep us calm, not full of panic and confusion no matter what challenges we face will allow His Spiritual Power to be Known.

Not just to hear about His Joy, but to See His Joy rise up from the depth of our heart and Spirit where His true Power and Peace live.  To have it ripple across the surface of all troubles, going down to the root of the problem turning around what is wrong into Good, Will reveal His Glory through our lives.  Which will provide to us His Spiritual solutions for our natural situations and challenges as well as reveal Him to those who do not know Him as we do.

When we Obey His directions, stepping where He leads us, in the midst of those who only see with natural eyes and speak doubt and fear, We reveal we are His Faith, we Are His Trust, we Know what He has promised to us And that He Will deliver us by those Promises for His Will and Glory.

For those who live to be led By His Love, His Will, His Plans, Purposes and His Holy Spirit, when 'things' fall short of completion as He said 'it' would come to Pass, as He Ordered them to be, when 'things' fall short of bringing God His Glory, we can trace this back to our not doing things God's Way.
 Forgetting His Purpose, loosing focus that His motives Are To Be our motives,  trying to infuse human thinking with it's narrow outcomes  in with His Thinking and His planned outcomes, makes us fall short.

Every day we need to Realize that we have to shut out deliberate selfishness, hypocrisy, hatred, rebellion, shut out every thing that is self serving and guides us to  do things our way.  Yes we do already have everything in us to Spiritually and naturally prosper, but we have to allow all that He has placed in us to grow, mature and Lead us. He Has planted all His divine seeds in us, but We have to allow Him to nurture them and feed us so that they produce what He intends for them to deliver!

Being His Word.
We live in His Perfect Truth, His Present Truth for this day.
Wisdom Raises Her Voice And Calls To All who have ears that hear! It is time for a Spiritual cleansing of our dwelling place. Our homes, our minds, our heart, our bodies, to sanctify Every place that is His Temple.
Time to cleanse the spiritual atmosphere by anointing our eyes, the doors to our heart, our windows and doors to our actual home so that we forbid satan from entering.  Our enemy always has works of darkness sent toward us to stop us--Where have you allowed him to have access in your life?
The Lord desires to Establish us -- our sanctuary, our place of protection, to be And stay covered by His anointing which will Break Every yoke that our enemy has sent to invade us and turn us away from obeying our Lord. We have the power to break all curses, to remove every evil spirit from entering our lives and making themselves at home in us.

If necessary anoint your car, your children, your feet and hands with His Anointing Oil and your faith, what ever God leads you to do--do that!  Clean up what is broken, where you have fallen short, Give it All to God in the name of Jesus, for our God is the God of mending, of connecting the broken pieces of our lives into a New Pattern, a New Vision for His Glory! When given to Him , nothing is wasted!
Let go of fantasy, lust and lack of self-control and self-discipline! They only lead to disappointment and unfulfilled human desires.  When we say we desire and long for His Will, then we have to let go of desiring worldly things.  What ever you want the most, replace that with a single focused desire for His Glory and all else will follow into your life. Stop yourself from following your flesh rather than His Spirit and allow the Spiritual cleansing that is Needed to pour forth and strengthen your foundation and relationship with Him.

"From the end of the earth I Will cry to You, When my heart is overwhelmed; Lead me to The Rock That Is Higher than I!"
Psalms 61:2

We are His chosen people and He Always directs our steps. There are times when we Must go higher with Him--He will show us by example and by signs that cannot be disputed concerning the ways we are to go, the things we are to do, and when we need to change direction.  Our Lord Will Make sure that we do Not misunderstand His Leading--we need to Pay Attention so that we do Not miss His signs or His Voice.

"How Great Are His Signs, And How Mighty His Wonders! His Kingdom Is an Everlasting Kingdom, And His Dominion Is from generation to generation!" Daniel 4:3

When we allow Him to grow  us further into the Freedom that He has established through Jesus for us, we are able to be lifted up Higher with Him--Spiritually minded, filled with, overflowing with His Spirit in an enormous amount, that we are elevated in His Kingdom. He keeps us in this place, and prepares us to be vessels of Good unto Him. When He opens our eyes we need to Keep them open, so that we will see, be watchful and understand the Reality of His Kingdom in the ways we have not experienced yet. Seek revelation from His Spirit-seek His Spirit to Rest on you and to break every yoke of Every bondage that binds you from living within His complete Freedom and Will. 
His anointing Does go forth making the Way for us so that we do not stumble and He wards off fear and doubt as we go where He leads us.  What ever He sends you to do in the name of Jesus, His anointing will make sure that we Are able to accomplish His Will at the proper time He has set forth.

I am enjoying This Journey filled with His Love, Will, Plans, Purposes and Glory, every day becoming His Word, in the name of Jesus, Amen!

Luke 21:10-18; 2 Cor 9; Proverb 3:4-6; Proverb 8; Proverb 18:16; Romans 14:13

 On feet of Faith & Peace 
Isaiah 50:4/Isaiah 52/Jer 20:9-10,11-13/Joshua 1:9
Resting In His Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
©2010,2011 WisdomTeachesme

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Then Jesus gave the following illustration: “Can one blind person lead, guide and direct another? Won’t they both fall into a ditch or a hole in the ground? The pupil is not superior to the teacher, but everyone when they are completely trained (readjusted, restored, set to rights, and perfected) will be like the teacher."
Luke 6:39-40

When God gives us a vision, He gives us a brief look into what Is To come. It is very wise on our part to allow Him to prepare us in every way needed to accomplish every step of this vision according to His Will, not ours. It is wise for us to Sit with Him for as long And as often as He desires so that we are Prepared to accomplish the Vision in complete detail, His details, not ours. With each step taken, with each part of the vison accomplished, we will Need to be prepared for the next steps, for the next part.  Many do Not return to invest their time and energy, their Spirit in preparation for  the 'next ' steps.
Many hear only part of the directions concerning the Vision and get up to do, when God has not said to get up and do anything.
Our self-control and self-discipline Must be used at this point or we will destroy the Vision. Ask to have Him strengthen your self-control, your self-discipline so that you are prepared for the bumps and small troubles that will come along the way of accomplishing this Vision. He is desiring to Establish His Peace deep in us to be our Power over the power of darkness.  He is wanting us to learn to focus on Him and not on what is going on around us--to invest in Him and not in the movements of the worlds ways.

 Too many people get in the way by not using their self control and self discipline to Hold them steady. They allow themselves to be guided by their emotions, their past, their fears, their ego, pride and many times the words, and fears of others create stumbling blocks for them. Our ideas that we think are good for God's visions must be the ideas that God has given to us, anything less than His best will Not work with the vision He has given to us.  That would be us trying to mix Spiritual and natural together and that
will not work--never will, never has.
What we invest into is the return we receive from.
We will need courage and dedication to His Will, His Love to accomplish, and His Peace to power us through every step. We will need disciplined ears, eyes, and faith. To live day by day in His Spiritual reality and His truth.

 Impatience is a bad way to be concerning the timing and order of God. Impatience is fed by ego and pride, fear and doubt.
Here is when we should Invest into Patience, making Her and Her Sister Wisdom our close sisters and friends. Many hear and see a piece of what God wants them to do and they allow emotions to excite them in the Wrong ways. Yes, getting excited because God has poured a vision or word into their heart and spirit Is a Good thing.  Acting prematurely is a bad thing.
Many times they tell the wrong people, (the story of Joseph comes to mind-Gen 37). 

They move to try and Make things happen based on what they Think should happen and when it should happen. They keep trying to hold Jesus' hand and with their other hand hold onto the world and it's ways at the same time. That will Never work.
We should not try to fix 'things' that God does not want to fix, and if He does, it is probably not in the way we think 'it' should be fixed.
Also, what needs to be fixed will Not be in the timing of when we think 'it' should be fixed.
Here we need to Invest into accepting what God allows.

A disciplined and mature Faith trusts, and obedience is what is needed in us. To allow His Spirit to grow us in these spiritual areas so that we are prepared to receive the blessings, to accomplish the visions that He has placed in our heart to do For Him is our purpose. We are all growing to be this person who lives by their Spirit and not their flesh day by day, one day at a time.  So that we are completely prepared to accomplish the other purposes, building up His Kingdom here on earth as it Is in Heaven.

In Luke 18:24-30, Jesus is teaching the people and the disciples, and one of the disciples said to Him, we have left our homes, families, jobs, given away everything you told us to give away to follow You Lord!
I can almost hear the doubt, fear, and uncertainty as I read those words.  It's as if Peter is moving toward everything being done in vain.
In Luke18:29,30,  Jesus replied to him,
.    And He said to them, "I say to you Truly, there Is No one who Has left house or wife or brothers or parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God Who Will Not Receive In Return Many Times More in this world and, in the coming age, eternal life. "

So we learn here that When we invest in Following Him, God Will Reward us, He will give us Return on the investments of our lives given to Him.

Investing our obedience in the directions and teachings that Jesus gave to us prepares us to show Him every where we go in everything we do. I hear people ask "what is my purpose Lord, what am I to be doing?"  Many are seeking some fleshy grandiose Work that will put them in the public eye, to be seen by others doing what God said for them to do.
That may or may not happen, but to base our obedience on that result is fruitless for God. If there is going to be no glory unto God in the name of Jesus, then there is no need to invest our lives into it.
We are to invest our lives in What our Lord has already told us. What is dear to His heart. Matthew 5
This Is how we Invest in the Promises of God, in His Love, in His faithfulness, investing our faith and trust into His Ways as the Best for us.  Even when we have no idea what each step will bring, we Know, Trust and Believe that He will only lead us to His Best And His Glory!
We all who belong to Him, we who have been called And chosen Are to be doing the same things. Jesus already told us All what we are to be doing. The Red Letters will reveal to all what God wants us to do. We have the same purposes, though we each may be led in different ways to accomplish these purposes, the end result is the same Harvest unto God. It is All for Glory through Jesus unto God.
We are All learning His way in this new life one day at a time.
We are To allow His Spirit to prepare us, we are To invest our time, energy, and life in learning His Word, Learning Him, Listening to His Spirit, as He put everything we will need in the Holy Spirit. (John 14, 15, 16). Staying connected to Him, cooperating with His Holy Spirit, to His Love, His Word, His Ways is our investment. Giving more of our time to learning God's Word, which moves us from belief to revelation, then to impartation, then to a greater understanding, And because we have greater understanding, we will begin to interpret things that are ahead. filled with His Wisdom and Truth.
There is nothing we cannot accomplish as long as we Walk by His Spirit.
We cannot mix feeding our flesh with fulfilling the directions given by His spirit.

Prophetically we Glean more from His Holy Spirit because our Spiritual ears and eyes are wide open, and our hearts become more open to His presence, and we are able to Glean more from His Word. We draw from our investment His Returns for now and the days ahead. Our personal and professional lives benefit greatly from our investments in our Lord and we Will accomplish what He assigns to us to be accomplished in the Ways, the Order and the Timing He has set forth.

In the beginning, the middle and the end, We have to make a decision to invest in the life of others as Jesus did for us all. We are His disciples in the making, we pass on what we have learned to others He sends to us. To make disciples is to mentor, and to mentor is to teach, to train and prepare and from that preparation we are to expect God's greatness to come forth from being fully trained.
The foundation we build by investing our daily personal time with our Lord depends what we value. Is this valuable to you?  Being consistent in in our devotional time spent with Him is how we build this foundation--we invest in this foundation. Built with His grace, love, peace and His Will, not mans law.
Read His Word, Seek His Holy Spirit to impart into you--to Stir the vision He placed in your heart to accomplish for His Glory. Invest what He says you need to invest into and  Receive His Spirit's direction concerning All things, so that you are not tricked and fooled by your flesh, feelings and emotions. In the name of Jesus, ask Him to shut the doors that our enemy uses to block you, to hinder you, to fool you, to stop you from faithfully, obeying God's directions.  Invest your All in our Lord, He Will Not let you down!

As a friend of mine said="
The Calling is a Privilege not a platform, it’s a Responsibility not a right, it’s a Journey not a joke, it’s a Commission not a crown - take the Calling of God seriously because this gift is beyond you, and all about Him."  -Pastor Scott Manning

In the name of Jesus, Amen!


"Fear Not: for I Have Redeemed you, I Have Called you By your name; you Are Mine. When you Pass Through the waters, I Will Be With you; And Through the rivers, they Shall Not Overflow you: when you Walk Through the Fire, you Shall Not Be Burned; Neither Shall the flame kindle upon you. For I Am Yahweh your God, The Holy One of Israel, your Savior!"
Isaiah 43:1-3

Then said the LORD unto me, "Thou hast well seen: for I Will Hasten My Word To Perform It!"                                                                                                     Jeremiah 1:12

    "For With God Nothing Is Ever Impossible And No Word From God Shall Be Without Power Or Impossible Of Fulfillment!" Luke 1:37

But He said, "What is impossible with people Is Possible With God."
Luke 18:27

A person's heart plans their way, But the LORD Directs their steps.Proverbs 16:9

On feet of Faith & Peace
Isaiah 50:4/Isaiah 52/Jer 20:9-10,11-13/Joshua 1:9
Resting In His Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
©2010,2011 WisdomTeachesme

Friday, August 12, 2011


Then He touched their eyes, saying, "According to your faith And trust And reliance [on the power invested in Me] be it done to you;..."
 Matthew 9:29

Abundant Blessings, Favor, Mercy and Grace in the name of Jesus to you my sisters and brothers!
Every Day Is A Blessed day.

Here we have Another New Day Full of Opportunities, with Many possibilities For Us to Expect And Witness His Love For Us!
 Another New Day to seek His Will and allow His Holy Spirit to help us accomplish His Will in us, for us and through us for today. 

You have made your plans for this day, But have you Stopped and asked Him what ARE His Plans for you today? What Is His Will for you to accomplish today?
 Hummmm, no?
Then I suggest you do so, or you will be doing what you do all by yourself today-which is adding to failure.
We are Called to strengthen and discipline our heart, Spirit, soul and mind with the gift of Self-Control.

We have here Another new day to cooperate with His Holy Spirit in growing us, correcting us, leading us and maturing us in our Relationship with Jesus.
If you Seek and Desire to Have His Glory through your life today--That is What You Will receive--His Glory and Your Victory.
When we keep seeking and desiring His Best for us For Each & Every day, that Is What we Will get, His Best!

Expecting Him At All Times, making Sure To Not contribute to failure As So Many do by Not Expecting His Best, by Not expecting Him to be with you, by Not obeying His Holy Spirit, by Not expecting His grace, mercy & favor, & by Not seeing Him and Knowing that He is in the midst of Every trouble, situation & circumstance, Is Truly the Way for us to fail!
Remember, none of us can hold onto the Hand of Jesus And hold hands with the world at the same time. A drowning person does Not continue to swim once the Life Guard is there to save them!

  In the name of Jesus, Amen!
John 4:23-24; Luke 6:35-40; Psalm 149:4; 2 Cor 9

"At once the father of the boy gave [an eager, piercing, inarticulate] cry with tears, and he said, Lord, I Believe! [Constantly] Help my weakness of faith!"

Mark 9:16-30

*Keep in mind that If God Tells you to fast, Ask Him what are you to fast from? There are many More things that trouble the believer than food. There is  double mindedness, disobedience, lying, stealing, little unbelieving faith, lack of trust, etc.... Don't just jump on the fasting band wagon because others around you say they are going to fast.  Many times people take it upon themselves to fast. It is not given to them by the direction of God that He said they need to fast--And then fast from what?*

On feet of Faith & Peace
Isaiah 50:4/Isaiah 52/Jer 20:9-10,11-13/Joshua 1:9
Resting In His Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
©2010,2011 WisdomTeachesme