John 15:16-17 (Amplified Bible)
16You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you and I have appointed you [I have planted you], that you might go and bear fruit and keep on bearing, and that your fruit may be lasting [that it may remain, abide], so that whatever you ask the Father in My Name [as [a]presenting all that I AM], He may give it to you.
17This is what I command you: that you love one another.
Greetings to you my friends, sisters and brothers In Christ Jesus our Lord!
I have a few things to share with you today, words of encouragement, a deeper understanding of the directions as we Walk His Way. Amen!
I pray that the Words spoken through me will enlighten your knowledge, understanding and wisdom and give you a deeper Peace in your soul; and strengthen your Faith and Trust in the Lord. Glory be to the Lord God for His Love, Grace, and Mercy that Is more than Enough for each of us to eat and share with all others that come our Way, in the name of Jesus, Amen.
It is easy to get ‘caught up’ by our ‘daily duties’ which creates a large distance between us and our Center of balance. Taking care of children, our jobs, housework, yard work, and concern over bills, taking care of sick family members, our health issues, the world’s issues, All will pull us away from being disciplined and dedicated to our Daily Prayer and Praise time with our Lord.
Daily obligations if we allow them will distract us from His Purpose and Will for our lives. Pulling us further from the Center of our Joy and keeping us totally off balance-consumed by the world’s goings on instead of the Lord’s Work. We are to Serve the Lord, not out of obligation but by dedication to Him.
You have to Steal Away and focus on the Center of your life every day. The trick of the enemy is to get us wrapped up in our natural lives, wrapped up with what we have no physical control over so that we become distracted from what we Do have control over-our Spiritual Focus and Power. Satan uses our weaknesses and our lack to keep us immature and focused on self and not Jesus. That is why Jesus said that His strength is seen through our weaknesses and that He is the Supplier of all our need-what we lack and cannot obtain by our own power.
If satan is successful, we will always have a lack of daily Spiritual focus which depletes our Spiritual Power in and over the natural situations for ourselves and others we are Called to help.
You will begin to question what you know is Truth and this will create hesitation to obeying His Spirits movement in and through your life. Satan’s purpose is to
Dis-connect you from the Source of your Daily Spiritual Power-Jesus.
This lack of Spiritual focus causes your mind to wander into the depths of darkness and dead places where you end up being no Good to God or anyone else—you cannot make anything happen by worry.
If you do not exercise your self-control and pull yourself back-if you do not STEAL AWAY FROM ALL THE 'STUFF' AROUND YOU and get BACK to the Center of your life-staying in the Flow of His Holy Spirit’s movement—you will be drained and overwhelmed by the things around you. The Lord will begin to use hard teachings to snap you back in place.
He Will use/allow your circumstances to help you to Narrow your focus on your Spiritual life, which is your place of Truth to get the results that He seeks for you. This is a deeper and more vital relationship with Him.
Don’t be caught off guard or confused, He always uses our circumstances to work His Will and Purposes in our lives, but in this case, it will be a hard teaching because it is something that you are/may be fighting against.
You Will find yourself Rushing back to Him to re-establish your Kingdom Position and Spiritual connection with Him. Remember, if you take your eyes off of Jesus, you Will sink in the Water that you have been walking on! Deep Calleth to Deep!
Obedience allows us to stay in His Flow, so we can go with His Flow. We do not use man’s ways, but Gods Way!
Amos 5:24 But let justice run down like waters and righteousness as a mighty and ever-flowing stream.
Let us continue on in our learning and encouragement.
We are to hold Fast to what we have – His Truth! Jesus told us more than once that He Is The Truth and the Holy Spirit Is the Spirit of Truth for us. Amen.
Each Truth that we learn is to be cemented to our being by Obedience. The character of our Soul Is a building (the Temple) in which God’s Spirit will make a Home in us. This is His Will for each of us—His Purpose—His HOPE.
When bricks are placed together, united in a single purpose they form a building. If they are lying on the ground, scattered, separated from each other, they are useless.
The mortar that connects each brick is Obedience—cementing each Truth to become part of our being-our character. Truths that will be lost and useless to our purpose in Him if not added to us. Every Truth that the Lord Provides gives us what we must live in and walk in; To be seen by all around us.
His Truth is our Truth that we cloth ourselves in and everyone will know that we belong to Jesus by how we speak, because we speak the Language of Faith- because they can see that in the midst of troubles and trial, we are Kept by His Peace because we are Peaceful, we are kept by His love because we show Love to others, that we are kept by His strength because we show our strength in our Faith and Trust every time we speak, act or react to wrongs, and difficulties. He said that we will be known by the Fruit that we produce to be His disciples, His children, and I believe Him.
Alright, Moving right along to the next teaching. Even though I am giving you a buffet from Him, You can always print this out and read it over and over as many times as your heart, soul and Spirit needs to be fed, eating one part at a time.
We live in and through many trials and troubles daily. And if we are pushed by fear, instead of Powered by Faith, then these trials and troubles will overwhelm us and drown us in shallow waters.
The Truth Is, that they cannot destroy us! Look now, can’t you see what He has Already brought you through – so how can what you face today destroy you unless you allow them to—unless you allow your Spiritual Life to wane and grow distant from the Center of your life?
He uses trials and troubles to Work His Will in our lives. Remember, I thought I heard you say that your will IS His Will for and in your life-right? Not my will Lord, But Your Will be DONE! Remember…?
I have confessed it myself, and I know the Lord has heard us all when we surrendered our lives to Him to be controlled and directed by Him, because we Believe in, we Trust in, we Rely on and by Faith do we see and walk. Amen.
This is your new life opening up before you—yours to enter into the Kingdom that He has prepared for us all! Yes LORD Hallelujah!
Daily His Presence in our lives Is the sunlight that shines on our paths. I encourage you to continue to Trust and Go Forward unafraid – without fear, in Fearless Confidence and do as He said- "FOLLOW ME", Jesus told Peter and all the others that He blessed and healed while he walked this earth.
No matter what you see others going through—they may not suffer as you are, they may not surrender as you have, they may have what seems to be all the natural, material ‘things’ of fleshy comfort and you do not…Do not be concerned with what His Will and Purpose is for any other—YOU FOLLOW HIM! John 21:18-23
His Grace Is Sufficient for All our Needs!
In God have I put my trust and confident reliance; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? Psalm 56:11
If you hesitate to obey His Spirit’s leading you will miss out on what has been Divinely Planned for you at that moment. You may even lose your natural life, truly you will lose your Standing in His presence because of fear; which causes a person to hesitate, going back and forth, not trusting completely what He has told you to do.
Have you meet yourself yet? Are you too busy to meet yourself, to examine and face the truth about ‘who’ you are and ‘who’ you will be when He is finished His Good Work in you? Ask Him, and God will provide a season where you can meet yourself and accept what is acceptable to Him, And what Is Not acceptable to Him concerning your character And your heart. Then whatever He reveals to you as being unacceptable to Him, Let Him clean it out of you.
I Encourage you to PLEASE get Seriously Quiet before the Lord, as each of us is approaching a huge turning point—a major shift in our lives to which we Will Need His direction And guidance. You cannot help yourself by yourself!
He has Divinely Ordered a break-away moment-a plumb line to be drawn-a line of demarcation that Will separate your past from where you are now, And where you are headed.
Our past experiences will not be a Source of help for what is on the horizon-Divinely Ordered by our Father.
This is not a bad thing that is approaching us-not at all. It has been Divinely Ordered to Correct our course- to produce our Kingdom Destiny set forth by His Truth for our lives.
Destiny does not just happen—It Arrives!
The Lord encourages us to Look Forward, excited, expecting with Joy, All that He has prepared for us! Allow the Lord to balance your Gifts and Anointing to match your character—so that your Gifts and Anointing and your character are On One Accord In Him.
It Is a very terrible thing when a person’s character does not match-equal their Gifts and Anointing. Don’t sabotage yourself by leaning on your Talents, Gifts, and Anointing without Allowing the Lord to mature your emotional and Spiritual lives. You will not be able to use His Gifts, and Anointing effectively and efficiently if you stunt your own growth. Your immaturity will govern your flesh and your Purpose from Him will not be fulfilled! Which means, there will be No Glory unto God through your life.
I Cor. 2:9
But, on the contrary, as the Scripture says, What eye has not seen and ear has not heard and has not entered into the heart of man, [all that] God has prepared (made and keeps ready) for those who love Him [who hold Him in affectionate reverence, promptly obeying Him and gratefully recognizing the benefits He has bestowed].A)">(A)
On feet of Faith & PeaceJoshua 1:9/ Isaiah 52
Resting In His Faithfulness,One Day At A Time By Faith.