Saturday, August 30, 2008


Greetings to you my friends of faith.

I am in the midst of writing the newest message of encouragement. You know, things do pop up outta the blue! lol

Until I am finished, I made these videos to get you started!

Enjoy This day and thank you for being a visitor to this place of peace and courage.
In His Name, Amen.

"YOU DID IT ALL FOR ME!" Richard Smallwood


I HOPE YOU DANCE! - Oleta Adams

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Greetings my friends in the name of our Lord and Keeper.

Today is my partner's and my 4th Anniversary!

God is Abundantly Wonderful and Magnificent! Glory Be To God, in the Name of Jesus!
A good friend is babysitting our girls so that we can attend a book reading by Linda Villarosa to further celebrate this union.
Loving each other with God in the center allows us to grow stronger in His love. Further becoming all that we have been created to be.

Be well!

In His Name, Hold on to His hand -- you will not drown in shallow waters!

Friday, August 22, 2008


Thank You Lord for Remembering me and all these that I am led to pray for in the name of Jesus, thank You, Amen.

I pray your strength in the Lord be true and steady, and increased to the level of overflow to help you continue.

I pray that your heart is willing and accepting of All the Lord has planned to give you and to do through you.

I pray that you always remember to feed your spirit and discipline your flesh.

I pray that you remember and discipline yourself to walk by faith
in the Spirit of love and not in the spirit of selfishness and fear.

I pray that you do not reject what the Lord says to you even if it is not what you want to hear.

I pray that you will with joy obey the Lord's leading of your actions, and speaking.

I pray that when you do not fully obey the Lord and you make mistakes that you run to Him with the Spirit of humbleness and forgivness and offer yourself to His corrections.

I pray that you rec' with a good heart all that He says you need to do.

I pray your mind, heart, feet, hands, and spirit all stay in one direction facing The Way. Focused on Jesus and not religion.

I pray when you get tired and want to give up--when you feel that you cannot take anymore from the selfishness, and evil of this world and the hearts of people;
I pray that you seek the Lord and lean on and adhere to His Way - for His love is a balm and a comfort.

I pray that forgiveness is being watered and growing in your heart for yourself and others that have rejected you and done wrong to you.

I pray that your strength be in the Lord and that you will not be offended and confused by His correction and guidance.

I pray that you are given all the Spiritual wisdom, eyesight, hearing and knowlegde that you need to not give up!

I pray that you seek the Lord God our Father at all times and that you think about others before yourself.

In the name of Jesus, I pray all this for your life.

2 Cor 3; 3:17

'PRAISE YOUR WAY THROUGH' by Patrika Worthan & Shirley Ceasar

Patti Labelle & Edwin Hawkins- "My Soul Needs To Pray" 1995

Let us join together my sisters and brothers in lifting up the Name Of Our Father God in the name of Jesus we need to praise our way through on to battle!

That is our part of this battle--AS THE BATTLE IS NOT OURS-IT'S THE LORDS!!!


**If you say this prayer over yourself--
please change the 'you' to ' I ' ***

NO CROSS-NO CROWN - part two

Now, in Ecclesiastes 5:1-4, we get more Divine instruction to help us.

Verse 1 starts off with KEEP YOUR foot and Your Mind on the same path- focused on the same way. Solomon goes on to say that it is better to draw near to the House of God and to hear and obey than to give the sacrifice of fools too ignorant to know that they are doing evil. [Gen. 35:1-4; Exod. 3:5]

You know, there are times in which you might be listening to a person speaking to you and your body is right there with them, but your mind begins to wander off into some other place – thinking about paying bills, what is due, what is past due, any illness you may have, the problems at your job. You may be thinking of going shopping or even of how hungry you have all of a sudden gotten. That is what this scripture means…keep your mind in the same place as your feet! Purpose yourself and stop your mind from going off on it’s on. It will get caught up in mess if you do not stay alert to what you are thinking and doing at all times.

*I’m working on a building not made by mans hands*

Now, in verse 2, Solomon tells us to be careful- not to be rash with our mouths, not to let our hearts be hasty and to utter a false word before God. We are little beings down here on earth and God is in heaven—what can we do to fix the problems that face us? Continuous praise to God is the only part of the battle that is for us to do.

The Battle Is Not ours--it is God's, but we do have a part in it. Continuous Praise is all we can do. Fueled by a trusting, and faithful heart to God in the name of Jesus.

Speaking rash negative words about our situations will not help us. Allowing our hearts to be heavy and anxious in front of God will not help us. God being the Final Word in all things means that there is no problem on earth that He cannot fix. Let your words be few-especially if you are feeling negative and full of self pity. If you have a need to speak--give Him praise for all He has already done for you. Praise Him for what You are expecting Him to do Now for you. Continuous Praise in all things will bring the victory to your hands.

In verse 3, ( I love this verse and I have begun to meditate on this truth from God.) Solomon goes on to say; “For a dream comes with much business and painful effort, And a fool’s voice with many words.”

Let me give you an example to help you understand this. I know of people that complain that they do not make enough money to do the things they need to do. They pray for God to increase their paychecks from their jobs. They pray for God to send a windfall and open up the gates of Heaven and pour out a financial blessing.
Now, first off, there is no money in Heaven as God does not mint money—that would be man. So there will be no money falling from Heaven. What you need to pray for from God concerning money, is for Him to open up the opportunities that will allow you to receive more money. Then you have to go and do whatever He said to do, in order to see the answers.

Now, let’s say that God promotes you at your job and with this promotion comes an increase of pay. All you asked for was some more money—God has greater thoughts and decided to have man promote you, whether you deserve it or not—whether you are qualified or not. He Always Gives us More than we Asked Him for. And ususally it involves blessing more people than just one. Only the patient and steadfast will finish the race. Amen.

That is what the first line of verse 3 is saying. With any dream and vision that you have, If you and God have the same purpose and will---the dreams and visions –your desires start off in the spiritual realm (as God is Spiritual) and once He manifests it in the natural and puts the completed work into your hands; with it will come “much business”. You will have to do more work or some different work.

“AND it comes with painful effort.” Some of the work will give you pains and aches, dealing with difficult people, no one wants to cooperate, everyone has a me mentality. You will have to adjust to the challenges sometimes by way of painful effort. But the Effort that you put into it—God will honor and all will work out as He planned. You may now be the go-to person—the one that delegates responsibilities out to others, you may have more meetings and more people higher up than you to answer directly to.

The last line of verse 3 is a Warning. Solomon says; “…and a fool’s voice with many words.”
So, the dreams and visions that God will deliver to us also come with some fool taking crap to our faces or behind our backs. I for one and grateful to God for His warnings, I do not want to lose or waste anything on this journey with Him. I plan to finish this race by His plan of completion, Amen.

Now, with your new promotion that God gave you in order to give you more money, (your original prayer), comes with more responsibility, some painful effort, (that will be rewarded)- and He says that some negative, doubtful, jealous, always lurking around fool will try to persuade you to give up; saying things like this= "oh, you have to do all that now, you will be here all the time; isn’t this it’s too hard? you are really not qualified for this job; oh, let me tell you what the last person who had this job had to go through; oh this is what they are saying about you"= type of TALK!

Jesus says when they speak against you God is with you! But you have to fully be with God in order for Him to be with you!

In John chapter 16:7-15
He said, DO NOT worry your hearts, I have asked the Father and He Has sent another Comforter! Go to the Holy Spirit when things are not right and ask Him to step in. In fact—Go to Him BEFORE things get messed up and ask Him to glaze your path with Grace so that Everything is in order for you to go that way.

He has given all He has to the Holy Spirit—in order that we may be reminded of all we already know and the things that we do not know yet. When we depend on and call on the Holy Spirit to led us--He will.

This last part is in John chapter 16 verses 12 and 13.
Jesus said; “I have still many things to say to you, but you are not able to bear them or to take them upon you or to grasp them now. But when He, the Spirit of Truth (the Truth-giving Spirit) comes, He will guide you into all the Truth (the whole, full Truth). For He Will not speak His own message [on His own authority]; but He will tell whatever He hears [from the Father; He will give the message that has been given to Him], and He will announce and declare to you the things that are to come [that will happen in the future].”

At the beginning of this scripture, Jesus tells His disciples that He has so much more to teach them and to reveal to them. But they are not mature enough to understand it all right now. (don’t sow good seed on immature ground). So then they would not use it correctly to help the people or themselves-which will not help to build the Kingdom of God.

This means that a lot of things that are not written down in The Bible, are held and protected by His Holy Spirit. And if called upon the Holy Spirit will reveal to you the Truths that He knows. Yes, Thank You Jesus!

But if you are going to act like you are on this journey alone, complaining about life, concerned about worldly issues-and all the jacked up people and situations that come around lurking for a chance to attack and entrap you--if you are going to constantly rehearse your problems to everyone, if you are going to try on your own to fix things in your life or the life of another, and only talk like and look like you belong to Jesus—you will not benefit from a relationship with God through Jesus and you will not be able to call on the Holy Spirit for help, comfort to guide you.

Think about when Jesus was carrying His cross to the place it would be put into the gound, no one could help Him. Before He got to that point, all the people He called good friend rejected and abandoned Him. They also called Him their good friend and They recieved Much (healing, food, shelter, protection, miracles, etc...), from their relationship with Jesus. They did not stay when God allowed the fire to be turned up. All those people that benefited from His loving generosity, were no where to be found. Sound familiar to any of you out there?

Then you are carrying your cross, now ask Jesus to help you as He has already been this way before you. He knows how to do it in order to recieve the victory and crown.

Again, go back to part one of this message, start from there if you are not carrying your cross. Make sure that you have traded your yoke which is heavy and too much for us to carry for His yoke, which is light and not a burden and will help us along our way to completing this race.

Ask Jesus for The other Comforter to be in your life living in you so that you are able to weather the storms of problems and trials and messes and mazes that this world has created for us to go through.

The Holy Spirit will help you carry your cross and at the end of the marathon, when you don’t hear some of your friends and family cheering you on because they got tired of waiting on you- they didn’t have what it takes to go the distance, and you cross that finish line and receive your Crown in exchange for your Cross, Jesus will welcome you Home. Amen

I encourage you to spend quality time with God and Learn His word for yourself so that you will nurture your relationship with Him. Call upon His Holy Spirit to speak to you the things straight from God to your spirit.
That is what He is one of the things that He is suppose to do for us—He gives us Wisdom from God.

Not just in times of trouble--but everyday find out what the Word is from God for this day in Jesus name.

This is not about relaigion--it is about Jesus and having a relationship with Him, through Him with God.

Be willing to learn and change.
Keep a humble heart.

He wants to save your life and keep your life! Romans 10:9-10

*Praise You Lord……hhuummmmmmm I’m gonna carry my cross all the way Lord, with You by my side! ohhhhhh Lord, I’m gonna carry my cross Jesus all the way with You by my side! I’m gonna carry this cross all the way Lord, and change it for a crown.
I’m working on a building, not made by mans hands, I’m just a stranger passing through on my way Home!*

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Let me add this in between part one and part two of NO CROSS-NO CROWN, in order to help guide your way. It all fits together.

In 2 Chronicles chapter 20, King Jehoshaphat and his people are all up in arms and distressed because their enemies are coming to kill them. This King knows that he does not have the man power or supplies to stand victoriously against their enemies. He went to the Lord right away instead of wasting time trying to ‘figure out’ what to do, instead of running to all the people he knows and rehearsing the problem at hand over and over to them. None would be able to help him anyway. King Jehoshaphat knew this from the start!

Trouble came and He Took His Position – He took his Stand-he set his thoughts and feet and mouth in the same direction. He wanted the best that God can give him—he already tasted the best that people can give.

It says in verse 14-25, that the Spirit of the Lord came upon Jahaziel, son of Zechariah, to speak to the King.

And Jahaziel opened his mouth and the Spirit of the Lord said;
“Hearken,….The Lord says this to you: Be Not afraid or dismayed at this great multitude; for the battle is Not yours, but God’s. …..You shall not need to fight in this battle; TAKE YOUR POSITIONS, Stand still, and see the deliverance of the Lord [WHO IS] With you! …..And Jehoshaphat bowed his head with his face to the ground, and all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem fell down before the Lord, Worshipping Him! …And they rose early in the morning and went out into the Wilderness of Tekoa; ….and As they WENT, Jehoshaphat stood and said, Hear me, O Judah, and you inhabitants of Jerusalem! Believe in the Lord your God and you shall be established; Believe and remain steadfast to His prophets and you shall prosper! ….And when they began to sing and to praise God, the Lord set ambushments against their enemies and they turned on each other and killed each other dead.”

Now, lets look at how God gave this victory into the hands of Jehoshaphat. What made God honor him so?

First the King did what he knew was right-as we are taught from Philippians 4:6, the Word tells us this, when trouble comes upon us. We are told to do this:
“Do Not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with Thanksgiving, Continue to make your wants known to God.”

So in order to give a prayer of petition we Still have to have a Joyful and Thankful Spirit and heart.
The King knew this. He did not listen to his flesh and what he wanted to do. He did what he knew he believed in with his whole heart. He did not want mans best he wanted God’s best.

Then, the King entered into the Gates (His Presence), of God with thanksgiving and praise. So many people go to God without any praise to Him or any thankfulness, just with a grocery list of ‘things they want to make them feel better. They go with a selfish heart and spirit thinking that they are going to get what they want whether it is God’s Will for them or not.

We cannot go to God with a jacked up attitude expecting Him to honor our request os help in times of trouble. When my daughter comes to me to ask for something, do you really think I’ll honor her request if she comes rocking her head, talking sassy to me and telling me what I am going to do for her? Not on her life! It is the same way with God. How you approach Him determines if you receive your request from Him and also When you will receive it from Him.

The King did what He knew would show his faith and love to God. Jehoshaphat had the kind of faith that pleases God.

This is what He did, As it says in Psalm 100:4;
“Enter into His gates with thanksgiving and a thank offering and into His courts with praise! Be thankful and say so to Him, Bless and Affectionately Praise His Name!”

We can’t even get into the Gates of God with a spirit and mouth full of, complaining, grumbling, murmuring, unforgiveness and fault finding. We can’t even get into the Gates to give petition of our needs and wants without approaching them with a Joyful and Thankful heart and spirit.
Meditate on this for awhile.

Now the King knew what would happen if he approached God the wrong way;
with worry, anxiety, with unforgiveness and a selfish and complaining, fault finding mind, heart and mouth- stemming from the root ball of fear.

Jehoshaphat knew as Paul also knew and spoke of in 1 Cor 10:7-12.
If you complain, mumble or have unforgiveness and a sour-selfish attitude centered on what you want and what you don’t have yet—you will be shut out of God’s ear and some may even fall dead on the spot!

In Verse 3, 4 and 5, we see that God supplied them with all their needs while they were in the wilderness. And the people of God took the blessings, ate and drank of it all. Afterwards, the people started complaining, and murmuring, having a heart and mind against God and being ungrateful for All He had already done for them.

In verse 5 it says; “Nevertheless, God was not pleased with the great majority of them, for they were overthrown and strewn down along [the ground] in the wilderness. Now these things are examples (warnings and admonitions) for us not to desire or crave or covet or lust after evil and carnal things As They Did!”
Go there and read about it yourself. We cannot use a selfish heart, a complaining mouth and a sour spirit to love God and give Him our prayers to help us through all the problems that live in this world.

Constantly badgering God about when is He going to give you something, or when He is going to tell you something, is not going to create a path for Him to do so. Just like we do our daughters, we don't tell them when we are going to do something, because they will keep coming back asking us when are we going? When, When, When!? lol. That is how we are with God. So He tells us to trust in Him and stay prepared. What He promised will come when His timing is correct!

If you wake up in the morning praising your problems instead of Praising God, then my goodness, the birds are out praising you when they wake in the morning!

Did you know that birds start to sing and chirp before the sun rises? They do. They are anticipating what they know to be coming. That is what we are to do. Ask yourself this, are the birds praising God more than I am? Animals don’t know anything about God. But God said, Let Everything that have breath, give praise unto ME!

So now, what are you going to do when a problem arises? I suggest that you=
God wants you to know that when satan comes to you with memories of your past life, trying to guilt you into sadness and depression—trying to use your past against you—OR- if he comes suggesting that God is not going to help you right now and that you can do this or that on your own---This is what you do= Take Your Position as Jehoshaphat did and Turn It Around!

Tell satan, oh my, thank you for reminding me of How God brought me through that situation—I think I may Owe God some praise from what He has done in my past!! Take Your Position, and start praising God and offering the gift of thanksgiving –Enter His gates with praise and thanksgiving for what He has already done for you—For His Is Faithful to the End!

In the name of Jesus, amen.

This is what The Spirit of Lord told me to pray to Him. I am giving you the same directions, the same path to use to strengthen your relationship with God through Jesus- so that What He has

Established in you will prosper in abundance for His glory through your life. God wants to establish us completely in Him. You have to have a relationship with Him. One of truth, obedience and faith in order to do what we have been called to do, by His purposes—not ours.

So many people pretend to know God that when He shows up they don’t recognize that He is Him.

Aren’t you tired of the best that man can give you? Are you ready for that season to come to an end by the hand of God? Well, if you are-then let us go into His presence and ask to be given the season in which He gives us His best.

What this means is that = The people that He tried to use to bless us through, did not completely obey Him and were too concerned with what they wanted, to concerned with what they didn’t have, or felt they would be missing out on something, or would have less of, if they helped you. Are you one of these people that God tried to use to bless another? Did you follow through completely in the timing that God instructed you to do? Or where you one that was too concerned with what you had to give up in order to help another?

These are friends in the shallow definition of the word. My goodness, how their actions speak louder than their words!
I have come to learn and to let go off, the fact that I know people that call me a good friend of theirs, but they will not take even 5 minutes to return my phone call or an email. I know what they will say-"gurrll, i have been so busy!" uh-huh...

My, My, My Lord, I forgive them all and I thank you for revealing it all and I lift them up to you so that you will continue to Work On Them! I love them. I know You are all over me! Stay all over them Lord, In Jesus’ name thank You, Amen.

I’m more than ready for God’s best to be given to me now that He has tested others that did not obey Him. I am ready to go! In Jesus name Amen.
How about you? Are you ready to grow?

My Lord, I am taking my Stand—Taking my position and I am starting with what I have! Praise Jesus! My feet are planted firmly—my thoughts are steady. I know that I cannot start with what I don’t have—so I start with all I do have!

I hear You Father, for it is time to begin. My feet are planted and I’ve made a decision, it’s time to begin. Amen.

I understand Lord that I have actually come to a time of Your Favor and that You have called for my strength! You Father God have called for an end to the past season in which something other than Your Best for me has worked, usurping the reality You intended for my life! Thank You God!

You know Lord that I have obediently pressed on with my faith—praying and believing Your Word to be the Final Authority in all situations concerning my life.

I confess and declare Lord that with what I have I am standing Firm in All that I know You have spoken to my heart! In the name of Jesus I am! I have written down everything that You have said and I go by the outline of what I’ve written.

You Lord have come onto the scene! Yes Lord! The predicted end of the challenge, including the sting of it—is visibly at hand—but Your Hand Father is stretched out on my behalf!! Thank You Lord!

“The voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tents of the righteous; the right hand of the Lord does valiantly. The right hand of the Lord is exalted; the right hand of the Lord does valiantly!” Amen. Psalm 118:15-16
Part two of NO CROSS-NO CROWN, will be posted after this one.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

NO CROSS = NO CROWN - part one

Jesus said to His disciples in Matthew 10:38;
"And he who does not take up his cross and follow ME
[cleave steadfastly to ME, conforming wholly to MY example in living and if need be, in dying also], is Not Worthy of ME!"

Then He said in Mathew 16:24;
"He said to His disciples, If anyone desires to be MY disciple, let him deny himself [disregard, lose sight of, and forget himself and his own interests] and Take Up his cross and follow ME."

Greetings to you - believers in Jesus Christ in the name of Truth, Let us learn more about what it means to follow Jesus. Amen.
I pray that you are well and in good spirit on this day that is full of the Results of our being blessed by God our Father.

How is your relationship going with God? Is it growing, is it stagnant, are you on punishment, are you full of His freedom? Are you excited or full of sadness, frustration and worry?

Is it up one day or week and down the next? If so, then you are not balanced by His scales.
Are you reaping the benefits of having a relationship with God through Jesus?


Let me back up a bit and remind you that Jesus said in chapter 14 of John, in first verse He said; “DO NOT let your hearts be troubled (distressed, agitated). You believe IN and ADHERE to AND TRUST in AND RELY ON God; believe in AND adhere to AND trust in AND rely on ME.”

First He gave them some balm, the answers. (many of you already have the answers you need).
Then Jesus goes on to tell His disciples that He was going to be leaving them soon and that someone would betray Him, one of them would deny Him and reject Him and then He would be put to death. The thing is, Jesus told them Not To Worry First—He gave them comfort first—Then He proceeded to tell them the divine order of How things would unfold in the coming days.

He told them in verse 12 that the disciples if they would live as He has, they would do all the things that He did and that they would “Do Even Greater Things” than He did—if they steadfastly believe in Him. Then, Jesus gave them another result—benefit of their relationship with Him and the Father.

He said in verse 16 & 17; “And I Will ask the Father, and He Will give you another Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby), that He may remain with you Forever! The Spirit of Truth, Whom the world cannot receive (welcome, take to its heart), because it does not see Him or know and recognize Him, for He lives with you [constantly] and will Be in you.”

You know that the disciples, right from the start became greatly concerned as His words confused them. Jesus so wanted them to ‘get it’, that He used every parable and example that God gave Him to speak with.

Now, let’s put all this together, I want to show you something that you already have and maybe are not using at all or are not using to His fullness.

We are to pick up our cross, (read scripture at top) and we are told by Jesus to carry our cross and at the end of this journey, this marathon, this race—we will exchange our crosses for God’s Crown of Glory when we get to His home in Heaven.
HALLELUJHA (Rev. 2:10-11; 3:8-11; 2 Tim. 4:8; Pro. 4:9)

Jesus said, that if you pick up your cross and follow Him He will give us another Comforter to help us along the way.

Right from the beginning Jesus is speaking God’s Truth to us. He tells us that He knows that trials and trouble will be along the road—seeking to do us harm—He has been going through it! He is telling us the Divine Way to make it through this journey- never putting down our cross—never denying Him--not getting tired of doing good- by leaning on, And believing in Him.

And that, if we run this race, the way that He did-by His example--keeping our focus on Him—making sure that our feet and our minds are stayed and purposed in the same direction at the same time—Another Comforter will be right with us. The Holy Spirit. The Spirit of Truth. All we have to do is call upon Him. He Will Always Be There, Jesus said.
Lord, Thank You Jesus!

God has given us everything that we need to know in order to start, keep going, and finish this race! There is nothing that a person can lack, if they are following the example that has been set for us. Some people may have been tricked into believing they have lack and are not able—and that is true, but only if you are relying on your own wisdom, strength and power as a human.

Now if that is all you want from the life you did not give to yourself—then that is fine – all well and good. We have the gift of free will.

But if you are like me and so many others who found out what God has done through Jesus and you believe (or want to believe) that God is God and that Jesus speaks the Truth of God, then Come On! Let us encourage one another so that we all can get there! Amen!

I do not work in converting-that is not what we are to do.
I am here to write down teachings mostly for myself and hoping to benefit those that want to know and grow. Because some already Know and want some More! Like me.

I’m following the leading of the Holy Spirit to learn what He says I need to know. If I can help anybody else as I walk this way, then that is more for the Lord. Amen.

Now, if you do profess to follow and love Jesus as so many people talk about and they know what Jesus said He came here to do and did; but you may be off base with some things, or you are not fully understanding how things are to connect- then that is the first step in saying -Lord I want to learn Your Way-but I’m having trouble with it all.

Tell the truth and let Him know you need help!
I believe many people are not taught the truth, the simple truth that Jesus taught to the people. And we can fix that. His Word is a Light, and full of His Understanding for the simple. That would be my category. lol. I’m pretty smart, practical, but If the Holy Spirit was not here to help guide and teach me, I would not be able to know and do all I have done and continue to do each day. Amen.

Education-information is not worthy in and of itself, you need to have wisdom to balance it all out. I mean God’s Wisdom—not just human wisdom. There is a huge difference. You ever met anybody that had a lot of book sense, as the old folk call it—but no wisdom and common sense? That would be what I am talking about. That is what we want to correct and prevent from happening anymore.
Now back to the point I was making.

(knowing that you are with Jesus and with Him nothing is impossible)-

Knowing this I have to ask you;
Why my sisters and brothers are so many hearts heavy and so many minds confused on a daily basis? Why are you filled with trouble when you wake up –and through the day you eat on that trouble and even take it to bed with you at night to sleep with?
Why are you, by your own little power, trying to ‘fix’ your life, your issues, your children, your life partner, your spouse, your job, your friends, your extended family?

Were you doing pretty good and something happen and it has knocked you back some steps? That happens. Nothing is wrong-everything is right on que. When you follow Jesus, remember, evil will send attacks that God will turn into tests. God tests our hearts. (Pro. 17:3)

How you act during the length of the test is what is going on. Your character, wisdom and understanding are being strengthened and built up. There should be spiritual growth and maturity producing fruit that you see and you should feel different. In a positive, uplifting way. And yes there are just long, trying days thatwe face. No doubt about that.

Don't let the lies satan suggets to you become your truths. he will have people trying to live lies-and they will try to convince themselves and the rest of us that they know what they are doing. It is a also a waste of time trying to impress others by fitting in with whatever group of people is the pick this month. Maybe they are not supposed to be in that group-have they thought about that? We should all think on What attracts us to certain groups and makes us want to join? Examining our motives concerning all things.

And all the while people are living like this—many are always talking about they belong to Jesus—and God is their Father. That God is on their side, so it does not matter who is against them. They speak that they ‘know’ they are already blessed! And that Jesus covers them with His blood. YET, the same many, are always whinning about the issues of living and the problems that the many carry around with them.

I am not talking about venting with like minded people who will offer positive encouragement. That is truly something we have to do in order to help each other along this Way.

I can tell you some of the whys—I really believe a lot of people do not know the Bible for themselves, and they have been taught incomplete teachings about God and what it means to really follow Jesus in this life. They do not have a relationship for themselves with God through Jesus. They may not even know there is more to do Everyday with Him--Not just getting saved and then continuing to live the same old life that brought you to Jesus in the first place.

AND also,
Many people don’t want to give up what they can hold and see for God and Jesus. They want to believe—I truly believe that. But Fear is such a stronghold in these people that they are serving a master who takes slaves to task. They have given authority over their lives to their flesh, to satan and to the approval of other people’s rules and regulations for gain of material wealth.

This is why we are to keep in touch with God everyday. Spend time with Him-Quality time. So that your relationship with Him will grow, mature and produce much fruit. Talk to Him. He is still speaking to those of us that want to hear Him.

They counted up the cost and for them salvation from Jesus cost too much. But I am here to tell you that there is something wrong with your math equation.

You may think that- you + material gain = Strength and Power.
That type of math does not work in the Spiritual realm of living.
The way I count it up is this way:
me + Jesus = God. me + God = Wealth =Everlasting Life!
In the natural world and the spiritual world.

Let me tell you this, God can Only be with you-IF you are with Him!
Speaking those verses with the wrong heart will not set them into motion for you. If you do not speak with forgiveness, truth and love, then No Power will be given to God’s Word that you speak over your life or anyone else’s.

If you are not carrying your cross—if you have not given up your life to die in order to live—if you have not exchanged your yoke for His yoke—no matter how you word it--I can see Why you are burdened with the troubles, trials and tribulations of this world. satan will lie to you and have you living as a faker and one full of excuses.

“I’m just a stranger here passing through”

I encourage you right now, to Tell yourself the truth about your life—Everyday Speak the weaknesses and lack out loud and give them to Jesus so that He is included to give help. That is what we are supposed to do with our weaknesses and our lack—Give them to Him. Not hide them and act like we are all powerful and do not need help.
We all possess weaknesses and lack. We have been made this way on purpose. Our best will always be Imperfect!

If you keep this spirit of pride as your strength and guide—God Will Not be able to do for you. He hates pride! Pride gives false strength and power. Pride and her brother fear, have taken down mightier people than many of us. What makes so many people think that they can harness pride and fear to help them into salvation and deliverance? The cousins of pride and fear are Greed and Jealousy my friends.

Satan will seduce you with suggestions born from lies. he wants to produce more seeds to plant growing fields full of messes and mazes. he thinks he will plant all his stuff in-between God and what you believe about God—If we allow him to he will. We have been given the authority and power to know that this world has been defeated and the keys are in Jesus’ possession.

This is what Jesus is telling the people. That Gods Divine Way to Salvation, deliverance, and righteousness in the name of Jesus is here and free for those that believe. He is showing us How to carry the cross, What to do when things go wrong, How to act when people treat you like crap and act the fool against you. What to say to satan when he raises his ugly little head and even How to say it to satan so that he knows we mean to carry out our Fathers Business. (Remember how David spoke to Goliath?)

You know, there are many that are able to Start the race, but marathons last a long time. And many that started the race will not have what it takes to complete the race.

When we complete this natural race as Spiritual beings on this earthly plane and get to heaven—we exchange our Crosses for His Crown – which God places on our heads. Amen! (Rev. 2:10-11; 3:8-11; 2 Tim. 4:8; Pro. 4:9)

So many are caught up in religion and not in Jesus—The Way-The Truth-The Life.
Following Jesus is not a religion. Christianity is from the Word Christ. If you are obeying Jesus and following Gods Divine plan set forth through Jesus—then in my Book-you are a Christian.

We all have gifts, talents and some are anointed and some are not. Me, among a few things, I am a teacher-I Teach. That is what I do. No matter the subject, whether it be in art which I was formally trained in-and this training enhanced my natural gift of being an artist. Or it may be one of my hobbies, or something new that I have not really put a lot of effort into. Lately it is God's Will for His people- I'm a teacher. I Teach.

No matter what it is, if You praise God for giving it to you and thank Jesus for securing it for you--then all you have to do is ask the Holy Spirit to always, continuously guide and teach you as you Press Forward to the finish of this race.

Only God knows How He will lift you up to great heights with your gifts and talents when you allow Him to anoint them. I want to do as much as He spoke over my life to do. Who knows when our time to go Home will arrive. I want to be as prepared as I can--while I can. Amen!

Now, in Ecclesiastes 5:1-4, we get some more Divine advice and instruction to help us.

**End Of Part One**

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


"But without Faith it is impossible to please and be satisfactory to Him. For WHOEVER would come near to God must [necessarily] Believe That God Exists and that He IS the rewarder of those Who earnestly and diligently Seek Him [out]." Hebrews 11:6

Grace and Spiritual blessings be to you my wonderfully made sisters and brothers!
How Beautiful you all are! In the name of God’s Love I come to encourage you today to not back down, to not give up, and to not be saddened and cast down! The Good News of Jesus Christ is still very much Alive and Working For Who-So-Ever believes In Him! Amen!

I am not here seeking anyone’s approval or anyone’s acceptance of who God made me to be. I am here looking for fellowship with my sisters and brothers In Christ. Amen.

I check myself often. I make sure to question and examine my motives for everything I am doing or going to do. Do you ask yourself; "Now am I trying to win the favor of men or of God? Do I seek to please men?" Satan is the master trickster, and if you are not keeping your mind on what is good and what your motives are often, he will plant seeds full of lies, doubts, hatred, and a false love from people.

Paul teaches those that say they desire to live through Jesus here he says:
"If I were still seeking popularity with men, I should not be a bond servant of Christ (The Messiah)
"For I want you to know, sisters and brothers, that the gospel which was proclaimed and made known by me is not man's gospel [a human invention, according to or patterned after any human standard]. For indeed I did not receive it from man, nor was I taught it, but [it came to me] through a [direct] revelation [given ] by Jesus Christ The Messisah."
1 Gal 1:10-12

Are you a fence straddle, or are you of the right mind and heart to grow in your spiritual maturity-to want to learn all you can about His plans and ways for your life. To be encouraged and to have the courage to continue to Stand and fight the good fight of Faith?
Are you a people pleaser or a God pleaser? Are you living and striving to fit into groups of people and to gain their approval for every area of your life-or- are you seeking God's approval of your life and living by His standard and examples?

Are you addicted to approval from people or are you whole heartily dedicated to being a living testimony and witness to what the Love of God has done for your life and for others?
Are you spreading Truth or Fear? Are you living in Truth or Fear?
We have to examine our hearts to see what we have allowed in them to live and grow. What our hearts love, that will mold and teach us.

Are we teachable or are we stuck living in and seeing through narrow rules, traditions and hatred? Using manipulation and wrong teachings that were always meant to control people and keep divides among the House and Family of God?
We have to daily examine our motives and our desires to see if they are in line with the teachings, the commandments and the examples of Jesus or of the world.

What does the Spirit of God say to you? Not for you to tell me, but for you to stop and think about it. Have you heard His voice speak to you and if so, what did He tell you to be busy with? That is what you should be doing until He comes and tells you something new. If you have not called on the Spirit of the Lord to help you with everything, then how do you know if you are doing what He wants you to be doing?

Jesus said He came here to save the people that wanted to be saved. He knew the hearts of people-He knew who was playing with Him and who was serious about this change He offered--this new life that He spoke was free for all that wanted it from God.
He knew who to chase after and who to leave alone.

He came to include the people that had been excluded, rejected and were pushed out to the margins of society because of selfish human hearts and hateful self-centered reasons.
He came to teach by example and let us know that even when people reject us--we will survive and will be completed because God is on our side. We seek God's approval and not that of people that use God as a weapon and say that He hates us. We will continue to pray for you if you think that God hates anybody. He created differences--to be Enjoyed and Lifted up. To be appreciated.

I know that so many of you out there are faced with people that want to control you, manipulate you, playing games with you--and want you to jump through hoops to gain approval from them to be in their group. Believe me, you have got to let that false need to be with them go. It is a false love as it comes from people with conditions and not from God.

You are not going to be able to be used by them, pleasing them and live to please and have faith in God. We are set apart from our old lives. That includes people, places ang things that we allowed to be in God's space of our hearts.

We cannot serve 2 Gods. These people will try to change you from what God has spoken to you and over you to do for Him. They have been taught to hate and to encourage hate to grow and attack anything they do not understand or like. Their motives are wrong and not full of love.

There are some very jealous so-called saved children and fakers out here. They do not want you to be Bold and Radical for Jesus. They don't want you to be full of His Gospel-unashamed to speak it any time-- they are ticked off because you stepped out of the boat on faith and accepted what God said to you -- and without hesitation or fear--You are fully dedicated to Jesus and care not a bit what they think about you. You are occupied with your Fathers Work and They don't want you to Include everyone to preach/teach to. They are jealous and offended because You Believe and They do not. It is that simple.

Someone taught them how to hate and convinced them that it is acceptable to hate.
Someone taught them to hate themselves and to hate what is different. Someone taught them to believe that mans love is all we need. Mans love is imperfect and has to be replaced with God’s unconditionaLove – Covered by the Blood. Amen.

Don't give up your destiny with God just to have people accept you through all their issues and self hatred and judgmental hearts. Stop trying – (if you are) - to fit in with people and stay with God--you will not be able to do both. God wants all of you- not parts on some days. All of you- all day- every day is what He wants. If someone has taught you to hate—take a stand—make up your mind to Stop feeding that evil and let it die within your heart.

People like that will have you living inside a closet full of fear and scared to live the life that the Love of God has blessed you with.
A Bold, Beautiful, Unashamed, Always speaking and confessing His love from your heart and mouth kind of Life. With the Faith is always pleasing to Him.

Don’t be afraid of what people will think or say or do. Let His love for you shine brightly by fully accepting who He made you to be. He Will reward all those that diligently and whole heartily seek Him! And please don't start hating in return either. That solves absolutly nothing.

Don't you think that God knows who you are? He made you. So if He has chosen and called you to be in His Family--He knows who you are. What people say is not important to His plan for your life and everyone else your life will touch as you are on your journey with Jesus—not with people.
If God has called you, then He has anointed you and you are under His Authority and work in His Authority. (Gal. 1:1)

He came to fulfill the Will of Our Father and reconcile us all back to Him. We are covered under One Blood and we are the Body of One Head.
Here are Some of the requirements to be in His Family with God.

He said :

wHo-sO-eVeR--trusts in, relies on, calls on, leans on, adheres to, obeys, gives up their life for, picks up their cross and follows Him, loves others and themselves as He loves us, does as He showed by example, forgives others, forgives themselves, kills their flesh daily, stands for His truth and justice, does not deny Him nor His commandments, seeks Him continuously in all times, praises Him, prays to Him, thanks Him, worships Him, spends quality time in Him, allows His will to lead their life,
WhO-So-EvEr -- whole heartily believes Him, loves Him, desires to please Him, does not doubt Him, always desires to grow more in Him, Is not Ashamed Of Him and His Gospel and Law Of Love--HE SAID,
who-so-ever, is not Offended by = negative hearts, silent or spoken rejection, the coldness toward Him taken out on us, will suffer in His name, who will love God's plan more than their own plans, who will be fully committed to God through Jesus, who will STAND through all the meanness and hatred thrown from the world even from some people that say they belong to the Same Father.

Who-So-Ever does all that and more, belong to Him and He is not ashamed of you. He will add your name in the Book of Life.

I have been rejected for most of my life by people of all skin colors adn genders and beliefs. By their rules, traditions, and plans for my life to manipulate me and control me to fit in their categories so that They feel comfortable about themselves.
I know that I cannot do the Will of God based on how I feel nor based on a foundation of other people's wants, desires and whims for my life.

All these years that people have chosen to reject me, I Thank Them—those that pushed me away because my skin is a different color, those that have run from because I love a woman and wanted a child, Whoever you are, I just want to thank you for hating on me because it Only Made God get up and give me more Hugs and more Love.

If you allow Him to do so-God takes hate and makes it love and you will be made stronger and prepared to be here right now—for such a time as this! Amen. Everything that has ever been thrown at me to hurt me and set me up to fail—God turned it around every time and it was used to nurture me and add the preparation I needed to be here RIGHT NOW ! I Praise God in the name of Jesus for His protection and love for my life.

How about you? Are you still here ready to face the lies you have believed and lived by for most of your life? Lies about you –who you are—what you can do and be. Are you ready to stop listening to people that don’t have a clue about their own lives let alone what you are here to do?

I will stand with every glbt person, every woman, and every person regardless of skin color, regardless of socio-economic status, regardless of education level, regardless of any of other 'isms', or issues or differences--I Will Stand for what God has instructed me to do. Teach, Preach, Accept, Love, Forgive and Welcome into the Family that He is the Father of. Who-So-Ever. Believes.

I will stand for the people that have been rejected from traditional Churches, with people who have never really learned about God as much as they have learned about mans religion, mans rules, and have been manipulated in order to instill fear and to control them. I will stand with those that are oppressed because of any reason. I Will stand with people that want Above All Else to live for God and do the Will set forth by the Life of Jesus for us all to follow.
John 12:24-26

In III John we see that to be able to Give Joy to others as we walk in truth is pleasing to God. Walking in truth means living out His Truth in faithfulness and obedience. This is so others will see and be encouraged to follow.
God has made a way that our hearts, our bodies, and our souls
Will prosper in every way (vs. 2).

Daily We all need to ask God for the ability and opportunities to live our lives in His Truth. (III John 4)

We all need to remember that to follow Jesus is to suffer as He did. Ignorance, hatred, and cold hearted hearts, were around in His time--and they are still around today. So if God wants to remove something He will- therefore He is using all of that and everything else evil from satan and from the pain in people’s hearts to mold us and shape us into Courageous, Strong, dependable Children of His. Thank You Jesus for what You gave me-For what You gave Us All at Calvary!

Always He is here for us--He says, Do Not Fear what people can do to you! I Am Here say the Lord! Psalm 56:11. I thank you Lord.

And I am not here to try and convince any people that think GLBT's are living in sin and should repent and try to get ‘a homosexual evil spirit’ off of Us--I am not here to entertain you nor debate anything with you. I am not here seeking your approval or acceptance.

PLEASE, I urge you to Go To God If You Have A Problem With Him Choosing and Calling me to teach and preach His Word and Way to those that desire Him. I go to Him when people are living in hateful, judgmental, life stealing thinking patterns and actions.

I go to Him when I have had about all the hate I can stand for the moment. I take these people and all their hateful thoughts, and their silent and spoken words and actions of rejection and judgement-- I Take it all to HIM and leave all that mess in My Fathers hand.

I am not here seeking your approval or your acceptance of who God made me to be. I am looking for fellowship with my sisters and brothers.

If you are a person that feels there is room within God’s Love to hate-then you have not accepted His UnconditionaLove.
You are still seeing, hearing, living and breathing in love from the hearts and minds of people, not of God.
There must be time spent with Him in order to allow Him to re-mold you and repair you. To re-teach you how to see life through your spiritual being and not your flesh.

Did somebody teach you how to hate?
Who taught you how to hate? Who taught you that it is acceptable to hate and judge people different from you based on the outside? Who taught you to hate yourself because you are different from the one who first spoke such hate filled, life stealing words to you?
We all need to Stop believing all these lies.

God created differences to be appreciated and loved.
And now that you are aware of how you got started hating…what are you going to do about it?
Are you going to allow it to keep growing in you producing rotten, life stealing seed and fruit? Or are you going to go to God to ask Him to forgive you and remove what is not of Him from your entire self?

WE Already KNOW that He loves us--He has told us so. And Nothing or Anybody can separate us from the Love of God.

I know that all the people that reject me and others different than themselves – I know that they love with mans love, a false love and not with God’s Love. I have long since forgiven them.
Love like that I have to ignore as Jesus said to do.

(Matt. 15:6-14). I will continue to allow God to change me, so i can love them and to keep working on them. Just as I daily call upon Him and Thank Him for His Love working on me at every moment and area of my life.

To be fully re-created into Love is my goal. I have not obtained it yet—But I keep Pressing on toward what is ahead of me and leaving what is behind me in the past.


Sunday, August 10, 2008


"But Jesus [for His part] did not trust Himself to them, because He knew all [men]. And He did not need anyone to bear witness concerning man [needed no evidence from anyone about men], for He Himself knew what was in the human nature. [He could read men's hearts.]" [Ref. 1 Sam. 16:7]
John 2:24-25

Greetings to you my sisters and brothers in the name of Jesus I come to you with some more of His love for us all! Amen.
Isn't it a beautiful day today? The seasons have changed and Autumn is here.

I come to ask you is there Anybody else GLAD to know that Jesus LOVES them?!

What do we put our trust in? Who do we put our trust in? How do we see our lives?
Jesus came and spoke all the knowledge, understanding, wisdom and truth concerning all these questions that many of us deal with. If you are not seeking the answers to these questions then you should be.

Thank You Holy Spirit for Your guidance, correction, and teaching of our hearts as we call upon and rely upon Your strength to see us through, In Jesus name, we thank You, Amen.

Let us start here looking into these questions and some answers that will help us continue our Walk of Love In Truth.
John 2:18-25

Jesus knew that we are of human bodies and therefore full of imperfections. He did not fall to pieces when His disciples disappointed Him--He was not devastated because He already knew and understood human nature.
Yes Jesus expected His disciples to do their best--but He knew that even their best would still be imperfect.

Let me stick a pin right there so I can ask you this; Do you know and accept that you are human and that your best will still be full of imperfections? Do you accept this truth about all other people that are in your life or come through your life also?

I ask you these questions so that you will examine your thoughts, your ways, and your hearts to search out the lies that we tell ourselves and then proceed to live in. There is a lack within you if you are telling yourself that you are perfect and that you expect everyone around you to be perfect also. That is the lack that needs to be brought to the Altar and given to God to be repaired. That type of thinking is part of our being imperfect.

In John 2:18-25, we are told that the people were amazed and full of disbelief at the same time as they listened to Jesus tell them to destroy this Temple and He would raise it back up in three days. This was His response to some Jews who sought to trap Him through their words. They wanted to know by what sign would Jesus show them –by what Authority-by what evidence did Jesus say what He said.

When Jesus told them He would restore the Temple in three days they were in darkness for He was speaking “of the Temple which Was His Body.”
Even though Jesus knew that at the Passover Feast many believed in His name-that they identified themselves with His Party; He knew because they were witness to His signs, wonders and miracles-The Word goes on to say “that Jesus, for His part did not trust Himself to them because He knew all men.” (vs24).

Here is the Divineness of Truth in verse 25; “And He did not need anyone to bear witness concerning man…for He could read the hearts of men.”

My sisters and brothers I urge you to expect good things to happen in your life. I also encourage you to be bottom-line realistic in all things. You should realize and accept that unpleasant situations and people who are disagreeable will always be put on our paths to encounter and experience.

Your enjoyment of this life relies on your attitude while within these trying and pressing situations. When you determine and purpose yourself to walk in love with truth, having a positive outlook that is fueled by what lives in your heart, Then God is Able, in your life.

Seeing all people, starting with yourself as they realistically are—you will deal with your own imperfections and those of other people around you with mercy and grace.
Living a life with unrealistic expectations of yourself and from others will always lead you to the valley or the mountaintop of complete disappointment. Then you will begin to listen to your emotions as most times our feeling get hurt. And from there, anger and feelings will start to try and govern your re-actions and actions.

Do not set yourself and others up for failure by putting your trust and faith in human imperfection. Seek the perfection of Jesus and His Holy Spirit will correct and change the situations to work themselves out for your good. And for the good of everyone involved if they are seeking the Lord’s Way.

Now, I am not saying that we should not expect the best out of people—I’m saying we must remember that we are all human beings with imperfections, so therefore we must remain mindful of our limits and of God’s way with impossibilities.

I must confess that I am so pleased and full of zeal to have learned this wisdom and truth from the teaching of His Holy Spirit. It has taken such a burden off my neck—it was a yoke that was not meant for me to carry—not meant for any of us to carry around. My Dear Lord I thank You Jesus for loving me through Your Holy Spirit—Yes Lord, I Am An Active Listener!

I have come to know and have accepted that as long as we are in these earthen bodies we will manifest imperfections. God knew this to be true so He gave us instructions in His Word on how to deal with people who seem to just get on our every nerve. He sent guidlines and law on how to act with in those terrible pressing places that certain situations throw at us. For the good of God to step in and correct the thing-this will the faith of a mustard seed bring forth. Active Faith.

Let me ask you this, Are you looking for that perfect job, that perfect church, that perfect spouse or life partner; are you looking for that perfect house and neighborhood , that perfect friend? In truth none of that even exist! This is how we set ourselves and others up to be disappointed and fail in reaching a completion that is positive and permanent.

This is why Jesus tells us over and over To Not put our trust in-do not lean on-rely on, adhere to OR expect from= things of the world and in people. God has repeated this same direction over and over throughout the Bible. See, He has given us instructions to follow, but so many will not walk the way through the narrow gate. They follow their flesh and their emotions toward a deeper darkness.

Is There Anybody Else Glad to Know That Yes, Jesus Loves them?!
People are not perfect because God did not create us to be perfect. I have learned to be full of and generous with His mercy and grace when dealing with people. I want to sow seeds of mercy and grace because I don’t know when I may need some for myself. amen.
When you expect people or yourself to be flawless you will always be disappointed.

We all hope that within the plans for our days and life that others will cooperate with us in achieving a positive completion. We want our situations to work out-and some of us want them to go exactly as planned. But from our past experiences we should all have learned that expectation is not worthy to hold if we are relying on people to accomplish things. The truth is that rarely happens.

We are Believers and we have this Power of The Holy Spirit to help us do all difficult and impossible things. The Holy Spirit steps into the many places of human imperfections by way of Active Faith. This is to know that we are not in charge of anything and that Only God can take imperfection and bring forth good fruit from it for His glory.

Be like Jacob, Hold on to God’s Word till If fills you with His understanding, His wisdom and His knowledge of all His Word means. Hold on to IT till you reap the harvest of the results of Being Blessed.
If you have Relationship with God through Jesus—then you are already Blessed. As the relationship IS The Blessing. Now go to Father as see what He brings to your life through your relationship with Him in the name of Jesus—ask for the results of this Blessing.

Remember= ”However we possess this precious treasure [the divine Light of the Gospel] in [frail human] vessels of earth, that the grandeur and exceeding greatness of the power may be shown to Be FROM God and NOT From ourselves.”
2 Cor. 4:7-13

and Col. 1:9-14

With Love till we meet again-Glory Be To God The Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, amen.

"AT CALVARY" Dorothy Norwood & Miss Mass Choir

Friday, August 8, 2008


“Behold! I have GIVEN you authority AND power to trample upon serpents and scorpions, and [physical and mental strength and ability] over ALL the power that the enemy [possesses]; and nothing shall in any way harm you.”
Luke 10:19

Greetings to you in the name of Jesus.
Do you know just how beautiful you really are? All of you inside and out—You were created from beauty—so there is nothing else you can be but BEAUTIFUL!

If you are spending a lot of your time on how you appear on the outside—my sisters and brothers, I encourage you to stop seeing yourself through the eyes of people that juge and measure by the worlds standard. Come up Higher and start looking into your heart so you can see that you have a beauty that cannot be taken away. Ask God in the name of Jesus, to help you to stop looking at yourself through the eyes of hatred and start to use the eyes of Love that God has Given to you. This will help you in how you see everyone around you also.

Remember now, You Are Beautiful—More from the inside than what exists on the outside. Amen.

Putting Power to Truth.
P.R. = Personal Responsibility.

Now, this scripture above will only work if you truly believe what Jesus says. Repeating it with shallowness of heart will not provide the impetus needed to put Power to Truth.

Theology is not Faith.
Learning about religions and their belief traditions/patterns--is not Learning about God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit.
Theology will not tell you how to daily defeat the devil, our enemy.
Theology will not tell you how to grow in your relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Not alone it will not.
It is the study of religious beliefs.

Man’s way of education will not work by itself. You need to Go to God to get the True understanding of Who He Is.

In order to learn about God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, you have to go to God and be taught-study what He Is so that you completely know Who you are in Him and Who He IS in you.

God says that He Will reward those that seek Him. He says nothing about us actually finding Him—just that we seek Him-He Will Be right There. Get up early and seek Him. Stay up late and seek Him. He is there waiting on you to start seeking Him. Start by opening up your mouth and calling out to Him for what you need from Him. And watch—He Will Show Up! amen.

Jesus said, “I AM the Way, The Truth and The Life.”
He did not say, I Am the Way to understanding religious beliefs. That is what He came to separate us from. He came to speak to the ones that religious beliefs pushed away from God. Those people out on the margins of society. It’s in the Book. Jesus went to those that were cast down and pushed away. Those that were fakers, full of religiosity challenged Him about what He was doing and He let them have it.

Here is one place (Matt 15:6-14) Here, the all-educated and entitled of the land challenged Him because when He spoke Truth which put Power to it—they were offended and insulted. This revealed them to be the fakers and manipulators that they really are. Hiding behind their titles, their education, their self-appointments, their natural wealth, their religious laws and their manipulations of Who God Is in order to control the people – Jesus Called them out! John the Baptist did also when He called them Vipers! Jesus and John the Baptist Spoke Truth which put power to It. Their complete faith and believing is what gave them the Authority to do so. We each have this same Authority if we only believe. This is some of What Jesus GAVE to us.

Read about it for yourself. First read Psalms 119:130 -“The entrance and unfolding of Your Words give light; their unfolding gives understanding (discernment and comprehension) to the simple”

Pray what the verse says so that you will be opened to and have understanding of what you read. Tell God that you believe the scripture when you speak it and that you receive the results that His Word has been purposed to give you. amen.
Then read about What Jesus came here AND GAVE us.

I know that some of you do not know how to navigate the Bible in order to find the teachings of Jesus. So I will go through my concordance and put together a summary of scriptures that supplies you with this knowledge. It will be in a different post.

Now, I know that I have the ability to understand a lot—but yet I know that I am simple when it comes to having the same ability and understanding with God’s Word and Will. So to God in the name of Jesus, I admit, accept and live by the truth that I need to be humble, willing, and teachable in order to have complete understanding of What He wants me to do and why, when and how.
No pride-No ego. Just Jesus. Boldly going to God and speaking what I need from this relationship that I have with Him and He has with me. And He does not hesistate to begin filling me with all that He knows that I am in need of. Thank You Jesus.

But too many people want to own God.
Their motives are not the same as the motives that Jesus lived by. amen. The Master's Tools Cannot Destroy the Master's house!

Let me tell you that the devil hates me because I am not a fearful, whinny, bumper sticker wearing, going to church on Sunday Christian.
I live for Jesus and for Jesus I die. I do not wish for anything from God—I work for it. I claim what He says is already mine- I boldly live In Jesus and spread the Good Word about Him to all that want to listen to it and learn from it. I boldly Speak the Truth about The Gospel of Jesus Christ to Who-So-Ever will believe.
Does the devil hate you? Are you a threat to his evil plans and manipulations?

I want to learn everything about God and from God. God says in His Word that He already knows Everything about me. I believe that whole heartily. So I told God that I want to know Everything about Him also. How can my Father who I have a good and growing relationship with hold back anything that I need? He even takes my desires-remolds them –gives them back into my heart-and when I ask for these desires—He gives them to me.
Just as I or my partner will do for our daughters. How could we deny them what they need? We couldn't. We also give them some of their desires when they are able to have Personal Responsibility for them. We have a solid relationship with our daughters. This is the same bottom line for our relationships with God through our relationship with Jesus.

I want to be better today than I was yesterday. I want to grow and mature to the point that when I look back a few days, a few weeks, a few months and a few years- I will see huge steps of elevation and growth in my life.

I am Willing and Teachable—God sees this and He is permitted to fully have all authority over and in my life. He is teaching me because I am willing—I allow Him.

I am telling you all this about myself so that you see that evryone has to do this when in a relationship with God. Everyone that wants that relationship to Grow and mature. Some people can only say they know who God is. I want to be able to say that I know Him very Well.

Humility means that I do what God wants me to do whether I want to or not—that I stay in the situations even when they are uncomfortable or not. When He says to leave—I do—when He says to stay--I do. The brokenness of our lives in the right places can only be done by the Hand of God. The Love of God will mold me and change me into the vessel that I was created to be from His beginning.
Just like a diamond cutter—he has to know the exact place on that diamond to strike his hammer in order to break the diamond-cut the diamond so that it retains its value and most importantly, increases in its value.

That is exactly what God is doing when we are put into vices to hold us still so that He is able to strike His hammer to break us – cut us into more valuable pieces- we are His treasure. And some of the things and people that are growing along side of us need to be cut away. Certain patterns of self-defeating thinking and actions will lessen our value to God. So He breaks us in order to remove these fake pieces that are trying to take us out or keep us from growing in our relationship with God through Jesus. Amen!

And in due time He will move me out of the situation or move the situation. When is due time?
When the situation has completely done what God has willed it to do in your life-then you will be removed from it or it from you.
So don’t fight the situation-allow it to do what God has purposed it to do. If you want to have clarity about the situations you are within, then Go to God and ask Him to reveal to you—to teach you- to help you have a complete understanding of what is going on.
Revelation will help you given by His Holy Spirit.

The trials and storms will not stop coming just because you are a Believer in Jesus Christ. We are not to run away, when storms come. We are to With Authority Speak to the storms; we are to With Authority Step and kill all those snakes and scorpions. We are to Stand in our Authority against the evil work of satan so that he is backing up all the way away from us.
When God says to resist the devil and he will flee—this does not mean we resist the situations or we act like a fool within the trials and troubles.
This means to remain stable in your stance and your faith in God that He is in charge and has everything under control.

To BE Always in a place without fear.

satan is counting on you getting tired–weary and to start complaining and giving up your Stand. That is what he works to do.
God has told us not to grow tired and weary of Doing Good All the Time. For everything satan will try--God has it covered. Just learn about Him and you will know what you need to know-When you need to know it!

Satan will trick you-he sits and wants for us to get tired and looks for a crack to slither through. But remember, the Master's Tools Cannot Destroy the Master's house!

Just because you may not know what God is doing does not give you the right to act like a whinny, complaining child- mad because you cannot have your way or because the situation is uncomfortable. If you do, then you are Not resisting the devil- you are acting exactly like he wants you to.
Humility also means that we are in God’s hands and that we are relying on Him not ourselves or another person. Relying means you are trusting in Him that He is all knowing and knows what is best for your life.

This is what taking Personal Responsibility means for us. Once you know the Word, once you know the Truth that Jesus Gave to us—We have a personal responsibility to USE IT as it has been purposed to be used.
Then will we receive the Results From Being Blessed because of our relationship with God through our relationship with Jesus.

How do you get to this point you may be thinking….
it’s not by wishing for it I tell you that. It is by spending quality time with God – with Jesus. Talking to Him, giving Him your day in the morning and leaving it with Him no matter what happens throughout the day. Going to Him about everything and receiving His counsel on the matter at hand. And WHATEVER He tells you to do--you do it completely.

You get there by obeying Him when He speaks direction and or correction to you. By allowing Him to change you with His love. By surrendering all to Him in the name of Jesus. When you have relationship with God through Jesus, you are blessed- when you spiritually grow from this relationship then you ARE receiving all that God has brought to the relationship.
The relationship IS the Blessing. amen.

Personal responsibility is mine to have, hold, and grow within. It is my personal responsibility to do what the Word says and to know and believe the Truth of God. Which I do believe.
We all have Personal Responsibility You do also.

Why does the devil hate me? Because I do what God directs me to do. The scripture above has been given to us to use and believe. I learned long ago that I cannot be pitiful and powerful at the same time. I decided to be powerful all the time. To Be happy, full of Joy and love All the time. (and yes there are bumps and hills-nothing that God cannot handle though:)

He hates me because I Stand – no matter What! I Stand! Boldly, in faith putting power to Truth—I Stand. I know that that more anointing and power that God gives me in my life the narrower my path becomes. God expects me to make progress continually. So I expect the same for myself also.

I know satan knows me very well. He knows what buttons to push to try and piss me off—he knows who to come through to try and hurt me and so on. He knows you very well also if you are a threat to him. He knows more about us than we do. He sees the truths about us that many people refuse to face in themselves. They continue to lie to themselves and to others about who they really are and what they really need to change about themselves. But satan knows all of that. And he will use it against each of us that are a threat to what he is trying to do. Take out God! Which will never happen—but please don’t help him slow done and hinder the Will of God for your life!

In order to grow spiritually and in the natural you have got to be committed to God through Jesus and put time into your relationship with Him. There is no other way to Know and Understand God.

The scripture at the top of this message is telling us what Jesus has already GIVEN to us. He did not say that He Will give it to us—He said I Have Given it to you. Jesus is telling us that He knows that satan is like a lion roaming around looking for someone to devour. He is looking. Do not give him any small cracks or opened doors for him to creep through to jack up your life.

Here in Eph 4:26-27 is how many people create cracks that turn into opened doors that allow satan to come in and take us away from the Law of God ‘s Spirit that we are to live by.
“When angry, do not sin; do not ever let your wrath (your exasperation, your fury or indignation) last until the sun goes down. Leave no [such] room or foothold for the devil [give no opportunity to him].”

He didn’t say not to get mad or angry—He said do not act upon it or hold onto it – rehearsing the situation over and over. Forgive and let it go.

One other place I want to go before I get to the end of this message is in 1 Cor 2:10-11 Paul is telling the people why forgiveness is so important to do.
“If you forgive anyone anything, I too forgive that one; and what I have forgiven, if I have forgiven anything, has been for your sakes in the presence [and with the approval] of Christ ( the Messiah), To Keep satan from getting the advantage over us; for we are not ignorant of his wiles and intentions.”

When we do not forgive people or ourselves, we are tools in the hand of satan. And believe me; he will use you till you are jacked up.

We have to live for Jesus-not for the Religion or just to go to church.

God answers Every prayer prayed with the right heart-We may not like some of the answers that He gives but He does answer them.

Boldly Go Now to God in the name of Jesus and spend some quality time with Him. Get to know Him better. Listen to His directions and corrections for your life and be healed wholly.

We are all given 24 hours in a day—once one second or minute is gone we can never get that back. Use your time wisely by giving more and more to God and you will receive the results of The Blessing.
Because my children have a relationship with me and my partner-they can come to us and ask for whatever they need or want and we Will give it to them.
It’s the same way with God when He is your father and you have a solid relationship with Him in Jesus name - Go ask for what you need from Him- and He Will be right there to answer you. Amen.

Now open your mouth and confess the truth from your heart that you know about God!


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