What you think about most often is what Forms your mind and Lives in your heart.
If you seem to always keep your "Lack of ___" on your mind and in your speaking, then that is what you End up Worshiping, Not Our Lord.
How can you learn God, and be changed by Him, and See All that He Is in you and you in Him...if All you keep focused on, is what you don't have=your lack of___?
Or What you Will have left after you give away what He has placed in your heart to do for Him?
His Work In us, Through us and For us Is a Work Of LOVE!
So when we disobey Him, we reject His Love for us and for the others that He wants to bless us by being a blessing!
When we reject His Love, we also reject His Truth! So you will be living an unloved truth-less life!
When You reject His Work of Love, You end up worshiping what you Lack in your life, you end of worshiping what you 'will have left' after you give what He has directed you to give in His name!
You will not be able to see what you already have-- How Spiritually Wealthy You Are--If you only can see the wealth that this world has to offer. If the wealth of this world is All that you seek, then I pray the Lord's mercy and grace cover you as you continue to Walk and Live outside of His Will and Purposes for you.
You are in the hands of fate, the enemy and this world...
If you keep talking about what you need and what you will not have if you give, and if you keep allowing worry to control your heart and tongue, then that is what you are worshiping, not Jesus. You are seeking people praise for what you are able to do, which my friends will be very little and never amounting to much at all!
I do not want the crumbs of this world...I desire the Greatness of our Lord that He has Already Promised me, That He has Already Planned to provide for me In Jesus' name, Amen!
If you are more concerned with How others see you and how others think of you, instead of How our Lord sees you and what He thinks of you...then you are serving pride and ego and flesh...not God! You are seeking People Praise and not a life that is pleasing to the Lord.
Check your motives for Why you are doing what you are doing....without doubt...you will Find that it was Not God that told you to do abc, but it was You who told YOU to do abc!
Now, if you Are Not Led by His Holy Spirit, then I'm not talking to you--you are self-led.
Without God's Spirit Leading you and Guiding you, Teaching and correcting you, Filling you with Growing and maturing Spiritual Gifts and Power you are in need of...then what you are Trying to do will be full of frustrations, doubt, problems, and will fail= fall apart...And provides No Honor And Glory to our Lord!
If you are more concerned with How others see you and how others think of you, instead of How our Lord sees you and what He thinks of you...then you are serving pride and ego and flesh...not God! You are seeking People Praise and not a life that is pleasing to the Lord.
Check your motives for Why you are doing what you are doing....without doubt...you will Find that it was Not God that told you to do abc, but it was You who told YOU to do abc!
Now, if you Are Not Led by His Holy Spirit, then I'm not talking to you--you are self-led.
Without God's Spirit Leading you and Guiding you, Teaching and correcting you, Filling you with Growing and maturing Spiritual Gifts and Power you are in need of...then what you are Trying to do will be full of frustrations, doubt, problems, and will fail= fall apart...And provides No Honor And Glory to our Lord!
His Grace Will go before you and your Way Will be seamless!
Stop trying to make things happen that are not Yet in His Timing to happen!
My Lord, May I continue to Serve Love Today! I ask that YOU Remove from my heart, what Is Not love and Please Cast it into the Fires of Transformation, Your Refiners Fire to make me Pure as Gold! Thank You Jesus for The complete Freedom and Liberty to be a Better me Through You.
Your transformation of our heart is Your Work Of Love to us and In us and Through us Jesus, and I am Where You Are, and I Want You to Continue to Be Where I am Guiding me At ALL TIMES- EVERY DAY I SEEK Your Will and Purpose for my life!
I thank YOU for the continued Work Of Love that You are doing in my heart, for Complete Honor and Total Glory Be To Our Mother Father God In Your Name, my Friend Jesus!
Today is the 13th day of the 40 days between His Resurrection and His Ascension!
May you REJOICE EVERY DAY for the POWER of His BLOOD is Always AT Work doing what God planned for it to do--A Work Of Love! On feet of Faith & Peace
Joshua 1:9/ Isaiah 52
Resting In His Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Faith.
Greetings 2cute4u
thank you for your visits, and comments, it is good to Share His love with all that desire to live in it and it through them!
Hope that You have a Wonder and Love filled day!
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