“Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ.”- Ephesians 4:15
Hebrews 11:8
[Urged on] by faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed and went forth to a place which he was destined to receive as an inheritance; and he went, although he did not know or trouble his mind about where he was to go.
My beloved Jesus, You are the lover of my soul-You hold my times And seasons in Your hand-the Father has given me to you!
I Will not be concerned with the tomorrows of my life. I Will be diligent to only take care of Today’s concerns as You have equipped And empowered me to do.
The stress of life will be swallowed up by My Faith And Trust in Your ability to bring me through Every Difficulty Father. You Are With Me! Thank You Jesus!
You my LORD have not left me to my own devices-trying to overcome anything by the strength of my flesh—there is No Glory for You this way.
I seek Victory through Your Mercy, Your Grace, Your Love And Your Authority as I defer to the moving And the flow of the Most High Spirit. I put All my Trust And Faith in You Father God in the name of Jesus!
In the name of Jesus my LORD, thank You Father God I am grateful!
Matthew 6:33-34
My friends, greetings to you in the name of our LORD and Leader Jesus Christ!
We have been given Another beautifully made day to enjoy! Thank You Father!
I encourage you to take the time at every divinely given opportunity to quiet yourselves—your mind and your emotions. When you are in the midst of turmoil, daily life demands on us, and troubles –know that He Will give you the Peace you require while in your private storms.
STAY FOCUSED-don't carry yourself like a beaten down no body.
Our enemy’s plan is always to try and bury you under with issues that will tend to make you seem you are overwhelmed. He tries to make you feel everything that is going on in your life is for you to worry about and to try and 'fix'. It can't be done efficently, effectively and permanently. In other words, you can't fix anything that our enemy has thrown in your life and path.
Take care to NOT by pass the important details that you must focus your attention on. You must continue to stand strong in His assurance Given, that His strength and presence are always with you! The LORD always rescues His Children from our troubles.
Romans 15:13 / Eph. 4:15
We are His Children and we are taught to wait before Him.
Wait with rejoicing hearts, mouths speaking Praise and Thanksgiving for this day. Keep your focus on Him And your mind on helping others. There are times when His Spirit is quiet Not speaking a message or an answer to your prayer requests; this is not abandonment of you—Even in this waiting time—if we are not conscious of being taught—we Are being changed.
The eye of your soul Will be focused upon Him and the insight sought Will be gained—And will be a calming balm, strengthening and always loving in truth.

Don’t resist Him—However He comes to you-Accept what He says and does. When you feel resistance flowing in you toward Him—release it—do not give it power to move your flesh. Let It Go!
RESISTANCE to Jesus' leading will delay you—It Will harden your heart against Him-It Will steal your Joy, your Peace, your Happiness, and it Will take you back many steps from Him growing you.
Always seek Him and His purposes and you shall always find that inner knowledge that makes the problems of this life PLAIN!
As you seek Him, He Will reveal to you the Disharmony that you eat on. He Will reveal to you what you are allowing to hinder your heart and soul from growing in His Love. He Will reveal to you what is causing you to rebel against His Ways of change that are necessary for your forward movement.
Let go of the lies-let go of what is not working in your life and keep what is truth and what is working that He has placed in your path!
In each individual, the difficulties of this life are caused by disharmony. In His Kingdom Living, there Is No discord! Only things that are unconquered in His disciples. The Rule of His Kingdom is Perfect Order, Perfect Harmony, Perfect Supply, Perfect Love, And Perfect Obedience—for ALL Power, All Conquest, All Success!
Many are in the midst of the consequences of disobeying His directions—His messages that He spoke through His Spirit and through His vessels. Now, that you are in the midst of these private storms, do you call upon His name for His help? Now, do you want to hear His messages?
Unless you repent for your rebellion—the struggles will only get worse. Yes, He is always our help, but when you refuse to OBEY His messages-His directions and to do things your way; you have no choice but to fall deeper into the traps and troubles that our enemy has snagged you with.
Doubting Him causes you to think you know best over His given best for you.
So often His servants lack the power, the conquest, the success, the supply, the harmony and they think that He fails in His promises because some things have not YET been manifested in their lives. How can they continue to trust Him to rescue them after they decided to disobey Him when they would not trust in Him beforehand when He attempted to steer them Away from the troubles that were waiting for them? But were unseen by their natural eye.
So, they had to get into the unseen troubles before they believed…hummmm, how long will you allow your flesh and the enemy to continue to trick you? Aren’t you tired of this?
The outward manifestations that result from your obedience, honesty, order And love will come quickly—Not in answer to your urgent prayers but from naturally as light is the result of a lighted candle.
If only you would believe before you see!
Faith IS, trusting and believing before you see!
Resting In His Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Faith.
Joshua 1:9
1 comment:
Okay! I know this one speaks directly to me.
I have reached a plateau in my Spiritual growth and have been resisting leaping into The Father's Arms.
I am reminded of being in labor with my little girl. I remember having to fully accept the Truth of what I was doing and what God was doing through me. I kept repeating "ok. ok. ok. ok"--you know like "Ok, I will survive this! OK, God is with me! Ok, my mother and her mother and her mother survived this! OK, I am afraid! Ok, there is no turning back! OK, this is like nothing I have ever felt in my life!" WTM, that is where I am, and I'm sure I am not alone. Thank you for reminding me of the beauty of acceptance and again I say to God--"OK! You are with me and I give myself fully to You."
Thank you Sis!
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