"I have told you these things, that My joy and delight may be in you, and that your joy and gladness may be of full measure and complete and overflowing."
John 15:11
my sisters and brothers, my friends it is with Joy that I share my Love for our Father and Son and His Most High Spirit with all that Journey this Way.
If you receive the slightest Joy, Happiness, Love and Encouragement to stay the course following Jesus-that which helps you grow in your relationship with Him, to enlighten you when the moment seems only filled with darkness; then I have been blessed to have been used by Him. ALL Glory and Honor is for God our Father. Amen!
He Is Bounteous-He Is a Giver-He is our Teacher and leader. It was not about what He gained that was His purpose—His life’s Work and Love was being concerned with what God gained.
“Even Christ pleased not Himself.”
He sought the weak, the wandering, the sick, the rejected, the oppressed, the mentally and physically ill and the marginalized By The self appointed elite, the self appointed privileged, the self-appointed self important.
As Jesus continues to seek these same people today—so should we do the same. He invited these people to be in His Family, living by His Family Values-Unconditionally! Not the family values that are conditional that man has created-saying they are God’s –that is not truth-but manipulation!
I am serious about our Father's Work- i don't have time to play 'church' or any flesy games with anyone -And I certainly don’t play with Jesus!
As He has asked us all to be His--My heart and mind belong to Christ Jesus (John 16:24; John 15:7; John 16:23)—He has come into the country and called me from my ‘mans’ job to Work for Him—I am humbly honored to Work for Him—God pays me for Working for His Son Jesus! At every moment the Holy Spirit speaks to me how I ought to-I Pray for you all. Amen. Rom. 8:26
I ask (James 4:2) And I expect Him to provide what I ask in Jesus’ name! And I use Everything that He has given to me for the lives of those that seek Him. (Psalm 37:4)—I make myself happy and joyful in the LORD! Amen!
His overflowing and ever present bounty is always in plain Spiritual sight for all that have faith and trust in Him-that have eyes that can see And desire to see. Realize that, the Supply of the Lord never runs out—there is no need large enough that we can go to Him with that He cannot fill to overflowing levels!

As He is generous And so should we be. When others test and try to prove His goodness-we show it because we are fully generous –living by His example.
What do you have to be generous with you will ask if you are only able to look with your natural eyes at what you have in the natural. Those things that are material may not be enough to help out others in need. And they may not fit the order.
What you have to be generous with is your love of Jesus and all that His Spirit has imparted into you. The Gifts of the Spirit is what you have to be generous with.
When you allow Him to work on your heart, to work on your Spiritual maturity And on your emotional maturity; the results help the Gifts of His Spirit planted in you grow and bear fruit-part of that harvest will be a heart that overflows with gratitude because of what you have received from your relationship with Jesus. Gratitude grows Joy!
Because you are able to give from The Bounteous Supply of our Lord. Part of the Supply that is ours to use is our act of Prayer! Pray for people- Pray to thank God before troubles happen-Pray when in the midst of trouble- Pray when He has gotten you out of trouble- Pray when He has gotten you through trouble!
Prayer should be your First language. Not some religious duty that seems magical or the last resort. It Should always be done first when difficulty arises. First.
PRAYER is our communication with God in the name of Jesus!
It is an act of dedication and an act of communication (John 15:15; John 15:5; Luke 12:32) PRAYER is my confession that I am Dependent on God in the name of Jesus.
It is an amazing privilege that I am able to talk to God. This is also true for you.
(Psalm 84:11!)
Don’t ever give up on God because of how things appear in any given moment! Trust in Him and give Him time to work things out for you! Have a little talk with Jesus He Will hear you and He will answer by and by!
Lord help me deliver Your message as I ought, to those that seek Your Will in Jesus’ name Amen!

My friends that are Sojourners of His Way- I greet you and welcome you on this beautifully made day that we have been given to EnJoy with Praise to the Father in the name of Jesus!
Our LORD spoke His truth to us, He said that He left us His Peace! Thank You Jesus! He Gave us His Peace to live within and share with others. Such Love-so vast that there is More than enough to cover us all-All the time! Amen!
He knew that the only way we can continue to Daily do His Work is if our hearts are at Peace. Divine Peace is a strength unto our feet and hands.
To be able to help souls get to Him we must at all cost keep this Peace. If our hearts lose His Peace or if we step out from it-we become ruffled, irritated and frustrated. To do every Work wrapped in His Peace is for our every thought to be a mighty force for Him. And every act we complete is always one of Power.
I encourage you to continue to rely on His leading—this Way nothing is impossible through Him! This is our Way to expect unlimited Power for our daily Work. Through His Peace that He gave to us= His followers.

Our Lord-our Leader takes us through many roundabout Ways that we would not have chosen on our own. Many times we follow Him through glades, through waste lands, through briars, up the mountains high and down into valley’s slow. As He ever leads those of us that are Determined to obey—carrying our Peace with us—His helping Hand is Always with His Leadership! my Lord thank You!
Isn’t it Glorious to follow where our Leader-our Master goes? Oh Yes it is! Many may be reluctant to step—thinking to themselves, “I’m not trained for this-I don’t know anything about this work-this process.”
Let me remind you my dear sisters and brothers that these many varied Paths we are lead by do not always require that we need any type of special training in the natural. Amos was a dresser of sycamore trees, (not the ones here in America), and God called him from the country to be His Prophet.
Ester was hiding as a Jewish woman when she became the life partner of the Persian King—Ruth was of a tribe that worshiped the moon, and was called to be part of the Family tree of Jesus when she became the life partner of Boaz. Debra was a praying woman of self means-when God called her to be His Prophet and be Judge over the people.
They all trusted in God (not in the things of the world), and by faith they were made members of His family—living by His family values—Serving Him! (Psalm 20:7)

His Spirit equips us with Everything we will need to know as we step out into the varied places and Work He has called us to do in Jesus’ name. Our Faith and Trust is what activates unlearned abilities to successfully accomplish what He tells us to do.
We, (Jesus & us) are seeking His lost sheep. We (Jesus & us=you and me), are bringing His Kingdom into places where IT has not been known about before. We (you and me), are joined with Him on His quest-His undying loving quest to track down His lost souls. His ways chosen for us to Journey will not fret and tire us for the sole purpose to wear us out—this is why we need His Peace—but as we do fret and tire at times it is because we are out Working to save in His name. His Spirit will call to our tired bodies, minds and Spirits—to Come to Him and REST! His sheep know His voice and we obey—we REST!
As we are sent to accomplish mush-we must be much! As we are sent out Doing-we must Be Well IN Doing-We must be the expression consciously and unconsciously of Being! Always in a constant state of Being! yes Lord!
This is not about “thinking too much of yourself”—falling into the group of ‘such-i-much’ people. This way of living will blind you with pride and false self-importance. You will not accomplish work that will be recorded in the book of life nor will this type of work bear Him fruit!
I am speaking about being humble, lowly; fully surrender to His Leading—total obedience is our Way. We are told by our Leader countless times to FEAR NOT! To Fear Not and that ALL IS WELL! For He Is with us—Ever ready to extend His Helping Hand when needed. (yes Lord).
Spend your day in small prayers and praises to Him for All things little and large. Turning to Him in small and large things. We smile from our souls at the One it Loves!
He has taught us, to see the Father as First Cause. (yes Lord). When you begin to All day – Every day See Him as the First Cause of every rain shower, as every ray of warmth, as the reason for every color our eyes are blessed to see in this land, as the First Cause for the rising of the sun and it’s setting—When you See Him as the First Cause for every drop of water, every sweet refreshing breeze- you will see Him in Every Divinely Planned Pleasure that comforts your heart—that supplies all your need and you will be the Same for all that cross your path each and every day.
Living by His example. (yes Lord).
Eph 4:32/Col 4:6
Our desire to be His disciples, which means that we follow Him and we seek answers. His Helping Hand is always ready to be extended out to help us conquer adverse circumstances—as we conquer ourselves first. And He continues to give us the same answers that He gave to the first disciples—“Be ye therefore Perfect, even as your Father which Is In Heaven Is Perfect.”
As we continue, Let me remind you of this also-that we may not always ‘SEE’ the soul He seeks-but He does! This is why we must YEILD to His Spirit, Rejoicing that He seeks- And He sends us and the lost sheep IS found! Amen!
Luke 15:6
Let the Lord use you in situations that your flesh tells you to sit silently—let the Lord use you to Speak up in Truth and stop whatever evil planned mess that is trying to take over the people’s hearts! Which will cause the people to sin against God.
Speak up when His Spirit leads you—as you may be the only one in the room that Works for Him. Jesus has already empowered you to do what you have been called to do! That is the definition of ‘Being Blessed’.
2Tim 4:2/1 Cor 1:18
on feet of Faith & Peace,
Resting In His Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Faith.
Joshua 1:9
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