I have been writting and keeping up with the Teachings of His Spirit. So many things around here have changed, been altered, been added, been taken away in our little home life here. The fullness of His teachings given to me to feed His sheep with are so Rich and Loving-I will share them very soon!
So many times I have the heart of Mary in which I just sit at His feet and listen to His teachings and offer Him all my love and praises....but reality steps in and being the mommy that is home all day while the other mommy is at her 'mans job'; I find that my daily home Work is gaining on me when I don't stay on top of it. :D
No Worries though, the vacuming, the folding of clean clothes, the mopping of floors, washing the jeeps, starting the little garden that we would like to do, cleaning the clutter that grows as we keep making new piles, Is All on His Time--not ours! All the while I do what I can for each day--All any of us has is This Day today!
I enjoyed my birthday and I expect to recieve His Gifts each day His Love awakens me throughout this new year given to me.
Please don't go too far away, I will post a few new messages Very Soon!
All my Love, Faith, Prayers and Praise is given to the Father in the name of Jesus on your behalf! I take pleasure in taking a few mintues to write this post of updates. It allows me to spend more time with Him as I listen to His Spirit. The balance is rightly placesd in this home and our individual lives! I love the Lord!
I have to be poured into in order to be able to pour out! This is truth for anyone that belongs to and Works for Jesus! Amen!
Please take the time to go read a few older posts as His messages are always On Time, Right on time, and always have food and drink that never runs out-for all those that desire Him.
When you least expect Him-He Is Always right beside you!
Living a Life without FEAR!
For Your Encouragement I went to the Concordance and found these Scriptures--Please take time and read each one, Food And Drink of the Living Waters from my belly!
Psalm 23:4 / Isa 41:13 / Joshua 1:9 / Ex 14:13;33:14 / Deut 31:6/ 2 Tim 1:7 / Psalm 27:1/ Luke 1:30; 2:10 / Heb 13:6 / John 14:27
On my list just for today-helping a wheelchair bound 40 yr old woman with ms, getting her some fresh veggies and fruits from the Lyons Farms stand, we already pick up and drop off her daughter each day as she is the same age as our daughters; feeding and watering the dogs,(they need a bath and i also need to clean out their area), doing a few loads of laundry, paying the ins. on the jeeps, getting gas so i can finish cutting the grass (unexpectedly i got a new riding lawn mower & weed eater!);getting ready for the field trip taking the 5th graders to visit 2 college campuses on friday, i have changes to make for our special needs daughter's IEP on monday, So that it is in place when school starts in August---
--picking up the girls (4 of them-our 2, and our goddaughter who moved in my gma's house with her mother our sister friend), after school by 2:10 - taking one to her home, and then feeding our 3 and making sure they do their homework, And we have to get ready for some type of bake-book sale that one daughter is doing this weekend with the jr. girl scouts-
And there is a list of things that i have put off doing for lack of sufficient time and supplies...And we remembered that we are the parent helpers for jr. girls scouts this month-so sunday, the dinner we planned to take together is not going to happen on Sunday
:( So we need to make other plans;
And Always Feeding His Sheep as He sends them to me--i meet people throughout the day every day in person, on the phone, via internet, some i know - some i don't know...The all get fed as He directs me to do! There is always someone who needs prayer, help praising their way through, a smile, some love, some kind gesture offered to them. I oblige in doing so.
OH, And I need to eat today! lolo - I Want some bbq ribs! uummmm
And Honetly....I really just want to sit at His feet all day and enjoy His presence! :D
on feet of faith & peace,
Resting In His Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Faith.
Joshua 1:9
I am at the point in life where I'm ready to pull out of the full time workforce. But my purse denotes that I stay in. I have found that there are other missions in life worth pursuing.
You are being used by God to do a needed work. That is always the best situation to be in. It is fulfilling and it serves the purpose that we were created for.
Thanks for sharing from the heart of your spirit. I always enjoy a good meal from The Feasting Table of our Lord.
my sister MLD,
your words have touched my heart and i have prayed for your strength to carry on for each day that is given to you!
How great is your love for the LORD!
By His strength was i able to step out of my boat as He called for me to COME!
A time and place for you will appear and you will know it to be His truth for you also-to step out of your boat to walk into the waters depth as He calls for you to COME!
Thank you for allowing the Lord to use you as He knows is best!
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