Isaiah 58:9-12 (Amplified Bible)
9"Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer; you shall cry, and He will say, Here I am. If you take away from your midst yokes of oppression [wherever you find them], the finger pointed in scorn [toward the oppressed or the godly], and every form of false, harsh, unjust, and wicked speaking,
10And if you pour out that with which you sustain your own life for the hungry and satisfy the need of the afflicted, then shall your light rise in darkness, and your obscurity and gloom become like the noonday.11And the Lord shall guide you continually and satisfy you in drought and in dry places and make strong your bones. And you shall be like a watered garden and like a spring of water whose waters fail not.
12And your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt; you shall raise up the foundations of [buildings that have laid waste for] many generations; and you shall be called Repairer of the Breach, Restorer of Streets to Dwell In."
"Let everything that has breath praise the Lord Praise The LORD!" Psalm 150:6
We all have plenty of Room to Grow Every Day! What I learned yesterday won't carry me far if I stop learning today! On Feet of Peace.
Our family spent Monday and Tuesday watching the unfolding of events that God designed to occur. (Dan 2:21)
Our girls had off from school Tue and Wed along with the MLK Jr. Holiday on Monday. A sisterfriend and her daughter came over Monday to join in our celebrations. We took full advantage of this Movement Of Gods hand to teach our daughters Who they Are in & to America, in & to Jesus, and How they should ‘See’ themselves.
There was Much Rejoicing in this home! We thought about all the people who got us here—they worked and died, some murdered to get us here. We thank God for their lives. You know Those That Praise You Through!
We also thank God for the New Praisers, workers, leaders, All His chosen; we prayed that they will All answer His call to step forward be re-trained by Him and given new directions begin to Lead by Following The Spirit’s Divine Leading without delay. As We are within a Massive Movement of His Spirit leading the way into What He designed for us.
We like so many others prayed for, (And will continue to praise them through), President Obama and his family. We prayed that he will seek God’s Counsel in all matters and challenges that he faces and will face. That no ruler can properly and effectively govern without guidance from God.
For it is God who has put His plan into place that all should follow. For in the end the Government Sits on the shoulders of Jesus and all of us will have to give an account of our days here. To recognize The Son and to know that He is a refuge to All who rule on this earth. (Psalm 2) (1 Tim 2:1-3)
To recognize that This Is God’s Work, is a blessing.
Our Father will call certain Believers to be Repairers of the Breaches that happen over time. You don't have to be on the level of a President. You may be a school bus driver, a city worker, a nurse, self-employed, unemployed, you may be a doctor or teacher. Who ever you are and what ever you do; God can and will call you-chose you to be who He designed you to be. Will you be ready-prepared when you hear His call for you to Come?
Every day we all have room to grow—only those that stay teachable will learn.
We need to remember that Everything God can and will do through President Obama, will not change each person’s heart. That is our job to want to change for the better. That is when we lean on Jesus For His strength, teachings and healing are our help. (Psalms 51:10)
Oh Yes, this is a without a doubt, A Wonderful Enlightening and Exciting Season; but we must remember that the changes that are available for us to be partakers of in our Country, will only take hold permanently if the people actually change the ways they think, act, re-act and don’t act.
To lean on Courage to take the steps necessary, to say I trust You God, I believe in You Father, I have Faith in You Father—then to do what you declare. To put your trust, your belief, and your faith into action and go to Jesus as He beckons you to “COME!”
They will only work if people become selfless and humble and change their hearts. (Psalm 51:10)
What the heart loves the mouth speaks about. (Luke 6:45)
My grandfather used to tell me all the time when i was younger. He would say, " Never forget this, when you free your body only, your mind is still a slave. When you free your mind, the rest of you Will follow. Freedom Will never go out of style. Trust Jesus, Trust God and Trust the Holy Spirit."
And that is the Truth!
Unless the people begin to face the truth about themselves and stop believing the lies they have made into their truths; they will not be partakers of This Divine Abundant Change that we are within. They are turning down His offer in order to continue to create more regrets.
See, we cannot Only keep seeking that our situations be changed by God all the time. He is not going to do that until the situations and circumstances have completed their perfect work in you, me, them, and us. That is not what He has said we should seek anyway-We are taught to Seek His Kingdom-His Righteousness; not material stuff and shallow positions of fame and importance to feed our flesh and pride. That is your fear and ego telling you what to do instead of your Spirit.
We have to allow Patience to have Her perfect Work in us. (James 1:2-4)
Yes there are many life situations that need to be changed for many of God’s children. Are the people going to be ready when the change comes? Sometimes others have to, need to go in and help some of these people. They may not know ‘how’ to begin the acceptance process of changes that are positive. Maybe they have not been around anyone who treats them like a human being, so sometimes they reject what was sent to help them.
This is one reason Jesus said do not be offended. Don’t take it personally.
Have you allowed God to prepare you for Just A Time As This?
When God begins to Work through whoever He has chosen to, and you see the opportunity delivered to you—will you be ready to step into it by faith?
Will you see giants? Will you know of and taste of the Blessings of God’s Promises and still be too fearful to step by Faith and take hold of His promises delivered? Will you be so fearful that you do not believe God when He says that He Is With You?
Will you recognize teh presence of God?
'Now' is the Timing of God; are you going to be a Repairer Of The Breach?
Being aware of the flow of the Holy Spirit is like being in a river of anointing-all the drops are in a continuous unity, an impetus of power connected with the Whole in His perfect Order.
If this is what you seek, then you will know and witness the power of His Grace gone ahead that creates no striving or division; His river of power carrying His Divine Purpose, Joyfully and Willingly moving to its destination.
You can hear the music that is produced by this rivers movement-it has a pattern of synchronicity. Our Commander leads this river of strength and force never stopping till it’s purpose has been completed. To help the chosen believers to repair the breaches.
And your thoughts about January 20.2009 and changes?
We all have plenty of Room to Grow Every Day!What i learned yesterday won't carry me far if i stop learning today!
On Feet of Peace.
Resting In His Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Faith.
Joshua 1:9
Just stopping by. Went to Aunt Jemima's and saw your link.
Stop by.
hello mista jaycee,
glad you could stop by for a visit.
i'll be sure to visit your Spot also.
Always in His name,
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