As You are transforming my life
into one that is truthful and fruitful,
When i don't know what to do Lord
as i see myself at times near the mouth of the lion that seeks to devour, steal and kill what You are doing in me and for me,
When there is no one around to help me and it seems that i may fall,
You Lord reach out and remind me that You have been there the whole time and You comfort me,
You Lord supply Every Spiritual and Natural need that we have.
And I believe and i grow.
i declare my love and trust in Your Will for me, for my family, and for my community of Faith in You.
I turn to look away from myself and focus on others that are in need Lord, and I see You!
I share all that You have given to me.
And i believe and i grow.
You are teaching me,
You are re-molding me,
i kill off my ways of self,
and i see and know that i am between a rock and a hard place.
i Know the Rock is Jesus,
and You will make a Way through all the hard places for me to pass through, over, around or under.
Nothing is too hard for You my Lord.
And i believe and i grow.
as i walk with You My Lord,
as i learn from You my Lord,
as i serve others in Your Name My Lord,
i am reminded of the words of David
I KNOW the thoughts YOU have toward Me My LORD,
All to help me, to give me strength to Finish with Jesus
What YOU Father God have started in my life and for my life. Glory be unto You Father God.
And i believe and i grow.
I know My LORD, that You Are God-My Father, My First Beloved and No One could ever take Your place in my heart and life.
You told us that when we believe in You and follow You-those of us who have given our lives to God in Your name-His namesake; that others would come to condemn and make us think that we are no good enough for You Lord.
Their religious laws will not save them-and we do not follow their religious laws--we follow and adhere to the Laws of Your Holy Spirit-Love & Truth.
No matter how other people judge me, reject me, dismiss me, or even try to tell me HOW YOU feel and see me, I know What YOU Father God in the name of Jesus have Spoken To me in my heart about YOUR LOVE for me, And I know I love you and that I belong to You.
I shall continue to pray your wisdom, knowledge and understanding fall on all these people.
I will still continue to love them.
I know that many have stopped learning from You, many have stopped listening to You and many have stopped talking to You Lord. And many have never even sought You Father, but yet they stand with others to connect through hate.
They seek You not-for they feel they know All there is to know from You from Your Word--from whatever teachings they have experineced concerning You Father. You are too vast for any one person to know All of You.
But i know that we are to learn everyday from You-that we are to seek You everyday-that we are to praise, thank, pray to, listen to YOU every day my Lord.
I dwell in You, i believe and I grow.
But I heard Jesus say that He had more to tell us all, but that we were not ready to learn the rest He knew-so He said He will put it with the Holy Spirit to give to us, and When We Call upon the Wisdom, Guidance and Strength of Your Holy Spirit Your Truth will be given to us-imparted to us.
i believe and i grow.
I Share ALL and Everything that You give me with all that YOU send my way.
I am so grateful for Who You Are To us My LORD.
In Jesus' name I thank You, Amen.
Resting In His Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Faith.
Joshua 1:9
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