I have to confess to you how wonderful it is that The Lord is always right by my side. I was feeling a slight tugging in my heart, in my spirit and in my soul to begin to look at the storm and the natural lack that is upon my family right now. I tell you, as soon as The Good Shepherd delivers us from one storm, another is always right there to step in the space
Here comes Our enemy trying to use something that God has burned out of me long ago. That weapon of fear is brioken up into pieces, never to be effectively used against me every again!
He wanted me to begin to think of ways on my own to help myself and my family get out of this messy natural lack that is just a storm. LOL, well, that is not going to happen, because there is no one else that I know of that can help us-but Jesus. His Spirit has not told me to do anything like contacting people asking them for help.
You have got to be careful; satan is very crafty and sneaky. He will give you an idea and it will sound so good-but it will not work and will carry you further from your True help.
Jesus knows All things and All people and All ways. This is why I go to Him. The Go-To Man. I know He cares about us and has provided the help we need—it is On The Way to Us! I have no doubts about Him! Amen.
This is why every morning I ask Jesus to help me for ‘This Day’ with any unbelief and weak faith that I may have so that I will make it through this day fully pleasing God. I had enough Faith to start with Jesus that has gotten me to this point of my Journey-this day of my Walk- And I want to make sure I have enough faith, belief and trust to finish with Jesus Amen!
And doubt and frustration will attack and take you down if you are not anchored in Him that controls All storms. Ain’t it a ‘blip’ how when you confess your love for Him, that you Will stay with Him- for He is my Help; how quickly satan will come around and test you on what you believe?
I encourage people all day every day and here I sit, learning, being prepared to do Greater Work for Him and by Him and irritation tried to get the best of me.
I keep praising Him for I do not know who is watching me to see if I will do as I say. Hopefully they will answer the knock at the Door when Jesus Offers. Amen.
I keep praising His sweetness from my lips to encourage myself to stay my focus on Him and not the natural lack. I remember the weapons that I do posses that I must use them in battle against the enemy.
I know that God has allowed us to be in this situation in order to strengthen us, to grow us, to prepare us for where we are going based on His Will and Purpose for our lives. So that we learn to lean Only on Him. To rid from our hearts and flesh anything that is a hindrance to God’s Work in us and through us.
You can know all of this and still be hit with frustration, irritation and a desire to do something to help yourself by natural means. Tricks and traps set out to get us.
See, I know- that satan knows-that it's harder for us to follow Jesus by faith alone-we are not single nor are we a childless couple-- we have 2 children AND I stepped out of the boat and resigned/retired from my career of teaching. So, satan has a lot of stuff to throw in my face in order to try and make me begin to doubt my Sweet Jesus. God must have a LOT for me to do to! I seem to be very important to the enemy!
But remember, I know this.
Have you ever looked at your life that way? You begin to Live for The Trinity, and all of a sudden, storms and issues begin to come at you from every direction outtatheblu! You must also be important to the enemy to try and stop. By stop I mean he is trying to make us leave Jesus-to go back to our old lives-our old fears, thinking, and thoughts.
He begins to throw Spiritual things at us that manifest in our natural lives and it wears us down, tires us out--frustrates us and irritates us to the point we may stop Walking and Living In The Fruits of The Spirit!
Remember that, his goal is not about your personally-but about Fighting against God-trying to stop God's Will and purpose! It's not about us!
Yesterday I had picked up the girls from school and we were going to get something to eat. I was watching where I was driving and out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of a license tag. I slowed down so that car could be in front of me and lo and behold, there it was.
My answer to the question I asked Father yesterday morning. I said to Jesus, is there anything I need to do that will help me Lord? Now I had been praising Him, and worshipping Him and speaking His truth out all day. I knew a month ago that this day would be here with its natural lack.
On the license tag was ‘Psalm 34’! I knew immediately that it was His answer.
I hollered out Praises and kept repeating it so I would remember to read it when I got home. His answer was, “Yes, eat and drink of this Psalm, then share it with all the others-that is all I require you to do.”
Well, one thing led to another once we got home. I got busy with the girls, food, homework, clothes for the next day, and with other things and forgot about reading the Psalm.
Later around 11pm droopy eyed with sleep approaching- I was clearing all the papers and books off the bed, I reached for my beloved’s Bible to move it to the ottoman at the foot of our bed—as soon as I touched it-I was reminded by His Spirit that I had not read Psalm 34! A quickening hit me and all of a sudden sleep left me long enough to read it aloud and feel His truth comfort me in the midst of this storm of lack.
Thank You Jesus for You are reminding me of our Father’s Promises spoken to me.
Inspiration set in this morning and I wrote the Psalm as I read all His Word—in the Present tense.
Ain’t The Lord Good? With Joy LOL Yes He Is!

I come to say aloud, Father God, thank You for the trials, troubles and worries that You allow to come into our lives in Your family-for they are a sharpening tool for our souls.
"How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of those who bring glad tidings . . . that publish Peace."
When I am weary I think on the truth that mine are the feet of one who brings glad tidings. This will take weariness from my steps; and will replace it with Joy and a spring to my walk. Yes Lord!
"Bringeth glad tidings. Publisheth Peace."
What a joyful mission that He has given to us all to help our focus stays on Him. This is all true for all that desire to confess that your help comes from Jesus.
A mission of gladness and Peace. Please, Never forget this, and the Joy of your message and mission will radiate from you gladdening and transforming all that pass by your way.
You must say "Thank You" for everything, even those trials and worries.
His Joy who lives in us, is our whole being's attitude of "Thank You" to Him. I say Be Glad And Rejoice! Our Father loves to see His children happy at all times-no matter the circumstances-because His children Know their help is coming from Him that is faithful to His Word. Amen.
Jesus is revealing so much to us. We have the Charge to Pass it on to all that are thirsty and hungry for Freedom and unconditionaLove that Only He can give. We are Not to hoard anything that He has given to us. We are to share everything with others.
We have to realize that Each Truth is a priceless jewel. Some poor spirit-impoverished friend will be glad that you continue to speak encouragement and trust and faith in Lord Jesus. Drop one jewel here and one jewel there-for those that are not rich to find. Feed their lack of strength in their spirit-speak His peace and joy to all who cross your path.
Seek to find a home in your heart for each Truth He has imparted to you. This will create a secure path for More Truths to flow in. He teaches that we Use all He gives us- To Help others praise their way through! Amen.
I believe that Jesus works out ways with a aching desire to find a way into each life and heart, for all to cry expectantly, "Even so come Lord Jesus."
He wants us to understand that in order to help ourselves—we must be willing to help others, even as we sit in the midst of a storm(s), trusting and faithfully awaiting His help in our natural situations and circumstances.
That is the only thing we can do to help ourselves get through with the victory.
Anything else is not of Him and will take you further from your help and the opened doors!
“In every thing give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” 1Thessalonias 5:18
Always Seeking To Encourage.
Shekinah Glory Ministry - How Deeply I Need You!
Resting In His Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Faith.
Joshua 1:9
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