Hello to you my friends, my sisters and brothers in Christ.
As I sat here, after my partner and daughters made their way to Raleigh this morning for the Inaugural Parade for our new NC Governor - the first Woman to hold this office; I was excited about having so much time to myself while at home!I know Many of you fully understand what I am speaking about.
Our daughters are Jr. Girl Scouts and the Girl Scouts of NC were invited to be in the parade today and I tell you—they did not fully understand what an inauguration is, or all the things a Governor does- they had no problem understanding that they are to be in the parade.
They were also excited that we have a woman as Governor in our state. We always encourage them to not allow other peoples negative and sometimes oppressive opinions of females to stop them from doing what they desire to do.
They will also be spending the night at the Marbles Museum for a Girl Scout project. Need I tell you how excited they are about this opportunity? LOL
Okay, now back to my being home alone for such a long length of time.
As I sat here mulling over All the things I could do in this time, I heard in my Spirit, Ahhh The Blessings Of The Lord come with no sorrow.
And my soul rested even deeper within His love for us.
I thought –I can finish washing the clothes before they become taller mountains, or I could vacuum and straighten the rooms in the house, or I could take a long shower without anyone needing to come in and break my tranquil silence, or I could talk on the phone without interruptions, or I could start a fire in the fireplace on the porch and even though it’s a pretty cold and windy day—sit and enjoy the birds and the other animals that come to our yard in search of food. It looks like a Bird Buffet out there- lol.
I could take a nap which would not hurt as He has been waking me up between 3 and 6 every morning for over a month.
So many things I could do I sat here thinking and when I heard what His Spirit said, I decided to sit, rest, and do nothing but spend some more time with Jesus.
The blessings of the Lord.....
I love my children and my partner very much. I love being with them at home and out and about. We did not seek each other out by looking in natural ways—we were brought together by His Will and Purposes for our lives. Neither of us was looking for a relationship to begin with—but I’m so glad that we both obeyed the Leading of His Spirit. I am so grateful to God for providing me with His treasured people that He Loves and provides for.
But now that we have had to take them out of the after school program because the money is needed elsewhere for our family-they are getting home at 2:30 instead of 5pm. Not much time for me to do and complete, a lot of anything before my attention and strength have to be given to them.
I do not have the daily time that I had during first semester of school. The time that I need pulling myself away from all the noise and confusion that thrives in the world. The time To keep myself rested, calm, prepared, strong, and among many other things; restored in order to continue to lead us on the Path of His righteousness.
There is a balance that has to be maintained in order not to tip over to far to one side.
Only God can give me and help me maintain this balance.
I am the type of person who has no problem being by herself-in fact I have to have this kind of time-if not-I get cranky, fussy, irritable, frustrated and sometimes if too much time has passed I get snappy at things that usually do not bother me at all. Hurting those I love because I need to use self-control to stop my tiredness form lashing out.
Not what I want for my family or for myself. Too much energy wasted living like that. So I have to have time to myself on a daily basis-and because God knows what I need before I realize what I need—He provides every opportunity for me to have such spaces of ‘me time’. I make sure to look around in search of any and every opportunity that He may have provided throughout each day.
It has been a while since I have been given an opportunity to have this much time. From 9am Saturday till about 9am on Sunday. Now, many of you would think—that is a short amount of time to call long. Well, not for me. I savoir each moment of each hour when space like this comes my way compared to about 5 hours a day during the week.
So I sat down prepared to record the parade and to look for my people in the crowds there, getting ready to decide on ‘what’ I was going to do, and His inspiration came pouring forth like a water faucet that is broken in the on position. Amen.
Today is a wonderful day with so many of His opportunities sent forth for us to partake of. I don’t want to miss any of them. But I do need to just sit and do nothing for anyone else right now.
To be replenished, restored, and strengthened is what I know I need, and with this need I went to Jesus and sat it all down in front of Him and I sat there also and just began to Enjoy His presence.
The faith and belief I had for yesterday may be lacking for today’s purposes and tasks, which I inquire about before I begin to do anything for each day.
I pray the Father help All with their unbelief and weak faith.
As we daily wait on the Lord to deliver our answered prayers, as each day goes by without some of them being revealed—the heart will grow faint and weak and doubt and fears can creep in and begin to sway you toward a different belief path.
Satan wants to entice you into believing that you can make your desires happen and come true by yourself—that you don’t need Jesus to help you.
WRONG! Don’t you try to do things on your own-by your own ‘good ideas’—Stay away from the shiny temporary things. Do not allow him to give you lies and then you make them your truths!
That is a terrible trap to fall into. Be patient and learn to allow Him to help you with your unbelief and weak faith in His Promises to you.
I know that we need to ask daily, for Him to help us with our unbelief and any weak faith we may have for concerning any promise that you believe Him for.
So here I sit writing from the inspiration provided by His Holy Spirit and I must say, I am full of what keeps us going by faith. Amen.
To the listening ear He speaks. To the waiting heart, He comes!
He restoreth my soul and fills my cup till it overflows! He leadth me down the path of His Righteousness-Such a Good Shepherd that we follow! Amen
**there is a part 2 to this. check back it will be coming as soon as i complete it**
Resting In His Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Faith.
Joshua 1:9
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