*Photo by Tommy Richardsen--at Josvannet, Nordreisa, Northern Norway*
You know, I tell you!
the enemy never stops, never gives up and never has any new tricks!
But I'm here this morning to say, Other Peoples Fears do not Move me,
do Not change me, and will not make me take hold of them and make them
I thank God IJN that the Holy Spirit Never gives up, Never
stops, and Always guides me and encourages me to do what God has spoken
to Be.
How I see, and/or hear the
situation, is Not all there is of the situation. That is only my human
view, and narrow as it is, it does not mean that is all there is or will
Through The Spirit I Know Way More!
I know to Seek the Way
God sees, hears and knows the situation, in that, I am at Liberty to
continue to walk in the Freedom and Grace that the Blood has afforded me
to do and live!
Grace is Mine, Peace and Joy are Mine, Wisdom is Mine!
Love is Mine! and Jesus is Mine!
Here, where I am now, is new, it's different, I feel a bit off balanced,
not sure which way to move, or even If I should make a move....
*Shhh, Don't force anything--just stay in the flow I have put you in*
Is what I keep hearing....
*Shhh, don't say anything unless it involves love, faith, trust, life, joy or peace*
Is what I keep hearing...
I can sense worries, troubles, issues, and other tools of Fear,
attempting to get my attention in order to cause me to be distracted...
It can't get through...And since none if it can get in, the enemy tries to lure me out of my Lord's presence into my pride and ego. I am not going to be tricked and lured out of where I am.
I am awed by the Calm and Peace that I feel Wrapped around me, moving
through me....all providing the comfort and encouragement I need.
Though I don't know... I do know.
Releasing all that is not healthy, not life giving and not productively working.
Being released from it all at the same time I release it all....
I Asked, so I must Listen, as I Listen I Shall Hear. His Indwelling Spirit speak to mine.
Supplying deeper confidence and trust that I lacked....I don't lack any
more....if it wasn't clear before now, it is boldly clear just how Rich
I am.
This place that I am within now... I'm going to stay here, because I know I am being carried into the greatness in His Love...
It's Harvest season and I am going beneath the surface of my blessings.
John 17
On feet of Faith & Peace
Resting In His Peace & Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
Isaiah 50:4 / Isaiah 52 / Jer 20:9-13 /Joshua 1:9 / Luke 6:38
©2007--2014 WisdomTeachesme
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