Monday, March 24, 2014


There is a Serious Spiritual shifting that is taking place.... all are within it whether they have a Spiritual connection with the Lord or not.
It is Massive!
It is Sweeping through Cleaning out and Putting in.

It's best to Be Still, Be Quiet, and Let be done what God has Purposed to be done.
You may feel off balance, not sure of what is going on, feel the need of more details and clarity.
The body is worn and tired, the mind is cloudy and unsure, the heart is heavy with the continuous closing of doors and redirecting, your Spirit is in need of replenishment, You Need to Sit down, and Trust by your Faith that It's all working as God has planned it to work!

It's all part of the Process He has put into place...
Don't try to Fight the changes that this process has brought into motion.
Sit down in your Peace and Joy and Rest In them!

Wait till the dust settles...Don't try to Force Anything, nor try to Overlap any things. As in starting too many projects, (things) and not able to finish one of them, so they all get behind.
 We will never be able to give our all using the depth of our abilities if we always want too much too fast and set out to get them all.
We will always stretch our self too thin and what we give is not our best.

If what you are working on is not working, Stop and ask The Lord what is wrong?
Are you doing what God did not tell you to do?
Is it the right work at the wrong time?
 Are you attempting to do it while frustrated, irritated, not opened to the Holy Spirit?

Are you stuck in the consequences of your bad choices and on top of those, your ego and pride had you make Some More bad decisions?
If so, Only the Lord can help you. We have to tell God the truth, tell our self the truth, so that He can correct us and our bad choices.

It's not by our power, nor might, but by the Holy Spirit of Truth shall it be done!

Psalm 23

With all the unexpected developments that pop up each day, and the troubles that are trying to have the outcome that the enemy planned, Please do not react and act through your emotions.

Vent, cry, fuss all you want, give yourself an hour or two to do so. Then, let it all go to the Lord, and Rest in the Peace and Joy that He has provided.

  Grab yourself And calm yourself, And ask the Lord for Wisdom And Yield to the directions the Lord gave you.
 No doubt others are going to come against you if you are in the Lord's will obeying what He directed you to do.
Our enemy does not want us to succeed, and will do what ever he can to hinder and stop us.
Our enemy, knows our weaknesses, he knows which buttons to push coming through our insecurities, our emotions, and our doubts.

Stand strong in Righteousness and Use your authority to Bind up the works of the enemy. Loose what is Righteous and Is from Heaven for the situation.
  Resist every form of evil that tries to intrude in your mind and space each day!

Our Lord has given to us His Power over darkness, His Power over evil, His Power over temptations, He has given to us His completeness--we must surrender our authority and will to His power, allowing his Spirit to guide us so that we accomplish what is Important to the Lord for today!

Matthew 16:18-20

  "Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you!"
 Luke 10:19

There are things being Torn Down, in order to be Re-Built as God planned.

Stop trying to hold together what He is tearing down or is allowing to fall down! 
Either it was not started by God's plans or you did begin it according to His leading, but somewhere you veered off His plans and began buildi
ng by your plans.
Ego, pride, immature self-control and self-discipline will take over and do this when we allow them to.
These may be weaknesses that the Lord is revealing to you that you need to strengthen and surrender to Him.
Either way, God is restoring Things to the Order, Pace and Timing of His Will for these things in your life, according to His purpose, plans and will for you.

If they are not working, go back to the Lord in humbleness, truth and expectation that you will surrender every thing, and allow Him to put you back in alignment with Him.
If you want what God wants for you, Leave them be, sit down and Praise Him for His concern and His faithfulness!
In the name of Jesus our Messiah, So Be It!

PEACE!  Be Still!

On feet of Faith & Peace Resting In His Peace & Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
Isaiah 50:4 / Isaiah 52 / Jer 20:9-13 /Joshua 1:9 / Luke 6:38
©2007--2014 WisdomTeachesme

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