Thursday, October 17, 2013


Gratefully Praising my Father God In the name of Jesus,  for bringing me (my family) and those who are Ready= into a New Season where old things are ending, and New things are opening! I may not 'see' all this at this moment, but I know it Has happened.

I am thankful for those that have helped me along my way, I may or may not be connected to you in this New Season, how Ever the Lord sees Fit.

I continue to Lean on my Best Friend, because I know with Every new phase of this life lived through Faith, that He brings us into, there will be new challenges to Grow through and new victories to accomplish. I am always doing my best to stay within His Feast of Love!

There will be More Glory for Him!
According to His Grace and Love, I Know my Courage, Faith and Trust in my Best Friend has been Increased.  He is Always With me, and I am staying where I am appreciated, celebrated, loved, healed, used for Good, and at Peace....With my Best Friend Jesus!
In this New Season, as these new challenges arise that I will face, I Know when my little strength is not enough and I am unable to rise to the occasion, Jesus will Be my strength and Lift me Up.

There is Nothing that is too difficult for Him. I know, believe and expect Him to always intervene on my behalf, because I give to Him complete control of my life. He will do what is beyond my little human ability through supernatural energy. It will be done through my Faith that makes it all possible.
Thank You Father, for the Grace to Love More, to Trust More, to Confidently with Boldness Share Your Love Father, In the Name of Jesus, So Be It!

"Behold, the former things have come to pass, and new things I declare; before they spring forth I tell you of them." Isaiah 42:9

So Jesus answered and said to them, "Have Faith In God!"
Mark 11:22

# Connected to the Vine
# on this road of Praise
# on common ground

On feet of Faith & Peace Resting In His Peace & Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
Isaiah 50:4 / Isaiah 52 / Jer 20:9-13 /Joshua 1:9 / Luke 6:38
©2007-- 2013 WisdomTeachesme

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