I hope that You Are Anticipating God's Love And His Goodness that He Has Planned for your life Today!
Remember that What Ever You Are Expecting, Is What You Will Receive!
Whatever you Sow today, Is what you Will Reap in the days to come.
What ever you Invest into today, Is the Return that you Will receive back.
How Much you Sow Will Be the amount that you harvest.
How Much you Invest Will be the amount that you will receive in return also.
I Hope that You Will Share All of Your Faith and Love throughout This Day.
I Hope that You Will Sow All of your love, Joy, freedom, peace, compassion, forgiveness, clarity, integrity, understanding, Truth, Faith and Trust to all those you pass by, work with, live with, and meet today.
I Hope that you Will Invest As Much time as He Calls for, sitting still and listening for His voice, investing time merely sitting with Him saying nothing, investing in love, obedience, being willing and teachable, allowing His correction to re-position you, and allowing Patience to complete Her work in your Relationship with our Lord today.
I Hope that you Invest God's Truth, love, patience, wisdom, integrity, compassion, correction, obedience, faith, trust, hope in your children today, building on the foundation of Jesus that they stand on. Helping them strengthen and grow their faith and trust in their relationship with our Lord and Father God.
I Hope that you Invest all of these parts of God in yourself and with every one you live with, work with, pass by, and meet today.
No matter what faces you today, It Will Not change the Truth that This Is A Blessed Day, And A Good day, For Our Lord God Has Already Made A Way Through Anything that happens and challenges you!"Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth."
As I listen to many of God's people, I hear they are flat. They do not allow themselves to flow in the Excitement of God like they used to when they hear of the Work of the Lord-His Glory Gained through the lives of others. They sound ho-hum when they speak about God and what they are expecting. I hear a what ever tone coming from their hearts. Oh, they trust God, they have Faith in Him, He has brought them through Much in their lives, they Honor Him concerning all this. But, they are flat when they speak about Him. They do not seem to be moved into daily spiritual action anymore.
I asked the Lord to give me the deeper understanding of all this, as it bothered my spirit.
I heard the Lord say to me that Too many of His people are spiritually complacent and need to be Stirred Up! The Fire of Desire that God puts in each of our hearts for Him, is burning low, and shallow in too many of His people! They are not Excited about His Love anymore, they are not Expecting Him with Joy turned into song anymore, they are not Anticipating His Love to do what He sends it to do anymore. They are not praying for those who need prayer, instead many just walk on by with the notion, "oh well, that's them".
I asked God in the name of Jesus to Touch Them All Again Lord Jesus, Touch Them Again-Stir Up the Fire in their Hearts For You -- Fire THEM UP!
Pull them out of their complacency and Show them the Work Is Not Completed. Reveal to them what they are Reflecting, because it is Not You Lord! What ever Your People Need Lord, Give It To them Now, so that We can continue the Work of being unified, Powerful in our union together so that we are able to Push back the Darkness that holds so many captive, so that we are Able to Harvest all who are Ready!
In the name of Jesus, So Be It!
Many are caught up in traps of distractions, trying to fight flesh with flesh. Many are caught up in conversations with the enemy within mulling over lies and selfish thoughts, Many are weary, tired, discouraged and disappointed by some thing or person they have not Yet Received from the Lord that they asked for. "Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth."
Many are hemmed in by religion that they either grew up with or are a part of now. Their loyalty is focused on a human leader and human glory (people praise) and not our One and Only Spiritual Leader and God's Glory. They are busy with busy work, creating work and saying it is for God, instead of Waiting for God to lead them in the Work He has planned for them to do, And then obeying and doing exactly what He leads them to do. A lot of times this takes sacrifice on our parts.
That is why many create Works to do that will not cost them much.
Many are Not aligned with His Heart and Will for their lives at this point of their journey as they should be.
I Pray for them in the name of Jesus to be Fired Up by His Touch! We need every one who has been chosen and called by God to be on point!
I Encourage all in the Name of Jesus, to Call upon the Wind of His Spirit to Blow on the Fire in their hearts Stroking it Back To Strength and Purity, and to Blow into their lives and take away all flesh and spirit that has become defiled.
I encourage all To Allow the Holy Spirits Fresh Wind to Blow through all circumstances and issues in our lives and Clean us up, Renew, Restore, Revitalize, Every area of our lives so that The Fire of Desire God put into our hearts Will Flame UP High, Strong and Powerful as God made it to do.
I Encourage all to remove themselves from all religious strongholds which create Spiritual stagnation, Allowing the Lord's Spirit to Lift you Up on His Wind so that you are able to See from a Clear and New Perspective as the Lord sees.
I encourage all to Yield to the Moving of His Spirit in order to experience a deeper and higher spiritual growth and maturity that His Love offers and provides to us.
I encourage you to Remember that we Are to recognize that we have received His Kingdom and it is Immoveable and has All power And unlimited rule over every earthly thing. We as God's people are intercessors, occupying ourselves with our Father's Work of establishing His Kingdom here on earth As It Is in Heaven.
His Kingdom Is His Presence, His Power from His Kingdom advances us to meet all the possibilities that Jesus established here from His birth to His death, to His resurrection, to His ascension, all done for humankind.
His Presence Is Alive, not dead, He Is alive in each of us who has decided to Live for Him, to Love Him and to Work for Him. We are to Reflect all of Him, not parts on one day and parts on another day.
We are unlimited in His Love, It's Reach Is Vast and is Perfect for each person to live in dignity with integrity for each day here.
I Encourage you to lean on His Unlimited Love and Power to Push through any chaos, bringing it under the control of His Peace that Is Greater than our understanding. Be done with anxiety, not allowing it's destruction to invade the quieting of your soul and spirit with what-ifs, and uncertainty, moving you to try and figure out on your own. Bring everything to God in the name of Jesus and He Will reveal to you How He Has Already Worked out everything concerning your life.
There is nothing uncertain or questionable about His Kingdom. We need to understand and remember that His Kingdom is a Spiritual one and is invisible to the natural way of seeing and knowing. It is it's own reality and is not confusing or full of chaos and does not birth doubt and fear.
His Kingdom Is on a Firm Solid foundation--The Solid Rock Who Is Jesus The Christ.
When we are a part of His Kingdom we are also like the Chief Cornerstone and like the foundation of the apostles and prophets, we Are also in the realm of His Holy Spirit a solid rock, a Part of the Building that Is His Kingdom.
Flesh has no power at all over The Rock!
"Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth."
God Is The Kingdom, The Power And the Glory and we, as channels for His Power of His Kingdom speak This Prayer, Lord, Yours Is The Kingdom, The Power And the Glory For Ever And Ever, In the name of Jesus, So Be It!
Matthew 12:30-36 (Amp)
Proverbs 4:23-24 (Amp)
2 Cor 7:1 (Amp)
Eph 2:20 (Amp)
Gal 6:1-10 (Amp)
On feet of Faith & Peace
50:4/Isaiah 52/Jer 20:9-10,11-13/Joshua 1:9
Resting In His Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
©2010,2011, 2012 WisdomTeachesme
50:4/Isaiah 52/Jer 20:9-10,11-13/Joshua 1:9
Resting In His Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
©2010,2011, 2012 WisdomTeachesme
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