"For it is Not those who hear the law who are righteous in God's Sight, but It Is Those who OBEY the law who Will Be Declared Righteous." -Romans 2:13
"He who is faithful in a very little [thing] is faithful also in much, and he who is dishonest and unjust in a very little [thing] is dishonest and unjust also in much." Luke 16:10
With Grace, Mercy and in His Complete Love, I Pray that the Words on this page will Bless you in all the ways that you are in need of them to do, In the name of Jesus, Amen!
I encourage you to Never settle for less than His Best for you and yours! The Only Way to Know and Grasp His Best is to be obediently faithful to His Will, His guiding, His direction and His correction!
Faithful Obedience to God's Voice, is such that - in Knowing the Lord's Will, the person will go and do it; if God's Will is not known, the person stands and waits.
"Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness." - 2 Corinthians 9:10 - NIV
“But the Lord said to Samuel, Look not on his appearance or at the height of his stature, for I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees; for man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7
Obedience is Better than sacrifice. Too many times people try to give God what They want to give (sacrifice), Not what He Directed them to give, and therefore their sacrifice is rejected and the sin of disobedience is done. These same kinds of people also try to make happen in their time what God has promised He would do, in His Timing.
People pray All the time, 'In the name of Jesus, God, Your Will be done, Not mine'...and that is what we should say and live by.
God hears and provides His Way and Will to follow, and when God reveals His Will, Plans, and Purposes too many get upset and complain and fuss, because What He is giving is Not what they had in mind. They are going by their own eye, thinking, desires and plans, and they reject His Best for them. Then when everything they have planned falls apart (and it will), then they cry, are sad, confused, asking everyone 'to pray for me', find themselves caught up in financial, physical, emotional and Spiritual traps and webs, calling on Jesus to come and save them.
God hears and provides His Way and Will to follow, and when God reveals His Will, Plans, and Purposes too many get upset and complain and fuss, because What He is giving is Not what they had in mind. They are going by their own eye, thinking, desires and plans, and they reject His Best for them. Then when everything they have planned falls apart (and it will), then they cry, are sad, confused, asking everyone 'to pray for me', find themselves caught up in financial, physical, emotional and Spiritual traps and webs, calling on Jesus to come and save them.
And most times, this is Not the first time this has happened to them...but because they keep following where their eye leads them, they keep settling for less than God's Best for them! Disobedience will tear apart everything that you have Spiritually and in the natural.
This is what happens when they completely ignore what God has directed them to do because they know best for themselves. That is what they are saying to God when they go their own way. The way that pleases the flesh, and gives them some short term good feeling that is more comfortable and convenient to them. They do not want to allow His Spirit to cleanse them, to reveal the areas of their heart and mind that need to be corrected. But yet, they are double-minded because they keep saying they belong to God in the name of Jesus, and that they Love Jesus, but they do Not obey Him. If you belong to Him and Love him, then you will obey Him!
If God's Will has no purpose for us to go somewhere to do or say something, then, we do not need to make up a purpose as an excuse. That is leading yourself by your eye, not Waiting faithfully on God to lead you with His eye.
Too often, people Waste valuable Time by asking, "why do You want me to do this God? Why do I have to help that person, I would rather help this one over here!, Why do I have to give this away, or I made plans to go and do this, but You want me to go and do what?"
There should be no questioning in the form of doubt or unbelief, or rebellion, just a, 'Yes Lord.' Without hesitation because of our faith and trust in God, all He wants to see and hear from us is a 'Yes God'. Staying focused on the Work that He has put into our hands will reveal to us why we had to do what He directed. Though, in the beginning,we may or may not be told. Most times, Faithfully obeying our Lord's Voice means that we Believe in Advance what will make sense at the completion. The End is always better, His Best.
There are testing times where God will tell a person to give something away, an object, time, $, prayer, forgiveness, etc...and if it is Not what the person wants to do, they do not obey...that is a sin. He provides to us our Daily Portion Every Day, to be used to do His Will, to help us live through One day, and to be a Help to others that He directs us to. Many people that claim Him as their Lord, never use their daily portion for His purposes, if at all.
It's Not the thing that He asked the person to give away that is really important to the whole picture, it's the condition of the heart that he is testing, to see if obedience is by Faith or controlled by fleshy earthly reasons and motives.
He is guiding us, teaching us, instructing us what to do, what to learn, what to say, etc...we don't know where He is leading us to, nor what we will have to do. We don't know How God Is Going to Help us, or how He is Going to Use us to be Help to another person. But Truly He Knows the details and He will reveal them to us as we need to know them. We Will miss out on what He has planned for us-His Best, because of disobedience.
So therefore, We Have to obey, or instead of doing what He told us to do, we will end up doing the wrong works talking about, 'this is in Jesus' name', and Jesus didn't bit mo' tell us to do that and we know it, at our end, He will say," I know you not!"
God tells us to Wait on His timing, His Will, plans and purposes to be revealed to us. Many get impatient, they begin to fuss, and complain and then frustration and irritation are awakened and given power, then the person begins to follow their emotions and not what God told them to do. Then you have those that are told to get up and do now, and they do not. They have decided to do what God told them when they want to. More than likely, if they deliver what God tells them it"s late, and then also not completely.
Then they pray again, 'not my Will Lord, but Yours......You are a Faithful God'....But Are you a faithfully obedient Believer/Child to God?
The Wise and Faithfully obedient believer builds their house on the Will, the Truth, the Word and the Love of God in the name of Jesus. Disobedience will do nothing but tear down what you have, and keep you from His best for you.
James 2:24-26
Gen. 4:3-10
Heb 11:3-7
Matthew 7:24
Proverbs 14:1
On feet of Faith & Peace
Joshua 1:9/ Isaiah 52
Resting In His Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Faith.
©2010 WisdomTeachesme
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