When things get rough, when the details of this world cloud your view and you cannot see clearly it will make your heart heavy.
Just because there is Nothing more you can possibly do about your situations doesn't mean you are totally jacked up. Don't give up and pull up a chair at satans table. Confusion is his weapon, destruction is his goal.
satan will offer you everything that you want--but none of what You Need! Pay attention to his trickery-Call on Jesus.
(Psalm 115:17)
Be careful, for he roams around the land looking for those to devour and kill. You can't beat the devil at his own game.
Don't gamble with satan, you Will loose! The devil does not want to help anyone. he lies and destroys life.
"On those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has Dawned!" Isa 9:2
Words have meaning and power--When we say them we give them life because our heart and soul belong to God in the name of Jesus. Jesus said all we have to do is speak to the mountian and it will be thrown into the sea. Speak the Word of God--not negative, defeating thoughts-but think on the Good that God Is! amen. (Phil 4:6-13)
Have you learned the promises of God? Jesus came and spoke them out to us also. Some of them are in The Beatitudes Matt. 5.
God does not gamble-He gives promises and free will.
If you don't understand what your soul IS--you won't understand how strongly you need to hold on to it and give it all the watering that it needs through a relationship with Jesus! amen.
"Trust in The Lord with All your heart and lean Not on your own understanding; in All your ways acknowledge Him, and He Will make your paths straight." Pro 3:5-6
Stand on Your Faith in Jesus and start singing OH HAPPY DAY!
Good God Almighty! I Praise YOU with All my heart, all my soul and all my life in Jesus' name, Amen Father, amen!
Ask God for forgiveness for what you have done-confess to God that you have no power, but that You Know He Does and that you Need Him to show you the truth!
Remember what Jesus has done for our salvation-to redeem us unto Father God.
God had to buy back what He already owned! And I for one without hesitation sing OH Happy Day! Thank You Jesus! Who am i that You should be concerned with my life?
Sometimes the hardest thing God will ask us to do is to wait and trust on Him. You can do it-it's not impossible.
But You have to stop trying to use reason to understand God's ways. (Phil 2:14)
You can't be pitiful and powerful at the same time. You can't be double-minded in your life with God. You can't have both.
Make up your mind TODAY-to take responsibility of your life.
No more excuses, no more moaning, no more talking about your problems with yourself or others, no more trying to reason what God has told you to do....Just Do It!
No More Pity!
We have been called according to God's Purpose's- not our own or satans. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit knows all about you--you may not know Him well-but He knows EVERYTHING about you, me, them, her, him, those, us! EVERYTHING.
We have been called to fight the good fight of faith! To live rejoicing everyday! Not to run and hide everytime the wind blows hard-or a storm crosses our paths.
The Good Fight of Faith is to stand your ground and speak the Truth of God over your situations. No matter what you see or hear-no matter what is happening that is out of your control and power--Nothing is EVER too much for God!
Do not give in!
Do not give up!
God provides breakthroughs every minute of every day--you need to claim yours with your mouth and with your heart - don't let it pass you by today. Speak His Words over every part of your life.
When you do, you are in the very best hands avaliable-Gods!
And when you start to speak out the promises of God so that your situations will hear them--Do what the Word says to do.
(James 1:22-25)
Hear and Do the Word of God.
You Mother God have opened Your hand and satisfied the desire of every living thing." (Psalm 145:16)
NOW is Always a Good Time !
Walk in the fruit of His Spirit rejoicing All that the Love of God has done.
I praise God for your life for your faith and your love of Him.
If you did not do it this morning--Do So Now-start praising Him-rejoicing in this day that God has made.
Take your eyes off of worldly things so that you can focus on Jesus and your journey with Him. Leave it All in His hands and be patient! God is NEVER late! But we can jack things up worse than they are if we interfer with His plans. Sing to Him the love you have in your heart for Him.
Thank You Jesus, amen.
'OH HAPPY DAY' by Tramaine Hawkins and Friends
YOU GET THE GLORY by Tramaine Hawkins
" I will lift mine eyes unto the hills from which cometh my help!"
Psalm 121:1
"If i can just go and touch His garment......" Mark 5:28
Be careful, for he roams around the land looking for those to devour and kill. You can't beat the devil at his own game.
Don't gamble with satan, you Will loose! The devil does not want to help anyone. he lies and destroys life.
Not only that, but I am convinced how there are people who soul their souls a long time ago, which leaves it hard for mere humans to make sense of it. I think I've arrived towards the line of thought where, as PPC stated, everyone won;t be saved.
I love your given advice - don't give in, don't give up.
hey don, now you have spoken some truth in your thoughts.
i also beleive people have sold their souls to satan and are part of his minions.
and i also believe that everyone that talks about heaven Ain't going!
in the book of Rev it lists how many will be called by Jesus when He returns.
it is so sad that people would rather have a drivethrough life here for rightnow! then for eternity.
i believe that hell is here for many people -- it is a life without God--without Jesus--and to think that a person would spend eternity in hell means eternity without God's presence....
noooooo i'm not going through that.
keep the faith don! there is much work for you and His glory Will be seen through yoru life!
your heart belongs to Jesus!
talk soon...
getting ready to put the pool up for the children! it is HOT here!
Thank you, those messages are lovely!
greetings sister felicity,
i am pleased to see your comment.
you are welcome, and through my obedience God gets All the Glory-amen.
i hope that you are well, and seeing what lies ahead for you. :)
as mlk said, 'if i can help just one person, then my life is not in vain.'
and i feel the same way.
continue to walk in His love.
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