And Father, I know that I will test you, as you have instructed me to do. I Will trust you and use my faith and You will Prove Yourself to my flesh.
Father God In the Name of Jesus, I rise up and separate myself from the issues that are causing me uncertainty, You Will shine Your light of revelation and wisdom and It Will bring to me clarity and Your precise direction. I am not going to stay in the muddle and do nothing but think on the issues – I re-affirm that I have chosen to always be victorious in every situation. Because of Your help.
Thank You Lord, that I am in my right mind by Your Word. No matter what happens, You are in the beginning of it, You are in the middle of it, and You are in the completion of it.
You have said that I have dwelt long enough on this mountain Lord, and I confess Lord, that I do not want to keep walking around the same mountains of disobedience.
I confess that all failures of my past I leave in the past, I am letting them All go! I am not giving up! And I will do whatever it takes to stay in the flow of Your Spirit for progress in my life.
I speak life to the seeds that You have put into me, so that they will grow and produce a harvest that will bring Glory to you through my life. For I know that the crop is worth more than the seed! I am a bundle of credible abilities. I am an amazing creation of You, The Most High God.
As it is said in Eph. 4:7 "Yet grace (God's unmerited favor) was given to each of us individually [not indiscriminately, but in different ways] in proportion to the measure of Christ's [rich and bounteous] gift."
And i Father, speak the truth that I stand with You and You stand with me. In Jesus Name, Yea, Amen.
**Sisters and Brothers, I do not count myself to have apprehended all of what God has created; but one thing I do every day, is to forget those things which are behind me, to wake up each day with a renewed spirit filled with His joy-and not the problems of yesterday on my mind.
I greet the morning as it greets me, with the Glory to God from my mouth and from my breath. I purpose that I will always reach forward to those things which God has spoken to become flesh for my life! In the Name of Jesus, Father God I thank You. Yea, Amen. **
**(Inspired by Philippians 3:13)
God is a Complete God, are you persuaded to live within His Completeness?
The Teacher will come when the student is ready.
In His Name, Yea, Amen.
Absolutely beautiful, sister. I read your blog nearly everyday, I needed to comment on this one. Well done. And thank you for your support of my blog! Be blessed.
and you are welcome prof.
the peace is available..it lives within us all.
encouraging all the gifts that live within us is neccessary. keeps us resilent and rested.
you know you can come here anytime! :D
talk soon
in Her name.
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