Tuesday, September 30, 2014


It's that time, to get quiet, to be still and listen....
to heal....
to rest...
to get delivered out of and into....
to be restored, refreshed, renewed...
to have my Garment and Mantle cleaned or replaced...
to be shown....
to be prepared...
to shut out all the worlds noise and mess...
to praise Him for Every thing...
to be corrected...
to be balanced...
to be established...
to be separated..
to be drawn to Him...
to gain the clarity you need...
to shine your light from where you are right now...
to accept the new beginnings that the changes have brought forth...
to be reminded of what is actually important....
to let go of what is not working anymore...
to take hold of what is needed now...
to release all that is dead and useless...
to be opened...willing and teachable....
to be humbled...

to allow yourself to be carried on through the ending of this season and into the beginning of the next one...

PEACE! Be Still!

down deep, where the water is sweetest, is where you will find me....

His Love is the loudest sound I hear!

I hear Him calling my name,  "Come to Me", He says, to "Follow Me", he says.  He has called me to His purpose, and I need to have my Garment cleaned, or replaced.  I may have allowed the challenges I face to contaminate it with all the mess of the world and the natural realm. These have made my Garment unfit to do the Work of His Kingdom, so I Come Again for a new Garment, renewing my commitment to Him. To do what He has called me to do without allowing purposes of the flesh to take over.

Matthew 14:36
Revelation 3:18

Psalm 90:12

On feet of Faith & Peace Resting In His Peace & Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
Isaiah 50:4 / Isaiah 52 / Jer 20:9-13 /Joshua 1:9 / Luke 6:38
©2007--2014 WisdomTeachesme

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