Sunday, September 14, 2014


It's Harvest season, and I refuse to add tares into the harvest the Lord has spoken for me to sow and reap!
I refuse to hold onto the things that are keeping me from getting closer to Him and closer to who He created me to be. 
I refuse to hold onto any thing that is unhealthy in my spiritual life and relationship with my Lord Jesus!

In the Name of Jesus, I Bless those that
have come against me,
those who have cursed me,
those who lie on me,
those that plan harm for me,
those who turned out to be fake friends,
those who speak hate and do wrong toward me,
those who seek to kill me and eliminate me,
those who have used me (or thought they did),
those who do not stand with me,
those who have made me an enemy because I told them the truth,
those that hate me and don't know me,
those who have rejected me. (thank you)
Those who have made me an enemy for unknown reasons to me,

I forgive you &
I understand that you have very little or No love for yourself,
I understand that you treat yourself just as you treat me and others,
I understand that you don't know what Real Love is, and you don't know what True loyal friendship is,
I understand that your immaturity, pain, hurt, brokenness, ego, pride, unhealthiness and your fears control you.
I understand you are in an unhealthy relationship with yourself, so that is all you have to offer others.

From the depth of my Soul,Heart and Spirit, I Speak a Blessing from Heaven on them all, In the name of Jesus, So Be It!

Unforgiveness, disappointments, sadness, hurt, pain, stagnation, shallowness, ego, pride, ambition, fears....
All of that is way too much to be a slave to, way too much darkness.

I know that I am Already whole, the cross is my testimony-it's all the proof I need, revelation is mine, my Faith will always out last the odds, and since my knee will bow to something, it might as well be His Truth.
I seek His Kingdom again on this New Day the Lord has made for me.
He has abundantly given to me, not as the world gives to me, but as Only He can give!
All that He asks is that I receive All that He has given!
And to receive His Power, His Gifts I must make Room for them all!
If I am full of self, I will have no room for Him and All He Gives!
He desires me to be emptied of self and to desire Him.

And there is where you will find me, closer to Him, full of Him, being Healed and Delivered by Him, Being carried by Him, Being used to build His Kingdom here on earth as it is in Heaven. 

Another day to seek Spiritual values and profit Spiritual gain,
Another day to be led by His Holy Spirit,
Another day to live by and within His Will for me,
Another day to be worked on by His Love,
Another day to be healed and delivered out of and into,

Another day to be grateful and thankful for what He's already done for me, to me and through me.
Another day to praise Him, and expect Him,
Another day to share all I have been given from Him.
Another day to learn more about Him,
Another day to be corrected where I am wrong,

Another day to Bless His Holy Name,
Another day to Love and be Loved!

In the name of Jesus, so be it!

Luke 12:31
John 17
Matthew 9 (the healing chapter)
Matthew 9:18-28
Matthew 9:35-38

Isaiah 53:5    The Message (MSG)

On feet of Faith & Peace Resting In His Peace & Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
Isaiah 50:4 / Isaiah 52 / Jer 20:9-13 /Joshua 1:9 / Luke 6:38
©2007--2014 WisdomTeachesme

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