Greetings to you on this wonderfully made day given to us as a Gift from the Lord!
Please, Slow Down, and be careful of tricks, and traps set/sent by the enemy to try to get you off-balance by pulling you in too many directions.
He loves to use this Season to trick the Lord's people into forgetting the Truth and the Reason for the celebration...
He tries to get us to get caught up in the buying and selling, to get us to use our energy to acquire stuff and to give stuff for the wrong reasons. Forgetting who we live for and Serve. If he gets us all caught up in focusing on stuff then he keeps our minds off of what people really are in need of.....
He attacks us either physically by having too much to do and/or mentally and emotionally. Bringing up past hurts, and memories of missed people...sow those tears and that sadness unto the Lord in Prayer, Praise and Worship KNOWING that He will take them and return His Beauty for your ashes!
And yes, the enemy will use other people that serve him to attack us ....the person who takes your parking space, the person who jumps in front of you in line, the clerk who woke up with a case of the nasty A.T, the people who think you are here only to please them, the car that cut you off almost hitting you; and all the other bad behavior that is revealed during this Season and really every day of the year...
How you re-act to these people speaks more about the Lord who Lives in you --who you Serve then it does the nasty acts.
Let it all go by the wayside...Let it and see these times as the opportunities that the Lord has given for you to pray and forgive these people. You will grow and mature from these situations.... if you really want to.
He will trick you and make you think that you have not done enough...that your children and family and friends will be upset and disappointed because they did not get the stuff they wanted...
Well, if that is the truth and the case...then maybe we all need to take a look at how we are raising our children, take a look at who we have allowed to be our friends, and to see if we are living for the approval of our family members, our friends and our children instead of God's approval....
Because the enemy of the Lord will trick you into thinking that you Should seek the approval of people instead of God!
How many of us will ignore the Lord leading us to GIVE Freely and with Joy to the people He Says we are to give to, but will do all for those that He has not directed us to help or give anything too?
The enemy's plan is to make us feel scattered, confused, guilty, and not appreciated, not loved unless we give stuff. And usually to the wrong people..
I encourage you to Rise up against these attacks and refuse to allow his evil to have any of it's power over you. Each of us controls evil's power Over us...whether it will work or not is up to us...
It's not the power of evil that controls's us if we allow it to control us!
The Power of His Holy Spirit that Loves and Lives within each of us is ALL POWERFUL...all we have to do is Yield to Him and allow Him to do what He was created to do for us...And when we do that brings Honor and Glory to our Mother/Father God, in the name of Jesus!
Yes You can do's how= by deliberately spending quality time in quiet contemplation of His Will, Purpose and Word to regain Spiritual serenity, clarity and balance, to seek His face, His presence, His All for your life...
Willingly and Rejoicingly Desiring Spiritual And Emotional Maturity;
I speak this for you in the name of Jesus, And His Holy Spirit Will provide All that you are in need of!
I know this to be the Truth from the LORD! Amen!
The Lord is The Source of our Peace, our Strength, our Abilities, our Compassion, our Growth, our ALL!
In the Name of Jesus, With Love, Faith, Truth, Trust, and Peace do I send this out to you... I truly Love all of you--You are my Spiritual Family!
"Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." John 14:27
"Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests."
Luke 2:14 (NIV)
On feet of Faith & Peace
Joshua 1:9/ Isaiah 52
Resting In His Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Faith.
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