His Voice Divine speaks not always to our ears—some times, He speaks to our hearts—sometimes He speaks And we hear Him, See Him through another…..
Many times our Faith speaks to us to remind us that we Know He Is near—always watching and preparing for us-in us….
His Voice Divine is not expressed through words that reach our ears all times-Many times It Is made known through the consciousness our hearts.
AND, As we are still, in our thoughts, our hearts, our actions—we wait to see that He Is God.
In Humble anticipation do we wait—we wait to see—to hear what Says Our LORD about All matters concerning His Heart—His Plan—His Will for us.
We wait to know what should we do…With Joy
We wait as a servant does—anticipating orders from the Head of the Home.
We wait as a servant does—anticipating orders from the Head of the Home.
We wait in Love as a lover eager to please a need—to be the one who expresses our love.

Our Lord asks Lovingly that we wait for His Command—to wait for His Guidance—to wait for His Supply—ALL Will Come—If we wait In Joy!
It Is such a pleasing life—with a Faith that pleases our Lord in Good Cheer to serve in our calling.
With a watchful expectancy filing our hearts with Joy—how could our lives be dull?
Anticipation for Glad Surprises—to Witness His Love revealed to us what we could never imagine—things no one else thought would happen in and through our lives,
Such Wonder of fulfillment, Such Joy—Such Faith knowing He Is Faithful in all He supplies to us.
Let us Pray,
Our Lord, we come to You with Praise And to Thank You--It Is our desire to be pleasing to You.
Our Lord, we come to You with Praise And to Thank You--It Is our desire to be pleasing to You.
For You, my Lord, supply ALL that I need to be effective And complete in the Purpose of the Calling You placed on my life for this day.
To effectively—with singleness of heart and mind for Your namesake do we rise each morning, Called—Awakened by Your Love—Thank You Father for supplying All we need for this one day. And Lord, as we sit and wait for Your Divine Voice, Guidance, Strength And Supply; we pray for the others that are in need,
In the name of Jesus Whom we follow, Amen.
To Know that He has supplied the Answers before we ask in Prayer-the answers wait till the Prayer is Faithfully spoken from our heart.
His Promises Are Always turned into Divine Opportunities! Will you be prepared when His Divine Opportunities appear?
~on feet of peace,
Resting In His Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Faith.
Joshua 1:9
Resting In His Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Faith.
Joshua 1:9
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