25He must correct his opponents with courtesy and gentleness, in the hope that God may grant that they will repent and come to know the Truth [that they will perceive and recognize and become accurately acquainted with and acknowledge it],
26And that they may come to their senses [and] escape out of the snare of the devil, having been held captive by him, [henceforth] to do His [God's] will.
My friends, we are in the hands of the Master Gardner. I Hope that you have placed yourselves there completely. If not, Now would be the time to do so.
If you are not serious about growing-maturing in your Relationship with God through Jesus, then, this is not for you.
Take the time; Give the time to the Master Teacher, as He instructs us in more lessons for living a Truth-Filled Life Through His namesake. We are crossing The Bridge that is now before us. It is narrow, And there is no railing to hold on to; Just the Hand of Jesus. If you keep relying on human help, or anything else that is natural, this includes your own plans and ‘good ideas’; then you will continue to fall and fail this part of the Journey. Amen.
Let us continue to be teachable and daily to learn All that is available to us through the depths of His UnconditionaLove this understanding of Who we are and the weapons that we have been given to fight every day, the Good Fight of Faith in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Jesus has given us the charge to Spiritually impact what goes on around us. To be conscious—to realize everyday what our purpose is as we stand on the front lines facing the hell fires that try to prevail against His Will And Purpose in and through our lives. Jesus said, that the hell fires will not prevail, if we stand against them. I believe Him. (Matthew 16:16-19)
He wants to know if we have the Faith to do what He has left in our hands to do, or do we have little faith, because we have little or stunted growth? (Matthew 17:16-20)
The Most Powerful weapon that we possess is Faithful-Faith filled Prayer!
The energy that many humans exert in trying to man-handle/woman-handle the challenges brought against us will be used against us. You will be tricked into hurting yourself more than what the opposing spirits were trying to do.
Pride Kills!

We believers And followers of Jesus, who know this Truth ARE ABLE to move-change situations And their circumstances by our influence through His Authority imputed to us. And this is our Work for every day.
Are you and 'a la carte' believer and follower? If so, none of this will work for you as you really do not believe NOR do you really and honestly Want to be a partaker. Having and living by Christians values is not the same as being Saved through the Blood of Jesus And being filled with His Holy Spirit.
Examine yourself and see exactly Where you stand-Tell yourself the Truth about your motives and what lives in your heart. He already knows—but do you?
We are in the Hands of The Master Gardner!
Daily, we have to speak out our alliance to God’s Will and Purpose for our life in the name of Jesus; this Will interrupt every stress-causing disturbance created by opposing spirits. Your faith Will increase the more you use it In the Authority given to us by Jesus. (We Have the Keys To The Kingdom)
Resting In His Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Faith.
Joshua 1:9
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