"Woman with jug" 1932-oil on canvas
My Beloved sisters and brothers, My HOPE is to be an encouragement to you to share with you what I have learned in order to bless your life today. In turn I also learn from what you have learned from living a life by faith in God through Jesus our friend and brother.
Although there are many that are sick in body, there are many others who are emotionally ill and physically exhausted. Confusion and fear sent to discourage, has settled into many of our sisters and brothers hearts—keeping their faith under fire day by day. Keeping their minds on things that are not in our control and away from the Truth of Who can help them.
Some have problems that only God can solve. I am compelled to pray for the "whole" person. I Remember, that the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous woman or man availeth much. (James 5:16)
We are His vessels and have been called To serve others with what God has provided for us. To do the work and greater just as Jesus came and did. (2 Cor 4:7)
To be a blessing on purpose, is what we are called to do. (I Thess 5: 15; 11-21)
By dwelling with The Father, desiring only His Will and to do His work-His Spirit will always pass through the channel of my life into the lives of others. I have been filled up with His Living Water -- His Holy Spirit and He pours out of me-His vessel- at the times He knows I will be a help to others. (Eph 5:18b-21)
It is pride not humility when some think and say they do little and are of little value to His world. For by His Love and purposes-with our flaws, we are chosen to be the vessels of His love.
Only He can and will take the flawed people and use them to bless another. We are Encouraged to bury all thoughts of fear, bitterness, poverty and failure and He Will Surely guide us one day at a time. And on each day we allow Him to lead us He will Supply all the wisdom and the strength that we need.
Remember, that is not us, but the Water that passes through us that saves and blesses. All that we are to do is to see that nothing is blocking the flow of that water through us. ‘Self’ is usually the main block that prevents the water to continuously flow through our channels to those expecting.
Make sure that others are better for coming into contact with you and His Spirit that lives in you. See this and know this, that others are being helped not by you but by His Spirit that is flowing through you as a channel. (2 Cor 4:7)
“And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption”. Ephesians 4:30
My HOPE is to be an encouragement to you to share with you what I have learned in order to bless your life today. The LORD asks that we look around with our spiritual eyes and speak about what we see.
Look around you. Do the aims and ambitions that people strive for bring peace to them? No! Those, whom the world has most rewarded, with name, fame, honor, and wealth, are weary and disappointed. They are bitter and discouraged as they have trusted in and placed their faith in other people & things--which have failed them. And why would they think otherwise? No discipline lives in their hearts and souls. The trust does not dwell within their souls.
We have been taught that to live with rejoicing We must be of service to others.
The season of changes has been upon us for a while, but so many are not prepared for the acceptance of these changes in our natural states—as they have not allowed the changes necessary in their hearts to take place in completion. God has been beckoning to them to Come and spend time with Him so that His Spirit will provide all that is needed. But few have heeded His call for righteousness. They seek relief from the troubles and situations that they find their lives within now--as They are seeking treasure that will tarnish and fade.
This is why so many are crying about lack, the inconvenience, the shortcomings and worrying about all that is going on around us in the world in which we live. They have allowed the world to live in them, they have been tricked into thinking they belong to the world. Instead of living in it but not belonging to the world as we have been taught to know.

God’s Gifts put the best of human dreams to shame.
What we throw away because of flaws, God picks up and sees the beauty in all our flaws. He then cuts us up in ways that showcase our flaws and then He use us, flaws and all as blessings to so many others.
To be able to see others as God sees us all is a blessing.
When you enter into a new era, a new season, into a new Move by Gods Will and Purpose; walking into all this newness will produce uncertainty and will show us volatility on many levels of our experiences. It seems sometimes that the closer we Move to God- the more things we don’t know about——That We fully and securely Trust in Him and have Faith in Him No matter what we see or know to be ahead of us. Confidence and faith to believe in What He directs us to do.
We are His Beloved and we must use discipline to learn that being calm and staying steady in the face of unpredictability is His power in us. We are His-and He is unchanging. He Is our place of stability and certainty in All things and times.
Lamentations 3:21-24 This I recall to my mind, Therefore I have hope. Through the LORD'S mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. "The LORD is my portion," says my soul, "Therefore I hope in Him!"
I have Learned that I must have growing discipline in my thinking, and my actions concerning my walk and growth with Jesus. In order for my growth to progress as He has purposed within the Calling placed on me; I have to have sufficient faith to continually see what is ahead based on what God’s Word has to say concerning that. I also have to have sufficient confidence in what I believe to stand no matter what storm I face.
To have one but not the other is a lack of discipline and will throw off balance my Call to dominate in the Spirit with prayer and praise that leads to actions here on earth. We are to demonstrate the Kingdom; an assignment from the One Who Is The Kingdom. Seek the Kingdom of God First!
I am (as we all are called) to influence others – no doubt about this truth. I have to make sure that the purpose from God-His mandate of my demonstration of His love, does not fail day by day. It will stand based on what I mentioned above-my faith to believe and my faith to stand.
If I take my eyes off of Jesus and look to the rising waves that surround me, or take advice from others not as mature in Jesus as I am, concerning what should I do next- then I may slip, fall, fail and/or give up. My strength may lessen and completion of the influence will be hindered.
But because I spend time with the Father daily, and receive revelation of who I am and my purpose In God and His Word, neither the waves nor the crowd can move me.
Faith is not my belief nor is it my hope—Faith is revelation of His written Word, which is activated in my heart daily to build upon that which I HOPE for. And it also a reward for what I believe. FAITH is disciplined to stand and go the distance. It is powered by His love. Faith does not move with the wind controlling it as on a whim or under a threat or fear. Faith is the real thing operating above the storms that come our way. It comes with a divine perspective that from my seat in heavenly places I see as God sees our hearts and our victories in all things and all matters.
BLESSED are those that lean on and trust in the LORD for they Will be supplied from His treasure of Goodness, in the name of Jesus.
BLESSED are those that hunger and thirst for His Righteousness, For they Will be fed in order to feed others, in the name of Jesus.
BLESSED are those who dwell in the Father’s Faithfulness, for they Will be strengthened and used to bless others, in the name of Jesus.
BLESSED are those that dwell in His presence, for they are His vessels and Will be re-filled with His Living Water in order to be poured out blessing others in the name of Jesus.
BLESSED are those that hold tightly to discipline over themselves, for they are of a teachable heart and Shall produce much fruit bringing Honor and Glory to The Father in the name of Jesus.
"Now to Him who is able to keep you from falling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen." Jude 1:24-25
I love your title - that it takes courage to change. I am faced with that all the time. Sometimes I embrace it freely - other times I need strenght as you said. Keep the faith and be encouraged. Thanks for encouraging.
greetings bbgcmac,
welcome and thank you for your comment.
changes happen everyday, how we flow with them will determine our growth and how far we move into our divine calling for each day.
one day at a time.
and the thing about changes, is that we cannot do them alone. we have to help each other in the ways that will help.
be well and come back anytime :D
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