Tuesday, November 18, 2008


9 For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. Herein thou hast done foolishly: therefore from henceforth thou shalt have wars.


“Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of YOUR law.” Psalm 119:18

“YOUR Word I have hidden in my heart that I might not sin against You!” Psalm 119:11


Greetings to you my friends in the name of our LORD!

With boundless faith you will expect Him and you will see Him.
You cannot receive any blessings without faith in Him that delivers all blessings.

There are many times in which God will prepare you-(teach you)- in order to receive the blessings that He has for you. We all should be willing to Be prepared to receive the blessings that have been prepared for each of us.

There are many times in which The Father will have to move you to the place where He has placed certain blessings. Where you are physically, spiritually, emotionally and mentally will have to be moved—Changed, or you will not be given the blessings that you have prayed for or the ones that God gives us that we do not ask for.

If you do not allow Him to change you in any and every area of your being that He deems necessary to be changed—then you will be stagnant and not obtain His glory for this day. Living things GROW. We are His living children. We are to grow every day in some way, form or fashion that Offers Glory to Him that has set our paths straight and narrow. Growth may be small or medium or large--either way it's growth! TO LEARN!

There are many people who feel that just doing good works, being a good person, caring for the sick and the materially poor, the oppressed, will be enough for them to live a happy, carefree type of life. This is what I have heard many say. They don’t need to believe in God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit to live a good life or to go to heaven. They refuse to walk through the narrow gate.
(John 1:12 Amp)

And I’m sure that is truly what they believe. This is a life that has no aspiration of going HOME to The Father at the end of their physical life. . (I Cor 1:18 Amp)

Then, there are those like myself and possibly you, who have learned to NOT lean on our own intellect and understanding. People like us that want more than just doing good works that give temporary and false security--living a good carefree life in which we 'feel good' about what we have done–We want to be able to Go Home to Our Father at the end of our physical life here. We want to be able to live and die by FAITH in our Father and His Son and His Holy Spirit that Lives within each of us.

We know that good works, being kind, giving and helping the materially poor and oppressed, is not enough to please our Father. We know that the materially poor will also need hope, faith, mercy and grace to continue in their days here. That just doing good works for the materially poor will not help them get into heaven or lead a life that is pleasing to The Father. A life that He can use as His vessel.

It is a choice that one has to make. Not everyone you help will want to be Saved—Praying for others, and doing a kind deed in the name of Jesus by the Holy Spirits leading is all we are asked to do many times. Planting a seed of His Spirit—His Living Waters from The Well that never runs empty is often times, all we can do—and believe me—that is more than enough in the eyes of God. Amen. (James 1:21-27;
James 2:17-26 Amp)

When we discipline ourselves—this increases our self-control over ourselves. We are able to handle more—do more—understand more and love more. Without discipline we will fall to the whims of our mind and flesh, chasing our tails so to speak.

Dwelling with Him – learning His Ways—repeating His Word over and over till we know it and believe it -- raises and strengthens our faith in His word, and in Him. Doing what we can do and leaving the rest to God is all that He asks of us.

To follow the WAY. To know that we are Children of The Way! Thank You Jesus.

7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you

In every situation—we are to call upon His wisdom so that our intellect is aligned with His steps for us. Moving-making decisions on my intellect will lead to Un-necessary failure, hindrances, delays, trouble, mistakes, doubt, and human manipulation of His plans for me. Training our intellect by discipline is growing in our self-control!

I say to You Father, Thank YOU, for my beauty is matured by Your Living Waters that pour out of my belly! Amen. (Gal.5:22-23 Amp)

Every day, God insists that I (we all) be a channel of His Love, Joy, Laughter, Hope, Faith…, in this broken world. Even through our own pain, heartbreaks, hurt, disappointments, frustrations, physical lack, worrying, and concerns—He asks that we be His vessels to pour out the Living Waters that His Spirit dwelling in us provides for those that are in need.

It is not always easy to push past our own physical, emotional, spiritual and mental needs to help others that are also in need. To be selfless obedient vessels is the Way to grow through and past our own issues and situations in order to be fully healed ourselves. To know that we are suffering as Jesus did for His name sake is to be aware of how much God loves us.
We Are Children of The Way! Amen!


By His Spirit does one learn to expect our Lord to provide. Many people are apt to think that God’s miracle working power was only evident in times of old. So they do not expect Him today. Many people also think that God is here to give them stuff and to take them out of the problems and situations that envelop their lives—that is not true by itself--that is His purpose often--But many times He Will not move you from within a situation--He Will calm you while you are in the problem-in the storm, being hit by circumstance after circumstance.

He will teach you--and you will either Learn or not. If you do not learn, rest assured that many people need re-medial classes/lessons.

That many people have to have things proven to them from the "hard side of a thing."
I have learned that I don't like the re-medial way of learning from The Father. I have decided to do my best to "get it" the first time, or at least after the second time He brings a thing my way..again.
Love is a Choice that we must make and take! And If I love God then I will obey Him fully and completely! I have Chosen to accept and recieve HIS LOVE.

Have you?

God will give you what you need from the inside out. That is His Divine Order.

Many live under the guilt and condemnation that the enemy speaks to them and they do not expect The Father to Be or Do in their lives.

His Spirit teaches that those who Trust Wholly in Him and leaves to Him the details of every hour of every day will witness and reap His miracle-working Power! Speak His Word over and over again until you believe it. Study His Word, Dwell with Him—And He Will teach you!

His miracle-working Power will manifest as marvelously abundant today—revealing His love for us as it was seen and known in the past times. Just as this miracle working Power was with Jesus when He was on the earth—setting His Apostles Free to work miracles of wonder and healing through them; it is ours today to do the same through us.

For those who trust wholly in Him- boundless faith will bring us to places that we have not known before. Our boundless faith Will cause The Father to straighten crooked roads, Will cause Him to bring water to the desert, Will cause Him to move on our behalf. When we live in boundless faith in Him, How could He not show up and do for us? Faith is what moves Him! Amen.
We must remember that He has taught us to remind ourselves—to encourage ourselves by repeating His promises to us over and over – “NOT BY MIGHT, NOR BY POWER, BUT BY MY SPIRIT SAITH THE LORD.”

We are to dwell with Him often-every day- He is our Lord and our friend. He Will and Can accomplish this now in our lives—To expect Him is to know that He Will not let us down. When we apply these miracles to our lives, today’s need, we Will know that our help and salvation are Sure in Him.

As God’s Spirit orchestrates His Divine Changes in us and for us—He prepares us until the time to insert us fully and wholly into the Flow of that Divine Change!Remember that Jesus left us His Joy—His Joy is the result of our trusting acceptance of His Will.

Joy is the daughter of Calm!
Yea Amen

Resting In His Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Faith.
Joshua 1:9

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