With every mistake and bad choice that I've ever made=I LOVE my Life!
With every sad&bad day and every Joyful&Good day=I LOVE my Life!
With Every challenge, trouble, situation, set of circumstances that I have faced and face now= I LOVE my Life!
With every disappointment that I brought upon myself, and all those that others gave me=I LOVE my Life!
For ever forgiveness I've spoken for myself, and all others=I LOVE my Life!
For Every place&space where I need Sisters Patience&Clarity&Wisdom More than Anything=I LOVE my Life!
For Every lack, gap and need that I have and have had= I LOVE my Life!
I LOVE Who I am-Where I've come from-Where I am Going-and all the Things to see, learn, take in, get rid of, let go off = I Love My Life, I Love Myself, I Love!
For Every Time I have to Shut Down the spirit of fear bringing it's lies to my ears and thoughts,
TrynnaMakeMe compare my life to others,
TrynnaMakeMe Compare myself to others...
TrynnaMakeme focus on failures &mistakes from my past in a Way that I Ignore the Lessons,
Trust that I do Shut It Down Every Time that enemy comes for me= (JESUS)......
I LOVE Who I Am, I Love My Life= Because, All of these things and others, have Been Turned Around for Good in my LIFE, Good in Changing me, And Glory to God IJN!
All I can do in this season of my Journey, during this Divine Shifting we are within, is to Allow myself to learn what I didn't know, to be changed/corrected where I need to be changed & corrected and to continue to be healed....
by Faith& according to my Faith it is already done...
by Faith& according to my Faith it is already done...
It's another Beautiful Day today...It was Already A Great day before I woke up!
Today is a Good day to begin to Love your whole self--to begin a Healthy Love relationship with yourself!
Love yourself -- You Whole self, right as you are Now and all you used to be-
Doing that will open you up so that you can Love who you Will be....Love Your
Love yourself -- You Whole self, right as you are Now and all you used to be-
Doing that will open you up so that you can Love who you Will be....Love Your
Whole Self---healthy love relationships..
# Resting my spirit and soul while the changes teach me their lessons
# so much to be grateful for
# I see God every where I look
# By Faith
# Here we go!
On feet of Faith & Peace Resting In His Peace & Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
Isaiah 50:4 / Isaiah 52 / Jer 20:9-13 /Joshua 1:9 / Luke 6:38
©2007--2016 WisdomTeachesme
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