“Be STILL!, And Know that I AM GOD; I Will Be Exalted Among the nations, I Will Be Exalted In The Earth!” Psalms 46:10
God Will Keep me In Perfect Peace, Because my mind Is Stayed On Jesus, Because I Trust In Jesus! Amen!
(inspired by Isa. 26:3)
As I draw nearer to God, He draws nearer to me! James 4:8
I have been busy these past few weeks, preparing my grandparents house so it can be rented out at the end of the month. They were married for 55 years.
A sister friend and her daughter are going to rent it. All of this was done by God’s hand for her, me and my mother.
It has been ‘a chore’ for me to let go of-(allow the changes necessary to happen)- what I have known for my almost 47 years of life. My grandmother was a elementary school teacher for 30 years, and my grandfather was a Minister and he was a High School Principal for 37 ½ years. He turned a tobacco curing barn that was provided by this county to be a school to teach the black children in, (a union school), - there was only him and 3 black women teachers-they taught first thru twelfth grades – they turned that dirt floor, no heat, no bathroom curing barn into a thriving 900 student, brick building which is still used in this county's school system, as a middle school. The school was named for him long before he died.
When he first got to the school/barn, the students rode to school on the bus (that he purchased), with yard tools so they could
‘by hand’ clear the land that was donated by a black family that lived next to the land the county owned. There is so much more to tell about my grandparents lives-and I am considering a post sometime in the near future dedicated to them.
My grandfather died in Jan. of 1990 (he was 83 yrs old) and my grandmother died in May of 2005, (she was 93 yrs old) and her house has sat just as it was when she left to go back Home to Our Father. We live in another house/cottage/bungalow- in her backyard that my grandfather had built when I was a young child.
I lived with them during my high school years - After I completed my undergrad degree at Hampton Institute, I moved back with them around the mid 1980’s to attend/complete what is called Teachers College at a local university in a nearby city. There I received my NC teachers certification and Lic.
I Loved my grandparents! I Miss them So Much! It was like they were still alive in a way because i kept the house just as it was when my grandmother died. It will be four years come May 2009.
Packing up their things and giving some of them away saddens my heart-Letting Go of them is a hard thing to do-but I know it has to be done. And I live within God's Timing-not my own.
I know they are in Our Father's House Enjoying His Presences All the time. No more pain, no more worries, and no more troubles. Seeing All of their family and friends (that made it into Heaven).
They have done so much for me and my brothers which helped my mother out. I have always been very grateful for them and to God as it has always been God who provided for them- so they were able to provide for us.
Thank You Jesus!
I worked as an art teacher in the public schools here and I took care of my grandmother after my grandfather died. Though her mind was crisp and sharp, her health began to really decline after I had my little girl in 1997. I took care of her till the day she died and it was not always easy as I was also a new mother raising my own daughter –(who I found out has special needs).
As my grandmother’s health declined And my mother began to have health issues; I would call on Jesus Often-it was not impossible as God was always with me to help me. There is a bit more to speak on concerning those years, a few more hardships, some confusion, some demons coming after me at my job as a teacher, working through my emotional, physical, and Spiritual issues, and needs; but Here I am today—I’m Still Here! I Made it through ALL that because Jesus Is my Portion. Amen!
And Now, almost four years after her death, here we are cleaning out her house in order to rent it out. And that is another story as our houses are connected via the water line, and are on the same acreage, the washer and dryer are in her basement, our dogs are in the back yard, and we store much of our ‘stuff’ there also. So the person who rents had to be someone that we can get along with and who can live with us going in and out of the home as we need to.
So, beloved and I prayed and God answered our prayers and our sister friend (who is also our sister in Christ-she spends a great deal of time here with us anyway), she is tired of apartment living and living in the next city over, so one day she spoke that out and i said, well, i'm sure my mom could use the monthly income--long story short--She's moving in at the end of this month! Hallelujah!
16And I will bring the blind by a way that they know not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known. I will make darkness into light before them and make uneven places into a plain. These things I have determined to do [for them]; and I will not leave them forsaken.
17They shall be turned back, they shall be utterly put to shame, who trust in graven images, who say to molten images, You are our gods.
18Hear, you deaf! And look, you blind, that you may see! Isaiah 42:16-18
I could not move much out or give anything away during these past 4 years since she died. But now, the time has come to let the past go and allow the transitions, the changes, the re-shaping of my life to Gracefully flow into its God Appointed place.
I could not move much out or give anything away during these past 4 years since she died. But now, the time has come to let the past go and allow the transitions, the changes, the re-shaping of my life to Gracefully flow into its God Appointed place.
Going through all the memories that come to mind as I am Parting with items, furniture and clothing that I grew up seeing all the time-Packing up all the photographs and books-Moving all of their things out of the house or into the basement to keep. Giving away much of it that neither I nor any other family members want.
Cleaning out the garage, the carport, the closets, and the kitchen items; I saw all this stuff when she was alive—but I tell you—they had a lot of things!
Having the repairs and upgrades done that are needed, (new toilets, roof work, ceiling repair from the leak, servicing the heating furnace and finding out there is water in the underground oil tank that has to be drained out, then draining the water out of the furnace, having a cleaning lady, (a former student of mine), come in and do her work. Whew! Re-organizing! Changes!
Stretching! Changes! Pressing-Acceptance=Spiritual and Emotional GROWTH!
It has been a very busy last few weeks and everything is not finished yet-though we have made Much progress and have only a little left to complete. The physical labor and the emotional and Spiritual labor Will All be well worth it in the end. I am expecting God to Surprise us! Amen!
I asked God to show me how to grow into the deepness of the portions that He has provided to me (which He gives to all that He Calls), and He has done so.
"And whoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered and saved, for in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there shall be those who escape, as the Lord has said, and among the remnant [of survivors] shall be those whom the Lord calls." Joel 2:32
It’s just that sometimes many things that you think you know-you really do not. And much of what we know will not help us in many situations and circumstances that we have to face—We Need God’s Way to turn everything around for our Good and for His Glory through us!
I never knew just how deep and rich His portions are, And I'm Glad to be learning how deep my portion is concerning Every Gift tha e hs put into me.
"[Roaring] deep calls to [roaring] deep at the thunder of Your waterspouts; all Your breakers and Your rolling waves have gone over me." Psalms 42:7
My beloved and I have moved through a great breakthrough concerning our relationship together. I love the way God honors relationships that Keep Him in the Center of them. Amen!
To learn how to love each other as He loves us, takes work and a little time, but mostly it takes both people to be willing and teachable. Both people have to Want to Grow and be changed-
re-shaped into Who He created us to be. Both as individuals and as a couple. It Is A Process.
To be able to let go of what you thought you wanted for your life based on worldly standards and to take hold of what God says is necessary for your life by His standards, is not impossible to do; And really does not take any longer than the people are willing to accept.
We may not always know why, how or when it is to be done, but as long as we fully obey and trust by faith that God is God He Will surprise those that Wait on Him!
Be Still I say, And Wait on the LORD!
I may get tired, I may get frustrated, and irritated, but I never give up! I must go deeper in order to go higher with The Lord of my life! Amen!
Romans 12:16 says “Be of the same mind toward one another, Do Not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do Not be Wise in your own opinion!”

I asked God my father in the name of Jesus, to reveal to me everything that He has put into me that I do not know I have And show me how and when to use it all. I asked Him to change me into the woman that He created me to be. On both, He began His Work the moment I finished the prayers. The re-building, the re-shaping, the changes and transitions all began with that prayer back in March of 2002.
Now I had no idea what would happen or how-when i asked Him for all this. Being that what I thought with my little thoughts (LOL) compared to what all He has done and is doing it is Nothing like I have ever experienced as He governs my life! As I give attention to His earth changing its seasons from winter into spring, I also see my life changing from a winter to a spring! Amen.
Though i speak "I"- All this is for your life also.
It is Imperative that i neither live in the past by dwelling on past events that are unsettling or negative, or by trying to live in the future by focusing my attention on the days to come and ‘what’ they may or may not bring. I have no room in my heart for any fears! He takes up every space.
The past, in which ‘I’ told myself what I wanted to be and to be doing by a certain age-And in which ‘I’ told myself where I wanted to be and should be ‘by now’=is gone! I Want More Than That! More than what ‘I’ am able to conceive of or think that I can make happen!
To Let Go of All past desires, wants, needs and actual happenings that were based on the world’s standards is what I had to do. This is what anybody has to do if they are Following Jesus as their Lord.

To Go through His refiner’s Fire as metal filled with impurities and come out as metal purer than any other, to go into the press as a grape and come out as juice, to go into His Presence and come out filled with what He needs to pour out of me for others; is what I have been doing And Will Continue to do because, His changing me into the woman He created me to be is a process.
To stay an active listener, to actively use my trust and faith in Jesus everyday-growing deeper in my Portion—to hold on to And expect All Ways to be made-All promises to be delivered on-All His truths and prophecies to be made manifest for my life—Is what it means to Wait On The LORD!
We Are told to Wait on THE Lord, for His divine opportunities await our arrival. I do not plan to disappoint Him!
To keep my attention focused on what I am facing at this moment – for this one day is all that He asks us to do. I have asked for a deeper Wisdom, a deeper Understanding from the Father, And Even though I know He is re-shaping me And that is a Good thing- sometimes I feel as though I’m in a taffy pulling machine; I know this is the Way He knows best-And I Wait on The Lord.
Stretched into a new shape!

I have received everything that I need to know and deal with my current position so that I can see and be the best that He declared me to be. I have not gotten to the mark and sometimes I fall short-but I will not give in nor give up this Life of living by His Spirit!
I Will Not allow the birds to out praise me! Amen!
I completely Refuse to live within and by disappointments, regrets or some dried up fantasies all that is from the standard of the world—living by sight and flesh. A waste of my precious time and vitality!
I have released myself from All rejection, in order to fully grow deeper in His Love, His Will, and His Purposes for my life.
I focus on the Lord’s guidance and direction for my life that can only be seen and known because I quiet myself my mind and my emotions so that I am able to Seek His Righteousness.
I Am Being Still And I Know that He Is My God! Jesus Is my Portion!
I encourage all of you Not to allow Anything to Dilute your faith!
~on feet of Faith And Peace
Resting In His Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Faith.
Joshua 1:9
Resting In His Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Faith.
Joshua 1:9
1 comment:
I was one of the person like you. But God betrayed me. He broke my trust. N I was shattered. Now the condition is like I am not able to believe in any human being. Just living the life to live. Hope its not going to happen with you and I get back my faith in God
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