Tuesday, February 24, 2009


"Blessed is the man whose strength is in You, whose heart is set on pilgrimage." Psalms 84:5
We are the fruit of The Lord. How does your garden grow?
Even God does not work a garden too much. You have to allow it time to rest, root, and grow. You can overwork the ground too much and kill the plants before they take root and produce the fruit they were designed to produce.
You know, sometimes, the body gets so tired; the mind just will not focus on any task at hand or something that needs to be done in the next hour or two. It just seems that to even think about doing it makes you even weaker.

You aren’t sad, or depressed, just tired.

That happens to our bodies—it is a signal to slow down, rest, take a nap, eat better foods (if possible) and do nothing for a moment. Leave everything right as it is, where is it going? It’ll be right there after you are restored and replenished with His strength. Let the Lord Love up on you!

We get tired of spiritual warefare, of battling one issue and before we know it another problem is standing facing us.

We LOVE Working for Jesus, but there are times where we really need to rest. You know that Jesus experienced this also, right?

He sends us those that need His Help. His Love, His Compassion. And we willingly with Love for Him, Give it freely! amen.

But,We get tired from giving to others who don’t have nearly half our strength and faith. Tired of fighting to free others, it is hard work you know. That is why, when you know that someone is praying for you--you better thank the Lord God Himself for that person's obedience to His direction. Better yet, why don't you do both and thank the person.

The Spirit of God directs His Workers, not you or me. Only God does. He is the one thinking of you and your life and He speaks to His Workers as to who they need to do what for.

AND, it would be in your best interest to go to Him and ask for the prayers others spoke for you that He has Answered And Delivered! PICK-UP!

We get Tired of chopping the heads off demons and evil spirits, tired of helping your own kids, and supporting your partner and any close friends that are accompanying you and you them on this Journey with Jesus.

Tired of teaching, tired of the people you work with or for, tired of the weather being jacked up, tired of talking to bill people working out an arrangement through a ‘Grace’ period to pay the overdue part of your bills. Tired of the injustices and evil at work in other people’s lives.

We get tired of living with health issues. We get tired of delivering messages to people that just will not listen and obey what He says they need to do And how they need to do it.
His Yoke that He gives in return for ours is a burden for the People of God.
And sometimes,
You just get tired.

When the Spirit of God that lives In us—that lives In our hearts comes around opposing spirits who try to tell you lies about being overwhelmed, of being outnumbered, of not being good enough, telling you lies about what God is going to do for you;
You really have to pull on the Depth of Love from Jesus, pull on and hold on tightly to His hand in order to walk Through the midst of antagonism that breeds from evil.

His Spirit Will strengthen and Guide us as long as we do not give in to fears. But Once you begin to give in to fear, then you stop listening to and following God's Will. Basically, you cut Him off.

We have been instructed to, “ Let Each of you Lead the Life…to which God Called you.” 1 Cor. 7:17

Our Lord is so Good He knows that we will get tired, He knows how we have been made-He made us. We must speak it out-confess it and give it to Him so that we are not burdened with heaviness that is not ours to deal with. Then we need to rest our weary bodies and minds. To rest in His Love and Faithfulness is to know that He will restore you in order to continue the life that He has called you to live for His namesake.

“God said to us, “I Will Instruct you And Teach you the Way you Should Go; I Will Counsel you with My Eye Upon you.” Psalm 32:8

"Should Go", see, He will not and can not make you go and do anything that you willingly, will not do.

Going to church, reading your Bible, none of that bothers satan. But the moment that you begin to Believe, Trust, and have Faith in God, Jesus and His Holy Spirit; now that gets satans attention.

Now you believe.
The enemy wants us to give up, to let go of God’s Way completely, to actually kill us off with the weight of this world.
But you know, Jesus Said, He has conquered this world and He leaves us His peace.

I don’t know about you—but everyday I claim that Peace and i hold it dear in my heart…His Peace Is a barrier breaker! His Love Pushes back all antagonism no matter where it comes from—it shall not hold you back….unless you allow it to.

Just as Jesus passed through the midst of evil undaunted, His Spirit that lives in us will anger the opposing spirits as we pass them-as we cross their paths.

This is why certain people you work around, in your family, friends of friends, and so on, act like they have lost their minds when you come around. Ringing any bells?

The 'something' in them can't stand to be around you. Have you ever noticed this as you move through out your day?

I notice it with children all the time. So it is easy for me to see this in adults.

AND, on the other side, if something in you reacts to another then there are things that may be going on. 1= The Holy spirit is warning you as to who this person is. This person may be someone you need to keep your eye on. Pray on it and His Spirit will let you know if this is friend or foe.

2= it is something you need to let God work on you about. His Spirit lives In you, guiding you and instructing you, etc... so if you are bothered by another, it may be something in you that is not right with God. Again, Pray on it and wait for His Spirit to reveal to you what you need to face and let Him cut from you.

We are the Garden of the Lord. He needs to get to work inus to prune what will kill us, prune what is in His Way, fertalize us, water us, remove the wrong bugs and allow the good bugs to live in our gardens. He needs to get the weeds out before their root choke the roots of the plants, the crops, the fruit that He planted in us for His namesake.

He Is The Master Gardner.

See, this is what a personal relationship with Jesus is all about. Going to God with everything in Jesus' name. Spending time with Him, asking for what you need, going to give Him praise for everything that He has Already done for you-And- for what He Is Going To Do for you. And many times we need to go to Him not asking for anything at all-just to sit with Him.

Examine yourself quickly by going to God and asking His Spirit to reveal to you what is not right in you. He Will do so. He loves to correct those that He loves! Amen.

As we pass 'through', they will rise up against us…well, actually they will try to rise up, but surely I tell you that Just as Jesus kept walking right through them—they cleared a path to allow Him to walk through their midst unhindered. Touch Him they dared not.

We have got to learn to face evil undaunted just as He did. And He still does so today.

If you are working for Jesus, the sea will part and allow you to pass through because you face it with fearless confidence that nothing can or will stop you as you complete the assignment that He set you on this day.

Make sure that you allow your mind and body the rest they need so that you are not frightened when you come upon evil spirits, or the hearts of people that entertain flesh and evil; remember that you are the Home of His Spirit and it is His Spirit that arouses the antagonism.

We are to go on our way quietly, boldly Trusting in Him that sent us every step of the way. As we walk in the direction sent-know that the Way will open and you will pass through to the other side.

Jesus said to them…”As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” John 20:21

In His Strength, we His Followers need not flinch nor become fearful of what we knowingly And unknowingly face—confidently know that Good will always overcome evil.
Remember we follow the dauntless Christ.

In love do we go about our day, ready to face whatever comes up. Conquer it all with Joy, Love, and Laughter because You know that Jesus sent you and that You work for the Lord God Almighty! If He sends us He also has equipped us with All the Power, Knowledge, Wisdom, And Understanding that we will need.

When we are in agreement with the work of the Holy Spirit of God and our hearts are set on pilgrimage or the Way of the Lord; in ouselves we recognize sin for weakness or a lack of faith.

We are then called to rise above any lack, shortcoming, mistakes, and confusion that may be trying to trick us. We must remember that we have Total Freedom in Christ and that as we walk through the midst of antagonistic spirits that are opposed to the Will of God in our lives; we must keep walking, with fearless confidence knowing that the Grace of God has gone before us, walks with us and is watching our backs as we complete the Work Jesus sent us to do in His name.

As we believers are encouraged to follow Him watching-imitating what He set forth, the correct conduct, the type of leadership that Jesus lived; daily applying the principles of the Lord; we see the qualities of the Lord in ourselves and in others and we continue to imitate these qualities.

Let go of the added weight of sadness, let go of the drowning in disappointments, let go of the things in your life that you have no control over.

Take note that Communion with Him is vital for each day of our lives. Learn as Isaiah did that; “Morning by morning He wakens me—wakens my ear to listen as those who are taught. The Lord God has opened my ear…” Isa. 50:4-5

To wake up this Way, you have to go to bed this Way. Thanking God for everything reminding yourself that He is watching over you as you sleep.

Remember, that you are the Church that Jesus is building. That you are the heart that is Home to His Holy spirit.

Remember to look for His presence in all places at all times. It is a shame to be in the presence of God and not know it.

Remember that He takes our mistakes and turns them into magnificent wonders, miracles if only we believe. If only we remain under His Authority moving as His Spirit guides us.

Remember that what I speak of is a relationship with God through one with Jesus, not the religion of man. That would be what God is burning off and out of each of us. The laws that were given through Moses will not help us, only curse us. The Promises of Jesus are what Will bless us and carry us through--enduring to the end.

Remember that we have to be willing and teachable to His Spirit in order to be restored and strengthened by His Love.

Remember that we live one day at a time, one moment at a time; this is how we grow also.

Remember that we did not choose Him, but that He chose us, and He has appointed us to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last. John 15:16

Our determination to continue on this Journey comes from faith and trust in His love for us. Our resolve comes from the truth That He Will Never Fail us!

We seek resolve for greater integrity, stronger commitment, to follow right order concerning our personal behavior, and our determination to imitate the Lord for others to see His example through us.

“Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing . . . And who is sufficient for these things? . . . we speak in the sight of God in Christ.” 2 Corinthians 2:14-17

1 Corinthians 11:1; Romans 3:23

~on feet of peace,
Resting In His Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Faith.
Joshua 1:9

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