Friday, August 7, 2015


"Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him!"  Matthew 6:8

that I needed for today, was Waiting for me when Love woke me up this morning....

That Love that I needed,
That Compassion,
That Forgiveness,
That Growth and Maturity,
That Care and Concern,
That Mercy and Whole Healing that I needed was Waiting for me when Love woke me Up This morning....

That Divine Re-Ordering, Timing, Order, Direction, Patience, Clarity, Wisdom and Purpose....
All of These and So Much More,
were All waiting for me when Love woke me up This morning.....

So, being the one that I am.....I welcomed them All into my heart, soul and spirit.....because, even when I don't 'know what I need. my Lord does and has sufficiently supplied Every spiritual and natural need that I will have use for in this Day!

That unforced GRACE with All It's rhythms enveloping us and carrying us through out this day....This is what was Waiting for me when I was awakened by LOVE This morning!  

There's a shifting of natural and spiritual seasons, I've learned to allow Patience to have Her Perfect work in me for each day. 

Today is Another opportunity to release any unreasonable expectations,
to release any trust I am placing on another human, to release any forcing of anything by my hand.
I do not want a negative non-productive outcome that will only bring frustration which will attract opposition. 

Today is Another day to be Still with an open heart,
spirit and a willing soul, as Total Purified Praise continuously leaves my lips, so that I may endure this time in the Unforced Rhythms of Grace strengthening my Trust and adding to my Faith!

The Lord has made things to go seamlessly. As it is in Heaven, so shall It Be Here On Earth!

Today..... is Another Wonderfully Made Day that I have not experienced before.....I seek miracles and give Praise because I know, It's Already Done!
Yes Lord Jesus, Yes!

# Kingdom Minded -God's Purpose Is My Purpose....
# Red Letters

On feet of Faith & Peace Resting In His Peace & Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
 Isaiah 50:4 / Isaiah 52 / Jer 20:9-13 /Joshua 1:9 / Luke 6:38
©2007--2015 WisdomTeachesme

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