Wednesday, October 9, 2013


"Do Not Be like them, for your Father Knows what you need Before you ask Him!"

 Father Mother God, In the name of Jesus, I praise You for this New Day.
I do not know what today will bring into my life, But I Trust that You have made me ready and prepared for What ever will happen.
If You require me to Stand Up, I Know You will help me Stand Bravely in Faith.
If You require me to Sit Still, I Know You will help me to Sit quietly in Peace.
If You require me to Lie Low, I Know that You will help me Lie Low Patiently in Your Grace.
 And, beloved MotherFather,
If You require me to Do Nothing, I Know You will Help me to do Nothing Gallantly through Your Love.

I praise You And expect You to make these words More than words And to add More of You And Less of me, making More room for the Spirit of Jesus within me.
In the name of Jesus, so be it!

Oh my beloved Jesus..Thank You for making Sure that my Gifts and Character are equal and balanced.  I would Hate it if my Gifts take me where You Desire me to Be,  but my Character jacks it all up! 
Too many people get Where you desire through the Gifts You provided, but their Character is immature, lacking, and in need of Much Growth, so they end up Jacking up the Blessing and creating a mess.
I want my Character to Keep me Where my Gifts Take me!  I desire to Reflect You Lord every where I go, no matter what I am doing, I want to Reflect YOU!

To You do I cling to, run to, lean on and expect to be and do what I am not yet, what I cannot  do.
Some days my Friend, I am so helpless....That is how I feel.  And in my own human ways I am helpless to do anything about what challenges me and my family. 
Many times I know that Only You my Friend can help. I am Completely Surrendered to You!

I speak out these truths to remind myself that You are always standing in the gaps of my little life.  That You are always my strength, my love, my wisdom, my understanding and my help.
  My Faith Speaks and I Know You Hear and Respond!
When Your Wisdom Calls, I Come!  (Proverbs 8 )

I thank You Jesus for Your Spirit stirs mine. Your Spirit renews my heart and strengthens God's purpose for my life.

In the uncertainty of each day, my Radical Faith holds me strong and keeps my focused on You.  I am grateful for what does Not happen to us, You my Friend hold back what is too much for us. What is allowed to happen,  I know is Not more than we can face because You Father-Mother God are With us!
When Things seem to be out of control some days, I know they are not, they are all in Your hands my Friend. Thank You Jesus!

As I follow You my beloved Friend, You lead me through the dangers, problems, troubles, And situations that I can't do anything about!
I Surrender them and myself For all days Into Your Arms MotherFather God, Your Love, Power, Will, Protection and Supply in the name of Jesus!

 I RELEASE them All to You as You lead me on an invisible path through the difficulties!
 I hear the sound of Your Love speaking to me, keeping me focused on your Steps. 
I Know that You are With me, Directing me, Bringing me and my family and friends Through -- Into Victory for Your Glory!
I am Not afraid, fearful nor doubtful!
I remember on purpose that You have Brought me Through Worse than this before! GLORY!!!

Thank You my Mother-Father God in the name of my Beloved Friend Jesus, that I know my name, I know my purpose and I know that I am Not restricted nor bound by any person's expectation nor definition of who I am, who You are changing me into, And what my purpose is from You! 

My Faith is misunderstood by many, because my Faith And Trust Are Radical, Bold, Strong, and Confident in You! I shall Praise Your Holy Name with every breathe I take!

I Yield to the power and movement of Your Holy Spirit, I listen for Your Voice, the Voice of Truth and Love to guide me through by Your Holy Spirit!

I have been positioned and ordered by You, into the Correct places. You have aligned me with Your Will, plans and purposes! 
Through deserts, valleys and mountain sides and tops, I am Following Your Leadership, Completely Surrendered to You for Every New Day!
Use me to be a blessing How Ever You See Fit, Glory to You In the name of Jesus!

On feet of Faith & Peace Resting In His Peace & Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Radical Faith.
Isaiah 50:4 / Isaiah 52 / Jer 20:9-13 /Joshua 1:9 / Luke 6:38
©2007-2013 WisdomTeachesme

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