Sunday, September 5, 2010


If you are in the middle of a Testing Time, Remember that the Teacher does All of their Teaching Before the test.  During the Test, the students have to be quiet--I never answered any questions Either during a test.

The students Had to rely on what I Had already taught them before the test. They Had to Rely on what They SHOULD Have Been Paying Attention to & Learning, While I was lecturing and teaching.

  Each step is a lesson&blessing.
God is the same way, as He Is the Greatest Teacher!
There are Times in our lives when all mess breaks loose and you Won't get one Word from God about what He is doing.  You pray, you praise, but He will not speak one word, direction, or even a little nudge will He give.  

In these times, when you don't have any new answers, Remember what You Already know to be Truth about our Lord, and KEEP TRUSTING HIM!
He has taught most of us a lot about Him, we have plenty Truth about Him to stand on.  If He does not give you any new Word, directions, etc..then You Must have what you already need to know.

 It is in these times, that we go deeper in learning Who God Is!
When you are Sick, you Get To Know Him as The Healer!

When you have been rejected and hurt by people, you Get To Know Him and A Comforter/Encourager!

When you need material supply, You get to Know Him as Your Only Source!

When you feel alone, because He has cut everyone away from your life, and has Not sent forth your life partner yet, You Get To Know Him as Your Companion and Good Friend!
All the while we are Learning All He is to us, He is also supplying all our Spiritual needs also.

Remember, God gives us open Book tests.  OPEN your Book and look for the Answers!
He has done the teaching that we need, and then He tests us, which also will carry us in the midst of a Transition. Sometimes, He will pick you up from where you think everything is going fine, and have you Move by His leading, on the Spot!
Ya'll better tell the TRUTH!  I know there are some truthful folk among the fakers.
I Know this to Be true about Him! I walked away from 18 years of teaching, crying, didn't want to go, but I was tired of being there, wanted Him to 'Keep me" while I stayed, But Nooo, God said Go, I went.  *smile*
I am so glad that I trusted Him.  
Each step is a lesson&blessing.

This is when in all Faith, you may begin to question God and His motives, His purposes, and You may Even think you are confused.  You are seeking clarity.
Trust Him, you are not confused, you are in the midst of transition created by Him for you to get to Who He created you to be.
This is the next step for you.

Stay In His Presence. This will make you Able to pass through the transition and all tests into the next you.
In the name of Jesus, I Pray that you TRUST HIM Especially when you don't have any New answers...Yet.
Stay in His presence, His Purpose is Perfect--TRUST HIM!

On feet of Faith & Peace
Joshua 1:9/ Isaiah 52 
Resting In His Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Faith.
©2010 WisdomTeachesme


msladyDeborah said...

This is an excellent message! I am glad that I read this today. I feel encouraged and comforted.

Be blessed!

Michelle Lanier said...

Thank you, Sister Wisdom! Yes, being in a transitional place/space can cause the fleshly eyes to see confusing and even scary situations, which are actually the holy upheaval and cleansing storms, which God allows. I praise Him for His Love and care for us that He would call us into the deep and transform us, through these tests, into His Love! I Kings 19: 11-18