...Seeds of Wisdom planted in anticipation of the Harvest To reap!
When you Know better you Will do better!
Now that you Know better why are you not doing better?
Those that Follow Him, what kind of fruit is your tree producing for Him? What kind of seeds are you sowing for Him? What kind of harvest are you reaping for Him? If you need Love you have to sow Love, If you need compassion, you have to sow compassion, if you need honesty, you have to sow honesty. Are you hoarding-sowing sparingly-OR are you sowing abundantly, letting go whatever He has given you? John 15
When you come across one that God has blessed abundantly are you jealous, envious, talking negatively about them because they have a radical Faith in Jesus and have obeyed Him completely? Do you Praise the Lord for what He has done for them? They have a Radical relationship with Jesus-Do You? What is for them is for them-what you get from God is for you. Proverbs 14:30;
Acts 5:17; Acts 13:45; Romans 13:13; 1 Corinthians 3:3; 1 Corinthians 13:4;
2 Corinthians 12:20
Freely has He given to us that Follow and Love Him--Freely are we to give to others. Are you giving Freely or are you hoarding, scared you won't have enough left over? If you sow anger, manipulation, lies, stealing, jealousy, contention, disobedience, iniquity; you will reap a harvest of the same. If you sow compassion, forgiveness, selflessness, integrity, mercy, grace; that is what you will reap at harvest time. Everybody reaps in what they sow out. If you sow a little, you shall reap a little. Whatever He tells you to do--DO IT WITHOUT HESITATION BY FAITH IN JESUS! Psalm 112:9 ; 1 Corinthians 2:12 ; matt 10:5-10
To sow what you don't want anyway is not the same as sowing in Jesus' name what is dear to you, that you want to keep! It is not an acceptable sacrifice to Him and it Will be rejected by Him! And those that sow grumbling , In fear, with selfishness, will reap nothing but grumbling, fear, and selfishness! What kind of seeds are you sowing? That is What Will Grow for you!
Matthew 12:32-37
There are too many that praise Him with their mouth but in their hearts they do not love Him, they do not obey Him, they do not serve Him, they serve His enemy. Sweet and Sour cannot come out of the same mouth that claims the Lord as their Lord. If you serve this world you cannot serve Jesus--try if you may, you are not fooling Him! Matt 15:7-14
When you Know better you Will do better!
Now that you Know better why are you not doing better?
On feet of Faith & Peace
Joshua 1:9/ Isaiah 52
Resting In His Faithfulness,
One Day At A Time By Faith.
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