We have to face the darkness in our own hearts first before we can change the darkness of this world!
Ask Him--to change your heart so that you will be able to shine His light on your darkness and the darkness of this world!!!
BE WILLING! and you will live in His love!
The color of racism, sexism, all ism's and hate is FEAR!
No matter what is going on, if you trust in, rely on, lean on, and and obey the Lord God Almighty-then IT All is in His hands.
Trust Him not just with your words, but also with your actions!
Lean not unto your own understanding-but with the Wisdom of God. My sisters and brothers, Please Stop asking God When and Why!! Be Still and Wait on Him. Learn what He is teaching you.
He sees you and knows what to do and He Is Doing What You need! Be Patient! Hold ON!
I heard Jesus say that Nothing will be impossible for those who have even a little faith!
Matthew 17:19-20
Know that He is God and if you have Him in your heart and are sacrificing offerings of praise and obedience-then He Will Do What He said He Will Do!
Speak the love for Him that lives in your heart--Live the love that He has given to you.
Psalms 91:1
"He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty."
Now, that you have given God every concern of your heart in the name of Jesus-Ask Father what can you do for Him? Ask what is on His 'to-do list' for you for this day!
And He will direct your steps and pour out of you what others are in need of! amen.
"Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy.O, Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love; for it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life."
PEACE PRAYER by St. Francis
Richard Smallwood w/ Vision - 'Come Before His Presence'
& Shirley Ceasar
God said for us to = Store His Words in our heart. And to Use them as we use a lamp to guide our footsteps.
Learn His promises - keep them in your heart and feed your spirit off the Sweet Bread that is the Lords. amen
Please take a few mintues Right Now to meditate and give God praise for all that He Is In us and Through us. Take just a few minutes to offer Him your sacrifice of thanksgivining for all that Jesus did for us.
We are able to read this and able to open our mouths and actually speak what our heart loves. I come to ask you to offer to God a small amount of your time right now-as He always gives us His All. If you are led to share this prayer with others, by All means do so-for Glory be to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. amen.
Let Us Pray Together:
Lord, In Jesus name we come to you--for you have trained us for exploits. For days and months and years we have done great things by your hand. Thank You Jesus.
And Lord, Just as David brought to you his mistakes, and selfish thoughts, his confusion and doubts, And all things that were not lined up in accordance to Your Word over his life- Lord, we bring all of ours and sit them in front of You and ask, In Jesus name, what do You say about these things?
We shall obediently wait for what You have to say concerning these matters. Thank You Jesus.Today Father, based upon Your excellence at our core, and upon Your character as Lord over us, we reach into eternity-future and release our faith...for a miracle.
In Jesus' name Father Faithful we know to expect You to send all we are in Need of for Glory be unto You, Amen.
Luke 21:15
I love all of you In the name of Jesus and i have the desire to see the Glory of God work in your life and through your life for the building of His Kingdom. In Jesus name I thank our Faithful Father God, for His unconditional Love for us all. Yea, Amen.
Inspiring song - His Eyes Is On The Sparrow.
Trust Him not just with your words, but also with your actions! Indeed. No matter what we face in this world, no matter what injustices or repulsive acts of mankind, God works for the best to those who truly believe in Him.
Always an insiring and much-needed prayer, wisdomteachesme. Thanks for sharing.
don my friend and brother in Christ Jesus,
you beat me here! lol Praise God! hahahaa
I love your enthusiasm for Jesus! You inspire me!
Yes, we all need to believe that He is going to do Everything that He said He would!
let us show what we know by our actions-Amen!
Thanks for this beautiful and much needed prayer. I touch and agree with you in the name of Jesus. I've never been to your site before, but he will direct our path. Thanks so much.
welcome GA,
and please do come as often as you are led to. Yes He is a Mighty King that we serve!
and He will guide us right to the places we need to be and to the people we need to be around.
i truely believe that.
i look forward to your visits and any comments you are led to speak.
In Joy enjoy this day!
Thank you for all this!
hey felicity,
you are welcome..glory be to God.
yes, i have had to re-read His message over again for myself!
I have to stay encouraged esp through the testing phase that comes with a new position!
that is what i am writing about now...
i got a little side tracked as I have been praising God for meeting All of our needs here...
and here comes a little 5 year old girl from next door to play??? neighbors i really don't know--but i do know one person from the past...hhuummm
i ask Him for help and He sends a little girl?!!
i just had to laugh--you know God has a sense of humor!
like the 3 kids i have here are not enough! hahahahaaa
so i guess i have room for another--and i let her come play--God has His reasons...
but i'll give the details in the next post..
see, even when daily, weekly, & monthly worries try and take me over i start laughing! hahaaa
be well my sister, and keep standing on your faith and His promises for your life!
you will not go wrong!
@ wisdomteachesme: thank you. YOU inspire me.
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