Romans 12:15
Greetings to you in the name of Our Savior Jesus Christ.
We are the Children of His Promises.
I come to add my faith to your faith, my love with your love, my encouragement with your encouragement, my brokenness with your brokenness, my trust with your trust- I come to add my strength to your strength.
The Word of God is a comfort, is light, is life, is His Love for us.
Let us remove the walls that hinder us, let us remove the lies that have built a false reality around us-Let us Walk His Love Walk-With feet of Peace. Being A Witness to what His Love has done.
Let us remember that He promised to shield us, to be our refuge, to protect us from our enemies-which are the enemies of God.
(Psalm 124)
Because you have purposed yourself to follow Jesus, because you have decided to expect God to be in your life at every moment--You Believe Him.
No matter where you are in your walk with Jesus, You Believe!
He Will show up because You are expecting Him to do so.
Laugh in the face of troubles and trials, knowing that He Will bring you through to the other side.
We have got to keep holding on to God's unchanging hand holding, trusting, praying-we have come to far to turn back now.
Your weeping may endure for a night, but in the morning God's Light shines bright to reveal His love for you that comforted you through your midnight. Thank You Jesus!
You know too much about Jesus to be moved. Your love is not moved by trouble, bumps, struggles, or temptation.
You know to much about God to let go now.
Once you have given your heart to Jesus--Your heart cannot be moved from His. amen.

Speak His promises to your brokenness, to your doubts, to your lack, your shortcomings, your weaknesses.
Speak His seed-His Word and He Will water your garden. Sow seeds in good ground and watch the rain of His Holy Spirit pour the miracle grow of His love and grace over your life--what will be produced will be the Fruits of His labor in your life! amen!
Call on the name of the Lord--You can call anytime, it may be night right now in your life, just call on the name of the Lord and watch Him come right away to comfort you-to guide you-to teach you-to use you in the mighty plan that He divinely spoke forth for your life.
He Won't Leave you! He loves you so--He won't ever leave you- He is a Mighty God that we serve. amen.
He will light the path that you should follow. Be patient, be strong, He is building your faith--you don't need to see proof to believe that You are a child of the Promises. That is a lie from the enemy of Jesus.
Remember, That you are a child of the free woman, not the bond woman.
Know that He has not brought you this far to leave you. God always completes what He has spoken about us. Believe.
Don't go by how you feel-emotions will fool us and trick us to make shallow decisions that will not last and they will take you further into the messes and mazes sent forth by the enemies of Jesus.
Go by your faith-no matter how little-how small it is--Jesus said even if your faith is as small as a mustard seed--Sow it-- Believe it--use what faith that you have to offer to Father Praise, worship, obedience, to His Holiness! To willingly offer Him your life in order to be free from the slavery of this world.

Proclaim His decrees that He shall forever reign upon His throne over all the nations on this earth that God created.
Righteous IS He!
Lord of Life, Lord of Love-we shall forever praise your holiness-your faithfulness -we reverance Your name- How precious is Your name!
Speak the Truth--that no one can love you better than Jesus-than God--He set you free!
Praise Him--thank Him! Grateful are we Lord--We Love You Lord--We bless Your holy name!
Can't nobody love me better!! Oh no, can't nobody love me better than You-My Precious Lord. You set me free and taught me Your Word. Let me continue to be a witness to what Your Love has done.
Know, that you are full of His seeds and that you will go forth and sow even when it appears that a full crop may not grow forth in due time. Even while you are crying, while you are in pain, hurt, or weak.
Sow anyway.
Call on His Spirit--let Him enter you--be willing to be changed by His love for us all. It is your gift--it is your inheritance--to be changed into Love by His Love! amen.
Face your doubts, your fears, face the lies with the Truth of God's Word. Use His promises as your pillow, in order to sleep restful. Use His Love for your blanket to keep warm when it seems that your enemies are gaining on you.
When we pray we find comfort in His Spirit that is with us, it is a connection-He is praying with us, helping us find that place of growth through our issues. Helping us with our expectations from God through the promises that Jesus spoke to us.
Finding what we could not before we began to pray.
Truth comes forth from a previous, already-proven knowing that we have the advantage - we have the opportunities; and as a result, we are increased-enlarged into an even greater knowing that the Lord is indeed on our side! Selah!
Therefore, according to Psalm 126 verses 3, 5 & 6 we prayerfully declare:
That The Lord our God has done Great things for us and we are glad. He has freed us from our captivity--and that the believer who continually goes forth weeping—straining against contrary winds, weeping over the travail of life being out of order . . . bearing God's seed for sowing (God’s word which is my seed, sowing it, sowing it, sowing it) continually—shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bring his sheaves (harvest) with him.
We believe without seeing, we know through impartation that God wants us to seek Him for clarity in our lives. He will show us areas in our natural and supernatural lives where we can be more effective. If we are willing to rest in Him, He will sweep away the dust of confusion and the coldness of disarray that hinders us from operating in the fullness of His Love. Please, do not be afraid of the changes that are neccessary-that rearrange our habits and our priorities. Surrender to the work of His Holy Spirit and He promises that we will never regret the outcome of His love in our lives.
Learn these promises that God spoke over our lives--keep them in your heart and think on them. Believe and you will be blessed.
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with Whom there is no variation or shadow of turning."
James 1:17
God says that His blessings will overtake those who obey Him.
"And all these blessings shall come on thee and overtake thee if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of The Lord thy God."
Deuteronomy 28:2
There is a high call on our lives to Enjoy God everyday.
(Proverbs 12:25)
Be anxious for nothing for it will weigh the heart of a good man down. God says that We, (His children of the promise), are to cast all of our cares on Him.
God tells us not to be anxious (Phil 4:6).
When you are in the midst of trials and trouble it is uplifting to hear a Word of Encouragement!
Encouragement stirs up, provokes, incites people in a given direction!
"But the wisdom from above is first of all pure (undefiled); then it is peace-loving, courteous (considerate, gentle). Yield to reason, full of compassion and good fruits; it is wholehearted and straightforward, impartial and unfeigned [free from doubts, wavering and insincerity.] And the harvest of righteousness (of conformity to God's will in thought and deed) is sown in Peace by those who work for and make Peace."
James 3:17-18
As the messengers of God spoke His Truth, so do i leave you with more of His Truth.
"Now may the God Who gives the power of patient endurance (steadfastness) and Who supplies encouragement, grant to us to live in such mutual harmony and such full sympathy with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together We may with united hearts and One voice, praise and glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (The Messiah)."
Romans 15:5-6
"But I urge and entreat you, sisters and brothers, by the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of us be in perfect harmony and full agreement in what we say, and that there be no dissensions or factions or divisions among us, but that we be perfectly united in our common understanding and in our opinions and judgements."
I Cor 1:10
Let us not go over old ground-Let us prepare for what is to come!
For God said that we have been established in righteousness and that tyranny will be far from us. That we have nothing to fear. That terror is far removed from us and that it will not come near us.
I believe Him, no matter what i see or hear - I Believe Him!
Rest in Him that knows the end before the beginning starts.
There is much work for you to do for God--but you must put the fear out of the way first. God is already in tomorrow--stay with Him Today!
Sweet Bread!
Praise God in the name of Jesus!
Very uplifting! Thank you!
greetings felicity,
you are welcome, and come around anytime.
the doors are Always open for those that want to share or need to be encouraged.
love, grace and peace to you!
Don't go by how you feel; emotions will trick us. Yes I can testify to that. No matter how powerful and inner being such emotions can become, I can understand why it's important to follow in the path of His word. That is a great truth.
Speak His promises to your brokenness, to your doubts, to your lack, your shortcomings, your weaknesses. During times of uncertainty I can honestly admit that I always look towards scriptures which speak against whatever doubt that has been formed and perpetuated within me. As I step away from that doubt I always see how His promise doubles as The Light.
that is the way to keep moving-keep growing don.
to know when something is out of your hands and that only God can step in and do what needs to be done.
I speak Romans 15:13 to you and all that visit this page.
do not worry about your life....
thanks for adding your thoughts. so many are ashamed of The Gospel of Jesus Christ that profess to belong and believe Him.
it takes a faith that is radical and bold.
and you have it in your heart.
@ wisdomteachesme: thank you. i speak the same to you. it's a long road for me, but i will travel it. without worry, as you stated. i appreciate your encouragement.
I looove the scriptures that God gave you to present in this post!!
More than a meal! I am so encouraged.
Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!
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